from math import * from tasks import * from parameter_dictionary import * from task_help import * import numpy as np from casa_stack_manip import stack_frame_find from parameter_check import * ## allow globals for taskby default casaglobals=True ################### def checkgeodetic(): """ Verify the contents of the most important Measures tables """ import os rval = True casadatadir = os.getenv("CASAPATH").split()[0]+'/data' if not os.path.isdir(casadatadir):'Data repository directory does not exist. Expected at '+casadatadir, 'WARN') rval = False else: if not os.path.isdir(casadatadir+'/geodetic'):'Data repository sub-directory \"geodetic\" does not exist. Expected at '+casadatadir+'/geodetic', 'WARN') rval = False else:'\n', 'INFO')'Checking measures tables in data repository sub-directory '+casadatadir+'/geodetic', 'INFO') mytb = tbtool() mytables=['IERSeop2000', 'IERSeop97', 'IERSpredict', 'TAI_UTC'] for mytable in mytables: if not os.path.isdir(casadatadir+'/geodetic/'+mytable):'Measures table '+mytable+' does not exist. Expected at '+casadatadir+'/geodetic/'+mytable, 'WARN') rval = False else:'/geodetic/'+mytable) vsdate = mytb.getkeyword('VS_DATE') mjd = mytb.getcol('MJD') if len(mjd)>0: mydate = qa.time({'value': mjd[-1], 'unit': 'd'}, form='ymd')[0]' '+mytable+' (version date, last date in table (UTC)): '+vsdate+', '+mydate, 'INFO') else:' contains no entries.', 'WARN') rval = False mytb.close() return rval #################### def go(taskname=None): """ Execute taskname: """ myf=stack_frame_find( ) if taskname==None: taskname=myf['taskname'] oldtaskname=taskname if(myf.has_key('taskname')): oldtaskname=myf['taskname'] #myf['taskname']=taskname if type(taskname)!=str: taskname=taskname.__name__ myf['taskname']=taskname try: parameter_checktype(['taskname'],[taskname],str) except TypeError, e: print "go -- TypeError: ",e return fulltaskname=taskname+'()' print 'Executing: ',fulltaskname exec(fulltaskname) myf['taskname']=oldtaskname # from RR def announce_async_task(taskname): """Use the logger to herald the beginning of an asynchronous task.""" casalog.origin(taskname)'')'###############################################')'### Begin Task: ' + taskname + ' ' * (27 - len(taskname)) + '###')"")"Use: ")" tm.retrieve(return_value) # to retrieve the status")"") def write_task_obit(taskname): """Eulogize the task in the logger."""'### End Task: ' + taskname + ' ' * (29 - len(taskname)) + '###')'###############################################')'') def inp(taskname=None, page=False): """ Function to browse input parameters of a given task taskname: name of task of interest page: use paging if True, useful if list of parameters is longer than terminal height """ try: ####paging contributed by user Ramiro Hernandez if(page): ######################### class TemporaryRedirect(object): def __init__(self, stdout=None, stderr=None): self._stdout = stdout or sys.stdout self._stderr = stderr or sys.stderr def __enter__(self): self.old_stdout, self.old_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr self.old_stdout.flush(); self.old_stderr.flush() sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self._stdout, self._stderr def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._stdout.flush(); self._stderr.flush() sys.stdout = self.old_stdout sys.stderr = self.old_stderr #######################end class tempfile="" temporal = open(tempfile, 'w') with TemporaryRedirect(stdout=temporal): inp(taskname, False) temporal.close() os.system('more '+tempfile) os.system('rm '+tempfile) return #### myf=stack_frame_find( ) if((taskname==None) and (not myf.has_key('taskname'))): print 'No task name defined for inputs display' return if taskname==None: taskname=myf['taskname'] myf['taskname']=taskname if type(taskname)!=str: taskname=taskname.__name__ myf['taskname']=taskname try: parameter_checktype(['taskname'],taskname,str) except TypeError, e: print "inp -- TypeError: ", e return except ValueError, e: print "inp -- OptionError: ", e return ###Check if task exists by checking if task_defaults is defined if ( not myf.has_key(taskname) and str(type(myf[taskname])) != "<type 'instance'>" and not hasattr(myf[taskname],"defaults") ): raise TypeError, "task %s is not defined " %taskname if(myf.has_key('__last_taskname')): myf['__last_taskname']=taskname else: myf.update({'__last_taskname':taskname}) print '# ',myf['taskname']+' :: '+(eval(myf['taskname']+'.description()')) update_params(myf['taskname'], myf) except TypeError, e: print "inp --error: ", e except Exception, e: print "---",e def update_params(func, printtext=True, ipython_globals=None): from odict import odict if ipython_globals == None: myf=stack_frame_find( ) else: myf=ipython_globals ### set task to the one being called myf['taskname']=func obj=myf[func] if ( str(type(obj)) == "<type 'instance'>" and hasattr(obj,"check_params") ): hascheck = True else: hascheck = False noerror=True ###check if task has defined a task_check_params function if (hascheck): has_othertasks = myf.has_key('task_location') if(has_othertasks) : has_task = myf['task_location'].has_key(myf['taskname']) if (has_task) : pathname=myf['task_location'][myf['taskname']] else : pathname = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[1]+'/xml' if not os.path.exists(pathname) : pathname = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/xml' if not os.path.exists(pathname) : pathname = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/Resources/xml' else : pathname = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[1]+'/xml' if not os.path.exists(pathname) : pathname = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/xml' if not os.path.exists(pathname) : pathname = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/Resources/xml' if not os.path.exists(pathname) : sys.exit("ERROR: update_params() can not locate xml file for task %s" % (taskname)) xmlfile=pathname+'/'+myf['taskname']+'.xml' if(os.path.exists(xmlfile)) : myf['cu'].setconstraints('file://'+xmlfile); else: # # SRankin: quick fix for CAS-5381 - needs review. # The task is not a CASA internal task. Extract the path from task_location. # This may not be robust. I have not tracked down all the code that could update task_location. task_path=task_location[taskname] xmlfile=task_path+'/'+myf['taskname']+'.xml' if(os.path.exists(xmlfile)) : myf['cu'].setconstraints('file://'+xmlfile); a=myf[myf['taskname']].defaults("paramkeys",myf) itsdef=myf[myf['taskname']].defaults itsparams=myf[myf['taskname']].parameters params=a #print 'itsparams:', itsparams for k in range(len(params)): paramval = obj.defaults(params[k], myf) notdict=True ###if a dictionary with key 0, 1 etc then need to peel-open ###parameters if(type(paramval)==dict): if(paramval.has_key(0)): notdict=False if(myf.has_key(params[k])): itsparams.update({params[k]:myf[params[k]]}) else: itsparams.update({params[k]:obj.itsdefault(params[k])}) if (notdict ): if(not myf.has_key(params[k])): myf.update({params[k]:paramval}) itsparams.update({params[k]:paramval}) if(printtext): #print 'params:', params[k], '; myf[params]:', myf[params[k]] if(hascheck): noerror = obj.check_params(params[k],myf[params[k]],myf) # RI this doesn't work with numpy arrays anymore. Noone seems # interested, so I'll be the red hen and try to fix it. #print 'params:', params[k], '; noerror:', noerror, '; myf[params]:', myf[params[k]] myfparamsk=myf[params[k]] if(type(myf[params[k]])==np.ndarray): myfparamsk=myfparamsk.tolist() #if(myf[params[k]]==paramval): if(myfparamsk==paramval): print_params_col(params[k],myf[params[k]],obj.description(params[k]), 'ndpdef', 'black',noerror) else: print_params_col(params[k],myf[params[k]],obj.description(params[k]), 'ndpnondef', 'black', noerror) itsparams[params[k]] = myf[params[k]] else: subdict=odict(paramval) ##printtext is False....called most probably to set ##undefined harm in doing it anyways if(not printtext): ##locate which dictionary is user selected userdict={} subkeyupdated={} for somekey in paramval: somedict=dict(paramval[somekey]) subkeyupdated.update(dict.fromkeys(somedict, False)) if(somedict.has_key('value') and myf.has_key(params[k])): if(somedict['value']==myf[params[k]]): userdict=somedict elif(somedict.has_key('notvalue') and myf.has_key(params[k])): if(somedict['notvalue']!=myf[params[k]]): userdict=somedict ###The behaviour is to use the task.defaults ### for all non set parameters and parameters that ### have no meaning for this selection for j in range(len(subdict)): subkey=subdict[j].keys() for kk in range(len(subkey)): if( (subkey[kk] != 'value') & (subkey[kk] != 'notvalue') ): #if user selecteddict #does not have the key ##put default if(userdict.has_key(subkey[kk])): if(myf.has_key(subkey[kk])): itsparams.update({subkey[kk]:myf[subkey[kk]]}) else: itsparams.update({subkey[kk]:userdict[subkey[kk]]}) subkeyupdated[subkey[kk]]=True elif((not subkeyupdated[subkey[kk]])): itsparams.update({subkey[kk]:itsdef(params[k], None, itsparams[params[k]], subkey[kk])}) subkeyupdated[subkey[kk]]=True ### need to do default when user has not set val if(not myf.has_key(params[k])): if(paramval[0].has_key('notvalue')): itsparams.update({params[k]:paramval[0]['notvalue']}) myf.update({params[k]:paramval[0]['notvalue']}) else: itsparams.update({params[k]:paramval[0]['value']}) myf.update({params[k]:paramval[0]['value']}) userval=myf[params[k]] choice=0 notchoice=-1 valuekey='value' for j in range(len(subdict)): if(subdict[j].has_key('notvalue')): valuekey='notvalue' if(subdict[j]['notvalue'] != userval): notchoice=j; break else: if(subdict[j]['value']==userval): choice=j notchoice=j break subkey=subdict[choice].keys() if(hascheck): noerror=obj.check_params(params[k],userval,myf) if(printtext): if(myf[params[k]]==paramval[0][valuekey]): print_params_col(params[k],myf[params[k]],obj.description(params[k]),'dpdef','black', noerror) else: print_params_col(params[k],myf[params[k]],obj.description(params[k]),'dpnondef','black', noerror) itsparams[params[k]] = myf[params[k]] for j in range(len(subkey)): if((subkey[j] != valuekey) & (notchoice > -1)): ###put default if not there if(not myf.has_key(subkey[j])): myf.update({subkey[j]:subdict[choice][subkey[j]]}) paramval=subdict[choice][subkey[j]] if (j==(len(subkey)-1)): # last subparameter - need to add an extra line to allow cut/pasting comment='last' else: comment='blue' if(hascheck): noerror = obj.check_params(subkey[j],myf[subkey[j]],myf) if(printtext): if(myf[subkey[j]]==paramval): print_params_col(subkey[j],myf[subkey[j]],obj.description(subkey[j],userval),'spdef',comment, noerror) else: print_params_col(subkey[j],myf[subkey[j]],obj.description(subkey[j],userval),'spnondef',comment, noerror) itsparams[params[k]] = myf[params[k]] # # Verify the complete record, with errors being reported to the user # #cu.verify(itsparams, cu.torecord('file://'+xmlfile)[myf['taskname']]); ####function to print inputs with coloring ####colorparam 'blue'=> non-default, colorcomment 'green'=> can have sub params #### 'blue' => is a sub-parameter # blue = \x1B[94m # bold = \x1B[1m # red = \x1B[91m # cyan = \x1B[96m # green= \x1B[92m # normal = \x1B[0m # underline= \x1B[04m # reverse = \x1B[7m # highlight with black = \x1B[40s def print_params_col(param=None, value=None, comment='', colorparam=None, colorcomment=None, noerrorval=True): try: from TerminalController import TerminalController term = TerminalController() cols = term.COLS del term except: cols = 80 # #print 'colorparam is: ', colorparam # if type(value) == str: printval = "'" + value + "'" else: printval = value if colorparam == 'ndpnondef': firstcol = '\x1B[0m' valcol = '\x1B[94m' elif colorparam == 'dpdef': firstcol = '\x1B[1m' + '\x1B[47m' valcol = '\x1B[1m' + '\x1B[0m' elif colorparam == 'dpnondef': firstcol = '\x1B[1m' + '\x1B[47m' valcol = '\x1B[1m' + '\x1B[94m' elif colorparam == 'spdef': firstcol = '\x1B[32m' valcol = '\x1B[0m' elif colorparam == 'spnondef': firstcol = '\x1B[32m' valcol = '\x1B[94m' else: firstcol = '\x1B[0m' valcol = '\x1B[0m' if not noerrorval: valcol = '\x1B[1m' + '\x1B[91m' if colorcomment == 'green': secondcol = '\x1B[102m' elif colorcomment == 'blue': #secondcol='\x1B[104m' secondcol = '\x1B[0m' else: secondcol = '\x1B[0m' # RR: I think colorcomment should really be called submenu. # Since these are left justified, I've absorbed the right space into # the %s's, in order to handle as long a parameter name as possible. # (The uvfilterb* params were busting out of %-10s.) if colorcomment in ('last', 'blue'): parampart = firstcol + ' %-14s =' else: parampart = firstcol + '%-19s =' parampart %= param valpart = valcol + ' %10s \x1B[0m' % printval + secondcol # Well behaved (short) parameters and values tally up to 33 characters # so far. Pad them up to 40, assuming the param is short enough. pad = 7 paramlen = len(str(param)) if colorcomment in ('last', 'blue') and paramlen > 14: pad -= paramlen - 14 elif paramlen > 19: pad -= paramlen - 19 valuelen = len(str(printval)) if valuelen > 10: pad -= valuelen - 10 if pad > 0: valpart += ' ' * pad try: from textwrap import fill if pad < 0: firstskip = 40 - pad firstfiller = ' ' * firstskip + '# ' afterfiller = ' ' * 40 + '# ' else: firstskip = 40 firstfiller = ' ' * 40 + '# ' afterfiller = firstfiller + ' ' commentpart = fill(comment, cols, initial_indent=firstfiller, subsequent_indent=afterfiller)[firstskip:] except: if comment: commentpart = '# ' + comment else: commentpart = '' commentpart += '\x1B[0m' # RR: I think this might be redundant. if colorcomment == 'last': # (Is colorcomment ever green?) commentpart += "\n" print parampart + valpart + commentpart def __set_default_parameters(b): myf=stack_frame_find( ) a=b elkey=a.keys() for k in range(len(a)): if (type(a[elkey[k]]) != dict): myf[elkey[k]]=a[elkey[k]] elif (type(a[elkey[k]]) == dict and len(a[elkey[k]])==0): myf[elkey[k]]=a[elkey[k]] else: subdict=a[elkey[k]] ##clear out variables of other options if they exist for j in range(1,len(subdict)): subkey=subdict[j].keys() for kk in range(len(subkey)): if((subkey[kk] != 'value') & (subkey[kk] != 'notvalue') ): if(myf.has_key(subkey[kk])): del myf[subkey[kk]] ### if(subdict[0].has_key('notvalue')): myf[elkey[k]]=subdict[0]['notvalue'] else: myf[elkey[k]]=subdict[0]['value'] subkey=subdict[0].keys() for j in range(0, len(subkey)): if((subkey[j] != 'value') & (subkey[j] != 'notvalue')): myf[subkey[j]]=subdict[0][subkey[j]] def backupoldfile(thefile=''): import copy import shutil import filecmp if(thefile=='' or (not os.path.exists(thefile))): return outpathdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(thefile)) outpathfile = outpathdir + os.path.sep + os.path.basename(thefile) k=0 backupfile=outpathfile+'.'+str(k) prevfile='--------' while (os.path.exists(backupfile)): k=k+1 prevfile=copy.copy(backupfile) if(os.path.exists(prevfile) and filecmp.cmp(outpathfile, prevfile)): ##avoid making multiple copies of the same file return backupfile=outpathfile+'.'+str(k) shutil.copy2(outpathfile, backupfile) def tput(taskname=None, outfile=''): myf=stack_frame_find( ) if taskname == None: taskname = myf['taskname'] if type(taskname) != str: taskname=taskname.__name__ myf['taskname'] = taskname outfile = myf['taskname']+'.last' saveinputs(taskname, outfile) def saveinputs(taskname=None, outfile='', myparams=None, ipython_globals=None, scriptstr=[''], do_save_inputs=True): """ Save current input values to file on disk for a specified task: BEWARE: this function does not only save the inputs into a (.last) file, it will also populate scriptstr with the long string of parameters normally displayed at the beginning of tasks (the messages ##### Begin Task: ... #####) taskname -- Name of task default: <unset>; example: taskname='bandpass' <Options: type tasklist() for the complete list> outfile -- Output file for the task inputs default: taskname.saved; example: outfile=taskname.orion """ try: if ipython_globals == None: myf=stack_frame_find( ) else: myf=ipython_globals if taskname==None: taskname=myf['taskname'] myf['taskname']=taskname if type(taskname)!=str: taskname=taskname.__name__ myf['taskname']=taskname parameter_checktype(['taskname','outfile'],[taskname,outfile],[str,str]) ###Check if task exists by checking if task_defaults is defined obj = False if ( not myf.has_key(taskname) and str(type(myf[taskname])) != "<type 'instance'>" and not hasattr(myf[taskname],"defaults") ): raise TypeError, "task %s is not defined " %taskname else: obj = myf[taskname] if taskname==None: taskname=myf['taskname'] myf['taskname']=taskname if outfile=='': outfile=taskname+'.saved' if(myf.has_key('__multibackup') and myf['__multibackup']): backupoldfile(outfile) ##make sure unfolded parameters get their default values myf['update_params'](func=myf['taskname'], printtext=False, ipython_globals=myf) ### outpathdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(outfile)) outpathfile = outpathdir + os.path.sep + os.path.basename(outfile) # Note the casa['state']['unwritable'] - state in the global casa dict that can # be initialized in previous function calls do_save_inputs = (do_save_inputs and outpathfile not in casa['state']['unwritable'] and outpathdir not in casa['state']['unwritable']) if do_save_inputs: try: taskparameterfile=open(outfile,'w') print >>taskparameterfile, '%-15s = "%s"'%('taskname', taskname) except: do_save_inputs = False print "********************************************************************************" print "Warning: no write permission for %s, cannot save task" % outfile if os.path.isfile(outfile): print " inputs in %s..." % outpathfile casa['state']['unwritable'].add(outpathfile) elif not os.path.isdir(outfile): print " inputs in dir %s..." % outpathdir casa['state']['unwritable'].add(outpathdir) else: print " inputs because given file (%s) is a dir..." % outpathfile print "********************************************************************************" f=zip(myf[taskname].__call__.func_code.co_varnames[1:],myf[taskname].__call__.func_defaults) scriptstring='#'+str(taskname)+'(' if myparams == None : myparams = {} l=0 for j in range(len(f)): k=f[j][0] if not myparams.has_key(k) and k != 'self' : myparams[k] = myf[taskname].parameters[k] if(k != 'self' and type(myparams[k])==str): if ( myparams[k].count( '"' ) < 1 ): # if the string doesn't contain double quotes then # use double quotes around it in the parameter file. if do_save_inputs: print >>taskparameterfile, '%-15s = "%s"'%(k, myparams[k]) scriptstring=scriptstring+k+'="'+myparams[k]+'",' else: # use single quotes. if do_save_inputs: print >>taskparameterfile, "%-15s = '%s'"%(k, myparams[k]) scriptstring=scriptstring+k+"='"+myparams[k]+"'," else : if ( j != 0 or k != "self" or str(type(myf[taskname])) != "<type 'instance'>" ) : if do_save_inputs: print >>taskparameterfile, '%-15s = %s'%(k, myparams[k]) scriptstring=scriptstring+k+'='+str(myparams[k])+',' ###Now delete varianle from global user space because ###the following applies: "It would be nice if one ### could tell the system to NOT recall ### previous non-default settings sometimes." if(not myf['casaglobals'] and myf.has_key(k)): del myf[k] l=l+1 if l%5==0: scriptstring=scriptstring+'\n ' scriptstring=scriptstring.rstrip() scriptstring=scriptstring.rstrip('\n') scriptstring=scriptstring.rstrip(',') scriptstring=scriptstring+')' scriptstr.append(scriptstring) scriptstring=scriptstring.replace(' ', '') scriptstring=scriptstring.replace('\n', '') if do_save_inputs: print >>taskparameterfile,scriptstring taskparameterfile.close() except TypeError, e: print "saveinputs --error: ", e def default(taskname=None): """ reset given task to its default values : taskname -- Name of task """ try: myf=stack_frame_find( ) if taskname==None: taskname=myf['taskname'] myf['taskname']=taskname if type(taskname)!=str: taskname=taskname.__name__ myf['taskname']=taskname ###Check if task exists by checking if task_defaults is defined if ( not myf.has_key(taskname) and str(type(myf[taskname])) != "<type 'instance'>" and not hasattr(myf[taskname],"defaults") ): raise TypeError, "task %s is not defined " %taskname eval(myf['taskname']+'.defaults()') casalog.origin('default') taskstring=str(taskname).split()[0]' ####### Setting values to default for task: '+taskstring+' #######') except TypeError, e: print "default --error: ", e # def taskparamgui(useGlobals=True): # """ # Show a parameter-setting GUI for all available tasks. # """ # import paramgui # # if useGlobals: # paramgui.setGlobals(stack_frame_find( )) # else: # paramgui.setGlobals({}) # # paramgui.runAll(_ip) # paramgui.setGlobals({}) ####################