#!/usr/bin/env python import socket import traceback # To pretty-print tracebacks import os class MPIEnvironment: @classmethod def is_mpi_disabled_or_client(cls): """ :returns: is this the only process (serial mode - MPI disabled) or the client process if MPI is enabled? """ # MPIEnvironment.is_mpi_client alone would be enough, as when MPI is disabled, # mpi_processor_rank==0, and is_mpi_client is set to True. This function is # added to be more explicit, and for future maintainability. return not cls.is_mpi_enabled or (cls.is_mpi_enabled and cls.is_mpi_client) # Static variables ################################################################################################# # Set hostname hostname = socket.gethostname() # Initialization mpi_initialized = False try: # don't load mpi unless we are already running under mpi # trying to load a broken mpi installation will abort the process not # giving us a chance to run in the serial mode # testing mpi via a forked import causes deadlock on process end when # running test_mpi4casa[test_server_not_responsive] if 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK' not in os.environ: raise ValueError('MPI disabled') # Set mpi4py runtime configuration from mpi4py import rc as __mpi_runtime_config # Automatic MPI initialization at import time __mpi_runtime_config.initialize = True # Request for thread support at MPI initialization __mpi_runtime_config.threaded = True # Level of thread support to request at MPI initialization # "single" : use MPI_THREAD_SINGLE # "funneled" : use MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED # "serialized" : use MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED # "multiple" : use MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE __mpi_runtime_config.thread_level = 'multiple' # Automatic MPI finalization at exit time __mpi_runtime_config.finalize = False # Import mpi4py and thus initialize MPI from mpi4py import MPI as __mpi_factory # NOTE: This is a private variable to avoid uncontrolled access to MPI # Get world size and processor rank mpi_world_size = __mpi_factory.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() mpi_processor_rank = __mpi_factory.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() # Get pid mpi_pid = os.getpid() # Get version and vendor info mpi_version_info = __mpi_factory.Get_version() mpi_vendor_info = __mpi_factory.get_vendor() mpi_thread_safe_level = __mpi_factory.Query_thread() # Prepare version info string mpi_version_str = str(mpi_version_info[0]) for tuple_element_index in range(1,len(mpi_version_info)): mpi_version_str = mpi_version_str + "." + str(mpi_version_info[tuple_element_index]) # Prepare vendor info string mpi_vendor_str = str(mpi_vendor_info[0]) if len(mpi_vendor_info)>1: mpi_vendor_version = mpi_vendor_info[1] mpi_vendor_version_str = str(mpi_vendor_version[0]) for tuple_element_index in range(1,len(mpi_vendor_version)): mpi_vendor_version_str = mpi_vendor_version_str + "." + str(mpi_vendor_version[tuple_element_index]) mpi_vendor_str = mpi_vendor_str + " v" + mpi_vendor_version_str # Set initialization flag mpi_initialized = True except Exception, instance: mpi_initialization_error_msg = traceback.format_exc() __mpi_factory = None mpi_world_size = 1 mpi_processor_rank = 0 mpi_version_info = None mpi_vendor_info = None mpi_version_str = "" mpi_vendor_str = "" mpi_vendor_version_str = "" mpi_thread_safe_level = -1 mpi_initialized = False # Check if MPI implementation is thread safe if mpi_initialized: if mpi_thread_safe_level == __mpi_factory.THREAD_SINGLE: mpi_thread_safe_level_str = "MPI THREAD SINGLE" is_mpi_thread_safe = False elif mpi_thread_safe_level == __mpi_factory.THREAD_FUNNELED: mpi_thread_safe_level_str = "MPI THREAD FUNNELED" is_mpi_thread_safe = False elif mpi_thread_safe_level == __mpi_factory.THREAD_SERIALIZED: mpi_thread_safe_level_str = "MPI THREAD SERIALIZED" is_mpi_thread_safe = False elif mpi_thread_safe_level == __mpi_factory.THREAD_MULTIPLE: mpi_thread_safe_level_str = "MPI THREAD MULTIPLE" is_mpi_thread_safe = True else: mpi_thread_safe_level_str = str(mpi_thread_safe_level) is_mpi_thread_safe = False # Generate MPI thread-safe info message if mpi_initialized and not is_mpi_thread_safe: mpi_thread_safe_info_msg = "Provided MPI implementation (%s) is not thread safe configured, " % (mpi_vendor_str) mpi_thread_safe_info_msg = mpi_thread_safe_info_msg +"maximum thread safe level supported is: %s" % (mpi_thread_safe_level_str) mpi_thread_safe_info_msg = mpi_thread_safe_info_msg + "\nNOTE: In most MPI implementations thread-safety " mpi_thread_safe_info_msg = mpi_thread_safe_info_msg + "can be enabled at pre-compile, " mpi_thread_safe_info_msg = mpi_thread_safe_info_msg + "by setting explicit thread-safe configuration options, " mpi_thread_safe_info_msg = mpi_thread_safe_info_msg + "\n e.g. (MPI 1.6.5) --enable-mpi-thread-multiple" # Allocate memory for buffered sends if mpi_initialized and mpi_world_size > 1 and is_mpi_thread_safe: try: mpi_buffer_size_in_mb = 100 __mpi_buffer = __mpi_factory.Alloc_mem(mpi_buffer_size_in_mb*1024*1024) __mpi_factory.Attach_buffer(__mpi_buffer) mpi_buffer_allocated = True except Exception, instance: mpi_buffer_allocated = False mpi_buffer_allocation_error_msg = traceback.format_exc() # Check if MPI is effectively enabled if mpi_initialized and mpi_world_size > 1 and is_mpi_thread_safe and mpi_buffer_allocated: is_mpi_enabled = True else: is_mpi_enabled = False if not mpi_initialized: mpi_error_msg = mpi_initialization_error_msg elif mpi_world_size < 2: mpi_error_msg = "Only 1 MPI process found" elif not is_mpi_thread_safe: mpi_error_msg = mpi_thread_safe_info_msg elif not mpi_buffer_allocated: mpi_error_msg = mpi_buffer_allocation_error_msg # Determine whether this processor is the 'privileged' MPI rank mpi_client_rank = 0 if mpi_processor_rank == mpi_client_rank: is_mpi_client = True mpi_execution_role = "MPIClient" else: is_mpi_client = False # MPIServer is written in the C++ level mpi_execution_role = "" # Generate MPI info message mpi_info_msg = "MPI Enabled at host %s with rank %s as %s " % (hostname,mpi_processor_rank,mpi_execution_role) mpi_info_msg = mpi_info_msg + "using MPI version %s from %s implementation " % (mpi_version_str,mpi_vendor_str) # If MPI is enabled populate list with the ranks of the MPI servers __mpi_server_rank_list = [] # NOTE: This is a private variable because Python list copy operator is by reference if is_mpi_enabled: for rank in range(mpi_world_size): if rank != mpi_client_rank: __mpi_server_rank_list.append(rank) # Set showconsole settings if ((is_mpi_enabled) and (not is_mpi_client)): log_to_console = False else: log_to_console = True # Generate the processor origin for the logger processor_origin = "" if is_mpi_enabled: # keep it short, take out the domain name if present hostname_wo_domain = hostname.split('.')[0] processor_origin = "@" + hostname_wo_domain if is_mpi_client: processor_origin += ":MPIClient" # For servers, rank information is written in the C++ level # Set pre-determined log level command_handling_log_level = "NORMAL" # Set ANY_SOURCE and ANY_TAG constants if is_mpi_enabled: mpi_any_tag = __mpi_factory.ANY_TAG mpi_any_source = __mpi_factory.ANY_SOURCE else: mpi_any_tag = -1 mpi_any_source = -1 # Set progression profile if is_mpi_enabled: mpi_start_service_sleep_time = 0.1 # Aggressive, not concurrent with command execution (at the server) mpi_stop_service_sleep_time = 3 # Not aggressive, concurrent with command execution (at the server) mpi_check_start_service_sleep_time = 0.1 # Aggressive, temporal and not concurrent with command execution (at the client) mpi_check_stop_service_sleep_time = 0.1 # Aggressive, temporal and not concurrent with command execution (at the client) mpi_monitor_status_service_heartbeat = 5 # Not aggressive, permanent and concurrent with command execution (at the client) mpi_ping_status_request_handler_service_sleep_time = 3 # Not aggressive, concurrent with command execution (at the server) mpi_ping_status_response_handler_service_sleep_time = 3 # Not aggressive, concurrent with command execution (at the client) mpi_command_request_handler_service_sleep_time = 0.1 # Aggressive, not concurrent with command execution (at the server) mpi_command_response_handler_service_sleep_time = 0.1 # Aggressive, triggered (at the client) mpi_command_request_queue_service_sleep_time = 0.1 # Aggressive, triggered (at the client) mpi_push_command_request_block_mode_sleep_time = 0.1 # Aggressive, used for getting response in blocking mode (at the client) # For debugging/developing purposes this might need to be # disabled mpi_monitor_status_service_timeout_enabled = True mpi_monitor_status_service_timeout = 1 # 2*[bsend+(Iprobe+recv) + serialization/deserialization + latency + locks] mpi_monitor_status_service_timeout += mpi_ping_status_request_handler_service_sleep_time # Sleep time at the server mpi_monitor_status_service_timeout += mpi_world_size-1 # Receive sequentially response from all servers mpi_monitor_status_service_timeout += mpi_ping_status_response_handler_service_sleep_time # Sleep time at the client mpi_monitor_status_service_timeout += mpi_monitor_status_service_heartbeat # Own heartbeat sleep time mpi_monitor_status_service_timeout *= 3 # 3 times what it should take mpi_ping_status_request_handler_service_timeout = 0.5 # 1*[bsend+(Iprobe+recv) + serialization/deserialization + latency + locks] mpi_ping_status_request_handler_service_timeout += mpi_world_size-1 # Receive sequentially response from all servers mpi_ping_status_request_handler_service_timeout += mpi_ping_status_response_handler_service_sleep_time # Sleep time at the client mpi_ping_status_request_handler_service_timeout += mpi_monitor_status_service_heartbeat # Own heartbeat sleep time mpi_ping_status_request_handler_service_timeout *= 3 # 3 times what it should take # Static methods ################################################################################################### @staticmethod def mpi_comm_world_factory(): return MPIEnvironment.__mpi_factory.COMM_WORLD.Dup() @staticmethod def mpi_server_rank_list(): return list(MPIEnvironment.__mpi_server_rank_list) # Careful, Python list copy operator is by reference @staticmethod def finalize_mpi_environment(): MPIEnvironment.__mpi_factory.Finalize() @classmethod def abort_mpi_environment(cls): if MPIEnvironment.is_mpi_enabled: # 1.10 sometimes hangs on aborts # abort is only needed with >= 2.0 to kill all processes on timeout if 'Open MPI v1.10' not in cls.mpi_vendor_str: MPIEnvironment.__mpi_factory.COMM_WORLD.Abort() # 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