def wvrgcal(vis=None, caltable=None, toffset=None, segsource=None,
sourceflag=None, tie=None, nsol=None, disperse=None,
wvrflag=None, statfield=None, statsource=None, smooth=None,
scale=None, spw=None, wvrspw=None,
reversespw=None, cont=None, maxdistm=None,
minnumants=None, mingoodfrac=None, usefieldtab=None,
refant=None, offsetstable=None):
Generate a gain table based on Water Vapour Radiometer data.
Returns a dictionary containing the RMS of the path length variation
with time towards that antenna (RMS) and the discrepency between the RMS
path length calculated separately for different WVR channels (Disc.).
vis -- Name of input visibility file
default: none; example: vis=''
caltable -- Name of output gain calibration table
default: none; example: caltable='ngc5921.wvr'
toffset -- Time offset (sec) between interferometric and WVR data
default: 0 (ALMA default for cycle 1, for cycle 0 it was -1)
segsource -- Do a new coefficient calculation for each source
tie -- Prioritise tieing the phase of these sources as well as possible
(requires segsource=True)
default: [] example: ['3C273,NGC253', 'IC433,3C279']
sourceflag -- Flag the WVR data for these source(s) as bad and do not produce corrections for it
(requires segsource=True)
default: [] (none) example: ['3C273']
nsol -- Number of solutions for phase correction coefficients during this observation.
By default only one set of coefficients is generated for the entire observation.
If more sets are requested, then they will be evenly distributed in time throughout
the observation. Values > 1 require segsource=False.
disperse -- Apply correction for dispersion
wvrflag -- Regard the WVR data for these antenna(s) as bad and use interpolated values instead
default: [] (none) example: ['DV03','DA05','PM02']
statfield -- Compute the statistics (Phase RMS, Disc) on this field only
statsource -- Compute the statistics (Phase RMS, Disc) on this source only
smooth -- Smooth the calibration solution on the given timescale
default: '' (no smoothing), example: '3s' smooth on a timescale of 3 seconds
scale -- Scale the entire phase correction by this factor
spw -- List of the spectral window IDs for which solutions should be saved into the caltable