<casaxml xsi:schemaLocation="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/casa.xsd file:///opt/casa/code/tools/xml/casa.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html">
<tool module="synthesisiterbot" name="iterbotsink">
<shortdescription>tool for synthesis imaging</shortdescription>
synthesisiterbot is an tool that accomplishes synthesis processing.
A {\tt synthesisiterbot} must be constructed for each MeasurementSet for which one
wishes to do processing. Multiple copies of {\tt synthesisiterbot} may
be made at any time (provide they are given different names).
NOTE: this is an abreviated version of the synthesisiterbot found in the CASA 5 series.
This version just provides a storage sink for non-interactive operation.
<method name="iterbotsink" type="constructor">
<shortdescription>Construct an synthesisiterbot tool</shortdescription>
This is used to construct {\tt synthesisiterbot} tool.
<returns type="iterbotsink"/>
<method name="setupiteration" type="function">
<shortdescription>Set parameters to control iteration mechanisms</shortdescription>
<param name="iterpars" type="record">
<description>All parameters that control iterations</description>
<value type="record"/>
<returns type="record"/>
<method name="cleanComplete" type="function">
<shortdescription>Return true when we have completed this clean</shortdescription>
<param name="lastcyclecheck" type="bool">
<description>Check using peak residual before major cycle.</description>
<value type="bool">false</value>
<param name="reachedMajorLimit" type="bool">
<description>Let the iterbot know if we've reached our desired limit for major cycles.</description>
<value type="bool">false</value>
<returns type="int"/>
<method name="endmajorcycle" type="function">
<shortdescription>Record the end of a major cycle</shortdescription>