In the mode with getfreqrange=False, the freqstep can be used (i.e., set to the channel width) to achieve the extra padding needed for data selection at the beginning and end of the desired cube range in order to retrieve all channels that will potentially contribute to the edge channels of the cube (to maximize S/N). If freqstep is not specified, it is taken as zero, and the output channel range will typically be slightly smaller.
<casaxml xsi:schemaLocation=" file:///opt/casa/code/tools/xml/casa.xsd" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<tool module="synthesisutils" name="synthesisutils">
<shortdescription>tool for synthesis imaging</shortdescription>
synthesisutils is an tool that contains helper functions for synthesisimager
<method name="synthesisutils" type="constructor">
<shortdescription>Construct an synthesisutils tool</shortdescription>
This is used to construct {\tt synthesisutils} tool.
<returns type="synthesisutils"/>
<method name="contdatapartition" type="function">
<shortdescription>Partition data selection parameters for continuum imaging</shortdescription>
<param name="selpars" type="record">
<description>All selection parameters for one or more MSs</description>
<param name="npart" type="int">
<description>Number of partitions</description>