<casaxml xsi:schemaLocation="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/casa.xsd file:///opt/casa/code/xmlcasa/xml/casa.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html">
<task category="imaging" name="sdintimaging" type="function">
<description>Form images from interferometric visibilities and single dish image
to reconstruct a sky model by joint deconvolution.
<param type="string" name="usedata">
<shortdescription>Output image type(int, sd, sdint)</shortdescription>
Output image type: 'int' - use interferometric data only;
'sd' - use single dish data only;
'sdint' - use both single dish and interferic data
<value type="string">sdint</value>
<param name="sdimage" type="string" subparam="true">
<shortdescription>Input single dish image</shortdescription>
<description>Input single dish image
This single dish Image cube must contain images per frequency channel (blanked for empty
If the associated sdpsf parameter is set to an empty string to signal an automatic
calculation of the SD PSF cube, this SD image cube must contain per-plane
restoringbeams that represent the effect SDbeam per frequency.
<param name="sdpsf" type="string" subparam="true">
<shortdescription>Input single dish PSF image</shortdescription>
<description>Input single dish PSF image.
This single dish PSF cube must contain the effective SD beam in the center of the image,
for each frequency channel, normalized to peak 1. The coordinate system should ideally
be the same as the SD image cube and contain per-plane restoringbeams that represent the
effect SD beam per frequency.
If the sdpsf is set to a blank string (sdpsf="") an approximate PSF cube will be automatically
calculated internally by using per-plane restoring-beam information from the regridded sdimage
to evaluate 2D Gaussians.
In the future, we will provide an option to auto-generate Airy disk beams derived from
the specified dish diameter.
<param name="sdgain" type="double" subparam="true">
<shortdescription>A factor or gain to adjust single dish flux scale</shortdescription>
A factor or gain to adjust single dish flux scale (to use in feather stage)
<value type="double">1.0</value>
<param name="dishdia" type="double" subparam="true">
<shortdescription>Effective dish diameter (meters)</shortdescription>
Effective dish diameter of the SD telescope (meters)
<param mustexist="true" kind="ms" name="vis" type="any">
<shortdescription>Name of input visibility file(s)</shortdescription>
<description>Name(s) of input visibility file(s)
example: vis='ngc5921.ms'
vis=['ngc5921a.ms','ngc5921b.ms']; multiple MSes
<type mustexist="true">path</type><type mustexist="true">pathVec</type>
<param visibility="hidden" name="selectdata" type="bool">
<shortdescription>Enable data selection parameters</shortdescription>
<description>Enable data selection parameters.