import collections import glob import itertools import numpy import os try: from casatools import msmetadata from casatools import table from casatools import measures from casatools import quanta from casatools import ms as mstool from casatools import image from casatasks import casalog except Exception: from __casac__.msmetadata import msmetadata from __casac__.table import table from __casac__.measures import measures from __casac__.quanta import quanta from import ms as mstool from __casac__.image import image from taskinit import casalog MetaDataSet = collections.namedtuple( 'MetaDataSet', ['msmeta', 'ephemmeta'] ) MsMeta = collections.namedtuple( 'MsMeta', ['positions', 'times', 'freqmin', 'freqmax'] ) EphemMeta = collections.namedtuple( 'EphemMeta', ['table', 'times', 'unit_time', 'velocities', 'unit_vel', 'frame_vel'] ) FrequencyRange = collections.namedtuple( 'FrequencyRange', ['min', 'max', 'ref'] ) COMMON_VELOCITY_UNIT = 'km/s' DEBUG = False def debug_print(msg): if DEBUG: for m in msg.split('\n'):'DEBUG: {}'.format(m)) def inspect_ms(vis, fieldid, spwid, chanstart=0, nchan=-1): """Inspect MS Arguments: vis {str} -- name of MS fieldid {int} -- FIELD_ID for target spwid {int} -- SPW_ID for target spw chanstart {int} -- start channel (default: 0) nchan {int} -- number of channels (default: -1 => from chanstart to end channel of spw) Returns: MsMeta -- namedtuple containing metadata positions: list of antenna positions times: list of timestamps for target field freqmin: minimum frequency of given spw as measure freqmax: maximum frequency of given spw as measure """ msmd = msmetadata() try: positions = list(map(msmd.antennaposition, msmd.antennaids())) chanfreqs = msmd.chanfreqs(spwid) chanwidths = msmd.chanwidths(spwid) finally: msmd.close() cw = chanwidths.mean() start = chanstart end = min(chanstart + nchan, len(chanfreqs)) if nchan >= 0 else len(chanfreqs) debug_print('start {}, end {}'.format(start, end)) assert 0 <= start assert 0 < end assert start < end freqmin = chanfreqs[start:end].min() - cw / 2 freqmax = chanfreqs[start:end].max() + cw / 2 debug_print('freqmin {}, freqmax {}'.format(freqmin, freqmax)) ms = mstool() try: ms.msselect({'spw': str(spwid), 'field': str(fieldid), 'scanintent': 'OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE'}) data = ms.getdata(['time']) times = data['time'] finally: ms.close() tb = table() try:, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) freq_ref_id = tb.getcell('MEAS_FREQ_REF', spwid) finally: tb.close() me = measures() codes = me.listcodes(me.frequency()) refmap = codes['normal'] assert 0 <= freq_ref_id and freq_ref_id < len(refmap) freq_ref_str = refmap[freq_ref_id] qa = quanta() metadata = MsMeta( positions, times, me.frequency(rf=freq_ref_str, v0=qa.quantity(freqmin, 'Hz')), me.frequency(rf=freq_ref_str, v0=qa.quantity(freqmax, 'Hz')) ) me.done() return metadata def get_ephem_table(vis, fieldid): """Return a name of the Ephemeris table corresponding to given FIELD_ID Arguments: vis {str} -- name of the MS fieldid {int} -- FIELD_ID Returns: str -- name of the Ephemeris table """ tb = table() field_table = os.path.join(vis, 'FIELD') try: ephem_id = tb.getcell('EPHEMERIS_ID', fieldid) finally: tb.close() pattern = os.path.join(field_table, 'EPHEM{}*'.format(ephem_id)) candidates = glob.glob(pattern) assert len(candidates) == 1 ephem_table = candidates[0] return ephem_table def inspect_ephem(name): """inspect Ephemeris table Arguments: name {str} -- name of Ephemeris table Returns: EphemMeta -- data of Ephemeris table time: time list unit_time: unit of the time velocities: velocity list unit_vel: unit of the velocity frame_vel: reference frame of the velocity """ tb = table() try: eph_time = tb.getcol('MJD') eph_time_unit = tb.getcolkeyword('MJD', 'UNIT') eph_radvel = tb.getcol('RadVel') eph_radvel_unit = tb.getcolkeyword('RadVel', 'UNIT') eph_geo_dist = tb.getkeyword('GeoDist') finally: tb.close() # Logic borrowed from FTMachine::initSourceFreqConv # The eph_geo_dist is a distrance from the GEOCENTER in km. # If eph_geo_dist > 1e-3 km (=1m), velocity reference # frame is regarded as TOPO (TOPOCENTRIC). # Otherwise, the frame should be GEO (GEOCENTRIC). qa = quanta() eph_geo_dist = qa.quantity(eph_geo_dist, 'km') eph_geo_threshold = qa.quantity(1.0e-3, 'km') if, eph_geo_threshold): eph_vel_frame = 'TOPO' else: eph_vel_frame = 'GEO' data = EphemMeta( table=name, times=eph_time, unit_time=eph_time_unit, velocities=eph_radvel, unit_vel=eph_radvel_unit, frame_vel=eph_vel_frame ) return data def update_measure(measures_instance, position=None, epoch=None, direction=None, comet_table=None): if position is not None: measures_instance.doframe(position) if epoch is not None: measures_instance.doframe(epoch) if direction is not None: measures_instance.doframe(direction) if comet_table is not None: assert isinstance(comet_table, str) assert os.path.exists(comet_table) measures_instance.framecomet(comet_table) measures_instance.doframe(measures_instance.direction('COMET')) return measures_instance def get_doppler(measure_instance, radial_velocity, velocity_unit, velocity_frame): qa = quanta() vel = qa.convert(qa.quantity(radial_velocity, velocity_unit), COMMON_VELOCITY_UNIT) if velocity_frame == 'GEO': # relative velocity between GEO and TOPO must be subtracted radvel_zero = measure_instance.measure(v=measure_instance.radialvelocity(rf='TOPO', v0=qa.quantity(0, COMMON_VELOCITY_UNIT)), rf='GEO') qzero = qa.convert(radvel_zero['m0'], COMMON_VELOCITY_UNIT) debug_print('velocity in GEO frame. Require conversion to TOPO.') debug_print('Original Velocity: {value} {unit}'.format(**vel)) debug_print('Delta Velocity: {value} {unit}'.format(**qzero)) vel = qa.sub(vel, radvel_zero['m0']) debug_print('TOPO velocity: {value} {unit}'.format(**vel)) doppler = measure_instance.doppler(rf='RELATIVISTIC', v0=vel) return doppler def ms_freq_range(metadataset): msmeta = metadataset.msmeta ephem_data = metadataset.ephemmeta ephem_table = ephem_data.table qa = quanta() min_frequency = None max_frequency = None eph_time = qa.convert(qa.quantity(ephem_data.times, ephem_data.unit_time), 's')['value'] eph_vel = ephem_data.velocities interpolated_velocities = numpy.interp(msmeta.times, eph_time, eph_vel) for item in itertools.product(msmeta.positions, zip(msmeta.times, interpolated_velocities)): position = item[0] timestamp = item[1][0] velocity = item[1][1] me = measures() me.done() epoch = me.epoch('UTC', qa.quantity(timestamp, 's')) me = update_measure(me, epoch=epoch, position=position, comet_table=ephem_table) doppler = get_doppler(me, velocity, ephem_data.unit_vel, ephem_data.frame_vel) fmin, fmax = map(lambda x: me.torestfrequency(x, doppler), [msmeta.freqmin, msmeta.freqmax]) assert fmin['refer'] == 'REST' assert fmax['refer'] == 'REST' if min_frequency is None or['m0'], min_frequency) is True: min_frequency = fmin['m0'] if max_frequency is None or['m0'], max_frequency) is True: max_frequency = fmax['m0'] debug_print('min freq: {}'.format(qa.tos(min_frequency))) debug_print('max freq: {}'.format(qa.tos(max_frequency))) return FrequencyRange(min_frequency, max_frequency, 'REST') def image_freq_range(imagename): ia = image() csys = ia.coordsys() try: imshape = ia.shape() chmin = -0.5 chmax = imshape[3] - 1 + 0.5 refpix = [0, 0, 0, chmin] wmin = csys.toworld(refpix, format='m') refpix[3] = chmax wmax = csys.toworld(refpix, format='m') finally: csys.done() ia.close() refmin = wmin['measure']['spectral']['frequency']['refer'] refmax = wmax['measure']['spectral']['frequency']['refer'] assert refmin == refmax fmin = wmin['measure']['spectral']['frequency']['m0'] fmax = wmax['measure']['spectral']['frequency']['m0'] return FrequencyRange(fmin, fmax, refmax) def get_lorentz_factor(metadataset): msmeta = metadataset.msmeta ephem_data = metadataset.ephemmeta ephem_table = ephem_data.table me = measures() me.done() qa = quanta() epoch = me.epoch('UTC', qa.quantity(msmeta.times[0], 's')) position = me.observatory('ALMA') me = update_measure(me, epoch=epoch, position=position, comet_table=ephem_table) velocity = ephem_data.velocities[0] unit = ephem_data.unit_vel frame = ephem_data.frame_vel doppler = get_doppler(me, velocity, unit, frame) refvel = qa.convert(doppler['m0'], COMMON_VELOCITY_UNIT) speed_of_light = qa.convert(qa.constants('c'), COMMON_VELOCITY_UNIT) return qa.div(refvel, speed_of_light)['value'] def frequency_value(freq): if isinstance(freq, (int, float)): val = freq elif isinstance(freq, dict) and 'value' in freq: val = freq['value'] else: val = None return val def is_frequency_close(freq1, freq2, lorentz_factor, rtol=1e-1): val1 = frequency_value(freq1) val2 = frequency_value(freq2) tolerance = abs(lorentz_factor * rtol) reldiff = abs((val2 - val1) / val1) debug_print('values: {} {}'.format(val1, val2)) debug_print('tolerance: {} (factor {})'.format(tolerance, lorentz_factor)) debug_print('relative diff: {}'.format(reldiff)) return reldiff <= tolerance def get_metadataset(vis, fieldid, spwid, chanstart=0, nchan=-1): msmeta = inspect_ms(vis, fieldid, spwid) ephem_table = get_ephem_table(vis, fieldid) ephem_data = inspect_ephem(ephem_table) return MetaDataSet(msmeta, ephem_data)