<casaxml xsi:schemaLocation="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/casa.xsd file:///opt/casa/code/xmlcasa/xml/casa.xsd" xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<task type="function" name="sdtimeaverage" category="single dish">
<shortdescription>Average SD data, perform time averaging</shortdescription>
The task sdtimeaverage is an SD task for averaging spectral data
over specified time range.
<param type="path" name="infile" mustexist="true"><shortdescription>name of input SD dataset</shortdescription><description>name of input SD dataset</description>
<param type="string" name="datacolumn" ignorecase="true"><shortdescription>name of data column to be used ["data", "float_data", or "corrected_data"]</shortdescription><description>name of data column to be used ["data", "float_data", or "corrected_data"]</description>
<param type="string" name="field"><shortdescription>select data by field IDs and names, e.g. "3C2*" (""=all)</shortdescription><description>select data by field IDs and names, e.g. "3C2*" (""=all)</description>
<param type="string" name="spw"><shortdescription>select data by spectral windows and channels, e.g. "3,5,7" (""=all)</shortdescription><description>select data by spectral windows and channels, e.g. "3,5,7" (""=all)</description>
<param type="string" name="timerange"><shortdescription>select data by time range, e.g. "09:14:0~09:54:0" (""=all) (see examples in help)</shortdescription><description>select data by time range, e.g. "09:14:0~09:54:0" (""=all) (see examples in help)</description>
<param type="string" name="scan"><shortdescription>select data by scan numbers, e.g. "21~23" (""=all)</shortdescription><description>select data by scan numbers, e.g. "21~23" (""=all)</description>
<param type="string" name="antenna"><shortdescription>antenna IDs to be averaged over, e.g. "PM03" (""=all)</shortdescription><description>antenna IDs to be averaged over, e.g. "PM03" (""=all)</description>
<param type="string" name="timebin"><shortdescription>bin width for time averaging.</shortdescription><description>bin width for time averaging.</description>
<value type="string">all</value>
<param name="timespan" type="string"><shortdescription>span across scan, state or both.</shortdescription><description>span across scan, state or both.</description>
<value type="string">scan</value>
<param type="string" name="outfile"><shortdescription>name of output file</shortdescription><description>name of output file</description>
infile -- name of input SD dataset
datacolumn -- name of data column to be used
options: 'data', 'float_data', or 'corrected_data'
In case the column 'float_data' does not exists on the specified MS,
sdtimeaverage alternatively attempt to use 'data' column.
field -- select data by field IDs and names
default: '' (use all fields)
example: field='3C2*' (all names starting with 3C2)
field='0,4,5~7' (field IDs 0,4,5,6,7)
field='0,3C273' (field ID 0 or field named 3C273)
this selection is in addition to the other selections to data
spw -- select data by IF IDs (spectral windows)
default: '' (use all IFs)
example: spw='0~2,4'; spectral windows 0,1,2,4 (all channels)
spw='<2'; spectral windows less than 2 (i.e. 0,1)