
Pam Harris authored 300af8941f5 Merge
Merge branch 'master' into CAS-14046


1 +##########################################################################
2 +#
3 +#
4 +# Copyright (C) 2018
5 +# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
6 +#
7 +# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 +# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
9 +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
10 +# option) any later version.
11 +#
12 +# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 +# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
15 +# License for more details.
16 +#
17 +#
18 +#
19 +#
20 +#
21 +##########################################################################
22 +
23 +'''
24 +VLA Users Stakeholder Continuum Test
25 +
26 +Based on 3C 391 CASAguide Continuum Tutorial for CASA Version 6.2.0
27 +
28 +
29 +Test list
30 +- flag fraction and MS nrows after import, split and editing steps
31 +- antenna position corrections retrieved by gencal
32 +- fluxscale input table and bootstrapping results
33 +- imstat values from the final pbcor image
34 +- imstat values from the final residual image
35 +'''
36 +
37 +##########################################################################
38 +##########################################################################
39 +
40 +# Imports #
41 +import os
42 +import unittest
43 +import numpy as np
44 +import shutil
45 +from glob import glob
46 +
47 +from casatestutils import stats_dict
48 +from casatestutils import generate_weblog
49 +from casatestutils import add_to_dict
50 +
51 +from casatools import ctsys
52 +from casatools import table as tbtool
53 +from casatasks import casalog, importasdm, listobs, flagdata, gencal, setjy, gaincal, bandpass
54 +from casatasks import fluxscale, applycal, split, statwt, tclean, impbcor, imstat
55 +from casatasks.private.parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper
56 +
57 +# location of data
58 +data_path = ctsys.resolve('stakeholder/vla/')
59 +
60 +clean_mask = "#CRTFv0 CASA Region Text Format version 0\npoly [[18:49:21.55474, -], [18:49:29.15960, -], [18:49:31.21928, -], [18:49:31.53618, -], [18:49:35.33866, -], [18:49:40.09177, -], [18:49:40.72560, -], [18:49:41.04265, -], [18:49:38.82455, -], [18:49:31.37791, -], [18:49:23.29749, -], [18:49:24.08969, -], [18:49:23.29750, -], [18:49:15.37558, -], [18:49:11.73154, -], [18:49:11.41470, -], [18:49:16.16792, -], [18:49:19.65353, -]] coord=J2000, corr=[I]"
61 +
62 +
63 +##############################################
64 +test_dict = {}
65 +#### Tests ####
66 +class Test_vla_users_continuum(unittest.TestCase):
67 +
68 + def setUp(self):
69 + self._mytb = tbtool()
70 + self.refversion=''
71 + self.sdmfile = 'TDEM0001_sb1218006_1.55310.33439732639'
72 + os.symlink(data_path+self.sdmfile, self.sdmfile)
73 + self.maskfile = '3c391_clean_mask.crtf'
74 + # os.symlink(data_path+self.maskfile, self.maskfile)
75 + self.writeMask()
76 + # Control if running in parallel with mpicasa
77 + self.parallel = False
78 + # Control if creating Multi-MS with mpicasa
79 + self.mms = False
80 + if ParallelTaskHelper.isMPIEnabled():
81 +'MPI is enabled. Will run in parallel using Multi-MS for calibration and tclean')
82 + self.parallel = True
83 + self.mms = True
84 +
85 + def tearDown(self):
86 + generate_weblog("vla_users_continuum_from_SDM",test_dict)
87 + self._mytb.done()
88 + self.delData()
89 +
90 + def writeMask(self):
91 + with open(self.maskfile,'w') as out1:
92 + out1.write(clean_mask)
93 +
94 + def delData(self):
95 + os.unlink( self.sdmfile )
96 + os.unlink( self.maskfile )
97 + os.system('rm -rf '+self.sdmfile+'*')
98 + del_files = glob('3c391_ctm*')
99 + for f in del_files:
100 + shutil.rmtree(f)
101 +
102 + @stats_dict(test_dict)
103 + def test_continuum_from_SDM(self):
104 + """VLA Stakeholders tests: Based on 3C 391 CASAguide Continuum Tutorial"""
105 + sdmname = self.sdmfile
106 + msname = ''
107 + msname_split = ''
108 +
109 + test_name = self._testMethodName
110 + report=[]
111 +
112 + ## Data Import
113 + importasdm(asdm=sdmname,
114 + vis=sdmname+'.ms', createmms=self.mms,
115 + ocorr_mode='co', asis='Receiver CalAtmosphere',
116 + process_caldevice=True, process_pointing=True, savecmds=True,
117 + outfile=sdmname+'.flagonline.txt',
118 + overwrite=False, bdfflags=False, with_pointing_correction=True)
119 +
120 + add_to_dict(self, output = test_dict, dataset = sdmname+'.ms')
121 +
122 + flagdata(vis=sdmname+'.ms', mode='list',
123 + inpfile=sdmname+'.flagonline.txt',
124 + tbuff=0.0, action='apply', flagbackup=False, savepars=False)
125 +
126 + flagdata(vis=sdmname+'.ms', mode='clip', clipzeros=True,
127 + action='apply', flagbackup=False, savepars=False)
128 +
129 + flagdata(vis=sdmname+'.ms', mode='shadow', tolerance=0.0,
130 + action='apply', flagbackup=False, savepars=False)
131 +
132 + split(vis=sdmname+'.ms', outputvis=msname, keepflags=False,
133 + spw='0', timebin='10s', datacolumn='DATA')
134 +
135 + add_to_dict(self, output = test_dict, dataset = msname)
136 +
137 +
138 + ## Data Editing
139 + flagdata(vis=msname, flagbackup=True, mode='manual', scan='1')
140 +
141 + flagdata(vis=msname, flagbackup=True, mode='manual', antenna='ea13,ea15')
142 +
143 + flagdata(vis=msname, mode='quack', quackinterval=10.0, quackmode='beg')
144 +
145 + flagsummary = flagdata(vis=msname, mode='summary')
146 + result, expected, tolerance = 100* flagsummary['spw']['0']['flagged']/flagsummary['spw']['0']['total'], 20.558870499248552, 1.0
147 + msg = f"Expected flag percentage of {expected}, got {result}, tolerance {tolerance}"
148 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
149 + self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, delta=tolerance , msg=msg )
150 +
151 +
152 + listobs_output = listobs(vis=msname)
153 + result, expected = listobs_output['numrecords'], 850358 #845379
154 + msg = f"Expected {expected} rows in split MS, got {result}, tolerance exact"
155 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
156 + self.assertTrue(result==expected, msg=msg )
157 +
158 +
159 + ## Calibration
160 + gencal(vis=msname,caltable='3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos',caltype='antpos')
161 +
162 + # TEST: compare contents of gencal table
163 +'3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos')
164 + ant_array=self._mytb.getcol('FPARAM').squeeze().T
165 + self._mytb.close()
166 + nonzero_ant_array=ant_array[np.logical_not(np.all( ant_array==0, axis=1 ))]
167 +
168 + result, expected = nonzero_ant_array.shape[0], 14
169 + msg = f"Expected {expected} nonzero antenna position corrections, got {result}, tolerance exact"
170 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
171 + self.assertTrue(result==expected, msg=msg )
172 +
173 + result, expected, tolerance = np.min(nonzero_ant_array), -0.0257, 0.00001
174 + msg = f"Expected minimum antenna position correction of {expected}, got {result}, tolerance {tolerance}"
175 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
176 + self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, delta=tolerance , msg=msg )
177 +
178 + result, expected, tolerance = np.max(nonzero_ant_array), 0.0045, 0.00001
179 + msg = f"Expected maximum antenna position correction of {expected}, got {result}, tolerance {tolerance}"
180 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
181 + self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, delta=tolerance , msg=msg )
182 +
183 +
184 + setjy(vis=msname,field='J1331+3030',standard='Perley-Butler 2017',
185 + model='',usescratch=True,scalebychan=True,spw='')
186 +
187 + flagdata(vis=msname,
188 + flagbackup=True, mode='manual', antenna='ea05')
189 +
190 + gaincal(vis=msname, caltable='3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.G0',
191 + field='J1331+3030', refant='ea21', spw='0:27~36', calmode='p', solint='int',
192 + minsnr=5, gaintable=['3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos'])
193 +
194 + gaincal(vis=msname,caltable='3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.K0',
195 + field='J1331+3030',refant='ea21',spw='0:5~58',gaintype='K',
196 + solint='inf',combine='scan',minsnr=5,
197 + gaintable=['3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos',
198 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.G0'])
199 +
200 + bandpass(vis=msname,caltable='3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.B0',
201 + field='J1331+3030',spw='',refant='ea21',combine='scan',
202 + solint='inf',bandtype='B',
203 + gaintable=['3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos',
204 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.G0',
205 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.K0'])
206 +
207 + gaincal(vis=msname,caltable='3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.G1',
208 + field='J1331+3030',spw='0:5~58',
209 + solint='inf',refant='ea21',gaintype='G',calmode='ap',solnorm=False,
210 + gaintable=['3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos',
211 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.K0',
212 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.B0'],
213 + interp=['','','nearest'])
214 +
215 + gaincal(vis=msname,caltable='3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.G1',
216 + field='J1822-0938',
217 + spw='0:5~58',solint='inf',refant='ea21',gaintype='G',calmode='ap',
218 + gaintable=['3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos',
219 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.K0',
220 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.B0'],
221 + append=True)
222 +
223 + myscale = fluxscale(vis=msname,
224 + caltable='3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.G1',
225 + fluxtable='3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.fluxscale1',
226 + reference='J1331+3030',
227 + transfer=['J1822-0938'],
228 + incremental=False)
229 +
230 +
231 + # TEST: compare specific values in return dictionary
232 + result, expected = myscale['1']['0']['numSol'][0], 46
233 + msg = f"Expected {expected} input fluxboot solutions, got {result}, tolerance exact"
234 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
235 + self.assertTrue(result==expected, msg=msg )
236 +
237 + result, expected, epsilon = myscale['1']['0']['fluxd'][0], 2.2973563472684653, 0.04
238 + msg = f"Expected J1822-0938 bootstrapped flux of {expected}, got {result}, tolerance {100*epsilon}%"
239 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
240 + self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, delta=expected*epsilon, msg=msg )
241 +
242 +
243 + applycal(vis=msname,
244 + field='J1331+3030',
245 + gaintable=['3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos',
246 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.fluxscale1',
247 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.K0',
248 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.B0'],
249 + gainfield=['','J1331+3030','',''],
250 + interp=['','nearest','',''],
251 + calwt=False)
252 +
253 + applycal(vis=msname,
254 + field='J1822-0938',
255 + gaintable=['3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos',
256 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.fluxscale1',
257 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.K0',
258 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.B0'],
259 + gainfield=['','J1822-0938','',''],
260 + interp=['','nearest','',''],
261 + calwt=False)
262 +
263 + applycal(vis=msname,
264 + field='2~8',
265 + gaintable=['3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.antpos',
266 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.fluxscale1',
267 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.K0',
268 + '3c391_ctm_mosaic_10s_spw0.B0'],
269 + gainfield=['','J1822-0938','',''],
270 + interp=['','linear','',''],
271 + calwt=False)
272 +
273 +
274 + ## Imaging
275 + split(vis=msname,outputvis=msname_split,
276 + datacolumn='corrected',field='2~8',correlation='RR,LL')
277 +
278 + add_to_dict(self, output = test_dict, dataset = msname_split)
279 +
280 + statwt(vis=msname_split,datacolumn='data')
281 +
282 + tclean(vis=msname_split,imagename='3c391_ctm_spw0_multiscale',
283 + field='',spw='',
284 + specmode='mfs',
285 + niter=20000,
286 + gain=0.1, threshold='1.0mJy',
287 + gridder='mosaic',
288 + deconvolver='multiscale',
289 + scales=[0, 5, 15, 45], smallscalebias=0.9,
290 + interactive=False,
291 + imsize=[480,480], cell=['2.5arcsec','2.5arcsec'],
292 + stokes='I',
293 + weighting='briggs',robust=0.5,
294 + pbcor=False,
295 + mask=self.maskfile,
296 + savemodel='none',
297 + parallel=self.parallel)
298 +
299 + impbcor(imagename='3c391_ctm_spw0_multiscale.image',pbimage='3c391_ctm_spw0_multiscale.pb',
300 + outfile='3c391_ctm_spw0_multiscale.pbcorimage')
301 +
302 + mystat = imstat(imagename='3c391_ctm_spw0_multiscale.pbcorimage')
303 +
304 + # TESTS: compare values in return dictionary
305 +
306 + # location of image peak
307 + result, expected = mystat['maxpos'][:2], np.array([288,256])
308 + msg = f"Expected image peak at pixels {expected}, got {result}, tolerance exact"
309 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
310 + self.assertTrue( np.all(result==expected), msg=msg )
311 +
312 + # value of image peak
313 + result, expected, epsilon = mystat['max'][0], 0.15553903579711914, 0.04
314 + msg = f"Expected pbcor image peak of {expected}, got {result}, tolerance {100*epsilon}%"
315 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
316 + self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, delta=expected*epsilon, msg=msg )
317 +
318 +
319 + mystat = imstat(imagename='3c391_ctm_spw0_multiscale.residual', region=self.maskfile)
320 +
321 + # TESTS: compare values in return dictionary
322 +
323 + # max residual inside mask
324 + result, expected, epsilon = mystat['max'][0], 0.0010077510960400105, 0.10
325 + msg = f"Expected peak residual of {expected}, got {result}, tolerance {100*epsilon}%"
326 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
327 + self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, delta=expected*epsilon, msg=msg )
328 +
329 + # peak residual inside mask
330 + result, expected, epsilon = mystat['rms'][0], 0.000542584067811474, 0.10
331 + msg = f"Expected rms residual of {expected}, got {result}, tolerance {100*epsilon}%"
332 + print(msg); report.append(msg)
333 + self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, delta=expected*epsilon, msg=msg )
334 +
335 + test_dict[test_name]['report'] = '\n'.join(report)
336 + test_dict[test_name]['images'] = []
337 +
338 +# main
339 +if __name__ == '__main__':
340 + unittest.main()

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