<casaxml xsi:schemaLocation="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/casa.xsd file:///opt/casa/code/xmlcasa/xml/casa.xsd" xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<task type="function" name="listcal" category="information, calibration">
<shortdescription>List antenna gain solutions</shortdescription>
This task lists antenna gain solutions in tabular form. The table
is organized as follows. Solutions are output by
where the inner-most loop is over polarization.
The listcal output table contains two table headers. The top-level header
is printed each time the spectral window changes. This header lists
the spectral window ID (SpwID), the date of observation (Date),
the calibration table name (CalTable), and the measurement set name (MS name).
A lower-level header is printed when the the top-level header is printed,
when the antenna names change, and every `pagerows' of output.
The lower-level header columns are described here:
Ant Antenna name (contains sub-columns: Amp, Phs, F)
Time Visibility timestamp corresponding to gain solution
Amp Complex solution amplitude
Phs Complex solution phase
Elements of the ``F'' column contain an `F' when the datum is flagged,
and ` ' (whitespace) when the datum is not flagged.
Presently, the polarization mode names (for example: R, L)
are not given, but the ordering of the polrization modes (left-to-right) is
equivalent to the order output by task listobs (see ``Feeds'' in listobs
vis Name of input visibility file
default: none; example: vis='ngc5921.ms'
caltable Name of input calibration table
default: none; example: caltable='ngc5921.gcal'
field Select data based on field ID(s) or name(s)
default: ''==>all; example: field='1'
field='0~2' field ids inclusive from 0 to 2
field='3C*' all field names starting with 3C
antenna Select calibration data based on antenna
default: ''-->all; example: antenna='5'
antenna='5,6' antenna index 5 and 6 solutions
antenna='VA05','VA06' VLA antenna 5 and 6
spw Select spectral window, channel to list
default: '' --> All spws and channels;
spw='2:34' spectral window 2, channel 34
will only list one spw, one channel at a time
listfile write output to disk; will not overwrite
default: '' --> write to screen
pagerows rows per page of listing
default: 50; 0 --> do not paginate
<param type="path" name="vis" kind="ms" mustexist="true"><shortdescription>Name of input visibility file</shortdescription><description>Name of input visibility file</description>
<param type="path" name="caltable" mustexist="true"><shortdescription>Input calibration table to list</shortdescription><description>Input calibration table to list</description>