from __future__ import absolute_import import os import shutil import stat import time from math import sqrt # get is_CASA6 and is_python3 from casatasks.private.casa_transition import * if is_CASA6: from .parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper from .mslisthelper import check_mslist, sort_mslist from casatools import calibrater, quanta from casatools import table as tbtool from casatools import ms as mstool from casatasks import casalog from .mstools import write_history _cb = calibrater() _qa = quanta() else: from taskinit import * from mstools import write_history from parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper from recipes.mslisthelper import check_mslist, sort_mslist _cb = cbtool() _qa = qa def concat(vislist,concatvis,freqtol,dirtol,respectname,timesort,copypointing, visweightscale, forcesingleephemfield): """concatenate visibility datasets The list of data sets given in the vis argument are chronologically concatenated into an output data set in concatvis, i.e. the data sets in vis are first ordered by the time of their earliest integration and then concatenated. If there are fields whose direction agrees within the direction tolerance (parameter dirtol), the actual direction in the resulting, merged output field will be the one from the chronologically first input MS. If concatvis already exists (e.g., it is the same as the first input data set), then the other input data sets will be appended to the concatvis data set. There is no limit to the number of input data sets. If none of the input data sets have any scratch columns (model and corrected columns), none are created in the concatvis. Otherwise these columns are created on output and initialized to their default value (1 in model column, data in corrected column) for those data with no input columns. Spectral windows for each data set with the same chanelization, and within a specified frequency tolerance of another data set will be combined into one spectral window. A field position in one data set that is within a specified direction tolerance of another field position in any other data set will be combined into one field. The field names need not be the same---only their position is used. Each appended dataset is assigned a new observation id (provided the entries in the observation table are indeed different). Keyword arguments: vis -- Name of input visibility files to be combined default: none; example: vis = ['','',''] concatvis -- Name of visibility file that will contain the concatenated data note: if this file exits on disk then the input files are added to this file. Otherwise the new file contains the concatenated data. Be careful here when concatenating to an existing file. default: none; example: concatvis='' example: concatvis='' other examples: concat(vis=['',''], concatvis='') will concatenate '' into '', and the original is lost concat(vis=['',''], concatvis='') will concatenate '' and '' into a file named ''; the original '' and '' are untouched. concat(vis=['',''], concatvis = '') then concat(vis=['',''], concatvis = '') will contains Note: run flagmanager to save flags in the concatvis freqtol -- Frequency shift tolerance for considering data to be in the same spwid. The number of channels must also be the same. default: '' == 1 Hz example: freqtol='10MHz' will not combine spwid unless they are within 10 MHz. Note: This option is useful to combine spectral windows with very slight frequency differences caused by Doppler tracking, for example. dirtol -- Direction shift tolerance for considering data as the same field default: '' == 1 mas (milliarcsec) example: dirtol='1.arcsec' will not combine data for a field unless their phase center differ by less than 1 arcsec. If the field names are different in the input data sets, the name in the output data set will be the first relevant data set in the list. respectname -- If true, fields with a different name are not merged even if their direction agrees (within dirtol) default: False timesort -- If true, the output visibility table will be sorted in time. default: false. Data in order as read in. example: timesort=true Note: There is no constraint on data that is simultaneously observed for more than one field; for example multi-source correlation of VLBA data. copypointing -- Make a proper copy of the POINTING subtable (can be time consuming). If False, the result is an empty POINTING table. default: True visweightscale -- The weights of the individual MSs will be scaled in the concatenated output MS by the factors in this list. Useful for handling heterogeneous arrays. Use plotms to inspect the "Wt" column as a reference for determining the scaling factors. See the cookbook for more details. example: [1.,3.,3.] - scale the weights of the second and third MS by a factor 3. default: [] (empty list) - no scaling forcesingleephemfield -- By default, concat will only merge two ephemeris fields if the first ephemeris covers the time range of the second. Otherwise, two separate fields with separate ephemerides are placed in the output MS. In order to override this behaviour and make concat merge the non-overlapping or only partially overlapping input ephemerides, the name or id of the field in question needs to be placed into the list in parameter 'forcesingleephemfield'. example: ['Neptune'] - will make sure that there is only one joint ephemeris for field Neptune in the output MS default: '' - standard treatment of all ephemeris fields """ ### #Python script try: casalog.origin('concat') t = tbtool() m = mstool() #break the reference between vis and vislist as we modify vis if(type(vislist)==str): vis=[vislist] else: vis=list(vislist) #dto. for concavis theconcatvis = concatvis # warn if there are MMSs mmslist = [] for elvis in vis : ###Oh no Elvis does not exist Mr Bill if(ParallelTaskHelper.isParallelMS(elvis)): mmslist.append(elvis) if len(mmslist)>0: if (vis[0] == mmslist[0]):'*** The first input MS is a multi-MS to which no row can be added. Cannot proceed.', 'WARN')'*** Please use virtualconcat or convert the first input MS to a normal MS using split.', 'WARN') raise RuntimeError('Cannot append to a multi-MS. Please use virtualconcat.')'*** The following input measurement sets are multi-MSs', 'INFO') for mname in mmslist:'*** '+mname, 'INFO')'*** Use virtualconcat to produce a single multi-MS from several multi-MSs.', 'INFO') doweightscale = False if(len(visweightscale)>0): if (len(visweightscale) != len(vis)): raise ValueError('parameter visweightscale must have same number of elements as parameter vis') for factor in visweightscale: if factor<0.: raise ValueError('parameter visweightscale must only contain positive numbers') elif factor!=1.: doweightscale=True # test the consistency of the setup of the different MSs'Checking MS setup consistency ...', 'INFO') try: mydiff = check_mslist(vis, ignore_tables=['SORTED_TABLE', 'ASDM*'], testcontent=False) except Exception as instance: raise RuntimeError("*** Error \'%s\' while checking MS setup consistency" % (instance)) if mydiff != {}:'The setup of the input MSs is not fully consistent. The concatenation may fail', 'WARN')'and/or the affected columns may contain partially only default data.', 'WARN'), 'WARN') # process the input MSs in chronological order'Checking order of MS list ...', 'INFO') try: sortedvis, sortedtimes, sortedvisweightscale = sort_mslist(vis, visweightscale) except Exception as instance: raise RuntimeError("*** Error \'%s\' while sorting MSs chronologially." % (instance)) if((type(concatvis)!=str) or (len(concatvis.split()) < 1)): raise ValueError('parameter concatvis is invalid') existingconcatvis = False if(vis.count(concatvis) > 0): existingconcatvis = True cvisindex = sortedvis.index(concatvis) if not concatvis == sortedvis[0]: raise RuntimeError('If concatvis is set to the name of an existing MS in vis, it must be the chronologically first.'+\ '\n I.e. in this case you should set concatvis to '+sortedvis[0]) sortedvis.pop(cvisindex) if doweightscale: vwscale = sortedvisweightscale[cvisindex] sortedvisweightscale.pop(cvisindex) sortedvisweightscale = [vwscale] + sortedvisweightscale # move the corresponding weight to the front if not vis == sortedvis:'The list of input MSs is not in chronological order and needed to be sorted.' , 'INFO')'The chronological order in which the concatenation will take place is:' , 'INFO') if existingconcatvis:' MJD '+str(_qa.splitdate(_qa.quantity(sortedtimes[0],'s'))['mjd'])+': '+concatvis, 'INFO') for name in sortedvis:' MJD '+str(_qa.splitdate(_qa.quantity(sortedtimes[sortedvis.index(name)],'s'))['mjd'])+': '+name, 'INFO') if doweightscale:'In this new order, the weights are:'+str(sortedvisweightscale) , 'INFO') # replace the original vis and visweightscale by the sorted ones (with concatvis removed if it exists) vis = sortedvis visweightscale = sortedvisweightscale if(os.path.exists(concatvis)):'Will be concatenating into the existing ms '+concatvis , 'WARN') if doweightscale and not existingconcatvis: visweightscale = [1.]+visweightscale # set the weight for this existing MS to 1.'The weights for this existing MS will be left unchanged.' , 'WARN') else: if(len(vis) >0): # (note: in case len is 1, we only copy, essentially)'copying '+vis[0]+' to '+theconcatvis , 'INFO') shutil.copytree(vis[0], theconcatvis) # note that the resulting copy is writable even if the original was read-only vis.pop(0) # don't need to pop visweightscale here! if not copypointing: # remove the rows from the POINTING table of the first MS'*** copypointing==False: resulting MS will have empty POINTING table.', 'INFO') tmptabname = 'TMPPOINTING'+str(time.time()) shutil.rmtree(tmptabname, ignore_errors=True) shutil.move(theconcatvis+'/POINTING', tmptabname) if(t.nrows()>0): ttab = t.copy(newtablename=theconcatvis+'/POINTING', deep=False, valuecopy=True, norows=True) ttab.close() t.close() shutil.rmtree(tmptabname, ignore_errors=True) else: # the POINTING table is already empty'*** Input POINTING table was already empty.', 'INFO') shutil.move(tmptabname, theconcatvis+'/POINTING') t.close() # handle the ephemeris concatenation if not forcesingleephemfield=='': if is_CASA6: from .concatephem import findephems, concatephem else: from recipes.ephemerides.concatephem import findephems, concatephem if type(forcesingleephemfield)==str or type(forcesingleephemfield)==int: forcesingleephemfield = [forcesingleephemfield] if not type(forcesingleephemfield) == list: raise RuntimeError('Type of parameter forcesingleephemfield must be str, int, or list') themss = [theconcatvis] for x in vis: themss.append(x) for ephemfield in forcesingleephemfield: if not type(ephemfield)==int: ephemfield = str(ephemfield)'*** Forcing single ephemeris for field '+str(ephemfield), 'INFO') thetabs = findephems(themss, ephemfield) if thetabs != [] and not ('' in thetabs): tmptab = os.path.basename(thetabs[0])+'.concattmp' targettab = theconcatvis+'/FIELD/'+os.path.basename(thetabs[0]) if not os.path.exists(targettab): raise RuntimeError('Internal ERROR: ephemeris '+targettab+' does not exist') concatephem(thetabs, tmptab) if os.path.exists(tmptab): os.system('rm -rf '+targettab) os.system('mv '+tmptab+' '+targettab) else:'ERROR while forcing single ephemeris for field '+str(ephemfield), 'SEVERE') raise RuntimeError('Concatenation of ephemerides for field '+str(ephemfield)+' failed.') else:'ERROR while forcing single ephemeris for field '+str(ephemfield), 'SEVERE') raise RuntimeError('Cannot find ephemerides for field '+str(ephemfield)+' in all input MSs.') # Determine if scratch columns should be considered at all # by checking if any of the MSs has them. considerscrcols = False considercorr = False considermodel = False needscrcols = [] needmodel = [] needcorr = [] if ((type(theconcatvis)==str) and (os.path.exists(theconcatvis))): # check if all scratch columns are present if (t.colnames().count('MODEL_DATA')==1): considermodel = True if(t.colnames().count('CORRECTED_DATA')==1): considercorr = True needscrcols.append(t.colnames().count('CORRECTED_DATA')==0 or t.colnames().count('MODEL_DATA')==0) needmodel.append(t.colnames().count('MODEL_DATA')==0) needcorr.append(t.colnames().count('CORRECTED_DATA')==0) t.close() else: raise ValueError('Visibility data set '+theconcatvis+' not found - please verify the name') for elvis in vis : ###Oh no Elvis does not exist Mr Bill if(not os.path.exists(elvis)): raise ValueError('Visibility data set '+elvis+' not found - please verify the name') # check if all scratch columns are present if (t.colnames().count('MODEL_DATA')==1): considermodel = True if(t.colnames().count('CORRECTED_DATA')==1): considercorr = True needscrcols.append(t.colnames().count('CORRECTED_DATA')==0 or t.colnames().count('MODEL_DATA')==0) needmodel.append(t.colnames().count('MODEL_DATA')==0) needcorr.append(t.colnames().count('CORRECTED_DATA')==0) t.close() considerscrcols = (considercorr or considermodel) # there are scratch columns # start actual work, file existence has already been checked i = 0 if(considerscrcols and needscrcols[i]): # create scratch cols'creating scratch columns in '+theconcatvis , 'INFO'), addcorr=(considercorr and needcorr[i]), addmodel=(considermodel and needmodel[i])) # calibrator-open creates scratch columns _cb.close() # scale the weights and sigma of the first MS in the chain if doweightscale: wscale = visweightscale[i] if(wscale==1.):'Will leave the weights for this MS unchanged.', 'INFO') else:'Scaling weights for first MS by factor '+str(wscale), 'INFO'), nomodify=False) for colname in [ 'WEIGHT', 'WEIGHT_SPECTRUM']: if (colname in t.colnames()) and (t.iscelldefined(colname,0)): for j in range(0,t.nrows()): a = t.getcell(colname, j) a *= wscale t.putcell(colname, j, a) for colname in ['SIGMA']: if (wscale > 0. and colname in t.colnames()) and (t.iscelldefined(colname,0)): sscale = 1./sqrt(wscale) for j in range(0,t.nrows()): a = t.getcell(colname, j) a *= sscale t.putcell(colname, j, a) t.close() # determine handling switch value handlingswitch = 0 if not copypointing: handlingswitch = 2,nomodify=False) mmsmembers = [theconcatvis] for elvis in vis : i = i + 1 destms = ""'concatenating '+elvis+' into '+theconcatvis , 'INFO') wscale = 1. if doweightscale: wscale = visweightscale[i] if(wscale==1.):'Will leave the weights for this MS unchanged.', 'INFO') else:'Will scale weights for this MS by factor '+str(wscale) , 'INFO') if(considerscrcols and needscrcols[i]): if(ParallelTaskHelper.isParallelMS(elvis)): raise RuntimeError('Cannot create scratch columns in a multi-MS. Use virtualconcat.') else: # create scratch cols'creating scratch columns for '+elvis+' (original MS unchanged)', 'INFO') tempname = elvis+'_with_scrcols' shutil.rmtree(tempname, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(elvis, tempname), addcorr=(considercorr and needcorr[i]), addmodel=(considermodel and needmodel[i])) # calibrator-open creates scratch columns _cb.close() # concatenate copy instead of original file m.concatenate(msfile=tempname,freqtol=freqtol,dirtol=dirtol,respectname=respectname, weightscale=wscale,handling=handlingswitch, destmsfile=destms) shutil.rmtree(tempname, ignore_errors=True) else: m.concatenate(msfile=elvis,freqtol=freqtol,dirtol=dirtol,respectname=respectname, weightscale=wscale,handling=handlingswitch, destmsfile=destms) if timesort:'Sorting main table by TIME ...', 'INFO') m.timesort() # Write history to output MS, not the input ms. try: param_names = concat.__code__.co_varnames[:concat.__code__.co_argcount] if is_python3: vars = locals( ) param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] else: param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names] write_history(mstool(), concatvis, 'concat', param_names, param_vals, casalog) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN') finally: m.close()