CASAtasks is a self-contained python module that provides the tasks from the CASA project. This package depends on the CASAtools python module being found in your PYTHONPATH at build time and runtime. The CASAtasks are stateless routines and recipes built on CASAtools.
Building CASAtasks
Install Dependencies
First make sure that the version of Python you want to use is available. MacPorts has been used to successfully install Python 3.6 on OSX. On RedHat, the Software Collections has been used to install Python 3.6.:
-bash-4.2# yum install rh-python36
-bash-4.2# yum install rh-python36-numpy
-bash-4.2# yum install rh-python36-scipy
-bash-4.2# yum install rh-python36-python-tkinter
Unfortunately, Software Collections does not supply an RPM for matplotlib. For installing matplotlib, pip can be used:
-bash-4.2# pip install matplotlib
Environment changes are required to enable python 3.6. I have something like this in my ~/.profile
if [ -e /opt/rh/rh-python36/enable ]; then
source /opt/rh/rh-python36/enable
but you could also just source this in the shell where you will use pip and build CASAtasks.
Second build and install CASAtools using your choice of Python and the instructions found here.
Checkout the casa6 source code:
-bash-4.2$ git clone -q --recursive
After all of the dependencies have been installed and the source code for CASAtasks is available we can build CASAtasks. Make sure that =which python= returns the version of python that was used to build CASAtools. Then build the tasks with:
-bash-4.2$ cd casa6/casatasks
-bash-4.2$ PYTHONPATH=../casatools/build/lib.macosx-10.12-x86_64-3.6 ./ build
Substitute the path to your build of CASAtools in the build line above.
Run Available Tests
The data repository used to run CASAtasks tests is the same for CASAtools tests, therefore if you have already checked out casatestdata you are all set to run CASAtasks tests. If not, refer to the instructions in the CASAtools:
Tests are actively being added, but you can run the existing tests with:
-bash-4.2$ PYTHONPATH=../casatools/build/lib.macosx-10.12-x86_64-3.6 ./ test
Again, substitute the path to your build of CASAtools in the line above.
Available Tasks
Task Name | Description |
accor | Normalize visibilities based on auto-correlations |
accum | Accumulate incremental calibration solutions into a calibration table |
applycal | Apply calibrations solutions(s) to data |
asdmsummary | Summarized description of an ASDM dataset. |
bandpass | Calculates a bandpass calibration solution |
blcal | Calculate a baseline-based calibration solution (gain or bandpass) |
calstat | Displays statistical information on a calibration table |
clearcal | Re-initializes the calibration for a visibility data set |
clearstat | Clear all autolock locks |
concat | Concatenate several visibility data sets. |
conjugatevis | Change the sign of the phases in all visibility columns. |
cvel2 | Regrid an MS or MMS to a new spectral window, channel structure or frame |
cvel | regrid an MS to a new spectral window / channel structure or frame |
delmod | Deletes model representations in the MS |
exportasdm | Convert a CASA visibility file (MS) into an ALMA or EVLA Science Data Model |
exportfits | Convert a CASA image to a FITS file |
exportuvfits | Convert a CASA visibility data set to a UVFITS file: |
feather | Combine two images using their Fourier transforms |
fixplanets | Changes FIELD and SOURCE table entries based on user-provided direction or POINTING table, optionally fixes the UVW coordinates |
fixvis | Recalculates (u, v, w) and/or changes Phase Center |
flagcmd | Flagging task based on batches of flag-commands |
flagdata | All-purpose flagging task based on data-selections and flagging modes/algorithms. |
flagmanager | Enable list, save, restore, delete and rename flag version files. |
fluxscale | Bootstrap the flux density scale from standard calibrators |
ft | Insert a source model as a visibility set |
gaincal | Determine temporal gains from calibrator observations |
gencal | Specify Calibration Values of Various Types |
hanningsmooth | Hanning smooth frequency channel data to remove Gibbs ringing |
imcollapse | Collapse image along one axis, aggregating pixel values along that axis. |
imcontsub | Estimates and subtracts continuum emission from an image cube |
imdev | Create an image that can represent the statistical deviations of the input image. |
imfit | Fit one or more elliptical Gaussian components on an image region(s) |
imhead | List, get and put image header parameters |
imhistory | Retrieve and modify image history |
immath | Perform math operations on images |
immoments | Compute moments from an image |
impbcor | Construct a primary beam corrected image from an image and a primary beam pattern. |
importasap | Convert ASAP Scantable data into a CASA visibility file (MS) |
importasdm | Convert an ALMA Science Data Model observation into a CASA visibility file (MS) |
importatca | Import ATCA RPFITS file(s) to a measurement set |
importfits | Convert an image FITS file into a CASA image |
importfitsidi | Convert a FITS-IDI file to a CASA visibility data set |
importgmrt | Convert a UVFITS file to a CASA visibility data set |
importmiriad | Convert a Miriad visibility file into a CASA MeasurementSet |
importnro | Convert NOSTAR data into a CASA visibility file (MS) |
importuvfits | Convert a UVFITS file to a CASA visibility data set |
importvla | Import VLA archive file(s) to a measurement set |
impv | Construct a position-velocity image by choosing two points in the direction plane. |
imrebin | Rebin an image by the specified integer factors |
imreframe | Change the frame in which the image reports its spectral values |
imregrid | regrid an image onto a template image |
imsmooth | Smooth an image or portion of an image |
imstat | Displays statistical information from an image or image region |
imsubimage | Create a (sub)image from a region of the image |
imtrans | Reorder image axes |
imval | Get the data value(s) and/or mask value in an image. |
initweights | Initializes weight information in the MS |
listcal | List antenna gain solutions |
listfits | List the HDU and typical data rows of a fits file: |
listhistory | List the processing history of a dataset: |
listobs | List the summary of a data set in the logger or in a file |
listpartition | List the summary of a multi-MS data set in the logger or in a file |
listsdm | Lists observation information present in an SDM directory. |
listvis | List measurement set visibilities. |
makemask | Makes and manipulates image masks |
mstransform | Split the MS, combine/separate/regrid spws and do channel and time averaging |
partition | Task to produce Multi-MSs using parallelism |
plotants | Plot the antenna distribution in the local reference frame: |
plotweather | Plot elements of the weather table; estimate opacity. |
polcal | Determine instrumental polarization calibrations |
polfromgain | Derive linear polarization from gain ratio |
predictcomp | Make a component list for a known calibrator |
rerefant | Re-apply refant to a caltable |
rmfit | Calculate rotation measure. |
rmtables | Remove tables cleanly, use this instead of rm -rf |
sdbaseline | Fit/subtract a spectral baseline |
sdcal | MS SD calibration task |
sdfit | Fit a spectral line |
sdfixscan | Task for single-dish image processing |
sdgaincal | MS SD gain calibration task |
sdimaging | SD task: imaging for total power and spectral data |
sdsmooth | Smooth spectral data |
setjy | Fills the model column with the visibilities of a calibrator |
simalma | Simulation task for ALMA |
simanalyze | image and analyze measurement sets created with simobserve |
simobserve | visibility simulation task |
slsearch | Search a spectral line table. |
smoothcal | Smooth calibration solution(s) derived from one or more sources: |
specfit | Fit 1-dimensional gaussians and/or polynomial models to an image or image region |
specflux | Report spectral profile and calculate spectral flux over a user specified region |
specsmooth | Smooth an image region in one dimension |
splattotable | Convert a downloaded Splatalogue spectral line list to a casa table. |
split | Create a visibility subset from an existing visibility set |
spxfit | Fit a 1-dimensional model(s) to an image(s) or region for determination of spectral index. |
statwt | Compute and set weights based on variance of data. |
tclean | Radio Interferometric Image Reconstruction |
uvcontsub | Continuum fitting and subtraction in the uv plane |
uvmodelfit | Fit a single component source model to the uv data |
uvsub | Subtract/add model from/to the corrected visibility data. |
virtualconcat | Concatenate several visibility data sets into a multi-MS |
vishead | List, summary, get, and put metadata in a measurement set |
visstat | Displays statistical information from a MeasurementSet, or from a Multi-MS |
widebandpbcor | Wideband PB-correction on the output of the MS-MFS algorithm |