from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6 if is_CASA6: from casatasks import casalog from casatools import sidebandseparator, quanta else: from taskinit import casalog from taskinit import qatool as quanta from casac import casac def sidebandseparator(): return casac.sidebandseparator() # def sdsidebandsplit(infiles, outfile, overwrite, field, spw, antenna, scan, intent, # imageshift, getbothside, lo1, loframe, reftime, refdir, threshold, # mode, nchan, start, width, veltype, outframe, # gridfunction, convsupport,truncate, gwidth, jwidth, # imsize, cell, phasecenter, ephemsrcname, pointingcolumn, # restfreq, stokes, minweight, clipminmax): def sdsidebandsplit(imagename, outfile, overwrite, signalshift, imageshift, getbothside, refchan, refval, useother, threshold): casalog.origin('sdsidebandsplit') separator = sidebandseparator() try: separator.setshift(signalshift, True) if len(imageshift) > 0: separator.setshift(imageshift, False) separator.setlimit(threshold) separator.setboth(getbothside) if getbothside: if refval == '': qrefval = -1.0 else: myqa = quanta() qrefval = myqa.quantity(refval) separator.set_imageband_frequency(refchan, qrefval) separator.setsolveother(useother) separator.separate(outfile, overwrite) finally: separator.close() """ min_casarev = 23268 try: # checking for CASA revision a=inspect.stack() for k in range(len(a)): if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0): stacklevel=k break myf=sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals pkgrev = int(myf['casa']['build']['number']) if pkgrev < min_casarev:"CASA version >= %d required for this interface"\ % min_casarev, "ERROR") sbsep = sd.sbseparator(infiles) # Set frequency information to select data if not (, "Hz") or qa.quantity(freqtol)['unit'] == ''): del sbsep"Invalid unit for frequency tolerance", "ERROR") sbsep.set_frequency(ifno, freqtol, frame=frame) if len(imageshift) > 0: # The format is checked cpp class sbsep.set_shift(imageshift=imageshift) # Set direction tolerance to grid data sbsep.set_dirtol(dirtol) # Set rejection limit of solution sbsep.set_limit(threshold) # Set which solution to get sbsep.set_both(getbothside) # Set information to get frequency information of image sideband if getbothside and len(lo1) > 0: if isinstance(reftime, str): myme = metool() mereftime = myme.epoch('TAI', reftime) reftime = mereftime['m0']['value'] sbsep.set_lo1(lo1, loframe, reftime, refdir) sbsep.set_solve_other(False) # Invoke separation supression sbsep.separate(outfile, overwrite = overwrite) del sbsep except Exception, instance: str(instance), priority = 'ERROR' ) raise Exception, instance return """