from __future__ import absolute_import import os import shutil import string import copy import math # get is_CASA6 and is_python3 from casatasks.private.casa_transition import * if is_CASA6: from casatasks import casalog from casatools import ms, mstransformer from .parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper from . import flaghelper as fh from .mstools import write_history else: from taskinit import mttool, mstool, casalog from mstools import write_history from parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper import flaghelper as fh ms = mstool mstransformer = mttool def partition(vis, outputvis, createmms, separationaxis, numsubms, flagbackup, # only for MMS datacolumn, field, spw, scan, antenna, correlation, timerange, intent, array, uvrange, observation, feed, disableparallel, # HIDDEN parameter to create an MMS in sequential ddistart, # HIDDEN parameter to be used when merging sub-tables taql # HIDDEN parameter to be used for balanced partition schema ): """Create a multi visibility set from an existing visibility set: Keyword arguments: vis -- Name of input visibility file (MS) default: none; example: vis='' outputvis -- Name of output visibility file (MS) default: none; example: outputvis='' createmms -- Boolean flag if we're creating Multi MS default: True separationaxis -- what axis do we intend to split on. default = 'auto' Options: 'scan','spw','auto' numsubms -- Number of sub-MSs to create. default: 'auto' flagbackup -- Backup the FLAG column of the output MMS default: True datacolumn -- Which data column to use to create the output default='data'; example: datacolumn='data' Options: 'data', 'corrected', 'model', 'all', 'float_data', 'lag_data', 'float_data,data', and 'lag_data,data'. note: 'all' = whichever of the above that are present. field -- Field name default: field = '' means use all sources field = 1 # will get field_id=1 (if you give it an integer, it will retrieve the source with that index) field = '1328+307' specifies source '1328+307'. Minimum match can be used, egs field = '13*' will retrieve '1328+307' if it is unique or exists. Source names with imbedded blanks cannot be included. spw -- Spectral window index identifier default=-1 (all); example: spw=1 antenna -- antenna names default '' (all), antenna = '3 & 7' gives one baseline with antennaid = 3,7. timerange -- Time range default='' means all times. examples: timerange = 'YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss~YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss' timerange='< YYYY/MM/DD/HH:MM:SS.sss' timerange='> YYYY/MM/DD/HH:MM:SS.sss' timerange='< ddd/HH:MM:SS.sss' timerange='> ddd/HH:MM:SS.sss' scan -- Scan numbers to select. default '' (all). intent -- Select based on the scan intent. default '' (all) array -- (Sub)array IDs to select. default '' (all). uvrange -- uv distance range to select. default '' (all). observation -- observation ID(s) to select. default '' (all). """ casalog.origin('partition') # Initiate the helper class pdh = ParallelDataHelper('partition', locals()) # Validate input and output parameters pdh.setupIO() if createmms: if disableparallel: pdh.bypassParallelProcessing(1) else: pdh.bypassParallelProcessing(0) # Get a cluster pdh.setupCluster(thistask='partition') # Execute the jobs using cluster pdh.go() pdh.bypassParallelProcessing(0) # Create a backup of the flags that are in the MMS casalog.origin('partition') if flagbackup and os.path.exists(outputvis):'Create a backup of the flags that are in the MMS') fh.backupFlags(aflocal=None, msfile=outputvis, prename='partition') # Write history to output MS, not the input ms. try: param_names = partition.__code__.co_varnames[:partition.__code__.co_argcount] if is_python3: vars = locals( ) param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] else: param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names]'Updating the history in the output', 'DEBUG1') write_history(ms(), outputvis, 'partition', param_names, param_vals, casalog) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN') return try: mtlocal = mstransformer() # Gather all the parameters in a dictionary. config = {} config = pdh.setupParameters(inputms=vis, outputms=outputvis, field=field, spw=spw, array=array, scan=scan, antenna=antenna, correlation=correlation, uvrange=uvrange,timerange=timerange, intent=intent, observation=str(observation), feed=feed,taql=taql) # ddistart will be used in the tool when re-indexing the spw table config['ddistart'] = ddistart config['datacolumn'] = datacolumn # Configure the tool and all the parameters'%s'%config, 'DEBUG1') mtlocal.config(config) # Open the MS, select the data and configure the output # Run the tool'Run the tool to partition the MS') finally: mtlocal.done()