<casaxml xsi:schemaLocation="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/casa.xsd file:///opt/casa/code/xmlcasa/xml/casa.xsd" xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<task type="function" name="deconvolve" category="imaging">
<shortdescription>Image-domain deconvolution</shortdescription>
<description>Task deconvolve executes image-domain deconvolution with options for automasking and restoration. It can be viewed as the minor cycle of the iterative image reconstruction offered by the tclean task. The functionality that it introduces is the ability to just run the deconvolution step alone.
<param type="any" name="imagename" required="true">
<shortdescription>Pre-name of input and output images</shortdescription>
<description>Pre-name of input and output images
example : imagename='try'
Input images (* = required):
try.psf* - The point spread function
try.residual* - The observed (or residual) image, such as one
try.model - An existing model image from a previous run of
try.mask - A pre-defined mask to be either used directly or
combined with additional masking options
try.pb - Primary beam model, if required for masking settings
try.model - A new or updated model image
try.residual - An updated residual image
try.image - A restored image, created only when restoration=True
try.mask - The output mask
try.prev.mask - An intermediate by-product of automasking
(when usemask='auto-multithresh')
For multi-term wideband imaging, all relevant images above will
have additional .tt0,.tt1, etc suffixes to indicate Taylor terms,
plus the following extra input images.
try.alpha - spectral index
try.alpha.error - estimate of error on spectral index
try.beta - spectral curvature (if nterms > 2)
Tip : Include a directory name in 'imagename' for all
output images to be sent there instead of the
current working directory : imagename='mydir/try'
Tip : Restarting a deconvolution run without changing 'imagename'
implies continuation from the existing model image on disk.
By default, the residual image will be recomputed.
Note : All deconvolution runs will by default produce restored images.
For a niter=0 run, this will be redundant and can optionally
be turned off via the 'restoration=T/F' parameter.
Note : All input/output images should be 4D image cubes with axes
[ra,dec,pol,chan], as is the default for the task tclean. Any input
images without this format must be modified (eg with imregrid,
imtrans, image.adddegaxes) in order to be accepted.