from taskinit import casalog, metool, qa, smtool, tbtool from simutil import simutil import pylab as pl import os import shutil import tempfile import matplotlib def plotcomp(compdict, showplot=True, wantdict=False, symb=',', include0amp=False, include0bl=False, blunit='', bl0flux=0.0): """ Given a dict including {'clist': component list, 'objname': objname, 'epoch': epoch, 'shape': component shape dict, including direction. 'freqs (GHz)': pl.array of frequencies, 'antennalist': An array configuration file as used by simdata, 'savedfig': False or, if specified, the filename to save the plot to, 'standard': setjy fluxstandard type}, and symb: One of matplotlib's codes for plot symbols: .:,o^v<>s+xDd234hH|_ default: ',': The smallest points I could find, make a plot of visibility amplitude vs. baseline length for clist at epoch. If antennalist is not found as is, it will look for antennalist in os.getenv('CASAPATH').split(' ')[0] + '/data/alma/simmos/'. showplot: Whether or not to show the plot on screen. If wantdict is True, it returns a dictionary with the amplitudes and baselines on success. Otherwise, it returns True or False as its estimated success value. include0amp: Force the lower limit of the amplitude axis to 0. include0bl: Force the lower limit of the baseline length axis to 0. blunit: unit of the baseline length (='' used the unit in the data or klambda) bl0flux: Zero baseline flux """ def failval(): """ Returns an appropriate failure value. Note that mydict.update(plotcomp(wantdict=True, ...)) would give a confusing error message if plotcomp returned False. """ retval = False if wantdict: retval = {} return retval retval = failval() # Default try: clist = compdict['clist'] objname = compdict['objname'] epoch = compdict['epoch'] epstr = mepoch_to_str(epoch) antennalist = compdict['antennalist'] # Read the configuration info. if not antennalist: print "compdict['antennalist'] must be set!" print "Try something in", os.getenv("CASAPATH").split(' ')[0] + "/data/alma/simmos/" return failval() # Try repodir if raw antennalist doesn't work. if not os.path.exists(antennalist): repodir = os.getenv("CASAPATH").split(' ')[0] + "/data/alma/simmos/" antennalist = repodir + antennalist su = simutil("") stnx, stny, stnz, diam, padnames, antnames, telescopename, obsmeas = su.readantenna(antennalist) #print "telescopename:", telescopename # Check that the source is up. myme = metool() posobs = myme.observatory(telescopename) #print "posobs:", posobs myme.doframe(epoch) myme.doframe(posobs) azel = myme.measure(compdict['shape']['direction'], 'azel') azeldegs = tuple([qa.convert(azel[m], 'deg')['value'] for m in ('m0', 'm1')])"(az, el): (%.2f, %.2f) degrees" % azeldegs) # riseset blabs to the logger, so introduce it now.'Rise and set times of ' + objname + " from " + telescopename + ':') approx = '' if 'JPL' in compdict.get('standard', 'JPL'): # The object is in the Solar System or not known to be extragalactic. approx = "APPROXIMATE. The times do not account for the apparent motion of "\ + objname + "."" (" + approx + ")") riset = myme.riseset(compdict['shape']['direction']) msg = '' if riset['rise'] == 'above': msg = objname + " is circumpolar" elif riset['rise'] == 'below': msg = objname + ' is not visible from ' + telescopename if msg: if approx: msg += ' around ' + mepoch_to_str(epoch) else: for t in riset: riset[t]['str'] = mepoch_to_str(riset[t]['utc']) + " rises at %s and sets at %s." % (riset['rise']['str'], riset['set']['str'])) tmeridian=(riset['rise']['utc']['m0']['value']+riset['set']['utc']['m0']['value'])/2. + ': meridian passage at ' + qa.time(str(tmeridian)+'d')[0]) if approx: riset['NOTE'] = approx if not azel['m1']['value'] > 0.0: + " is not visible from " + telescopename + " at " + epstr, 'SEVERE') if wantdict: return riset else: return False # Start a temp MS. workingdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(clist.rstrip('/'))) tempms = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=objname, dir=workingdir) mysm = smtool() su.setcfg(mysm, telescopename, stnx, stny, stnz, diam, padnames, posobs) #print "cfg set" # Only 1 polarization is wanted for now. stokes, feeds = su.polsettings(telescopename, 'RR')"stokes, feeds: %s, %s" % (stokes, feeds)) fband = su.bandname(compdict['freqs (GHz)'][0]) chaninc = 1.0 nchan = len(compdict['freqs (GHz)']) if nchan > 1: chaninc = (compdict['freqs (GHz)'][-1] - compdict['freqs (GHz)'][0]) / (nchan - 1) mysm.setspwindow(spwname=fband, freq=str(compdict['freqs (GHz)'][0]) + 'GHz', deltafreq=str(chaninc) + 'GHz', freqresolution='1Hz', nchannels=nchan, refcode="LSRK", stokes=stokes) mysm.setfeed(mode=feeds, pol=['']) mysm.setlimits(shadowlimit=0.01, elevationlimit='10deg') mysm.setauto(0.0) mysm.setfield(sourcename=objname, sourcedirection=compdict['shape']['direction'], calcode="OBJ", distance='0m') mysm.settimes(integrationtime="1s", usehourangle=False, referencetime=epoch) # this only creates blank uv entries mysm.observe(sourcename=objname, spwname=fband, starttime="-0.5s", stoptime="0.5s", project=objname) mysm.setdata(fieldid=[0]) mysm.setvp()"done setting up simulation parameters") mysm.predict(complist=clist) # do actual calculation of visibilities: mysm.close()"Simulation finished.") mytb = tbtool() data = mytb.getcol('DATA')[0] # Again, only 1 polarization for now. data = abs(data) baselines = mytb.getcol('UVW')[:2,:] # Drop w. datablunit = mytb.getcolkeywords('UVW')['QuantumUnits'] mytb.close() #print "Got the data and baselines" shutil.rmtree(tempms) if datablunit[1] != datablunit[0]:'The baseline units are mismatched!: %s' % datablunit, 'SEVERE') return failval() datablunit = datablunit[0] # uv dist unit in klambda or m if datablunit == 'm' and blunit=='klambda': kl = qa.constants('C')['value']/(compdict['freqs (GHz)'][0]*1e6) blunit = 'k$\lambda$' else: blunit = datablunit kl = 1.0 pl.ioff() #baselines = pl.hypot(baselines[0]/kl, baselines[1]/kl) baselines = pl.hypot(baselines[0], baselines[1]) #if not showplot: #'Sorry, not showing the plot is not yet implemented', # 'WARN') if showplot: pl.ion() pl.clf() pl.ioff() nfreqs = len(compdict['freqs (GHz)']) for freqnum in xrange(nfreqs): freq = compdict['freqs (GHz)'][freqnum]"Plotting " + str(freq) + " GHz.") pl.plot(baselines/kl, data[freqnum], symb, label="%.3g GHz" % freq) #pl.plot(baselines, data[freqnum], symb, label="%.3g GHz" % freq) pl.xlabel("Baseline length (" + blunit + ")") pl.ylabel("Visibility amplitude (Jy)") if include0amp: pl.ylim(ymin=0.0) if include0bl: pl.xlim(xmin=0.0) pl.suptitle(objname + " (predicted by %s)" % compdict['standard'], fontsize=14) #pl.suptitle(objname + " (predicted)", fontsize=14) # Unlike compdict['antennalist'], antennalist might have had repodir # prefixed to it. pl.title('at ' + epstr + ' for ' + os.path.basename(compdict['antennalist']), fontsize=10) titletxt='($%.0f^\circ$ az, $%.0f^\circ$ el)' % azeldegs # for comparison of old and new models - omit azeldegs as all in az~0 if bl0flux > 0.0: if len(compdict['freqs (GHz)']) == 1: titletxt+='\n bl0 flux:%.3f Jy' % bl0flux else: titletxt+='\n bl0 flux:%.3f Jy @ %s GHz' % (bl0flux, compdict['freqs (GHz)'][0]) pl.legend(loc='best', title=titletxt) #pl.legend(loc='best', title='($%.0f^\circ$ az, $%.0f^\circ$ el)' % azeldegs) y_formatter=matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) pl.axes().yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) if showplot: pl.ion() pl.draw() if compdict.get('savedfig'): pl.savefig(compdict.get('savedfig'))"Saved plot to " + str(compdict.get('savedfig'))) if wantdict: retval = {'amps': data, 'antennalist': antennalist, # Absolute path, now. 'azel': azel, 'baselines': baselines, 'blunit': blunit, 'riseset': riset, 'savedfig': compdict.get('savedfig')} else: retval = True except Exception, instance:, 'SEVERE') if os.path.isdir(tempms): shutil.rmtree(tempms) return retval def mepoch_to_str(mepoch, showdate=True, showtime=True, showmjd=True): """ Given an epoch as a measure, return it as a nicely formatted string. """ tdic = qa.splitdate(mepoch['m0']) fmt = "" if showdate: fmt += '%(year)d-%(month)02d-%(monthday)02d' if showtime: if fmt: fmt += '/' fmt += '%(hour)02d:%(min)02d:%(sec)02d %(tz)s' tdic['tz'] = mepoch['refer'] if showmjd: islast = False if fmt: fmt += ' (' islast = True fmt += 'MJD %(mjd).2f' if islast: fmt += ')' return fmt % tdic