"The Single-Dish-Only mode of sdintimaging is better supported via the deconvolve task which supports spectral cube, mfs and multi-term mfs deconvolution in the image domain alone. The deconvolve task is the more appropriate version to use for stand-alone image-domain deconvolution, and will not have the bookkeeping overheads currently present in the sdintimaging task's sd-only mode. Please note that the 'sd' option of the sdintimaging task will be removed in a subsequent release. Please refer to the task deconvolve documentation for instructions on how to prepare image and psf cubes for the deconvolve task for all these modes.","WARN","task_sdintimaging");
from __future__ import absolute_import
from casatasks.private.casa_transition import *
from casatasks import casalog
from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.imager_base import PySynthesisImager
from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.imager_parallel_continuum import PyParallelContSynthesisImager
from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.imager_parallel_cube import PyParallelCubeSynthesisImager
from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.input_parameters import ImagerParameters
from .cleanhelper import write_tclean_history, get_func_params
from .sdint_helper import *
from casatools import table
from casatools import synthesisimager,synthesisutils
from imagerhelpers.imager_base import PySynthesisImager
from imagerhelpers.imager_parallel_continuum import PyParallelContSynthesisImager
from imagerhelpers.imager_parallel_cube import PyParallelCubeSynthesisImager
from imagerhelpers.input_parameters import ImagerParameters
from cleanhelper import write_tclean_history, get_func_params
from sdint_helper import *
from casampi.MPIEnvironment import MPIEnvironment
from casampi import MPIInterface
from mpi4casa.MPIEnvironment import MPIEnvironment
from mpi4casa import MPIInterface
sdintlib = SDINT_helper()
def setup_imagerObj(paramList=None):
defaultconstructor = False