# This script has to be run within the Git repository. It will inspect the
# state of the current tree/branch in the workspace.
# Version type is used to select the appropriate grep pattern.
# The idea is to look for either the latest master/release type tag "\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+"
# or CAS-<number>-x tags. Both are required to construct a meaningful number for
# the casatools/tasks wheels
my $gitbranch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`;
if ($gitbranch eq "master" || $gitbranch =~ "release/"){
$last_release_tag=get_last_release_tag ($gitbranch);
$last_release_tag=get_last_release_tag ($gitbranch);
$last_branch_tag=get_last_branch_tag ($gitbranch);
print ("$last_branch_tag $last_release_tag");
my $headcommit=`git rev-parse HEAD`;
# No tag at all for branch
if ($last_branch_tag eq "") {
# Check if the latest tag is the latest commit
my $tagcommit=`git rev-list -n 1 $last_branch_tag`;
if ($headcommit ne $tagcommit) {
sub get_last_branch_tag () {
my $branchpattern = qr/^$gitbranch-\d+/;
return get_last_tag($gitbranch,$branchpattern,$delim)
sub get_last_release_tag () {
my $branchpattern = qr/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/;
return get_last_tag($gitbranch,$branchpattern,$delim)
my $branchpattern = shift;
open( $githashes, "git log --since 2019-10-01 --simplify-by-decoration --pretty='%H' ".$gitbranch." |" );
chomp( @hashes = <$githashes> );
# This distinction was added in case there are multiple release tags. I am not certain that
# this is going to happen in practice.
if ($gitbranch =~ "release/"){
$grep_cmd = "git tag -l | grep \"" . "^" .$releaseid . "\" | ";
open( $gitver, "git show-ref --tags -d | grep ^" . $_ . " | sed -e 's,.* refs/tags/,,' | grep " .$releaseid ." |sed -e 's/\\^{}//' 2> /dev/null |" );
chomp( @tags = <$gitver> );
open( $gitver, "git show-ref --tags -d | grep ^" . $_ . " | sed -e 's,.* refs/tags/,,' | sed -e 's/\\^{}//' 2> /dev/null |" );
chomp( @tags = <$gitver> );
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
if(grep(/$branchpattern/, $tag)) {
#print(grep($branchpattern, $tag). "\n");
#print("Pushing $tag\n");
# Found one or more matching master/release tags
last if (scalar @versions >= 1);
sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
map { [$_, join '', map { sprintf "%8d", $_ } split $delim, $_] }