import os if os.environ.has_key('LD_PRELOAD'): del os.environ['LD_PRELOAD'] import sys import time import signal homedir = os.getenv('HOME') if homedir == None : print "Environment variable HOME is not set, please set it" sys.exit(1) home=os.environ['HOME'] try: import IPython except ImportError, e: print 'Failed to load IPython: ', e exit(1) try: import matplotlib except ImportError, e: print "failed to load matplotlib:\n", e print "sys.path =", "\n\t".join(sys.path) try: import casac except ImportError, e: print "failed to load casa:\n", e sys.exit(1) import casadef import __casac__ cu = __casac__.utils.utils() casa = { 'build': { 'time': casadef.build_time, 'version': cu.version_info( ), 'number': casadef.subversion_revision }, 'source': { 'url': casadef.subversion_url, 'revision': casadef.subversion_revision }, 'helpers': { 'logger': 'casalogger', 'viewer': 'casaviewer', 'info': None, 'dbus': None, 'ipcontroller': None, 'ipengine': None }, 'dirs': { 'rc': homedir + '/.casa', 'data': None, 'recipes': casadef.python_library_directory+'/recipes', 'root': None }, 'flags': { }, 'files': { 'logfile': os.getcwd( ) + '/casa-'+time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.gmtime())+'.log' }, 'state' : { 'startup': True } } # Set up casa root if os.environ.has_key('CASAPATH') : __casapath__ = os.environ['CASAPATH'].split(' ')[0] if not os.path.exists(__casapath__ + "/data") : raise RuntimeError, "Unable to find the data repository directory in your CASAPATH. Please fix." else : casa['dirs']['root'] = __casapath__ casa['dirs']['data'] = __casapath__ + "/data" else : __casapath__ = casac.__file__ while __casapath__ and __casapath__ != "/" : if os.path.exists( __casapath__ + "/data") : break __casapath__ = os.path.dirname(__casapath__) if not os.path.exists(__casapath__ + "/data") : raise RuntimeError, "casa path could not be determined" else : casa['dirs']['root'] = __casapath__ casa['dirs']['data'] = __casapath__ + "/data" # Setup helper paths if os.path.exists( __casapath__ + "/bin/casapyinfo") : casa['helpers']['info'] = __casapath__ + "/bin/casapyinfo" if os.uname()[0]=='Darwin' : casa_path = os.environ['CASAPATH'].split() casa['helpers']['viewer'] = casa_path[0]+'/'+casa_path[1]+'/apps/' # In the distro of the app then the apps dir is not there and you find things in MacOS if not os.path.exists(casa['helpers']['viewer']) : casa['helpers']['viewer'] = casa_path[0]+'/MacOS/casaviewer' if casa['flags'].has_key('--maclogger') : casa['helpers']['logger'] = 'console' else: casa['helpers']['logger'] = casa_path[0]+'/'+casa_path[1]+'/apps/' # In the distro of the app then the apps dir is not there and you find things in MacOS if not os.path.exists(casa['helpers']['logger']) : casa['helpers']['logger'] = casa_path[0]+'/Resources/' ## ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ## ensure default initialization occurs before this point... ## ## => setup/modification of casa settings ## => user setup (with task access) ## ## ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- if os.path.exists( casa['dirs']['rc'] + '/' ) : try: execfile ( casa['dirs']['rc'] + '/' ) except: print str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + ": " + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) print 'Could not execute initialization file: ' + casa['dirs']['rc'] + '/' sys.exit(1) # Check IPYTHONDIR is defined by user and make it if not there ipythonenv = casa['dirs']['rc'] + '/ipython' ipythonpath = casa['dirs']['rc'] + '/ipython' try : os.makedirs(ipythonpath, 0755) except : pass if(not os.environ.has_key('IPYTHONDIR')): os.environ['IPYTHONDIR']=ipythonpath if(not os.path.exists(os.environ['IPYTHONDIR'])): os.makedirs(os.environ['IPYTHONDIR'], 0755) os.environ['__CASARCDIR__']=casa['dirs']['rc'] # Special case if the back-end is set to MacOSX reset it # to TkAgg as our TablePlot stuff is specific for TkAgg if matplotlib.get_backend() == "MacOSX" : matplotlib.use('TkAgg') # Check if the display environment is set if not # switch the backend to Agg only if it's TkAgg if not os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and matplotlib.get_backend() == "TkAgg" : matplotlib.use('Agg') showconsole = False deploylogger = False thelogfile = 'null' # Task Interface from parameter_check import * # CAS-951: matplotlib unresponsive on some 64bit systems import platform import pylab as pl if (platform.architecture()[0]=='64bit'): if os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and os.environ['DISPLAY']!="" and not casa['flags'].has_key('--nogui'): pl.ioff( ) pl.clf( ) pl.ion( ) # Provide flexibility for boolean representation in the CASA shell true = True T = True false = False F = False # Import tasks but don't load task manager and dbus os.environ['CASA_ENGINE']="YES" from tasks import * # Setup available tasks from math import * from parameter_dictionary import * from task_help import * ## ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ## ## => setup/modification of casa settings (above) ## => user setup (with task access) ## ## ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- if os.path.exists( casa['dirs']['rc'] + '/' ) : try: execfile ( casa['dirs']['rc'] + '/' ) except: print str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + ": " + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) print 'Could not execute initialization file: ' + casa['dirs']['rc'] + '/' sys.exit(1) casa['state']['startup'] = False