from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import time import numpy import os import shutil import re # get is_CASA6 and is_python3, and import other classes try: from casatasks.private.casa_transition import * except: from sys import version_info is_python3 = version_info > (3,) is_CASA6 = is_python3 if is_CASA6: from casatasks import casalog from casatools import image from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.imager_deconvolver import PyDeconvolver from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.input_parameters import ImagerParameters from casatasks.private.parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper from .cleanhelper import write_tclean_history, get_func_params from casatools import synthesisimager ia = image( ) else: from taskinit import * from imagerhelpers.imager_deconvolver import PyDeconvolver from imagerhelpers.input_parameters import ImagerParameters from imregrid import imregrid from parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper from cleanhelper import write_tclean_history, get_func_params synthesisimager=casac.synthesisimager ia = iatool( ) try: if is_CASA6: from casampi.MPIEnvironment import MPIEnvironment from casampi import MPIInterface else: from mpi4casa.MPIEnvironment import MPIEnvironment from mpi4casa import MPIInterface mpi_available = True except ImportError: mpi_available = False def check_requiredmask_exists(usemask, mask): if usemask != "user": # don't use the mask parameter return if type(mask) is type([]): # mask is an array of values return if mask == "": # mask is an empty string -> no file specified return if "[" in mask: # mask is a region string return if not os.path.exists(mask): # mask is a filename string <- only option left raise RuntimeError("Internal Error: 'mask' parameter specified as a filename '"+mask+"', but no such file exists") def check_requiredimgs_exist(imagename, inp): # get the list of images to check for reqims = [] if inp['deconvolver'] == 'mtmfs': nterms = inp['nterms'] end = nterms*2-1 for ttn in range(0, nterms*2-1): reqims.append(imagename + ".psf" + ".tt" + str(ttn)) for ttn in range(0, nterms): reqims.append(imagename + ".residual" + ".tt" + str(ttn)) else: reqims.append(imagename + ".residual") reqims.append(imagename + ".psf") # find images that exist on disk allfiles = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(imagename))) extims = list(filter(lambda im: os.path.exists(im), reqims)) # TODO replace with allfiles # verify required images are available if len(extims) != len(reqims): diffims = list(filter(lambda im: im not in extims, reqims)) raise RuntimeError("Internal Error: missing one or more of the required images: " + str(diffims)) # check for .pb image in the case that nsigma > 0 # see comments on CAS-13144 about casa crashing as to why this check is here if (inp['nsigma'] > 0): reqpb = ".pb" if (inp['deconvolver'] != 'mtmfs') else ".pb.tt0" if (imagename+reqpb not in allfiles): raise RuntimeError("The parameter nsigma>0 ("+str(inp['nsigma'])+") requires a "+reqpb+" image to be available.") def check_starmodel_model_collisions(startmodel, imagename, deconvolver): # check for startmodel(s) startmodels = [] if type(startmodel) is str: if len(startmodel) > 0: startmodels = [startmodel] else: # if type(startmodel) is list startmodels = startmodel # verify the existance of startmodel(s), and map to imagename.model ttn = 0 sm_modim_map = [] for sm in startmodels: sm = os.path.normpath(sm) smdir = os.path.dirname(sm) smbase = os.path.basename(sm) # verify startmodel exists # Note: this check should be unneccessary (should be done in cpp), but # current tests indicate that cpp code does not catch this case. if not os.path.exists(sm): raise RuntimeError("Internal Error: parameter startmodel set to \"{0}\" but that file does not exist".format(sm)) # get the path to the destination model if ".model" in smbase: ext ='(\.model.*)', smbase).group(0) elif deconvolver == 'mtmfs': ext = "{0}".format(ttn) ttn += 1 else: ext = ".model" modim = os.path.join(smdir, imagename+ext) sm_modim_map.append([sm, modim]) # check if both startmodel is set and imagename.model exists # Note: this check should be unneccessary (should be done in cpp), but # current tests indicate that cpp code does not catch this case. if os.path.exists(modim): raise RuntimeError("Internal Error: imagename.model already exists! Either parameter startmodel must not be set ('') or imagename.model ({0}) must not exist.".format(modim) + os.linesep+"\tEither unset startmodel or remove {0} to continue".format(modim)) return sm_modim_map def deconvolve( ####### Data Selection imagename,#='', startmodel,#='', ####### Deconvolution parameters deconvolver,#='hogbom', scales,#=[], nterms,#=1, smallscalebias,#=0.0 ### restoration options restoration,#=True, restoringbeam,#=[], ##### Iteration control niter,#=0, gain,#=0.1, cyclethreshold,#=0.0, threshold,#=0.0, nsigma,#=0.0 cyclefactor,#=1.0, minpsffraction,#=0.1, maxpsffraction,#=0.8, interactive,#=False, fastnoise,#=True, ##### (new) Mask parameters usemask,#='user', mask,#='', pbmask,#='', ##### automask by multithresh sidelobethreshold,#=5.0, noisethreshold,#=3.0, lownoisethreshold,#=3.0, negativethreshold,#=0.0, smoothfactor,#=1.0, minbeamfrac,#=0.3, cutthreshold,#=0.01, growiterations,#=100 dogrowprune,#=True verbose): #=False """ Runs the minor cycle only of tclean. Most of this code is copied directly from tclean. """ cppparallel=False decon=None try: # discard empty start model strings if type(startmodel) is list: startmodel = list(filter(lambda v: len(v) > 0, startmodel)) # clean input inp=locals().copy() inp['msname'] = '' # -> no 'vis' parameter for minor cycle only inp['cycleniter'] = inp['niter'] inp['loopgain'] = inp.pop('gain') inp['scalebias'] = inp.pop('smallscalebias') ##################################################### #### Construct ImagerParameters ##################################################### # Make sure that we have all the necessary images and that the startmodel is valid. # Note: cpp code should check that .residual and .psf exist, but current tests indicate that it doesn't do that. check_requiredmask_exists(usemask, mask) check_requiredimgs_exist(imagename, inp) check_starmodel_model_collisions(startmodel, imagename, deconvolver) # make a list of parameters with defaults from tclean if is_python3: defparm=dict(list(zip(ImagerParameters.__init__.__code__.co_varnames[1:], ImagerParameters.__init__.__defaults__))) else: defparm=dict(zip(ImagerParameters.__init__.__func__.__code__.co_varnames[1:], ImagerParameters.__init__.func_defaults)) ## assign values to the ones passed to deconvolve and if not defined yet in deconvolve... ## assign them the default value of the constructor bparm={k: inp[k] if k in inp else defparm[k] for k in defparm.keys()} #========================================================= ####set the children to load c++ libraries and applicator ### make workers ready for c++ based mpicommands if deconvolver != 'mtmfs': # mtmfs isn't currently parallelized'.psf') isCube=ia.shape()[3] >1 # SynthesisDeconvolver::executeMinorCycle doesn't start mpi without more than one channel ia.done() if mpi_available and MPIEnvironment.is_mpi_enabled and isCube: mint=MPIInterface.MPIInterface() cl=mint.getCluster() if(is_CASA6): cl._cluster.pgc("from casatools import synthesisimager", False) cl._cluster.pgc("si=synthesisimager()", False) else: cl._cluster.pgc("from casac import casac", False) cl._cluster.pgc("si=casac.synthesisimager()", False) cl._cluster.pgc("si.initmpi()", False) cppparallel=True ###ignore chanchunk bparm['chanchunks']=1 ## create the parameters list help object paramList=ImagerParameters(**bparm) # Assign cyclethreshold explicitly, if set explicitly by the user if cyclethreshold != 0: cyclethreshold = cyclethreshold if (type(cyclethreshold) == str) else (str(cyclethreshold*1000)+'mJy') paramList.setIterPars({'cyclethreshold': cyclethreshold, 'cyclethresholdismutable': False}) else:"Calculating cyclethreshold based on current image, threshold, and other stopping criteria", "NORMAL") ##################################################### #### Run the minor cycle ##################################################### iterrec = False isit = 0 retrec = '' ## Setup Imager object decon = PyDeconvolver(params=paramList) ################################################# #### Setup ################################################# ## Init minor cycle elements # print("initializing deconvolver") t0=time.time(); decon.initializeDeconvolvers() ####now is the time to check estimated memory decon.estimatememory() ## setup iteration controller decon.initializeIterationControl() t1=time.time();"***Time for initializing deconvolver(s): "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_deconvolve"); ################################################# #### Exec ################################################# ## Set up the internal state of the iterater and automask # is this necessary? -> I think so ~bgb200731 isit = decon.hasConverged() decon.updateMask() isit = decon.hasConverged() # here in case updateMaskMinor() produces an all-false mask if not isit: # print("running minor cycle"); t0=time.time(); decon.runMinorCycle() t1=time.time();"***Time for minor cycle: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_deconvolve"); isit = decon.hasConverged() # get the convergence state, to report back to the calling code ## Get summary from iterbot if type(interactive) != bool: retrec=decon.getSummary(); ################################################# #### Teardown ################################################# ## Get records from iterbot, to be used in the next call to deconvolve iterrec = decon.getIterRecords() # TODO this restoration step is now in at least three different tasks (sdintimaging, tclean, deconvolve). Should it be moved into common code somewhere? ## Restore images. if restoration==True: t0=time.time(); decon.restoreImages() t1=time.time();"***Time for restoring images: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_deconvolve"); ##close tools decon.deleteTools() except Exception as e:'Exception from deconvolve : ' + str(e), "SEVERE", "deconvolve") larg = list(e.args) larg[0] = 'Exception from deconvolve : ' + str(larg[0]) e.args = tuple(larg) raise finally: if decon != None: decon.deleteTools() if(cppparallel): ###release workers back to python mpi control si=synthesisimager() si.releasempi() # Write history at the end, when hopefully all temp files are gone from disk, # so they won't be picked up. They need time to disappear on NFS or slow hw. # Copied from tclean. try: params = get_func_params(deconvolve, locals()) write_tclean_history(imagename, 'deconvolve', params, casalog) except Exception as exc:"Error updating history (logtable): {} ".format(exc),'WARN') return { 'iterrec': iterrec, 'isit': isit, 'retrec': retrec }