import os import numpy import pylab as pl from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6 if is_CASA6: from casatasks import casalog from casatools import quanta from casatools import image else: from taskinit import casalog from taskinit import qatool as quanta from taskinit import iatool as image qa = quanta() def plotprofilemap(imagename=None, figfile=None, overwrite=None, transparent=None, pol=None, spectralaxis=None, restfreq=None, plotrange=None, title=None, linecolor=None, linestyle=None, linewidth=None, separatepanel=None, plotmasked=None, maskedcolor=None, showaxislabel=None, showtick=None, showticklabel=None, figsize=None, numpanels=None): casalog.origin('plotprofilemap') if len(figfile) > 0 and os.path.exists(figfile) and overwrite == False: raise RuntimeError('overwrite is False and output file exists: \'%s\''%(figfile)) image = SpectralImage(imagename) npol = len(image.stokes) if pol < 0 or pol > npol - 1: raise RuntimeError('pol {pol} is out of range (Stokes axis {stokes})'.format(pol=pol,stokes=image.stokes)) parsed_size = parse_figsize(figsize) nx, ny = parse_numpanels(numpanels) if (not isinstance(restfreq, str)) or len(restfreq) == 0: restfreq = None plot_profile_map(image, figfile, pol, spectralaxis, restfreq, title, linecolor, linestyle, linewidth, separatepanel, plotmasked, maskedcolor, showaxislabel, showtick, showticklabel, parsed_size, nx, ny, transparent, plotrange) NoData = -32767.0 NoDataThreshold = NoData + 10000.0 LightSpeedQuantity = qa.constants('c') LightSpeed = qa.convert(LightSpeedQuantity, 'km/s')['value'] # speed of light in km/s DPIDetail = 130 dsyb = '$^\circ$' hsyb = ':' msyb = ':' def Deg2HMS(x, arrowance): # Transform degree to HHMMSS.sss format xx = x % 360 + arrowance h = int(xx / 15) m = int((xx % 15) * 4) s = ((xx % 15) * 4 - m) * 60.0 return (h, m, s) def HHMMSSss(x, pos): # format (h, m, s) = Deg2HMS(x, 1 / 240000.0) #return '%02dh%02dm%05.2fs' % (h, m, s) return '%02d%s%02d%s%05.2f' % (h, hsyb, m, msyb, s) def Deg2DMS(x, arrowance): # Transform degree to format xxx = (x + 90) % 180 - 90 xx = abs(xxx) + arrowance if xxx < 0: sign = -1 else: sign = 1 d = int(xx * sign) m = int((xx % 1) * 60) s = ((xx % 1) * 60 - m) * 60.0 return (d, m, s) def DDMMSSs(x, pos): # +DDMMSS.s format (d, m, s) = Deg2DMS(x, 1 / 360000.0) #return '%+02dd%02dm%04.1fs' % (d, m, s) sint = int(s) sstr = ('%3.1f' % (s - int(s))).lstrip('0') return '%+02d%s%02d\'%02d\"%s' % (d, dsyb, m, sint, sstr) def parse_figsize(figsize): """ return figsize in inches """'parse_figsize input: {input}'.format(input=figsize), priority='DEBUG') parsed = None if figsize is not None and isinstance(figsize, str) and len(figsize) > 0: size_list = figsize.split(',') size_inch_list = [x / 25.4 for s in size_list for x in qa.getvalue(qa.convert(qa.quantity(s),outunit='mm'))] if len(size_inch_list) == 1: s = size_inch_list[0] parsed = (s, s) else: parsed = tuple(size_inch_list[:2])'parse_figsize output: {output}'.format(output=parsed), priority='DEBUG') return parsed def parse_numpanels(numpanels): parsed = (-1, -1) if isinstance(numpanels, str) and len(numpanels) > 0: n = list(map(int, numpanels.split(','))) if len(n) == 1: parsed = (n[0], n[0]) else: parsed = (n[0], n[1])'parse_numpanels output: {output}'.format(output=parsed), priority='DEBUG') return parsed class ProfileMapAxesManager(object): label_map = {'Right Ascension': 'RA', 'Declination': 'Dec'} def __init__(self, nh, nv, brightnessunit, direction_label, direction_reference, spectral_label, spectral_unit, ticksize, title='', separatepanel=True, showaxislabel=False, showtick=False, showticklabel=False, figsize=None, clearpanel=True): self.nh = nh self.nv = nv self.ticksize = ticksize self.brightnessunit = brightnessunit self.numeric_formatter = pl.FormatStrFormatter('%.2f') self.direction_label = direction_label self.direction_reference = direction_reference self.separatepanel = separatepanel self.spectral_label = spectral_label self.spectral_unit = spectral_unit self.showaxislabel = showaxislabel self.showtick = showtick self.showticklabel = showticklabel self.title = title self.figsize = figsize'figsize={figsize}'.format(figsize=self.figsize), priority='DEBUG') self.normalization_factor = 1 self._axes_spmap = None # to resize matplotlib window to specified size pl.figure(self.MATPLOTLIB_FIGURE_ID) pl.close() if self.figsize is None: pl.figure(self.MATPLOTLIB_FIGURE_ID) else: pl.figure(self.MATPLOTLIB_FIGURE_ID, figsize=self.figsize) if clearpanel: pl.clf() @property def MATPLOTLIB_FIGURE_ID(self): return "ProfileMap" @property def axes_spmap(self): if self._axes_spmap is None: self._axes_spmap = list(self.__axes_spmap()) return self._axes_spmap @property def nrow(self): return self.nv @property def ncolumn(self): return self.nh + 1 @property def left_margin(self): return 0.01 + 0.2 / self.ncolumn @property def right_margin(self): return 0.01 @property def bottom_margin(self): return 0.01 + 0.5 / self.nrow @property def top_margin(self): return 0.01 @property def horizontal_space(self): if self.separatepanel: return self.horizontal_subplot_size * 0.1 else: return 0. @property def vertical_space(self): if self.separatepanel: return self.vertical_subplot_size * 0.1 else: return 0. @property def xlabel_area(self): if self.showaxislabel or (self.showtick and self.showticklabel): return 0.02 else: return 0. @property def ylabel_area(self): if self.showaxislabel or (self.showtick and self.showticklabel): return 0.03 else: return 0. @property def title_area(self): if isinstance(self.title, str) and len(self.title) > 0: return 0.04 * (self.title.count('\n') + 1) else: return 0. @property def horizontal_subplot_size(self): return (1.0 - self.left_margin - self.right_margin - self.ylabel_area) / self.ncolumn @property def vertical_subplot_size(self): return (1.0 - self.bottom_margin - self.top_margin - self.xlabel_area - self.title_area) / self.nrow def set_normalization_factor(self, factor): self.normalization_factor = factor def __axes_spmap(self): for x in range(self.nh): for y in range(self.nv): w = self.horizontal_subplot_size h = self.vertical_subplot_size l = 1.0 - self.right_margin - w * (x + 1) + 0.5 * self.horizontal_space b = self.bottom_margin + self.ylabel_area + h * y + 0.5 * self.vertical_space axes = pl.axes([l, b, w - self.horizontal_space, h - self.vertical_space]) axes.cla() if self.showaxislabel and y == 0 and x == self.nh - 1:'label "{label}" unit "{unit}"'.format(label=self.spectral_label, unit=self.spectral_unit), priority='DEBUG') if self.spectral_unit is not None and len(self.spectral_unit) > 0: spectral_label = '%s [%s]' % (self.spectral_label, self.spectral_unit) else: spectral_label = self.spectral_label axes.xaxis.set_label_text(spectral_label, size=self.ticksize) if self.normalization_factor < 100 and self.normalization_factor > 0.01: label_text = 'Intensity [%s]' % self.brightnessunit else: label_text = 'Intensity [1e%d x %s]' % (int(numpy.log10(self.normalization_factor)), self.brightnessunit) axes.yaxis.set_label_text(label_text, size=self.ticksize, rotation='vertical') if self.showtick: axes.xaxis.tick_bottom() axes.yaxis.tick_left() if self.showticklabel: xlocator = pl.AutoLocator() xlocator.set_params(nbins=6, prune='upper') axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(xlocator) ylocator = pl.AutoLocator() ylocator.set_params(nbins=4) axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(ylocator) xformatter = pl.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xformatter) axes.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=max(self.ticksize - 1, 1)) axes.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=max(self.ticksize - 1, 1)) if y != 0 or x != self.nh - 1: axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.NullFormatter()) axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.NullFormatter()) else: axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.NullFormatter()) axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.NullFormatter()) else: axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(pl.NullLocator()) axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(pl.NullLocator()) yield axes def setup_labels(self, label_ra, label_dec): for x in range(self.nh): w = self.horizontal_subplot_size l = 1.0 - self.right_margin - w * (x + 1) h = self.bottom_margin * 0.5 b = self.bottom_margin - h a1 = pl.axes([l, b, w, h]) a1.set_axis_off() if len(a1.texts) == 0: pl.text(0.5, 0.2, HHMMSSss((label_ra[x][0] + label_ra[x][1]) / 2.0, 0), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', size=self.ticksize) else: a1.texts[0].set_text(HHMMSSss((label_ra[x][0] + label_ra[x][1]) / 2.0, 0)) for y in range(self.nv): l = self.left_margin w = self.horizontal_subplot_size h = self.vertical_subplot_size b = self.bottom_margin + y * h a1 = pl.axes([l, b, w, h]) a1.set_axis_off() if len(a1.texts) == 0: pl.text(0.5, 0.5, DDMMSSs((label_dec[y][0] + label_dec[y][1]) / 2.0, 0), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', size=self.ticksize) else: a1.texts[0].set_text(DDMMSSs((label_dec[y][0] + label_dec[y][1]) / 2.0, 0)) # longitude label l = self.left_margin + self.xlabel_area h = self.bottom_margin * 0.5 b = 0. w = 1.0 - l - self.right_margin a1 = pl.axes([l, b, w, h]) a1.set_axis_off() xpos = (1.0 + 0.5 * self.nh) / self.ncolumn'xpos=%s' % (xpos), priority='DEBUG') pl.text(xpos, 0.5, '%s (%s)' % (self.direction_label[0], self.direction_reference), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', size=(self.ticksize + 2)) # latitude label l = 0.0 w = self.left_margin h = self.vertical_subplot_size b = self.bottom_margin + 0.5 * (h * self.nrow - self.vertical_subplot_size) a1 = pl.axes([l, b, w, h]) a1.set_axis_off() pl.text(1.0, 0.5, '%s (%s)' % (self.direction_label[1], self.direction_reference), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', rotation='vertical', size=(self.ticksize + 2)) # title if self.title_area > 0.: left = self.left_margin + self.xlabel_area bottom = 1.0 - self.title_area - self.top_margin width = 1.0 - left - self.right_margin height = self.title_area a1 = pl.axes([left, bottom, width, height]) a1.set_axis_off() xpos = (1.0 + 0.5 * self.nh) / self.ncolumn pl.text(xpos, 0.1, self.title, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', size=self.ticksize + 4) def plot_profile_map(image, figfile, pol, spectralaxis='', restfreq=None, title=None, linecolor='b', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.2, separatepanel=True, plotmasked=None, maskedcolor=None, showaxislabel=False, showtick=False, showticklabel=False, figsize=None, nx=-1, ny=-1, transparent=False, user_xlim=None): """ image figfile linecolor linestyle linewidth separatepanel plotmasked -- 'none': show neither lines nor panels 'empty': show empty panel 'text': show 'NO DATA' symbol 'zero': plot zero level 'plot': plot masked data with different color """ if linecolor is None: linecolor = 'b' if linestyle is None: linestyle = '-' if linewidth is None: linewidth = 0.2 if separatepanel is None: separatepanel = True if plotmasked is None: plotmasked = 'none' if maskedcolor is None: maskedcolor = 'gray' if linecolor != 'gray' else 'black' if showaxislabel is None: showaxislabel = False if showtick is None: showtick = False if showticklabel is None: showticklabel = False if transparent is None: transparent = False # user-specified range for horizontal (spectral) axis user_xmin = None user_xmax = None if isinstance(user_xlim, str) and user_xlim.find('~') != -1: user_range = user_xlim.split('~') if len(user_range[0]) > 0: user_xmin = float(user_range[0]) if len(user_range[1]) > 0: user_xmax = float(user_range[1]) x_max = image.nx - 1 x_min = 0 y_max = image.ny - 1 y_min = 0 MaxPanel = 8 num_panel = min(max(x_max - x_min + 1, y_max - y_min + 1), MaxPanel) STEP = int((max(x_max - x_min + 1, y_max - y_min + 1) - 1) / num_panel) + 1 NH = (x_max - x_min) // STEP + 1 NV = (y_max - y_min) // STEP + 1 xSTEP = STEP ySTEP = STEP if nx > 0: NH = nx xSTEP = image.nx // NH + (1 if image.nx % NH > 0 else 0) if ny > 0: NV = ny ySTEP = image.ny // NV + (1 if image.ny % NV > 0 else 0)'num_panel=%s, xSTEP=%s, ySTEP=%s, NH=%s, NV=%s' % (num_panel, xSTEP, ySTEP, NH, NV)) chan0 = 0 chan1 = image.nchan direction_label = image.direction_label direction_reference = image.direction_reference default_spectral_label = image.spectral_label default_spectral_unit = image.spectral_unit if default_spectral_label == 'Frequency': default_spectral_unit = 'GHz' default_spectral_data = image.spectral_data[chan0:chan1] if spectralaxis is None or spectralaxis == '' or spectralaxis == default_spectral_label.lower(): spectral_label = default_spectral_label spectral_unit = default_spectral_unit spectral_data = default_spectral_data elif spectralaxis == 'channel': spectral_label = 'Channel' spectral_unit = '' spectral_data = numpy.arange(chan0, chan1, dtype=numpy.int32) else: spectral_label = spectralaxis.capitalize() if spectralaxis == 'frequency': spectral_unit = 'GHz' spectral_data = numpy.fromiter((image.to_frequency(v, freq_unit='GHz') for v in default_spectral_data), dtype=numpy.float64) elif spectralaxis == 'velocity': if restfreq is not None:'User-specified rest frequency %s' % (restfreq)) else:'Default rest frequency from input image %s' % (image.coordsys.restfrequency())) spectral_unit = 'km/s' spectral_data = numpy.fromiter((image.to_velocity(f, freq_unit='GHz', restfreq=restfreq) for f in default_spectral_data), dtype=numpy.float64) plotter = SDProfileMapPlotter(NH, NV, xSTEP, ySTEP, image.brightnessunit, direction_label, direction_reference, spectral_label, spectral_unit, title=title, separatepanel=separatepanel, showaxislabel=showaxislabel, showtick=showtick, showticklabel=showticklabel, figsize=figsize, clearpanel=True) masked_data = * image.mask masked_data[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isfinite(masked_data))] = 0.0 plot_list = [] refpix = [0, 0] refval = [0, 0] increment = [0, 0] refpix[0], refval[0], increment[0] = image.direction_axis(0, unit='deg') refpix[1], refval[1], increment[1] = image.direction_axis(1, unit='deg') plotter.setup_labels(refpix, refval, increment) stokes = image.stokes[pol]'Generate profile map for pol {stokes}'.format(stokes=stokes))'masked_data.shape=%s id_stokes=%s' % (list(masked_data.shape), image.id_stokes), priority='DEBUG') masked_data_p = masked_data.take([pol], axis=image.id_stokes).squeeze(axis=image.id_stokes) Plot = numpy.zeros((NH, NV, (chan1 - chan0)), numpy.float32) + NoData mask_p = image.mask.take([pol], axis=image.id_stokes).squeeze(axis=image.id_stokes) isvalid = numpy.any(mask_p, axis=2) Nsp = sum(isvalid.flatten())'Nsp=%s' % (Nsp)) for x in range(NH): x0 = x * xSTEP x1 = (x + 1) * xSTEP for y in range(NV): y0 = y * ySTEP y1 = (y + 1) * ySTEP valid_index = isvalid[x0:x1, y0:y1].nonzero() chunk = masked_data_p[x0:x1, y0:y1] valid_sp = chunk[valid_index[0], valid_index[1], :] if len(valid_sp) == 0: Plot[x][y] = NoData else: Plot[x][y] = valid_sp.mean(axis=0) # normalize plot data plot_mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.isfinite(Plot), Plot != NoData) max_data = numpy.abs(Plot[plot_mask]).max()'max_data = %s' % (max_data), priority='DEBUG') normalization_factor = numpy.power(10.0, int(numpy.log10(max_data))) if normalization_factor < 1.0: normalization_factor /= 10.'normalization_factor = %s' % (normalization_factor), priority='DEBUG') plotter.set_normalization_factor(normalization_factor) Plot[plot_mask] /= normalization_factor status = plotter.plot(figfile, Plot, spectral_data, linecolor=linecolor, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, plotmasked=plotmasked, maskedcolor=maskedcolor, transparent=transparent, user_xmin=user_xmin, user_xmax=user_xmax) plotter.done() class SDProfileMapPlotter(object): def __init__(self, nh, nv, xstep, ystep, brightnessunit, direction_label, direction_reference, spectral_label, spectral_unit, title=None, separatepanel=True, showaxislabel=False, showtick=False, showticklabel=False, figsize=None, clearpanel=True): self.xstep = xstep self.ystep = ystep if self.xstep > 1 or self.ystep > 1: step = max(self.xstep, self.ystep) ticksize = 10 - int(max(nh, nv) * step / (step - 1)) / 2 else: ticksize = 10 - int(max(nh, nv)) / 2 self.axes = ProfileMapAxesManager(nh, nv, brightnessunit, direction_label, direction_reference, spectral_label, spectral_unit, ticksize, title=title, separatepanel=separatepanel, showaxislabel=showaxislabel, showtick=showtick, showticklabel=showticklabel, figsize=figsize, clearpanel=clearpanel) self.lines_averaged = None self.lines_map = None self.reference_level = None self.global_scaling = True self.deviation_mask = None @property def nh(self): return self.axes.nh @property def nv(self): return self.axes.nv @property def TickSize(self): return self.axes.ticksize def setup_labels(self, refpix_list, refval_list, increment_list): LabelRA = numpy.zeros((self.nh, 2), numpy.float32) + NoData LabelDEC = numpy.zeros((self.nv, 2), numpy.float32) + NoData refpix = refpix_list[0] refval = refval_list[0] increment = increment_list[0]'axis 0: refpix,refval,increment=%s,%s,%s'%(refpix,refval,increment)) for x in range(self.nh): x0 = (self.nh - x - 1) * self.xstep x1 = (self.nh - x - 2) * self.xstep + 1 LabelRA[x][0] = refval + (x0 - refpix) * increment LabelRA[x][1] = refval + (x1 - refpix) * increment refpix = refpix_list[1] refval = refval_list[1] increment = increment_list[1]'axis 1: refpix,refval,increment=%s,%s,%s'%(refpix,refval,increment)) for y in range(self.nv): y0 = y * self.ystep y1 = (y + 1) * self.ystep - 1 LabelDEC[y][0] = refval + (y0 - refpix) * increment LabelDEC[y][1] = refval + (y1 - refpix) * increment self.axes.setup_labels(LabelRA, LabelDEC) def setup_reference_level(self, level=0.0): self.reference_level = level def set_global_scaling(self): self.global_scaling = True def unset_global_scaling(self): self.global_scaling = False def set_normalization_factor(self, factor): self.axes.set_normalization_factor(factor) def plot(self, figfile, map_data, frequency, linecolor='b', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.2, plotmasked='none', maskedcolor='gray', transparent=False, user_xmin=None, user_xmax=None): if len(frequency) == 1:'Number of spectral channels is 1. Resulting profile map will be useless.', priority='WARN') global_xmin = frequency[0] - 1. global_xmax = frequency[0] + 1. else: global_xmin = min(frequency[0], frequency[-1]) global_xmax = max(frequency[0], frequency[-1])'full spectral range: global_xmin=%s, global_xmax=%s' % (global_xmin, global_xmax)) if user_xmin is not None:'user-specified global_xmin %s' % (user_xmin)) global_xmin = user_xmin if user_xmax is not None:'user-specified global_xmax %s' % (user_xmax)) global_xmax = user_xmax if global_xmin == global_xmax: raise RuntimeError('Wrong spectral axis range: no range to plot.') elif global_xmin > global_xmax: raise RuntimeError('Wrong spectral axis range: minimum > maximum') # Auto scaling # to eliminate max/min value due to bad pixel or bad fitting, # 1/10-th value from max and min are used instead valid_index = numpy.where(map_data.min(axis=2) > NoDataThreshold) valid_data = map_data[valid_index[0], valid_index[1], :] ListMax = valid_data.max(axis=1) ListMin = valid_data.min(axis=1)'ListMax=%s' % (list(ListMax)))'ListMin=%s' % (list(ListMin))) if len(ListMax) == 0: return False global_ymax = numpy.sort(ListMax)[len(ListMax) - len(ListMax) // 10 - 1] global_ymin = numpy.sort(ListMin)[len(ListMin) // 10] global_ymax = global_ymax + (global_ymax - global_ymin) * 0.2 global_ymin = global_ymin - (global_ymax - global_ymin) * 0.1 del ListMax, ListMin'global_ymin=%s, global_ymax=%s' % (global_ymin, global_ymax)) pl.ioff() no_data = numpy.zeros(len(frequency), dtype=numpy.float32) for x in range(self.nh): for y in range(self.nv): if self.global_scaling is True: xmin = global_xmin xmax = global_xmax ymin = global_ymin ymax = global_ymax else: xmin = global_xmin xmax = global_xmax if map_data[x][y].min() > NoDataThreshold: median = numpy.median(map_data[x][y]) mad = numpy.median(map_data[x][y] - median) sigma = map_data[x][y].std() ymin = median - 2.0 * sigma ymax = median + 5.0 * sigma else: ymin = global_ymin ymax = global_ymax'Per panel scaling turned on: ymin=%s, ymax=%s (global ymin=%s, ymax=%s)' % (ymin, ymax, global_ymin, global_ymax)) pl.gcf().sca(self.axes.axes_spmap[y + (self.nh - x - 1) * self.nv]) if map_data[x][y].min() > NoDataThreshold: pl.plot(frequency, map_data[x][y], color=linecolor, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth) else: if plotmasked == 'empty': pass elif plotmasked == 'text': pl.text((xmin + xmax) / 2.0, (ymin + ymax) / 2.0, 'NO DATA', ha='center', va='center', size=(self.TickSize + 1)) elif plotmasked == 'zero': pl.plot(frequency, no_data, color=maskedcolor, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth) elif plotmasked == 'none': a = pl.gcf().gca() if self.axes.xlabel_area > 0. and y == 0 and x == 0: pass else: a.set_axis_off() elif plotmasked == 'plot': m = map_data[x][y] == NoDataThreshold if not all(m): ma =[x][y], m) pl.plot(frequency, ma, color=maskedcolor, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth) pl.axis((xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) pl.ion() pl.draw()'figfile=\'%s\'' % (figfile), priority='DEBUG') if figfile is not None and len(figfile) > 0:'Output profile map to %s' % (figfile)) pl.savefig(figfile, format='png', dpi=DPIDetail, transparent=transparent) return True def done(self): #pl.close() del self.axes class SpectralImage(object): def __init__(self, imagename): self.imagename = imagename # read data to storage ia = image() try: self.image_shape = ia.shape() self.coordsys = ia.coordsys() coord_types = self.coordsys.axiscoordinatetypes() self.units = self.coordsys.units() self.names = self.coordsys.names() self.direction_reference = self.coordsys.referencecode('dir')[0] self.spectral_reference = self.coordsys.referencecode('spectral')[0] self.id_direction = coord_types.index('Direction') self.id_direction = [self.id_direction, self.id_direction + 1] self.id_spectral = coord_types.index('Spectral') try: self.id_stokes = coord_types.index('Stokes') stokes_axis_exists = True except Exception: # if no Stokes axis exists, set dummy axis at the end self.id_stokes = len(coord_types) stokes_axis_exists = False'id_direction=%s' % (self.id_direction), priority='DEBUG')'id_spectral=%s' % (self.id_spectral), priority='DEBUG')'id_stokes=%s (%s stokes axis)' % (self.id_stokes, ('real' if stokes_axis_exists else 'dummy')), priority='DEBUG') = ia.getchunk() self.mask = ia.getchunk(getmask=True) if not stokes_axis_exists: # put degenerate Stokes axis at the end = numpy.expand_dims(, axis=-1) self.mask = numpy.expand_dims(self.mask, axis=-1)'add dummy Stokes axis to data and mask since input image doesn\'t have it.')'data.shape={}'.format(, priority='DEBUG')'mask.shape={}'.format(self.mask.shape), priority='DEBUG') bottom = ia.toworld(numpy.zeros(len(self.image_shape), dtype=int), 'q')['quantity'] top = ia.toworld(self.image_shape - 1, 'q')['quantity'] key = lambda x: '*%s' % (x + 1) ra_min = bottom[key(self.id_direction[0])] ra_max = top[key(self.id_direction[0])] if, ra_max): ra_min, ra_max = ra_max, ra_min self.ra_min = ra_min self.ra_max = ra_max self.dec_min = bottom[key(self.id_direction[1])] self.dec_max = top[key(self.id_direction[1])] self._brightnessunit = ia.brightnessunit() if self.spectral_label == 'Frequency': refpix, refval, increment = self.spectral_axis(unit='GHz') self.spectral_data = numpy.array([refval + increment * (i - refpix) for i in range(self.nchan)]) elif self.spectral_label == 'Velocity': refpix, refval, increment = self.spectral_axis(unit='km/s') self.spectral_data = numpy.array([refval + increment * (i - refpix) for i in range(self.nchan)]) if stokes_axis_exists: self.stokes = self.coordsys.stokes() else: # if no Stokes axis exists, set ['I'] self.stokes = ['I'] finally: ia.close() @property def nx(self): return self.image_shape[self.id_direction[0]] @property def ny(self): return self.image_shape[self.id_direction[1]] @property def nchan(self): return self.image_shape[self.id_spectral] @property def npol(self): return self.image_shape[self.id_stokes] @property def brightnessunit(self): return self._brightnessunit @property def direction_label(self): return [self.names[i] for i in self.id_direction] @property def spectral_label(self): return self.names[self.id_spectral] @property def spectral_unit(self): return self.units[self.id_spectral] def to_velocity(self, frequency, freq_unit='GHz', restfreq=None): rest_frequency = self.coordsys.restfrequency() # user-defined rest frequency takes priority if restfreq is not None: vrf = qa.convert(qa.quantity(restfreq), freq_unit)['value'] elif rest_frequency['unit'] != freq_unit: vrf = qa.convert(rest_frequency, freq_unit)['value'] else: vrf = rest_frequency['value'] return (1.0 - (frequency / vrf)) * LightSpeed def to_frequency(self, velocity, freq_unit='km/s'): rest_frequency = self.coordsys.restfrequency() if rest_frequency['unit'] != freq_unit: vrf = qa.convert(rest_frequency, freq_unit)['value'] else: vrf = rest_frequency['value'] return (1.0 - velocity / LightSpeed) * vrf def spectral_axis(self, unit='GHz'): return self.__axis(self.id_spectral, unit=unit) def direction_axis(self, idx, unit='deg'): return self.__axis(self.id_direction[idx], unit=unit) def __axis(self, idx, unit): refpix = self.coordsys.referencepixel()['numeric'][idx] refval = self.coordsys.referencevalue()['numeric'][idx] increment = self.coordsys.increment()['numeric'][idx] _unit = self.units[idx] if _unit != unit: refval = qa.convert(qa.quantity(refval, _unit), unit)['value'] increment = qa.convert(qa.quantity(increment, _unit), unit)['value'] #return numpy.array([refval+increment*(i-refpix) for i in range(self.nchan)]) return (refpix, refval, increment)