import re from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6 if is_CASA6: from casatasks import casalog from casatools import ms as mstool from casatools import mstransformer as mttool from casatools import quanta, table from .mstools import write_history from .parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper from . import flaghelper as fh from .update_spw import update_spwchan from .callibrary import callibrary else: from taskinit import casalog from taskinit import mttool from taskinit import mstool from taskinit import tbtool as table from taskinit import qatool as quanta from mstools import write_history from parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper import flaghelper as fh from update_spw import update_spwchan from callibrary import callibrary qa = quanta() """ The following code is based on the mstransform code, with task name and some task parameters modified. To minimise code modification, the parameters used by mstransform but not by sdpolaverage are kept and the default values for mstransform are given to them. (CAS-12083, 2019/1/22 WK) """ def sdpolaverage( infile, datacolumn, antenna, field, spw, timerange, scan, intent, polaverage, outfile): # followings are parameters of mstransform but not used by sdpolaverage. # just putting default values vis = infile # needed for ParallelDataHelper outputvis = outfile # needed for ParallelDataHelper createmms = False separationaxis = "auto" numsubms = "auto" tileshape = [0] correlation = "" array = "" uvrange = "" observation = "" feed = "" realmodelcol = False keepflags = True usewtspectrum = False combinespws = False chanaverage = False chanbin = 1 hanning = False regridms = False mode = "channel" nchan = -1 start = 0 width = 1 nspw = 1 interpolation = "linear" phasecenter = "" restfreq = "" outframe = "" veltype = "radio" preaverage = False timeaverage = False timebin = "0s" timespan = "" maxuvwdistance = 0.0 docallib = False callib = "" douvcontsub = False fitspw = "" fitorder = 0 want_cont = False denoising_lib = True nthreads = 1 niter = 1 disableparallel = False ddistart = -1 taql = "" monolithic_processing = False reindex = True casalog.origin('sdpolaverage') # Initialize the helper class pdh = ParallelDataHelper('sdpolaverage', locals()) # When dealing with MMS, process in parallel or sequential # disableparallel is a hidden parameter. Only for debugging purposes! if disableparallel: pdh.bypassParallelProcessing(1) else: pdh.bypassParallelProcessing(0) # Validate input and output parameters pdh.setupIO() # Process the input Multi-MS if ParallelDataHelper.isMMSAndNotServer(infile) == True and monolithic_processing == False: ''' retval{'status': True, 'axis':''} --> can run in parallel retval{'status': False, 'axis':'value'} --> treat MMS as monolithic MS, set new axis for output MMS retval{'status': False, 'axis':''} --> treat MMS as monolithic MS, create an output MS ''' retval = pdh.validateInputParams() # Cannot create an output MMS. if retval['status'] == False and retval['axis'] == '':'Cannot process MMS with the requested transformations', 'WARN')'Use task listpartition to see the contents of the MMS')'Will create an output MS', 'WARN') createmms = False # MMS is processed as monolithic MS. elif retval['status'] == False and retval['axis'] != '': createmms = True pdh.override__args('createmms', True) pdh.override__args('monolithic_processing', True) separationaxis = retval['axis'] pdh.override__args('separationaxis', retval['axis'])"Will process the input MMS as a monolithic MS", 'WARN')"Will create an output MMS with separation axis \'%s\'" % retval['axis'], 'WARN') # MMS is processed in parallel else: createmms = False pdh.override__args('createmms', False) pdh.setupCluster('sdpolaverage') pdh.go() return # Create an output Multi-MS if createmms == True: # Check the heuristics of separationaxis and the requested transformations pval = pdh.validateOutputParams() if pval == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot create MMS using separationaxis=%s with some of the requested transformations.' % separationaxis ) pdh.setupCluster('sdpolaverage') pdh.go() monolithic_processing = False return # Create a local copy of the MSTransform tool mtlocal = mttool() mslocal = mstool() try: # Gather all the parameters in a dictionary. config = {} if keepflags: taqlstr = '' else: taqlstr = "NOT (FLAG_ROW OR ALL(FLAG))" # MMS taql selection if taql != '' and taql is not None: if not keepflags: taqlstr = taqlstr + " AND " + taql else: taqlstr = taql config = pdh.setupParameters(inputms=infile, outputms=outfile, field=field, spw=spw, array=array, scan=scan, antenna=antenna, correlation=correlation, uvrange=uvrange,timerange=timerange, intent=intent, observation=str(observation), feed=feed, taql=taqlstr) # ddistart will be used in the tool when re-indexing the spw table config['ddistart'] = ddistart # re-index parameter is used by the pipeline to not re-index any sub-table and the associated IDs config['reindex'] = reindex config['datacolumn'] = datacolumn dc = datacolumn.upper() # Make real a virtual MODEL column in the output MS if "MODEL" in dc or dc == 'ALL': config['realmodelcol'] = realmodelcol config['usewtspectrum'] = usewtspectrum # Add the tile shape parameter if tileshape.__len__() == 1: # The only allowed values are 0 or 1 if tileshape[0] != 0 and tileshape[0] != 1: raise ValueError('When tileshape has one element, it should be either 0 or 1.') elif tileshape.__len__() != 3: # The 3 elements are: correlations, channels, rows raise ValueError('Parameter tileshape must have 1 or 3 elements.') config['tileshape'] = tileshape if combinespws:'Combine spws %s into new output spw'%spw) config['combinespws'] = True # Only parse chanaverage if chanbin is valid if chanaverage and isinstance(chanbin, int) and chanbin <= 1: raise ValueError('Parameter chanbin must be > 1 to do channel averaging') # Validate the case of int or list chanbin if chanaverage and pdh.validateChanBin():'Parse channel averaging parameters') config['chanaverage'] = True # convert numpy types, until CAS-6493 is not fixed chanbin = fh.evaluateNumpyType(chanbin) config['chanbin'] = chanbin if hanning:'Apply Hanning smoothing') config['hanning'] = True if regridms:'Parse regridding parameters') config['regridms'] = True # Reset the defaults depending on the mode # Only add non-empty string parameters to config dictionary start, width = pdh.defaultRegridParams() config['mode'] = mode config['nchan'] = nchan if start != '': config['start'] = start if width != '': config['width'] = width if nspw > 1:'Separate MS into %s spws'%nspw) config['nspw'] = nspw config['interpolation'] = interpolation if restfreq != '': config['restfreq'] = restfreq if outframe != '': config['outframe'] = outframe if phasecenter != '': config['phasecenter'] = phasecenter config['veltype'] = veltype config['preaverage'] = preaverage # Only parse timeaverage parameters when timebin > 0s if timeaverage: tb = qa.convert(qa.quantity(timebin), 's')['value'] if not tb > 0: raise ValueError("Parameter timebin must be > '0s' to do time averaging") if timeaverage:'Parse time averaging parameters') config['timeaverage'] = True config['timebin'] = timebin config['timespan'] = timespan config['maxuvwdistance'] = maxuvwdistance polaverage_ = polaverage.strip() if polaverage_ != '': config['polaverage'] = True config['polaveragemode'] = polaverage_ if docallib:'Parse docallib parameters') mycallib = callibrary() config['calibration'] = True config['callib'] = mycallib.cld if douvcontsub:'Parse uvcontsub parameters') config['uvcontsub'] = True uvcontsub_config = {} uvcontsub_config['fitspw'] = fitspw uvcontsub_config['fitorder'] = fitorder uvcontsub_config['want_cont'] = want_cont uvcontsub_config['denoising_lib'] = denoising_lib uvcontsub_config['nthreads'] = nthreads uvcontsub_config['niter'] = niter config['uvcontsublib'] = dict(uvcontsub_config) # Configure the tool and all the parameters'%s' % config, 'DEBUG') mtlocal.config(config) # Open the MS, select the data and configure the output # Run the tool'Apply the transformations') finally: mtlocal.done() # Update the FLAG_CMD sub-table to reflect any spw/channels selection # If the spw selection is by name or FLAG_CMD contains spw with names, skip the updating if ((spw != '') and (spw != '*')) or chanaverage == True: isopen = False try: mytb = table() + '/FLAG_CMD', nomodify=False) isopen = True nflgcmds = mytb.nrows() if nflgcmds > 0: updateFlagCmd = False # If spw selection is by name in FLAG_CMD, do not update, CAS-7751 mycmd = mytb.getcell('COMMAND', 0) cmdlist = mycmd.split() for cmd in cmdlist: # Match only spw indices, not names if cmd.__contains__('spw'): cmd = cmd.strip("spw=") spwstr ='^[^a-zA-Z]+$', cmd) if spwstr != None and spwstr.string.__len__() > 0: updateFlagCmd = True break if updateFlagCmd: mademod = False cmds = mytb.getcol('COMMAND') widths = {} if hasattr(chanbin, 'has_key'): widths = chanbin else: if hasattr(chanbin, '__iter__') and len(chanbin) > 1: for i in range(len(chanbin)): widths[i] = chanbin[i] elif chanbin != 1: numspw = len(mslocal.msseltoindex( vis=infile, spw='*')['spw']) if hasattr(chanbin, '__iter__'): w = chanbin[0] else: w = chanbin for i in range(numspw): widths[i] = w for rownum in range(nflgcmds): # Matches a bare number or a string quoted any way. spwmatch ='spw\s*=\s*(\S+)', cmds[rownum]) if spwmatch: sch1 = spwmatch.groups()[0] sch1 = re.sub(r"[\'\"]", '', sch1) # Dequote # Provide a default in case the split selection excludes # cmds[rownum]. update_spwchan() will throw an exception # in that case. cmd = '' try: sch2 = update_spwchan(infile, spw, sch1, truncate=True, widths=widths) if sch2: repl = '' if sch2 != '*': repl = "spw='" + sch2 + "'" cmd = cmds[rownum].replace(, repl) #except: # cmd[rownum] no longer applies. except Exception as e: "Error %s updating row %d of FLAG_CMD" % (e, rownum), 'WARN')'sch1 = ' + sch1, 'DEBUG1')'cmd = ' + cmd, 'DEBUG1') if cmd != cmds[rownum]: mademod = True cmds[rownum] = cmd if mademod:'Updating FLAG_CMD', 'INFO') mytb.putcol('COMMAND', cmds) else:'FLAG_CMD table contains spw selection by name. Will not update it!','DEBUG') mytb.close() finally: if isopen: mytb.close() mslocal = None mytb = None mytb = None # Write history to output MS, not the input ms. try: param_names = sdpolaverage.__code__.co_varnames[:sdpolaverage.__code__.co_argcount] param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names] write_history(mslocal, outfile, 'sdpolaverage', param_names, param_vals, casalog) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN') mslocal = None