<casaxml xsi:schemaLocation="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/casa.xsd file:///opt/casa/code/xmlcasa/xml/casa.xsd" xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<task type="function" name="statwt" category="manipulation">
<shortdescription>Compute and set weights based on variance of data.</shortdescription>
<param type="path" name="vis" mustexist="true"><shortdescription>Name of measurement set</shortdescription><description>Name of measurement set</description>
<param type="bool" name="selectdata"><shortdescription>Enable data selection parameters</shortdescription><description>Enable data selection parameters</description>
<value type="bool">True</value>
<param type="string" name="field" subparam="true"><shortdescription>Selection based on field names or field index numbers. Default is all.</shortdescription><description>Selection based on field names or field index numbers. Default is all.</description>
<example>"0~2", or "3C286"</example>
<param type="string" name="spw" subparam="true"><shortdescription>Selection based on spectral windows:channels. Default is all.</shortdescription><description>Selection based on spectral windows:channels. Default is all.</description>
<param type="string" name="intent" subparam="true"><shortdescription>Selection based on intents. Default is all.</shortdescription><description>Selection based on intents. Default is all.</description>
<param type="string" name="array" subparam="true"><shortdescription>Selection based on array IDs. Default is all.</shortdescription><description>Selection based on array IDs. Default is all.</description>
<param type="string" name="observation" subparam="true"><shortdescription>Selection based on observation IDs. Default is all.</shortdescription><description>Selection based on observation IDs. Default is all.</description>
<param type="string" name="scan" subparam="true"><shortdescription>Select data by scan numbers.</shortdescription><description>Select data by scan numbers.</description>
<param type="string" name="combine"><shortdescription>Ignore changes in these columns (scan, field, and/or state) when aggregating samples to compute weights. The value "corr" is also supported to aggregate samples across correlations.</shortdescription><description>Ignore changes in these columns (scan, field, and/or state) when aggregating samples to compute weights. The value "corr" is also supported to aggregate samples across correlations.</description>
<param type="any" name="timebin"><shortdescription>Length for binning in time to determine statistics. Can either be integer to be multiplied by the representative integration time, a quantity (string) in time units</shortdescription><description>Length for binning in time to determine statistics. Can either be integer to be multiplied by the representative integration time, a quantity (string) in time units</description>
<value type="int">1</value>
<example>5 or "100s"</example>
<param type="bool" name="slidetimebin"><shortdescription>Use a sliding window for time binning, as opposed to time block processing?</shortdescription><description>Use a sliding window for time binning, as opposed to time block processing?</description>
<param type="any" name="chanbin"><shortdescription>Channel bin width for computing weights. Can either be integer, in which case it is interpreted as number of channels to include in each bin, or a string "spw" or quantity with frequency units.</shortdescription><description>Channel bin width for computing weights. Can either be integer, in which case it is interpreted as number of channels to include in each bin, or a string "spw" or quantity with frequency units.</description>
<value type="string">spw</value>
<example>5 or "1.5MHz"</example>
<param type="int" name="minsamp"><shortdescription>Minimum number of unflagged visibilities required for computing weights in a sample. Must be >= 2.</shortdescription><description>Minimum number of unflagged visibilities required for computing weights in a sample. Must be >= 2.</description>
<param type="string" name="statalg"><shortdescription>Statistics algorithm to use for computing variances. Supported values are "chauvenet", "classic", "fit-half", and "hinges-fences". Minimum match is supported, although the full string must be specified for the subparameters to appear in the inputs list.</shortdescription><description>Statistics algorithm to use for computing variances. Supported values are "chauvenet", "classic", "fit-half", and "hinges-fences". Minimum match is supported, although the full string must be specified for the subparameters to appear in the inputs list.</description>
<example>"cl", "ch", "f", or "h"</example>
<param type="double" name="fence" subparam="true"><shortdescription>Fence value for statalg="hinges-fences". A negative value means use the entire data set (ie default to the "classic" algorithm). Ignored if statalg is not "hinges-fences".</shortdescription><description>Fence value for statalg="hinges-fences". A negative value means use the entire data set (ie default to the "classic" algorithm). Ignored if statalg is not "hinges-fences".</description>
<param type="string" name="center" subparam="true"><shortdescription>Center to use for statalg="fit-half". Valid choices are "mean", "median", and "zero". Ignored if statalg is not "fit-half".</shortdescription><description>Center to use for statalg="fit-half". Valid choices are "mean", "median", and "zero". Ignored if statalg is not "fit-half".</description>
<example>"mean", "median", or "zero"</example>
<param type="bool" name="lside" subparam="true"><shortdescription>For statalg="fit-half", real data are <=; center? If false, real data are >= center. Ignored if statalg is not "fit-half".</shortdescription><description>For statalg="fit-half", real data are <=; center? If false, real data are >= center. Ignored if statalg is not "fit-half".</description>