import re import numpy from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6 if is_CASA6: from casatasks import casalog from casatools import ms as mstool from casatools import quanta, table, mstransformer from .mstools import write_history from .parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper from .update_spw import update_spwchan from . import sdutil else: from taskinit import mttool as mstransformer from taskinit import mstool as mstool from taskinit import tbtool as table from taskinit import qatool as quanta from taskinit import casalog from mstools import write_history from parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper from update_spw import update_spwchan import sdutil qa = quanta() def sdtimeaverage( infile, datacolumn, field, spw, timerange, scan, antenna, timebin, timespan, outfile): # When 'all'(default) or '' is specified, make timebin to cover all the data. if timebin.upper() in ['ALL', '']: timebin = set_timebin_all() + 's' # Switch Alternative Column if needed. active_datacolumn = use_alternative_column(infile, datacolumn) # Antenna ID (add extra &&& if needed) This is Single Dish specific. if (len(antenna) != 0) and (not('&' in antenna)): antenna = antenna + '&&&' # 'scan,state' Warning # (unexpected result warning) if ('scan' in timespan) and ('state' in timespan): # WARN msg, to explain NRO specific issue. msg = '\n'.join(["Explicitly both 'scan' and 'state' were specified in 'timespan'.", " If 'state' distinguishes OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE / OBSERVE_TARGET#OFF_SOURCE,", " these two states are mixed, and unexpectedly averaged results might be generated.", "(Suggestion) Please specify timespan = 'scan'", " to separate OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE and OBSERVE_TARGET#OFF_SOURCE."]), 'WARN') # (Note) When timespan='' is specified. # timespan will be directly posted to mstransform. # Convert to check timebin tbin = qa.convert(qa.quantity(timebin), 's')['value'] # Time average, once Enable. do_timeaverage = True # Check timebin if tbin < 0: # Error, raise Exception. raise ValueError( "Parameter timebin must be >= '0s' to do time averaging") elif tbin == 0: # No averaging, when tbin == 0 msg = 'Parameter timebin equals zero. No averaging will be performed.', 'WARN') do_timeaverage = False origin = 'sdtimeaverage' casalog.origin(origin) # Select Data and make Average. do_mst( infile=infile, datacolumn=active_datacolumn, field=field, spw=spw, timerange=timerange, scan=scan, antenna=antenna, timebin=timebin, timespan=timespan, outfile=outfile, do_timeaverage=do_timeaverage) # History add_history( casalog=casalog, infile=infile, datacolumn=active_datacolumn, field=field, spw=spw, timerange=timerange, scan=scan, timebin=timebin, timespan=timespan, antenna=antenna, outfile=outfile) def use_alternative_column(infile, datacolumn): """ Alternatively use datacolumn if the specified column does not exist. In case 'float_data' does not exist, sdtimeaverage attempt to use 'data' and vice versa. (For user's convenience) """ # obtain the existence of data-column on specified MS. ex_float_data, ex_data = check_column(infile) # alter datacolumn if available if (datacolumn == 'float_data'): # Change 'float_data' to 'data' if (not ex_float_data) and (ex_data): datacolumn = 'data' msg = 'No FLOAT_DATA column. DATA column will be used alternatively.', 'INFO') elif (datacolumn == 'data'): # Change 'data' to 'float_data' if (ex_float_data) and (not ex_data): datacolumn = 'float_data' msg = 'No DATA column. FLOAT_DATA column will be used alternatively.', 'INFO') return datacolumn def check_column(msname): """ Check the specified column if it exists. """ with sdutil.tbmanager(msname) as tb: columnNames = tb.colnames() exist_float_data = 'FLOAT_DATA' in columnNames exist_data = 'DATA' in columnNames return exist_float_data, exist_data def set_timebin_all(): """ Synthesize timebin assign very large value to cover 'all'. """ timebin = numpy.finfo(float).max return str(timebin) def do_mst( infile, datacolumn, field, spw, timerange, scan, antenna, timebin, timespan, outfile, do_timeaverage): """ call mstransform by the provided procedure. Followings are parameters of mstransform, but not used by sdtimeaverage, just only putting default values. """ vis = infile # needed for ParallelDataHelper outputvis = outfile # needed for ParallelDataHelper tileshape = [0] intent = '' correlation = '' array = '' uvrange = '' observation = '' feed = '' realmodelcol = False usewtspectrum = False chanbin = 1 mode = 'channel' start = 0 width = 1 maxuvwdistance = 0.0 ddistart = -1 reindex = True # Initialize the helper class pdh = ParallelDataHelper('sdtimeaverage', locals()) pdh.bypassParallelProcessing(0) # Validate input and output parameters pdh.setupIO() # Create a local copy of the MSTransform tool mtlocal = mstransformer() mslocal = mstool() try: # Gather all the parameters in a dictionary. config = {} # set config param. config = pdh.setupParameters( inputms=infile, outputms=outfile, field=field, spw=spw, array=array, scan=scan, antenna=antenna, correlation=correlation, uvrange=uvrange, timerange=timerange, intent=intent, observation=str(observation), feed=feed, taql='') # ddistart will be used in the tool when re-indexing the spw table config['ddistart'] = ddistart # re-index parameter is used by the pipeline to not re-index any # sub-table and the associated IDs config['reindex'] = reindex config['datacolumn'] = datacolumn dc = datacolumn.upper() # Make real a virtual MODEL column in the output MS if 'MODEL' in dc or dc == 'ALL': config['realmodelcol'] = realmodelcol config['usewtspectrum'] = usewtspectrum config['tileshape'] = tileshape # set config for Averaging if do_timeaverage:'Parse time averaging parameters') config['timeaverage'] = True config['timebin'] = timebin config['timespan'] = timespan config['maxuvwdistance'] = maxuvwdistance # Configure the tool and all the parameters'%s' % config, 'DEBUG') mtlocal.config(config) # Open the MS, select the data and configure the output # Run the tool'Apply the transformations') finally: mtlocal.done() """ CAS-12721: Note: Following section were written concerning with CAS-7751 or others. Program logic is copied and used without change. """ # Update the FLAG_CMD sub-table to reflect any spw/channels selection # If the spw selection is by name or FLAG_CMD contains spw with names, # skip the updating if (spw != '') and (spw != '*'): isopen = False try: mytb = table() + '/FLAG_CMD', nomodify=False) isopen = True nflgcmds = mytb.nrows() if nflgcmds > 0: update_flag_cmd = False # If spw selection is by name in FLAG_CMD, do not update, CAS-7751 mycmd = mytb.getcell('COMMAND', 0) cmdlist = mycmd.split() for cmd in cmdlist: # Match only spw indices, not names if cmd.__contains__('spw'): cmd = cmd.strip('spw=') spwstr ='^[^a-zA-Z]+$', cmd) if spwstr is not None and spwstr.string.__len__() > 0: update_flag_cmd = True break if update_flag_cmd: mademod = False cmds = mytb.getcol('COMMAND') widths = {} if hasattr(chanbin, 'has_key'): widths = chanbin else: if hasattr(chanbin, '__iter__') and len(chanbin) > 1: for i in range(len(chanbin)): widths[i] = chanbin[i] elif chanbin != 1: numspw = len(mslocal.msseltoindex(vis=infile, spw='*')['spw']) if hasattr(chanbin, '__iter__'): w = chanbin[0] else: w = chanbin for i in range(numspw): widths[i] = w for rownum in range(nflgcmds): # Matches a bare number or a string quoted any way. spwmatch ='spw\s*=\s*(\S+)', cmds[rownum]) if spwmatch: sch1 = spwmatch.groups()[0] sch1 = re.sub(r"[\'\"]", '', sch1) # Dequote # Provide a default in case the split selection excludes # cmds[rownum]. update_spwchan() will throw an exception # in that case. cmd = '' try: sch2 = update_spwchan( infile, spw, sch1, truncate=True, widths=widths) if sch2: repl = '' if sch2 != '*': repl = "spw='" + sch2 + "'" cmd = cmds[rownum].replace(, repl) # except: # cmd[rownum] no longer applies. except Exception as e: 'Error %s updating row %d of FLAG_CMD' % (e, rownum), 'WARN')'sch1 = ' + sch1, 'DEBUG1')'cmd = ' + cmd, 'DEBUG1') if cmd != cmds[rownum]: mademod = True cmds[rownum] = cmd if mademod:'Updating FLAG_CMD', 'INFO') mytb.putcol('COMMAND', cmds) else: 'FLAG_CMD table contains spw selection by name. Will not update it!', 'DEBUG') finally: mytb.close() mslocal = None mytb = None def add_history( casalog, infile, datacolumn, field, spw, timerange, scan, timebin, timespan, antenna, outfile): mslocal = mstool() # Write history to output MS, not the input ms. try: code_object = sdtimeaverage.__code__ param_names = code_object.co_varnames[:code_object.co_argcount] local_vals = locals() param_vals = [local_vals.get(p, None) for p in param_names] write_history(mslocal, outfile, 'sdtimeaverage', param_names, param_vals, casalog) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN') return False mslocal = None return True # END