<casaxml xsi:schemaLocation="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/casa.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html">
<task async="never" category="visualization, information,editing, manipulation" name="plotms" type="function">
<shortdescription>A plotter/interactive flagger for visibility data.</shortdescription>
Task for plotting and interacting with visibility data and
Plotms provides a variety of axis choices (including data column)
along with selection, averaging, and transformation options for
MeasurementSets. Flag extension parameters are also available for
interactive flagging operations in the plotter.
All of the provided parameters can also be set using the GUI once
the application has been launched or through the plotms tool (pm).
Most of the basic plotms functions will work for calibration tables.
The correlation selection string may be used to select polarization
in a cal table, including ratio plots ("/"). The antenna selection
string is used to select antenna1 only, rather than baselines as in
an MS. When plotting parameterized CalTables, such as delays, antpos,
gaincurve, or opacity, plotms will currently just plot the simple
parameters contained in the table, not the effective amplitudes or
phases sampled at observing times, frequencies etc. BPOLY and
GSPLINE tables are supported but interactive flagging is not allowed.
Features currently unsupported for CalTables include averaging,
transformations (velocity conversions, etc.), and some axis and
selection options which do not exist in these tables. In the plotms
GUI, many options irrelevant for CalTables are not hidden when
interacting with a CalTable, and such settings will be ignored (when
benign) or cause an error message.
<param kind="ms" name="vis" type="string"><shortdescription>Input MS or CalTable (blank for none)</shortdescription><description>Input MS or CalTable (blank for none)</description>
<param name="gridrows" type="int"><shortdescription>Number of subplot rows</shortdescription><description>Number of subplot rows</description>
<param name="gridcols" type="int"><shortdescription>Number of subplot columns</shortdescription><description>Number of subplot columns</description>
<param name="rowindex" type="int"><shortdescription>Row location of the plot (0-based)</shortdescription><description>Row location of the plot (0-based)</description>