<param type="string" name="datacolumn"><shortdescription>Column to list: data, float_data, corrected, model, residual</shortdescription><description>Column to list: data, float_data, corrected, model, residual</description>
<casaxml xsi:schemaLocation="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/casa.xsd file:///opt/casa/code/xmlcasa/xml/casa.xsd" xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<task type="function" name="listvis" category="information, analysis">
<shortdescription>List measurement set visibilities.</shortdescription>
This task lists measurement set visibility data under a number of
input selection conditions. The measurement set data columns that
can be listed are: the raw data, float_data, corrected data, model data,
and residual (corrected - model) data.
The output table format is dynamic. Field, Spectral Window, and
Channel columns are not displayed if the column contents are uniform.
For example, if "spw = '1'" is specified, the spw column will not be
displayed. When a column is not displayed, a message is sent to the
logger and terminal indicating that the column values are uniform and
listing the uniform value.
Table column descriptions:
Date/Time Time stamp of data sample (YYMMDD/HH:MM:SS UT)
Intrf Interferometer baseline (antenna names)
UVDist uv-distance (units of wavelength)
Fld Field ID (if more than 1)
SpW Spectral Window ID (if more than 1)
Chn Channel number (if more than 1)
(Correlated Correlated polarizations (eg: RR, LL, XY)
polarization) Sub-columns are: Amp, Phs, Wt, F
Phs Visibility phase (deg)
Wt Weight of visibility measurement
F Flag: 'F' = flagged datum; ' ' = unflagged
UVW UVW coordinates (meters)
vis Name of input visibility file
default: none; example: vis='ngc5921.ms'
options List options: default = 'ap'
Not yet implemented for suboptions
datacolumn Visibility file data column:
default = 'data': options are
data, float_data, corrected, model, residual (corrected-model)
field Select data based on field id(s) or name(s)
default: ''==>all; example: field='1'
field='0~2' field ids inclusive from 0 to 2
field='3C*' all field names starting with 3C
spw Select spectral window, channel to list
default: '0:0' --> spw=0, chan=0
spw='2:34' spectral window 2, channel 34