std::vector<AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection> v_atmPhaseCorrection_; //!< sequence of the Atmospheric Phase Correction values along the apc axis
//#include "DataBlock.h"
namespace sdmbin {
struct DataDescParams {
unsigned int ddIdx;
asdm::Tag scId;
asdm::Tag spwId;
asdm::Tag polId;
unsigned int numChan;
unsigned int numCorr;
unsigned int numBin;
/** Definition of the first level in the tree hierarchy: set of spectro-polarization descriptions,
* basebands.
class DataDescriptionsSet : public SwitchCyclesList
/** Define the first level in the tree hierarchy.
* @pre the pointer to the SDM dataset is already known
* @param v_switchCycleId a sequence of switchCycle identifiers, one per data description. It is not a set
* @param v_dataDescriptionId the sequence of DataDescription identifiers. it is an ordered set
* @param corrMode the correlation mode used:
* - CROSS_ONLY if, in the data products, there are only visibilities (i.e. no auto-correlation data)
* - AUTO-ONLY if, in the data products, there are only auto-correlations (i.e. no visibilities data)
* - CROSS_AND_AUTO if , in the data products, there are both visibilities and auto-correlations
* @param atmPhaseCodes the vector of atmospheric phase correction enumerators used:
* @post the first level of the tree hierarchy being defined
* this class can be derived to set the second level (class BaselinesSet).
* @note Use the alternate constructor
* DataDescriptionsSet( SwitchCyclesList& , vector<int> , int , int , int);
* if the data description identifiers are typed int.
* @note Use the alternate constructor if the data description identifiers are
* typed int.
DataDescriptionsSet( asdm::ASDM* const datasetPtr, std::vector<asdm::Tag> v_switchCycleId,
std::vector<asdm::Tag> v_dataDescriptionId,
CorrelationModeMod::CorrelationMode corrMode, std::vector<AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection> atmPhaseCodes);
/** Define the first level in the tree hierarchy.
* @pre the pointer to the SDM dataset is already known
* @param datasetPtr the SDM dataset