from __future__ import absolute_import import os import copy import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict # get is_CASA6 and is_python3 from casatasks.private.casa_transition import * if is_CASA6: from casatasks import casalog from casatools import ms, quanta, table, agentflagger from .mstools import write_history from . import flaghelper as fh qalocal = quanta( ) tblocal = table( ) else: from taskinit import casalog, casac, qa, tb from mstools import write_history import flaghelper as fh # naked tool constructors ala CASA6 agentflagger = casac.agentflagger ms = # not really local qalocal = qa tblocal = tb # common function to use to get a dictionary item iterator if is_python3: def lociteritems(adict): return adict.items() else: def lociteritems(adict): return adict.iteritems() def flagcmd( vis=None, inpmode=None, inpfile=None, tablerows=None, reason=None, useapplied=None, tbuff=None, ants=None, action=None, flagbackup=None, clearall=None, rowlist=None, plotfile=None, savepars=None, outfile=None, overwrite=None ): # # Task flagcmd # Reads flag commands from file or string and applies to MS try: from xml.dom import minidom except Exception as exc: raise ImportError('Failed to load xml.dom.minidom into python: {}'.format(exc)) casalog.origin('flagcmd') aflocal = agentflagger() mslocal = ms() mslocal2 = ms() try: # Use a default ntime to open the MS. The user-set ntime will be # used in the tool later ntime = 0.0 # Open the MS and attach it to the tool if (type(vis) == str) & os.path.exists(vis):, ntime) else: raise ValueError( 'Visibility data set not found - please verify the name' ) # Check if vis is a cal table: # typevis = 1 --> cal table # typevis = 0 --> MS # typevis = 2 --> MMS iscal = False typevis = fh.isCalTable(vis) if typevis == 1: iscal = True if action != 'apply' and action != 'list': raise ValueError( 'Unsupported action for cal tables. Only apply and list are supported.' ) if inpmode == 'table' and isinstance(inpfile, str) and inpfile == '': raise ValueError( 'inpmode=\'table\' needs an MS as inpfile' ) flagcmds = {} if inpmode == 'table' and fh.isCalTable(inpfile) == 0: # Read flag cmds from the MS flagcmds = readCalCmds(vis, inpfile, [], tablerows, reason, useapplied) listmode = 'cmd' elif inpmode == 'list': # Read flag cmds from a list flagcmds = readCalCmds(vis, '', inpfile, [], reason, True) listmode = '' else: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported inpmode for cal tables' ) # Apply flag cmds if len(flagcmds.keys( )) == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'There are no unapplied flags in the input. '\ 'Set useapplied=True to also use the previously-applied flags.' ) # List flags on the screen/logger if action == 'list':'Executing action = list') listFlagCmd(myflags=flagcmds, myoutfile='', listmode=listmode) elif action == 'apply':'Executing action = apply') applyCalCmds(aflocal, vis, flagcmds, tablerows, flagbackup, outfile) # Save the flag cmds to an output file if savepars: if not overwrite and os.path.exists(outfile): raise ValueError( 'You have set overwrite to False. Remove %s before saving the flag commands'%outfile ) fh.writeFlagCommands(vis, flagcmds, False, '', outfile, False) else: # Input vis is an MS # Get overall MS time range for later use (if needed) timd = mslocal2.range(['time']) mslocal2.close() if len(timd) != 0: ms_startmjds = timd['time'][0] ms_endmjds = timd['time'][1] t = qalocal.quantity(ms_startmjds, 's') t1sdata = t['value'] ms_starttime = qalocal.time(t, form='ymd', prec=9)[0][0] t = qalocal.quantity(ms_endmjds, 's') t2sdata = t['value'] ms_endtime = qalocal.time(t, form='ymd', prec=9)[0] # NOTE: could also use values from OBSERVATION table col TIME_RANGE'MS spans timerange ' + ms_starttime + ' to ' + ms_endtime) myflagcmd = {} if action == 'clear':'Action "clear" will disregard inpmode (no reading)') # Clear flag commands from FLAG_CMD in vis msfile = vis if clearall:'Deleting all rows from FLAG_CMD in MS ' + msfile) clearFlagCmd(msfile, myrowlist=rowlist) else:'Safety Mode: you chose not to set clearall=True, no action' ) return elif inpmode == 'table':'Reading from FLAG_CMD table') # Read from FLAG_CMD table into command list if inpfile == '': msfile = vis else: msfile = inpfile myflagcmd = readFromTable( msfile, myflagrows=tablerows, useapplied=useapplied, myreason=reason) listmode = 'table' elif inpmode == 'list': if action == 'unapply':"The unapply action can only be used with inpmode='table'",'WARN')"Save the commands to the FLAG_CMD table before using unapply",'WARN') raise ValueError( "Unsupported action='unapply' for inpmode='list'" ) # ##### TO DO: take time ranges calculation into account ?????? # Parse the input file try: # Input commands are given in a list if isinstance(inpfile, list): # It is a list of input files if os.path.isfile(inpfile[0]): flaglist = [] for ifile in inpfile:'Will read commands from the file '+ifile) flaglist = flaglist + fh.readFile(ifile) myflagcmd = fh.parseDictionary(flaglist, reason) # It is a list of strings with flag commands else:'Will read commands from a Python list') myflagcmd = fh.parseDictionary(inpfile, reason) listmode = '' # Input commands are given in a file elif isinstance(inpfile, str): if inpfile == '':'Input file is empty', 'ERROR')'Will read commands from the file '+inpfile) flaglist = fh.readFile(inpfile)'%s'%flaglist,'DEBUG') myflagcmd = fh.parseDictionary(flaglist, reason) listmode = 'file' else:'Input type is not supported', 'ERROR') listmode = 'list''%s'%myflagcmd,'DEBUG1') except Exception as instance: raise Exception( 'Error reading the input list: {} '.format(instance)) elif inpmode == 'xml':'Reading from Flag.xml') if action == 'unapply':"The unapply action can only be used with inpmode='table' or 'list';'",'WARN')"save the commands to the FLAG_CMD table before using unapply.",'WARN') raise ValueError( "Unsupported action='unapply' for inpmode='xml'" ) # Read from Flag.xml (also needs Antenna.xml) if inpfile == '': flagtable = vis else: flagtable = inpfile # Actually parse table. Fail if Flag.xml or Antenna.xml is not found try: myflags = fh.parseXML(flagtable, mytbuff=tbuff) except Exception as exc: raise RuntimeError('Error while parsing XML: {}'.format(exc))'%s' % myflags, 'DEBUG') # Construct flags per antenna, selecting by reason if desired if ants != '' or reason != 'any': myflagcmd = selectXMLFlags(myflags, myantenna=ants,myreason=reason) else: myflagcmd = myflags # listmode = 'online' listmode = 'xml' else: raise ValueError( 'Input type is not supported' ) # Before performing any action on the flag cmds, check them! vrows = list(myflagcmd.keys()) if len(vrows) == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'There are no unapplied flags in the input. Set useapplied=True to also use the previously-applied flags.' ) else:'Read ' + str(len(vrows)) + ' lines from input')'Flagcmd dictionary is: %s'%myflagcmd, 'DEBUG1') # # ACTION to perform on input file #'Executing action = ' + action) # List the flag commands from inpfile on the screen # and save them or not to outfile if action == 'list': # List the flag cmds on the screen listFlagCommands(myflagcmd, listmode=listmode) # Save the flag cmds to the outfile if savepars: # These cmds came from the internal FLAG_CMD, only list on the screen if outfile == '': if inpmode == 'table' and inpfile == '': pass else:'Saving commands to FLAG_CMD') fh.writeFlagCommands(vis, myflagcmd, False, '', '', True) elif not overwrite and os.path.exists(outfile): raise RuntimeError( 'You have set overwrite to False. Remove %s before saving the flag commands'%outfile ) else:'Saving commands to ' + outfile) fh.writeFlagCommands(vis, myflagcmd, False, '', outfile, False) elif action == 'apply' or action == 'unapply': # Apply/Unapply the flag commands to the data apply = True # Select the data # Select a loose union of the data selection from the list. # The loose union will be calculated for field and spw only. # Antenna, correlation and timerange should be handled by the agent unionpars = {} # if len(vrows) > 1: # unionpars = fh.parseUnion(vis, myflagcmd) # if len(unionpars.keys()) > 0: #'Pre-selecting a subset of the MS: ') #'%s' % unionpars) # else: #'Iterating through the entire MS') # elif len(vrows) == 1: if len(vrows) == 1: # Get all the selection parameters, but set correlation to '' # if the table was selected by row, we need to # know what is the key number in the dictionary cmd0 = myflagcmd[vrows[0]]['command'] unionpars = fh.parseSelectionPars(cmd0)'The selected subset of the MS will be: ')'%s' % unionpars) aflocal.selectdata(unionpars) # Parse the agents parameters if action == 'unapply': apply = False'Parse the parameters for the agents') fh.parseAgents(aflocal, myflagcmd, [], apply, True, '') # Initialize the Agents aflocal.init() # Backup the flags before running if flagbackup: fh.backupFlags(aflocal, msfile='', prename='flagcmd') # Run the tool aflocal.done() # Update the APPLIED column if savepars: # These flags came from internal FLAG_CMD. Always update APPLIED if outfile == '': if inpmode == 'table' and inpfile == '': updateTable(vis, mycol='APPLIED', myval=apply, myrowlist=vrows) else: # save to FLAG_CMD'Saving commands to FLAG_CMD') fh.writeFlagCommands(vis, myflagcmd, apply, '', '', True) # Save to a file else: # Still need to update APPLIED column if inpmode == 'table' and inpfile == '': updateTable(vis, mycol='APPLIED', myval=apply, myrowlist=vrows) if not overwrite and os.path.exists(outfile): raise RuntimeError( 'You have set overwrite to False. Remove %s before saving the flag commands'%outfile ) else:'Saving commands to file '+ outfile) fh.writeFlagCommands(vis, myflagcmd, apply, '', outfile, False) # Do not save cmds but maybe update APPLIED else: if inpmode == 'table' and inpfile == '': updateTable(vis, mycol='APPLIED', myval=apply, myrowlist=vrows) elif action == 'plot': keylist = myflagcmd.keys() if len(keylist) > 0: # Plot flag commands from FLAG_CMD or xml'Warning: will only reliably plot individual per-antenna flags' ) fns = newplotflags(myflagcmd, plotfile, t1sdata, t2sdata) return {'plotfiles': fns} else:'Warning: empty flag dictionary, nothing to plot' ) elif action == 'extract': # Make the command dictionary a string again outdict = copy.deepcopy(myflagcmd) for key in myflagcmd.keys(): cmddict = myflagcmd[key]['command'] cmdline = "" for k,v in lociteritems(cmddict): cmdline = cmdline + k + '=' + str(v) + ' ' cmdline.rstrip() outdict[key]['command'] = cmdline'Returning extracted dictionary') return outdict finally: aflocal.done() # Write history only to action='apply' or 'unapply' # write history if not iscal and (action == 'apply' or action == 'unapply'): try: param_names = flagcmd.__code__.co_varnames[:flagcmd.__code__.co_argcount] if is_python3: vars = locals( ) param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] else: param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names] write_history(mslocal, vis, 'flagcmd', param_names, param_vals, casalog) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN') # ************************************************************************ # Helper Functions # ************************************************************************ def readFromTable( msfile, myflagrows=[], useapplied=True, myreason='any', ): '''Read flag commands from rows of the FLAG_CMD table of msfile If useapplied=False then include only rows with APPLIED=False If myreason is anything other than '', then select on that''' # # Return flagcmd structure: # # The flagcmd key is the integer row number from FLAG_CMD # # Dictionary structure: # key : 'id' (string) # 'mode' (string) flag mode '','clip','shadow','quack' # 'antenna' (string) # 'timerange' (string) # 'reason' (string) # 'time' (float) in mjd seconds # 'interval' (float) in mjd seconds # 'cmd' (string) string (for COMMAND col in FLAG_CMD) # 'type' (string) 'FLAG' / 'UNFLAG' # 'applied' (bool) set to True here on read-in # 'level' (int) set to 0 here on read-in # 'severity' (int) set to 0 here on read-in # Open and read columns from FLAG_CMD mstable = os.path.join(msfile,'FLAG_CMD') # Note, tb.getcol doesn't allow random row access, read all try: f_time = tblocal.getcol('TIME') f_interval = tblocal.getcol('INTERVAL') f_type = tblocal.getcol('TYPE') f_reas = tblocal.getcol('REASON') f_level = tblocal.getcol('LEVEL') f_severity = tblocal.getcol('SEVERITY') f_applied = tblocal.getcol('APPLIED') f_cmd = tblocal.getcol('COMMAND') tblocal.close() except:'Error reading table ' + mstable, 'ERROR') raise Exception nrows = len(f_time) myreaslist = [] # Parse myreason if type(myreason) == str: if myreason != 'any': myreaslist.append(myreason) elif type(myreason) == list: myreaslist = myreason else:'Cannot read reason; it contains unknown variable types' , 'ERROR') return myflagcmd = {} if nrows > 0: nflagd = 0 if len(myflagrows) > 0: rowlist = myflagrows else: rowlist = list(range(nrows)) # Prune rows if needed if not useapplied: rowl = [] for i in rowlist: if not f_applied[i]: rowl.append(i) rowlist = rowl if len(myreaslist) > 0: rowl = [] for i in rowlist: if myreaslist.count(f_reas[i]) > 0: rowl.append(i) rowlist = rowl # Define the way to parse the strings myParser = fh.Parser(' ', '=') for i in rowlist: flagd = {} cmd = f_cmd[i] if cmd == '':'Ignoring empty COMMAND string', 'WARN') continue # Extract antenna and timerange strings from cmd flagd['id'] = str(i) flagd['antenna'] = '' flagd['mode'] = '' flagd['timerange'] = '' flagd['time'] = f_time[i] flagd['interval'] = f_interval[i] flagd['type'] = f_type[i] flagd['reason'] = f_reas[i] flagd['level'] = f_level[i] flagd['severity'] = f_severity[i] flagd['applied'] = f_applied[i] # If shadow, remove the addantenna dictionary if cmd.__contains__('shadow') \ and cmd.__contains__('addantenna'): i0 = cmd.rfind('addantenna') if cmd[i0 + 11] == '{': # It is a dictionary. Remove it from line i1 = cmd.rfind('}') antpar = cmd[i0 + 11:i1 + 1] temp = cmd[i0:i1 + 1] newcmd = cmd.replace(temp, '') antpardict = fh.convertStringToDict(antpar) flagd['addantenna'] = antpardict cmd = newcmd # Get a dictionary without type evaluation preparsing = myParser.parseNoEval(cmd) # Evaluate the types into a new dictionary parsed = fh.evaluateParameters(preparsing) flagd['command'] = parsed if 'mode' in parsed: flagd['mode'] = parsed['mode'] if 'timerange' in parsed: flagd['timerange'] = parsed['timerange'] if 'antenna' in parsed: flagd['antenna'] = parsed['antenna'] if 'id' in parsed: flagd['id'] = parsed['id'] # Keep original key index, might need this later myflagcmd[i] = flagd nflagd += 1 else:'FLAG_CMD table in %s is empty, no flags extracted' % msfile, 'WARN') return myflagcmd def readFromCmd(cmdlist, ms_startmjds, ms_endmjds): '''Read the parameters from a list of commands''' # Read a list of strings and return a dictionary of parameters myflagd = {} nrows = len(cmdlist) if nrows == 0:'WARNING: empty flag command list', 'WARN') return myflagd t = qalocal.quantity(ms_startmjds, 's') ms_startdate = qalocal.time(t, form=['ymd', 'no_time'])[0] t0 = qalocal.totime(ms_startdate + '/00:00:00.0') # t0d = qalocal.convert(t0,'d') t0s = qalocal.convert(t0, 's') ncmds = 0 for i in range(nrows): cmdstr = cmdlist[i] # break string into key=val sets keyvlist = cmdstr.split() if len(keyvlist) > 0: ant = '' timstr = '' tim = 0.5 * (ms_startmjds + ms_endmjds) intvl = ms_endmjds - ms_startmjds reas = '' cmd = '' fid = str(i) typ = 'FLAG' appl = False levl = 0 sevr = 0 fmode = '' for keyv in keyvlist: # check for comment character # if keyv.count('#') > 0: # break out of loop parsing keyvals break try: (xkey, val) = keyv.split('=') except:'Not a key=val pair: ' + keyv, 'WARN') break xval = val # Use eval to deal with conversion from string # xval = eval(val) # strip quotes from value (if still a string) if type(xval) == str: if xval.count("'") > 0: xval = xval.strip("'") if xval.count('"') > 0: xval = xval.strip('"') # Strip these out of command string if xkey == 'reason': reas = xval elif xkey == 'applied': appl = False if xval == 'True': appl = True elif xkey == 'level': levl = int(xval) elif xkey == 'severity': sevr = int(xval) elif xkey == 'time': tim = xval elif xkey == 'interval': intvl = xval else: # Extract (but keep in string) if xkey == 'timerange': timstr = xval # Extract TIME,INTERVAL try: (startstr, endstr) = timstr.split('~') except: if timstr.count('~') == 0: #'Assuming a single start time ') startstr = timstr endstr = timstr else: raise Exception("too may ~'s. Not a start~end range. Error " "parsing " + timstr ) t = qalocal.totime(startstr) starts = qalocal.convert(t, 's') if starts['value'] < 1.E6: # assume a time offset from ref starts = qalocal.add(t0s, starts) startmjds = starts['value'] if endstr == '': endstr = startstr t = qalocal.totime(endstr) ends = qalocal.convert(t, 's') if ends['value'] < 1.E6: # assume a time offset from ref ends = qalocal.add(t0s, ends) endmjds = ends['value'] tim = 0.5 * (startmjds + endmjds) intvl = endmjds - startmjds elif xkey == 'antenna': ant = xval elif xkey == 'id': fid = xval elif xkey == 'unflag': if xval == 'True': typ = 'UNFLAG' elif xkey == 'mode': fmode = xval cmd = cmd + ' ' + keyv # Done parsing keyvals # Make sure there is a non-blank command string after reason/id extraction if cmd != '': flagd = {} flagd['id'] = fid flagd['mode'] = fmode flagd['antenna'] = ant flagd['timerange'] = timstr flagd['reason'] = reas flagd['command'] = cmd flagd['time'] = tim flagd['interval'] = intvl flagd['type'] = typ flagd['level'] = levl flagd['severity'] = sevr flagd['applied'] = appl # Insert into main dictionary myflagd[ncmds] = flagd ncmds += 1'Parsed ' + str(ncmds) + ' flag command strings') return myflagd def readFromFile( cmdlist, ms_startmjds, ms_endmjds, myreason='', ): '''Parse list of flag command strings and return dictionary of flagcmds Inputs: cmdlist (list,string) list of command strings (default for TIME,INTERVAL) ms_startmjds (float) starting mjd (sec) of MS (default for TIME,INTERVAL) ms_endmjds (float) ending mjd (sec) of MS''' # # Usage: myflagcmd = getflags(cmdlist) # # Dictionary structure: # fid : 'id' (string) # 'mode' (string) flag mode '','clip','shadow','quack' # 'antenna' (string) # 'timerange' (string) # 'reason' (string) # 'time' (float) in mjd seconds # 'interval' (float) in mjd seconds # 'cmd' (string) string (for COMMAND col in FLAG_CMD) # 'type' (string) 'FLAG' / 'UNFLAG' # 'applied' (bool) set to True here on read-in # 'level' (int) set to 0 here on read-in # 'severity' (int) set to 0 here on read-in # # v3.2 Updated STM 2010-12-03 (3.2.0) handle comments # again # v3.2 Updated STM 2010-12-08 (3.2.0) bug fixes in flagsort use, parsing # v3.3 Updated STM 2010-12-20 (3.2.0) bug fixes parsing errors # myflagd = {} nrows = len(cmdlist) if nrows == 0:'WARNING: empty flag command list', 'WARN') return myflagd # Parse the reason reasonlist = [] if type(myreason) == str: if myreason != '': reasonlist.append(myreason) elif type(myreason) == list: reasonlist = myreason else:'Cannot read reason; it contains unknown variable types' , 'ERROR') return t = qalocal.quantity(ms_startmjds, 's') ms_startdate = qalocal.time(t, form=['ymd', 'no_time'])[0] t0 = qalocal.totime(ms_startdate + '/00:00:00.0') # t0d = qalocal.convert(t0,'d') t0s = qalocal.convert(t0, 's') rowlist = [] # IMPLEMENT THIS LATER # First select by reason. Simple selection... # if len(reasonlist) > 0: # for i in range(nrows): # cmdstr = cmdlist[i] # keyvlist = cmdstr.split() # if len(keyvlist) > 0: # for keyv in keyvlist: # (xkey, xval) = keyv.split('=') # # if type(xval) == str: # if xval.count("'") > 0: # xval = xval.strip("'") # if xval.count('"') > 0: # xval = xval.strip('"') # # if xkey == 'reason': # if reasonlist.count(xval) > 0 # else: rowlist = list(range(nrows)) # Now read the only the commands from the file that satisfies the reason selection ncmds = 0 # for i in range(nrows): for i in rowlist: cmdstr = cmdlist[i] # break string into key=val sets keyvlist = cmdstr.split() if len(keyvlist) > 0: ant = '' timstr = '' tim = 0.5 * (ms_startmjds + ms_endmjds) intvl = ms_endmjds - ms_startmjds reas = '' cmd = '' fid = str(i) typ = 'FLAG' appl = False levl = 0 sevr = 0 fmode = '' for keyv in keyvlist: # check for comment character # if keyv.count('#') > 0: # break out of loop parsing keyvals break try: (xkey, val) = keyv.split('=') except:'Not a key=val pair: ' + keyv, "WARN") break xval = val # Use eval to deal with conversion from string # xval = eval(val) # strip quotes from value (if still a string) if type(xval) == str: if xval.count("'") > 0: xval = xval.strip("'") if xval.count('"') > 0: xval = xval.strip('"') # Strip these out of command string if xkey == 'reason': reas = xval elif xkey == 'applied': appl = False if xval == 'True': appl = True elif xkey == 'level': levl = int(xval) elif xkey == 'severity': sevr = int(xval) elif xkey == 'time': tim = xval elif xkey == 'interval': intvl = xval else: # Extract (but keep in string) if xkey == 'timerange': timstr = xval # Extract TIME,INTERVAL try: (startstr, endstr) = timstr.split('~') except: if timstr.count('~') == 0: #'Assuming a single start time ') startstr = timstr endstr = timstr else: raise Exception( "too may ~'s. Not a start~end range. Error " "parsing " + timstr ) t = qalocal.totime(startstr) starts = qalocal.convert(t, 's') if starts['value'] < 1.E6: # assume a time offset from ref starts = qalocal.add(t0s, starts) startmjds = starts['value'] if endstr == '': endstr = startstr t = qalocal.totime(endstr) ends = qalocal.convert(t, 's') if ends['value'] < 1.E6: # assume a time offset from ref ends = qalocal.add(t0s, ends) endmjds = ends['value'] tim = 0.5 * (startmjds + endmjds) intvl = endmjds - startmjds elif xkey == 'antenna': ant = xval elif xkey == 'id': fid = xval elif xkey == 'unflag': if xval == 'True': typ = 'UNFLAG' elif xkey == 'mode': fmode = xval cmd = cmd + ' ' + keyv # Done parsing keyvals # Make sure there is a non-blank command string after reason/id extraction if cmd != '': flagd = {} flagd['id'] = fid flagd['mode'] = fmode flagd['antenna'] = ant flagd['timerange'] = timstr flagd['reason'] = reas flagd['command'] = cmd flagd['time'] = tim flagd['interval'] = intvl flagd['type'] = typ flagd['level'] = levl flagd['severity'] = sevr flagd['applied'] = appl # Insert into main dictionary myflagd[ncmds] = flagd ncmds += 1'Parsed ' + str(ncmds) + ' flag command strings') return myflagd def updateTable( msfile, mycol='', myval=None, myrowlist=[], ): '''Update commands in myrowlist of the FLAG_CMD table of msfile Usage: updateflagcmd(msfile,myrow,mycol,myval)''' # Example: # # updateflagcmd(msfile,mycol='APPLIED',myval=True) # Mark all rows as APPLIED=True # # updateflagcmd(msfile,mycol='APPLIED',myval=True,myrowlist=[0,1,2]) # Mark rows 0,1,2 as APPLIED=True # if mycol == '':'WARNING: No column to was specified to update; doing nothing' , 'WARN') return # Open and read columns from FLAG_CMD mstable = os.path.join(msfile,'FLAG_CMD') try:, nomodify=False) except: raise Exception( 'Error opening table ' + mstable ) nrows = int(tblocal.nrows()) # Check against allowed colnames colnames = tblocal.colnames() if colnames.count(mycol) < 1:'Error: column mycol=' + mycol + ' not one of: ' + str(colnames)) return nlist = len(myrowlist) if nlist > 0: rowlist = myrowlist else: rowlist = list(range(nrows)) nlist = nrows if nlist > 0: try: tblocal.putcell(mycol, rowlist, myval) except: raise Exception( 'Error updating FLAG_CMD column ' + mycol \ + ' to value ' + str(myval) )'Updated ' + str(nlist) + ' rows of FLAG_CMD table in MS') tblocal.close() def listFlagCommands(myflags=None, listmode=''): '''List flags from MS or a file. The flags are read from a dictionary created by fh.parseDictionary() Format according to listmode: ='' do nothing ='list' Format for flag command strings ='table' Format for FLAG_CMD flags ='xml' Format for online flags''' # # Dictionary structure: # fid : 'id' (string) # 'mode' (string) flag mode '','clip','shadow','quack' # 'antenna' (string) # 'timerange' (string) # 'reason' (string) # 'time' (float) in mjd seconds # 'interval' (float) in mjd seconds # 'cmd' (string) string (for COMMAND col in FLAG_CMD) # 'type' (string) 'FLAG' / 'UNFLAG' # 'applied' (bool) # 'level' (int) # 'severity' (int) # # list to logger and screen if listmode == 'table': phdr = '%-8s %-32s %-7s %s' % ( 'Row', 'Reason', 'Applied', 'Command' ) mydash=80*'-''%-80s'%mydash) for k in myflags.keys(): # time = myflags[k]['TIME'] row = myflags[k]['id'] reason = myflags[k]['reason'] applied = myflags[k]['applied'] cmddict = myflags[k]['command'] cmdline = "" for key,val in lociteritems(cmddict): cmdstr = "" if isinstance(val, str): # Add quotes to string values cmdstr = "'"+val+"'" val = cmdstr cmdline = cmdline + key + '=' + str(val) + ' ' # Print to logger pstr = '%-8s %-32s %-7s %s' % ( row, reason,applied,cmdline) elif listmode == 'list': phdr = '%-8s %-32s %s' % ('Key', 'Reason', 'Command') mydash=80*'-''%-80s'%mydash) for k in myflags.keys(): cmddict = myflags[k]['command'] reason = myflags[k]['reason'] if 'reason' in cmddict: cmddict.pop('reason') cmdline = "" for key,val in lociteritems(cmddict): cmdstr = "" if isinstance(val, str): # Add quotes to string values cmdstr = "'"+val+"'" val = cmdstr cmdline = cmdline + key + '=' + str(val) + ' ' # Print to logger pstr = '%-8s %-32s %s' % (k, reason, cmdline) elif listmode == 'xml': phdr = '%-8s %-8s %-48s %-32s' % ('Key', 'Antenna', 'Timerange', 'Reason') mydash=80*'-''%-80s'%mydash) for k in myflags.keys(): reason = '' antenna = '' timerange = '' cmddict = myflags[k] if 'reason' in cmddict: reason = cmddict['reason'] if 'antenna' in cmddict: antenna = cmddict['antenna'] if 'timerange' in cmddict: timerange = cmddict['timerange'] pstr = '%-8s %-8s %-48s %-32s' % (k, antenna,timerange,reason) return def listFlagCmd( myflags=None, myantenna='', myreason='', myoutfile='', listmode='', ): '''List flags in myflags dictionary Format according to listmode: ='' do nothing ='file' Format for flag command strings ='cmd' Format for FLAG_CMD flags ='online' Format for online flags''' # # Dictionary structure: # fid : 'id' (string) # 'mode' (string) flag mode '','clip','shadow','quack' # 'antenna' (string) # 'timerange' (string) # 'reason' (string) # 'time' (float) in mjd seconds # 'interval' (float) in mjd seconds # 'cmd' (string) string (for COMMAND col in FLAG_CMD) # 'type' (string) 'FLAG' / 'UNFLAG' # 'applied' (bool) # 'level' (int) # 'severity' (int) # useid = False if myoutfile != '': try: lfout = open(myoutfile, 'w') except: raise Exception( 'Error opening list output file ' \ + myoutfile ) keylist = myflags.keys() if len(keylist) == 0:'There are no flags to list', 'WARN') return # Sort keys # keylist.sort # Set up any selection if myantenna != '':'Selecting flags by antenna="' + str(myantenna) + '"') myantlist = myantenna.split(',') if myreason != '':'Selecting flags by reason="' + str(myreason) + '"' ) myreaslist = myreason.split(',') if listmode == 'online': phdr = '%8s %12s %8s %32s %48s' % ('Key', 'FlagID', 'Antenna', 'Reason', 'Timerange') elif listmode == 'cmd': phdr = '%8s %45s %32s %6s %7s %3s %3s %s' % ( 'Row', 'Timerange', 'Reason', 'Type', 'Applied', 'Level', 'Severity', 'Command', ) elif listmode == 'file': phdr = '%8s %32s %s' % ('Key', 'Reason', 'Command') else: return if myoutfile != '': # list to output file lfout.write(phdr + '\n') else: # list to logger # Loop over flags for key in keylist: fld = myflags[key] # Get fields skey = str(key) if 'id' in fld and useid: fid = fld['id'] else: fid = str(key) if 'antenna' in fld: ant = fld['antenna'] else: ant = 'Unset' if 'timerange' in fld: timr = fld['timerange'] else: timr = 'Unset' if 'reason' in fld: reas = fld['reason'] else: reas = 'Unset' if 'command' in fld: cmd = fld['command'] # To be verified # if 'addantenna' in fld: # addantenna = fld['addantenna'] # cmd = cmd + ' addantenna=' + str(addantenna) # else: # cmd = 'Unset' if 'type' in fld: typ = fld['type'] else: typ = 'FLAG' if 'level' in fld: levl = str(fld['level']) else: levl = '0' if 'severity' in fld: sevr = str(fld['severity']) else: sevr = '0' if 'applied' in fld: appl = str(fld['applied']) else: appl = 'Unset' # Print out listing if myantenna == '' or myantlist.count(ant) > 0: if myreason == '' or myreaslist.count(reas) > 0: if listmode == 'online': pstr = '%8s %12s %8s %32s %48s' % (skey, fid, ant, reas, timr) elif listmode == 'cmd': # Loop over dictionary with commands cmdline = "" for k,v in lociteritems(cmd): cmdline = cmdline + k + '=' + str(v) + ' ' cmdline = cmdline.rstrip() pstr = '%8s %45s %32s %6s %7s %3s %3s %s' % ( skey, timr, reas, typ, appl, levl, sevr, cmdline, ) else: cmdline = "" for k,v in lociteritems(cmd): cmdline = cmdline + k + '=' + str(v) + ' ' cmdline = cmdline.rstrip() pstr = '%8s %45s %32s %6s %7s %3s %3s %s' % ( skey, timr, reas, typ, appl, levl, sevr, cmdline, ) pstr = '%8s %32s %s' % (skey, reas, cmdline) if myoutfile != '': # list to output file lfout.write(pstr + '\n') else: # list to logger if myoutfile != '': lfout.close() def selectXMLFlags( myflags=None, myantenna='', myreason='any', ): # # Return dictionary of input flags using selection by antenna/reason # and grouped/sorted by flagsort. # # selectFlags: Return dictionary of flags using selection by antenna/reason # and grouped/sorted by flagsort. # myflags (dictionary) input flag dictionary (e.g. from readflagxml # myantenna (string) selection by antenna(s) # myreason (string) selection by reason(s) # # Usage: myflagd = selectFlags(myflags,antenna,reason) # # Dictionary structure: # fid : 'id' (string) # 'mode' (string) flag mode '','clip','shadow','quack','online' # 'antenna' (string) # 'timerange' (string) # 'reason' (string) # 'time' (float) in mjd seconds # 'interval' (float) in mjd seconds # 'cmd' (string) command string (for COMMAND col in FLAG_CMD) # 'type' (string) 'FLAG' / 'UNFLAG' # 'applied' (bool) set to True here on read-in # 'level' (int) set to 0 here on read-in # 'severity' (int) set to 0 here on read-in # # # # Check if any operation is needed if myantenna == '' and myreason == '':'No selection or sorting needed - sortflags returning input dictionary') flagd = myflags return flagd # flagd = {} nflagd = 0 keylist = myflags.keys()'Selecting from ' + str(len(keylist)) \ + ' flagging commands') if len(keylist) == 0:'No flags found in input dictionary') return myflags # # Sort by key # keylist.sort() # # Construct flag command list for selected ant,reason #'Selecting flags by antenna="' + str(myantenna) + '"') myantlist = myantenna.split(',')'Selecting flags by reason="' + str(myreason) + '"' ) myreaslist = [] # Parse myreason if type(myreason) == str: if myreason == '':'WARNING: reason= is treated as selection on a blank REASON!' , 'WARN') if myreason != 'any': myreaslist.append(myreason) elif type(myreason) == list: myreaslist = myreason else:'ERROR: reason contains unknown variable type' , 'SEVERE') return if len(myreaslist) > 0:'Selecting for reasons: ' + str(myreaslist)) # Note antenna and reason selection checks for inclusion not exclusivity doselect = myantenna != '' or len(myreaslist) > 0 # Now loop over flags, break into sorted and unsorted groups nunsortd = 0 unsortd = {} unsortdlist = [] # All flags are in unsorted list unsortd = myflags.copy() unsortdlist = unsortd.keys() nunsortd = len(unsortdlist) # selection on unsorted flags if doselect and nunsortd > 0: keylist = unsortd.keys() for key in keylist: myd = unsortd[key] ant = myd['antenna'] antlist = ant.split(',') reas = myd['reason'] reaslist = reas.split(',') # break this flag by antenna antstr = '' reastr = '' addf = False for a in antlist: if myantenna == '' or myantlist.count(a) > 0: addr = False if len(myreaslist) > 0: for r in myreaslist: if reas == r or reaslist.count(r) > 0: addr = True # check if this is a new reason rlist = reastr.split(',') if reastr != '': rlist = reastr.split(',') if rlist.count(r) == 0: reastr += ',' + r else: reastr = r else: addr = True reastr = reas if addr: addf = True if antstr != '': # check if this is a new antenna alist = antstr.split(',') if alist.count(a) == 0: antstr += ',' + a else: antstr = a if addf: flagd[nflagd] = myd flagd[nflagd]['antenna'] = antstr flagd[nflagd]['reason'] = reastr nflagd += 1 flagdlist = flagd.keys() elif nunsortd > 0: # just copy to flagd w/o selection flagd = unsortd.copy() flagdlist = flagd.keys() nflagd = len(flagdlist) if nflagd > 0:'Found total of ' + str(nflagd) + ' flags meeting selection criteria') else:'No flagging commands found meeting criteria') return flagd # Done def clearFlagCmd(msfile, myrowlist=[]): # # Delete flag commands (rows) from the FLAG_CMD table of msfile # # Open and read columns from FLAG_CMD mstable = os.path.join(msfile,'FLAG_CMD') try:, nomodify=False) except: raise Exception( 'Error opening table ' + mstable ) nrows = int(tblocal.nrows())'There were ' + str(nrows) + ' rows in FLAG_CMD') if nrows > 0: if len(myrowlist) > 0: rowlist = myrowlist else: rowlist = list(range(nrows)) try: tblocal.removerows(rowlist)'Deleted ' + str(len(rowlist)) + ' from FLAG_CMD table in MS') except: tblocal.close() raise Exception( 'Error removing rows ' + str(rowlist) \ + ' from table ' + mstable ) else:'No rows to clear') tblocal.close() def newplotflags( myflags, plotname, t1sdata, t2sdata, ): # # Function to plot flagging dictionary # Adapted from J.Marvil # Updated STM v4.1 2011-11-02 to handle ALMA flags # Updated STM v4.2 2012-02-16 trim flag times to data times # Updated STM v4.2 2012-04-10 bug fix in trim flag times to data times # Updated STM v4.2 2012-04-10 messages to logger # After the swig converstion, it seems that the following # line is not needed anymore # qa = = qatool = casac.quanta() try: import pylab as pl except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError('Failed to load pylab, required by flagcmd: {}'.format(exc)) # list of supported colors (in order) colorlist = [ 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'orange', ] ncolors = len(colorlist) # get list of flag keys keylist = myflags.keys() # get lists of antennas and reasons # make plotting dictionary myants = [] myreas = [] plotflag = {} ipf = 0 for key in keylist: antstr = myflags[key]['antenna'] reastr = myflags[key]['reason'] timstr = myflags[key]['timerange'] if antstr != '': # flags that have antenna specified antlist = antstr.split(',') nantlist = len(antlist) else: # Special antlist = ['All'] nantlist = 1 # realist = reastr.split(',') nrealist = len(realist) # timlist = timstr.split(',') ntimlist = len(timlist) # # Break these into nants x ntimes flags # Trick is assigning multiple reasons # Normal cases: # A. One reason, single/multiple antennas x times # B. Multiple reasons=times, single/multiple antenna(s) # C. Single time, multiple antennas/reasons # D. Multiple reasons, no way to correspond with times # timmin = 1.0E11 timmax = 0.0 if nrealist == 1: # simplest case, single reason reas = realist[0] if reas == '': reas = 'Unknown' if myreas.count(reas) == 0: myreas.append(reas) for ia in range(nantlist): ant = antlist[ia] if myants.count(ant) == 0: myants.append(ant) for it in range(ntimlist): times = timlist[it] plotflag[ipf] = {} plotflag[ipf]['antenna'] = ant plotflag[ipf]['reason'] = reas plotflag[ipf]['timerange'] = times plotflag[ipf]['show'] = True ipf += 1 elif nrealist == ntimlist: # corresponding reasons and times for ia in range(nantlist): ant = antlist[ia] if myants.count(ant) == 0: myants.append(ant) for it in range(ntimlist): times = timlist[it] reas = realist[it] if reas == '': reas = 'Unknown' if myreas.count(reas) == 0: myreas.append(reas) plotflag[ipf] = {} plotflag[ipf]['antenna'] = ant plotflag[ipf]['reason'] = reas plotflag[ipf]['timerange'] = times plotflag[ipf]['show'] = True ipf += 1 else: # no correspondence between multiple reasons and ants/times # assign reason 'Miscellaneous' reas = 'Miscellaneous' if myreas.count(reas) == 0: myreas.append(reas) for ia in range(nantlist): ant = antlist[ia] if myants.count(ant) == 0: myants.append(ant) for it in range(ntimlist): times = timlist[it] plotflag[ipf] = {} plotflag[ipf]['antenna'] = ant plotflag[ipf]['reason'] = reas plotflag[ipf]['timerange'] = times plotflag[ipf]['show'] = True ipf += 1 myants.sort() nants = len(myants) nreas = len(myreas)'Found ' + str(nreas) + ' reasons to plot for ' + str(nants) + ' antennas') npf = ipf'Found ' + str(npf) + ' total flag ranges to plot') # sort out times for ipf in range(npf): times = plotflag[ipf]['timerange'] if times != '': if times.count('~') > 0: t1 = times[:times.find('~')] t2 = times[times.find('~') + 1:] else: t1 = times t2 = t1 (t1s, t2s) = (qalocal.convert(t1, 's')['value'], qalocal.convert(t2, 's')['value']) plotflag[ipf]['t1s'] = t1s plotflag[ipf]['t2s'] = t2s if t1s < timmin: timmin = t1s if t2s > timmax: timmax = t2s # min,max times q1 = qalocal.quantity(timmin, 's') time1 = qalocal.time(q1, form='ymd', prec=9)[0] q2 = qalocal.quantity(timmax, 's') time2 = qalocal.time(q2, form='ymd', prec=9)[0]'Found flag times from ' + time1 + ' to ' + time2) # sort out blank times for ipf in range(npf): times = plotflag[ipf]['timerange'] if times == '': if t2sdata >= t1sdata > 0: plotflag[ipf]['t1s'] = t1sdata plotflag[ipf]['t2s'] = t2sdata else: plotflag[ipf]['t1s'] = timmin plotflag[ipf]['t2s'] = timmax # if flag times are beyond range of data, trim them # Added STM 2012-02-16, fixed STM 2012-04-10 ndropped = 0 if t2sdata >= t1sdata > 0 and (timmin < t1sdata or timmax > t2sdata): # min,max data times q1 = qalocal.quantity(t1sdata, 's') tdata1 = qalocal.time(q1, form='ymd', prec=9)[0] q2 = qalocal.quantity(t2sdata, 's') tdata2 = qalocal.time(q2, form='ymd', prec=9)[0]'WARNING: Trimming flag times to data limits ' + tdata1 + ' to ' + tdata2) for ipf in range(npf): t1s = plotflag[ipf]['t1s'] t2s = plotflag[ipf]['t2s'] if t1s < t1sdata: if t2s >= t1sdata: # truncate to t1sdata plotflag[ipf]['t1s'] = t1sdata else: # entirely outside data range, do not plot plotflag[ipf]['show'] = False ndropped += 1 if t2s > t2sdata: if t1s <= t2sdata: # truncate to t2sdata plotflag[ipf]['t2s'] = t2sdata else: # entirely outside data range, do not plot plotflag[ipf]['show'] = False ndropped += 1 if ndropped > 0:'WARNING: Trimming dropped ' + str(ndropped) + ' flags entirely') # make reason dictionary with mapping of colors and offsets (-0.3 to 0.3) readict = {} reakeys = [] if nreas > ncolors: for i in range(nreas): reas = myreas[i] readict[reas] = {} if i < ncolors - 1: colr = colorlist[i] readict[reas]['color'] = colr readict[reas]['index'] = i offs = 0.3 - float(i) * 0.6 / float(ncolors - 1) readict[reas]['offset'] = offs reakeys.append(reas) else: colr = colorlist[ncolors - 1] readict[reas]['color'] = colr readict[reas]['index'] = ncolors - 1 readict[reas]['offset'] = -0.3 reakeys.append('Other') readict['Other'] = {} readict['Other']['color'] = colorlist[ncolors - 1] readict['Other']['index'] = ncolors - 1 readict['Other']['offset'] = -0.3 else: for i in range(nreas): reas = myreas[i] reakeys.append(reas) colr = colorlist[i] offs = 0.3 - float(i) * 0.6 / float(ncolors - 1) readict[reas] = {} readict[reas]['color'] = colr readict[reas]['index'] = i readict[reas]['offset'] = offs nlegend = len(reakeys)'Will plot ' + str(nlegend) + ' reasons in legend') if plotname == '': pl.ion() else: pl.ioff() plotflagperant = defaultdict(list) for ipf, flag in lociteritems(plotflag): if not flag['show']: continue nflag = flag.copy() nflag['color'] = readict[flag['reason']]['color'] nflag['offset'] = readict[flag['reason']]['offset'] plotflagperant[flag['antenna']].append(nflag) nplotted = sum(len(x) for x in plotflagperant.values())'Plotted %d flags' % nplotted) figs = [] figsize = (8, 6) # maximum number of antennas per plot page (CAS-5187) antlimit = 28 if len(myants) <= antlimit: figs.append(pl.figure(figsize=figsize)) _plotants(figs[0], plotflagperant, myants, readict) else: # prefer DA on first page da = [x for x in myants if ('DA' in x) or ('CM' in x)] no_da = [x for x in myants if x not in da] # but limit to 28 antennas per figure if len(da) > antlimit: no_da.extend(da[antlimit:]) da = da[:antlimit] if da: figs.append(pl.figure(figsize=figsize)) _plotants(figs[-1], plotflagperant, da, readict) # stuff the rest on other figures while no_da: figs.append(pl.figure(figsize=figsize)) _plotants(figs[-1], plotflagperant, no_da[:antlimit], readict) no_da = no_da[antlimit:] filenames = [] if plotname == '': pl.draw() else: if len(figs) == 1: figs[0].savefig(plotname, dpi=150) filenames.append(plotname) else: fdirname = os.path.dirname(plotname) filename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(plotname)) for i, f in enumerate(figs): fn = '%s-%03d%s' % (os.path.join(fdirname, filename), i + 1, ext) filenames.append(fn) f.savefig(fn, dpi=150) return filenames def _plotants(figure, plotflagperant, antlist, readict_inp): """ plot flags of antennas Parameters ---------- figure : matplotlib figure plotflagperant: dict dictionary of antennas containing list of flag plot dictionaries antlist: dict list of antenna names to plot readict: list of reasons for the legend """ ax1 = figure.add_axes([.15, .1, .75, .85]) nants = len(antlist) readict = dict() used_reasons = set() # These style params can be critical to produce meaningful (or not too # misleading) plots (CAS-13100) style_params = {'alpha': .7, 'marker': '.', 'markersize': 1, 'linewidth': 1} for antind, thisant in enumerate(antlist): for flag in plotflagperant[thisant]: thisoffset = flag['offset'] + antind + 1 ax1.plot([flag['t1s'], flag['t2s']], [thisoffset] * 2, color=flag['color'], **style_params) used_reasons.add(flag['reason']) # remove reasons that are not needed for k, v in readict_inp.items(): if k in used_reasons: readict[k] = v myXlim = ax1.get_xlim() myXrange = myXlim[1] - myXlim[0] # Pad the time axis? PadTime = 0.050000000000000003 if PadTime > 0: xPad = PadTime * myXrange x0 = myXlim[0] - xPad x1 = myXlim[1] + xPad ax1.set_xlim(x0, x1) myXrange = x1 - x0 else: #' Rescaled x axis') x0 = myXlim[0] x1 = myXlim[1] legendFontSize = 12 myYupper = nants + len(readict) + 1.5 # place legend text x = x0 + 0.050000000000000003 * myXrange for i, reas in enumerate(readict.keys()): colr = readict[reas]['color'] ax1.text(x, i + nants + 1, reas, color=colr, size=legendFontSize) ax1.set_ylim([0, myYupper]) ax1.set_yticks(range(1, len(antlist) + 1)) ax1.set_yticklabels(antlist) #' Relabled y axis') nxticks = 3 ax1.set_xticks(np.linspace(myXlim[0], myXlim[1], nxticks)) mytime = [] myTimestr = [] for itim in range(nxticks): time = myXlim[0] + (myXlim[1] - myXlim[0]) * float(itim) \ / float(nxticks - 1) mytime.append(time) q1 = qalocal.quantity(time, 's') time1 = qalocal.time(q1, form='ymd', prec=9)[0] if itim > 0: time1s = time1[11:] else: time1s = time1 myTimestr.append(time1s) ax1.set_xticklabels(myTimestr) # def isModeValid(line): # '''Check if mode is valid based on a line # molinede --> line with strings # Returns True if mode is either one of the following: # '',manual,clip,quack,shadow,elevation ''' # # if line.__contains__('mode'): # if line.__contains__('manual') or line.__contains__('clip') \ # or line.__contains__('quack') or line.__contains__('shadow' # ) or line.__contains__('elevation'): # return True # else: # return False # # # No mode means manual # return True # #******************** CAL TABLE FUNCTIONS ************************** # def readCalCmds(caltable, msfile, flaglist, rows, reason, useapplied): '''Flag a cal table caltable cal table name msfile optional MS with flag cmds flagcmds list with flag cmds or [] when msfile is given reason select only flag cmds with this reason(s) useapplied select APPLIED true or false ''' myflagcmd = {} if msfile != '':'Reading flag cmds from FLAG_CMD table of MS') # Read only the selected rows for action = apply and myflagcmd = readFromTable(msfile, myflagrows=rows, useapplied=useapplied, myreason=reason) elif flaglist != []: # Parse the input file if isinstance(flaglist, list):'Reading from input list') cmdlist = flaglist'Input ' + str(len(cmdlist)) + ' lines from input list') # Make a FLAG_CMD compatible dictionary and select by reason myflagcmd = fh.parseDictionary(cmdlist, reason, False) elif isinstance(flaglist, str):'Reading from input file '+flaglist) cmdlist = fh.readFile(flaglist) # Make a FLAG_CMD compatible dictionary and select by reason myflagcmd = fh.parseDictionary(cmdlist, reason, False) else:'Unsupported inpfile type', 'ERROR') return myflagcmd def applyCalCmds(aflocal, caltable, myflagcmd, tablerows, flagbackup, outfile): # Get the list of parameters cmdkeys = list(myflagcmd.keys()) # Select the data selpars = {} if len(cmdkeys) == 1: # Get all the selection parameters, but set correlation to '' cmd0 = myflagcmd[cmdkeys[0]]['command'] selpars = fh.parseSelectionPars(cmd0)'The selected subset of the MS will be: ')'%s' % selpars) aflocal.selectdata(selpars) fh.parseAgents(aflocal, myflagcmd, [], True, True, '') # Initialize the Agents aflocal.init() # Backup the flags before running if flagbackup: fh.backupFlags(aflocal, msfile='', prename='flagcmd') # Run the tool, True) aflocal.done()