from __future__ import absolute_import from glob import glob import os import re import sys import shutil # the solution here to findCalModels should be reworked # CASA5 uses the casa dict to set the default roots parameter values # and that dict is not available in CASA6, where ctsys.resolve is # available # Here: defaultRoots is defined differently for CASA6 and CASA5 and # that values is used as the default value for the roots parameter in # findCalModels. # Inside findCalModels there is a new section at the top to use # ctsys.resolve to make the initial attempt to find the models. # If that fails or is unavailable it falls back to the CASA5 code. # get is_python3 and is_CASA6 from casatasks.private.casa_transition import * if is_CASA6: from .setjy_helper import * from .parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper from .parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper from .mstools import write_history from casatools import ctsys, ms, imager, calibrater from casatasks import casalog # used in one type comparison strType = str # default roots argument for findCalModels defaultRoots = ['.'] else: from setjy_helper import * from taskinit import * from taskinit import mstool as ms from taskinit import imtool as imager from taskinit import cbtool as calibrater from mstools import write_history from parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper from parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper # used in one type comparison strType = string # default roots argument for findCalModels defaultRoots = ['.', casa['dirs']['data']] # Helper class for Multi-MS processing (by SC) class SetjyHelper(): def __init__(self, msfile=None): self.__msfile = msfile def resetModelCol(self): rstatus = True # Hide the log info"Resetting the log filter to WARN", "DEBUG")"Initialize the MODEL columns of sub-MSs to default 1", "DEBUG") casalog.filter('WARN') myms = ms() try: try: submslist = myms.getreferencedtables() parentms = myms.close() except: if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.__msfile,'SUBMSS'))):"MS may be corrupted. Try to initialize sub-MSs anyway...","DEBUG") submslist = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.__msfile,'SUBMSS',fn)) for fn in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.__msfile,'SUBMSS')) if fn.endswith('.ms') ] else: rstatus = False mycb = calibrater() if parentms!= submslist[0]: for subms in submslist:, addcorr=False, addmodel=True) mycb.close() except: rstatus = False casalog.filter('INFO') return rstatus def setjy(vis=None, field=None, spw=None, selectdata=None, timerange=None, scan=None, intent=None, observation=None, scalebychan=None, standard=None, model=None, modimage=None, listmodels=None, fluxdensity=None, spix=None, reffreq=None, polindex=None, polangle=None, rotmeas=None, fluxdict=None, useephemdir=None, interpolation=None, usescratch=None, ismms=None): """Fills the model column for flux density calibrators.""" casalog.origin('setjy')"standard="+standard,'DEBUG1') mylocals = locals() if not listmodels: # listmmodels=T does not require vis sh = SetjyHelper(vis) rstat = sh.resetModelCol() # Take care of the trivial parallelization if ( not listmodels and ParallelDataHelper.isMMSAndNotServer(vis) and usescratch): # jagonzal: We actually operate in parallel when usescratch=True because only # in this case there is a good trade-off between the parallelization overhead # and speed up due to the load involved with MODEL_DATA column creation # Create the default MODEL columns in all sub-MSs to avoid corruption of the MMS # when there are NULL MS selections # # TT: Use ismms is used to change behavior of some of the execption handling # for MMS case. It is a hidden task parameter only modified when input vis # is identified as MMS via SetjyHelper.resetModel(). #sh = SetjyHelper(vis) #rstat = sh.resetModelCol() if not rstat: raise RuntimeError("Could not initialize MODEL columns in sub-MSs", 'SEVERE') ismms=rstat mylocals['ismms']=ismms helper = ParallelTaskHelper('setjy', mylocals) helper._consolidateOutput = False retval = helper.go() # Remove the subMS names from the returned dictionary. Pick the first dictionary from # the list os subMS dictionaries if (any(isinstance(v, dict) for v in retval.values())): for subMS in retval: dict_i = retval[subMS] if isinstance(dict_i,dict): retval = dict_i break else: raise RuntimeError("Error in parallel processing of MMS, retval: {}". format(retval),'SEVERE') else: retval = setjy_core(vis, field, spw, selectdata, timerange, scan, intent, observation, scalebychan, standard, model, modimage, listmodels, fluxdensity, spix, reffreq, polindex, polangle, rotmeas, fluxdict, useephemdir, interpolation, usescratch, ismms) return retval def setjy_core(vis=None, field=None, spw=None, selectdata=None, timerange=None, scan=None, intent=None, observation=None, scalebychan=None, standard=None, model=None, modimage=None, listmodels=None, fluxdensity=None, spix=None, reffreq=None, polindex=None, polangle=None, rotmeas=None, fluxdict=None, useephemdir=None, interpolation=None, usescratch=None, ismms=None): """Fills the model column for flux density calibrators.""" retval = {} clnamelist=[] # remove componentlist generated deletecomp = True #deletecomp = False try: # Here we only list the models available, but don't perform any operation if listmodels:"Listing model candidates (listmodels == True).") if vis:"%s is NOT being modified." % vis) if standard=='Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012': tpm_supported_objects = ['Ceres','Lutetia','Pallas','Vesta'] ssmoddirs = findCalModels(target='SolarSystemModels', exts=['.im','.ms','tab']) sstpmdirs = findCalModels(target='SolarSystemModels', exts=['.im','.ms','tab']) if ssmoddirs==set([]):"No models were found. Missing SolarSystemModels in the CASA data directory","WARN") for d in ssmoddirs: lsmodims(d,modpat='*Tb*.dat', header='Tb models of solar system objects available for %s' % standard) for d in sstpmdirs: lsmodims(d,modpat='*fd_time.dat', header='Time variable models of asteroids available for %s [only applicable for the observation date 2014.01.01 0UT and beyond]' % standard) elif standard=='Butler-JPL-Horizons 2010': availmodellist=['Venus', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Uranus', 'Neptune', 'Pluto', 'Io', 'Europa', 'Ganymede', 'Callisto', 'Titan','Triton', 'Ceres', 'Pallas', 'Vesta', 'Juno', 'Victoria', 'Davida']"Solar system objects recognized by %s:" % standard) casalog.posta(vailmodellist) else: lsmodims('.', modpat='*.im* *.mod*') calmoddirs = findCalModels() ssmoddirs=None for d in calmoddirs: lsmodims(d) # Actual operation, when either the MODEL_DATA column or visibility model header are set else: if not os.path.isdir(vis): + " must be a valid MS unless listmodels is True.", # "SEVERE") raise Exception("%s is not a valid MS" % vis) myms = ms() myim = imager() if ismms==None: ismms=False if type(vis) == str and os.path.isdir(vis): n_selected_rows = nselrows(vis, field, spw, observation, timerange, scan, intent, usescratch, ismms) # jagonzal: When usescratch=True, creating the MODEL column only on a sub-set of # Sub-MSs causes problems because ms::open requires all the tables in ConCatTable # to have the same description (MODEL data column must exist in all Sub-MSs) # # This is a bit of an over-doing but it is necessary for the sake of transparency # # Besides, this is also the same behavior as when running setjy vs a normal MS # # Finally, This does not affect the normal MS case because nselrows throws an # exception when the user enters an invalid data selection, but it works for the # MMS case because every sub-Ms contains a copy of the entire MMS sub-tables ##if ((not n_selected_rows) and ((not usescratch) or (standard=="Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012"))) : #mylocals = locals() #if ((not n_selected_rows) and ((usescratch) or (standard=="Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012"))) : if ((not n_selected_rows) and ((ismms) or (standard=="Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012"))) : # jagonzal: Turn this SEVERE into WARNING, as explained above"No rows were selected.", "WARNING") return {} else: if (not n_selected_rows): raise Exception("No rows were selected. Please check your data selection"), usescratch=usescratch) else: raise Exception('Visibility data set not found - please verify the name') if modimage==None: # defined as 'hidden' with default '' in the xml # but the default value does not seem to set so deal # with it here... modimage='' if model: modimage=model elif not model and modimage:"The modimage parameter is deprecated please use model instead", "WARNING") # If modimage is not an absolute path, see if we can find exactly 1 match in the likely places. if modimage and modimage[0] != '/': cwd = os.path.abspath('.') calmoddirs = [cwd] # casa dict unavailable in CASA6 if is_CASA6: calmoddirs += findCalModels() else: calmoddirs += findCalModels(roots=[cwd, casa['dirs']['data']]) candidates = [] for calmoddir in calmoddirs: cand = os.path.join(calmoddir,modimage) if os.path.isdir(cand): candidates.append(cand) if not candidates: raise RuntimeError("%s was not found for modimage in %s." %(modimage, ', '.join(calmoddirs))) elif len(candidates) > 1:"More than 1 candidate for modimage was found:", 'SEVERE') for c in candidates:"\t" + c, 'SEVERE') raise RuntimeError("Please pick 1 and use the absolute path (starting with /).") else: modimage = candidates[0]"Using %s for modimage." % modimage, 'INFO') # Write the parameters to HISTORY before the tool writes anything. try: param_names = setjy.__code__.co_varnames[:setjy.__code__.co_argcount] if is_python3: vars = locals() param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] else: param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names] write_history(myms, vis, 'setjy', param_names, param_vals, casalog) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN') # Split the process for solar system objects # To maintain the behavior of SetJy such that if a flux density is specified # we use it rather than the model, we need to check the state of the # input fluxdensity JSK 10/25/2012 # TT comment 07/01/2013: some what redundant as fluxdensity is moved to # a subparameter but leave fluxdensity=-1 for backward compatibility userFluxDensity = fluxdensity is not None if userFluxDensity and isinstance(fluxdensity, list): userFluxDensity = fluxdensity[0] > 0.0 elif userFluxDensity: userFluxDensity = fluxdensity > 0.0 #in mpirun somehow subparameter defaulting does not work properly, #it seems to pick up default defined in "constraint" clause in the task xml instead #of the one defined in "param", so userFluxDensity is not reliable to use in here # (and somewhat redundant in this case). #if standard=="Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012" and not userFluxDensity: if standard=="Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012":"Using Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012") ssmoddirs = findCalModels(target='SolarSystemModels', exts=['.im','.ms','tab']) if ssmoddirs==set([]): raise Exception("Missing Tb or fd models in the data directory") setjyutil=ss_setjy_helper(myim,vis,casalog) retval=setjyutil.setSolarObjectJy(field=field,spw=spw,scalebychan=scalebychan, timerange=timerange,observation=str(observation), scan=scan, intent=intent, useephemdir=useephemdir,usescratch=usescratch) clnamelist=setjyutil.getclnamelist() else: # Need to branch out the process for fluxscale since the input dictionary may # contains multiple fields. Since fluxdensity parameter is just a vector contains # IQUV flux densities and so need to run im.setjy per field if standard=="fluxscale": instandard="Perley-Butler 2010" # function to return selected field, spw, etc fieldidused=parse_fluxdict(fluxdict, vis, field, spw, observation, timerange, scan, intent, usescratch) if len(fieldidused): retval={} for selfld in fieldidused: #selspix=fluxdict[selfld]["spidx"][1] # setjy only support alpha for now selspix=fluxdict[selfld]["spidx"][1:] # omit c0 (=log(So)) # set all (even if fluxdensity = -1 if spw=='': selspw = [] invalidspw = [] for ispw in fluxdict["spwID"].tolist(): # skip spw if fluxd=-1 if fluxdict[selfld][str(ispw)]["fluxd"][0]>-1: selspw.append(ispw) else: invalidspw.append(ispw) if len(invalidspw):"Fluxdict does not contains valid fluxdensity for spw="+ str(invalidspw)+ ". Model will not set for those spws.", "WARN") else: # use spw selection selspw = ms.msseltoindex(vis,spw=spw)["spw"].tolist() if fluxdict[selfld]["fitFluxd"]: selfluxd = fluxdict[selfld]["fitFluxd"] selreffreq = fluxdict[selfld]["fitRefFreq"] else: # use first selected spw's flux density selfluxd = fluxdict[selfld][str(selspw[0])]['fluxd'] # assuming the fluxscale reporting the center freq of a given spw selreffreq=fluxdict["freq"][selspw[0]]"Use fluxdensity=%s, reffreq=%s, spix=%s" % (selfluxd,selreffreq,selspix)) curretval=myim.setjy(field=selfld,spw=selspw,modimage=modimage, # enable spix in list fluxdensity=selfluxd, spix=selspix, reffreq=selreffreq, #fluxdensity=selfluxd, spix=[selspix], reffreq=selreffreq, standard=instandard, scalebychan=scalebychan, polindex=polindex, polangle=polangle, rotmeas=rotmeas, time=timerange, observation=str(observation), scan=scan, intent=intent, interpolation=interpolation) retval.update(curretval) else: raise Exception("No field is selected. Check fluxdict and field selection.") else: influxdensity=fluxdensity if standard=="manual": instandard="Perley-Butler 2010" # default standard when fluxdensity=-1 or 1 else: instandard=standard # From the task, fluxdensity=-1 always for standard!="manual" (but possible to # for im.setjy to run with both the stanadard and fluxdensity specified. # Until CAS-6463 is fixed, need to catch and override inconsistent parameters. if userFluxDensity and instandard!='manual': influxdensity=-1 #raise Exception("Use standard=\"manual\" to set the specified fluxdensity.")"*** fluxdensity > 0 but standard != 'manual' (possibly interaction with globals), override to set fluxdensity=-1.", 'WARN') if spix==[]: # handle the default spix=0.0 # need to modify imager to accept double array for spix retval=myim.setjy(field=field, spw=spw, modimage=modimage, fluxdensity=influxdensity, spix=spix, reffreq=reffreq, standard=instandard, scalebychan=scalebychan, polindex=polindex, polangle=polangle, rotmeas=rotmeas, time=timerange, observation=str(observation), scan=scan, intent=intent, interpolation=interpolation) myim.close() finally: if standard=='Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012': for cln in clnamelist: if deletecomp and os.path.exists(cln) and os.path.isdir(cln): shutil.rmtree(cln,True) if os.path.exists(os.path.basename(vis)+"_tmp_setjyCLfile"): shutil.rmtree(os.path.basename(vis)+"_tmp_setjyCLfile") return retval def better_glob(pats): """ Unlike ls, glob.glob('pat1 pat2') does not return the union of matches to pat1 and pat2. This does. """ retset = set([]) patlist = pats.split() for p in patlist: retset.update(glob(p)) return retset def lsmodims(path, modpat='*', header='Candidate modimages'): """ Does an ls -d of files or directories in path matching modpat. Header describes what is being listed. """ if os.path.isdir(path): if better_glob(os.path.join(path,modpat)):"\n%s (%s) in %s:" % (header, modpat, path)) sys.stdout.flush() os.system('cd ' + path + ';ls -d ' + modpat) else:"\nNo %s matching '%s' found in %s" % (header.lower(), modpat, path)) def findCalModels(target='CalModels', roots=defaultRoots, #permexcludes = ['.svn', 'regression', 'ephemerides', permexcludes = ['regression', 'ephemerides', 'geodetic', 'gui'], exts=['.ms', '.im', '.tab']): """ Returns a set of directories ending in target that are in the trees of roots. Because casa['dirs']['data'] can contain a lot, and CASA tables are directories, branches matching permexcludes or exts are excluded for speed. """ retset = set([]) ## ## first attempt to resolve using data path - only available in CASA6 ## if is_CASA6: standard_locations = { 'CalModels': [ 'nrao/VLA/CalModels' ], 'SolarSystemModels': [ 'alma/SolarSystemModels' ] } if target in standard_locations: for p in standard_locations[target]: candidate = ctsys.resolve(p) if os.path.isdir(candidate): retset.add(candidate) if len(retset) > 0: return retset # exclulde all hidden(.xxx) directories regex = re.compile('^\.\S+') # extra skip for OSX if sys.platform == "darwin": permexcludes.append('Frameworks') permexcludes.append('Library') permexcludes.append('lib') for root in roots: # Do a walk to find target directories in root. # 7/5/2011: glob('/export/data_1/casa/gnuactive/data/*/CalModels/*') doesn't work. for path, dirs, fnames in os.walk(root, followlinks=True): realpath = os.path.realpath(path) if not realpath in retset: excludes = permexcludes[:] for ext in exts: excludes += [d for d in dirs if ext in d] excludes += [ for d in dirs for m in [] if m] for d in excludes: if d in dirs: dirs.remove(d) if path.split('/')[-1] == target: # make path realpath to resolve the issue with duplicated path resulted from symlinks retset.add(realpath) return retset def nselrows(vis, field='', spw='', obs='', timerange='', scan='', intent='', usescratch=None, ismms=False): # modified to use ms.msselect. If no row is selected ms.msselect will # raise an exception - TT 2013.12.13 retval = 0 myms = ms() #msselargs = {'vis': vis} msselargs = {} if field: msselargs['field'] = field if spw: msselargs['spw'] = spw if intent: msselargs['scanintent'] = intent # only applicable for usescratch=T if usescratch: if obs: if not type(obs) == strType: sobs = str(obs) msselargs['observation'] = sobs if timerange: msselargs['time'] = timerange if scan: msselargs['scan'] = scan else: warnstr='Data selection by ' datasels=[] if timerange: datasels.append('timerange') if scan: datasels.append('scan') if obs: datasels.append('observation') if len(datasels): warnstr+=str(datasels)+' will be ignored for usescartch=False','WARN') # === skip this use ms.msselect instead ==== # ms.msseltoindex only goes by the subtables - it does NOT check # whether the main table has any rows matching the selection. # try: # selindices = myms.msseltoindex(**msselargs) #"msselargs=",msselargs," selindices=",selindices) # except Exception, instance: #'nselrowscore exception: %s' % instance,'SEVERE') # raise instance # query = [] # if field: # query.append("FIELD_ID in " + str(selindices['field'].tolist())) # if spw: # query.append("DATA_DESC_ID in " + str(selindices['spw'].tolist())) # if obs and usescratch: # query.append("OBSERVATION_ID in " + str(selindices['obsids'].tolist())) # I don't know why ms.msseltoindex takes a time argument # - It doesn't seem to appear in the output. # if scan and usescratch: # query.append("SCAN_NUMBER in " + str(selindices['scan'].tolist())) #if timerange and usescratch: # query.append("TIME in [select TIME where # for intent (OBS_MODE in STATE subtable), need a subquery part... # if intent: # query.append("STATE_ID in [select from ::STATE where OBS_MODE==pattern(\""+\ # intent+"\") giving [ROWID()]]") #"query=",query) # mytb = tbtool() # myms = ms() if (len(msselargs)==0): retval = myms.nrow() myms.close() else: try: # st = mytb.query(' and '.join(query),style='python') # Does style matter here? # retval = st.nrows() # st.close() # needed to clear tablecache? # mytb.close() myms.msselect(msselargs) retval = myms.nrow(True) finally: #if ismms: #'nselrows: %s' % instance,'WARN') #else: # this is probably redundant as the exception will be handle in setjy()'nselrowscore exception: %s' % instance,'SEVERE') # pass myms.close() #if not ismms: # raise Exception, instance #else: #'Proceed as it appears to be dealing with a MMS...','DEBUG') return retval def parse_fluxdict(fluxdict, vis, field='', spw='', observation='', timerange='', scan='', intent='', usescratch=None): """ Parser function for fluxdict (dictionary output from fluxscale) to set fluxdensity, spix, and reffreq parameters (as in 'manual' mode) """ # set spix and reffreq if there myms = ms() # dictionary for storing modified (taking AND between the data selection # and fluxdict content) modmsselargs={} msselargs={} msselargs['field']=field msselargs['spw']=spw msselargs['scanintent']=intent # only applicable for usescratch=T if usescratch: if observation: msselargs['observation'] = observation if timerange: msselargs['time'] = timerange if scan: msselargs['scan'] = scan try: myms.msselect(msselargs) #selindices = myms.msselectedindices() msselfldids=myms.range(["FIELD_ID"])['field_id'] except Exception as instance:'parse_fluxdict exception: %s' % instance,'SEVERE') raise finally: myms.close() # check if fluxdict is valid if fluxdict=={}: raise Exception("fluxdict is empty") else: msg="" if not "freq" in fluxdict: msg+="freq " if not "spwID" in fluxdict: msg+="spwID " if len(msg): raise Exception("Input fluxdict is missing keywords:"+msg) # select fields only common to the dictionary and field selection fieldids=[] for ky in fluxdict.keys(): try: int(ky) fieldids.append(ky) # list in string field ids except: pass if not len(fieldids):'No field ids was found in the dictionary given for fluxdict. Please check the input.', 'SEVERE') #if len(selindices['field']): if len(msselfldids): # also check there is common field id, note field ids in selindices are in numpy.array #selfieldids = [fd for fd in fieldids if int(fd) in selindices['field'].tolist()] selfieldids = [fd for fd in fieldids if int(fd) in msselfldids] if not len(selfieldids): raise Exception("No field was found in fluxdict for the given data selection") else: selfieldids = fieldids return selfieldids