################################################ # Refactored Clean task # # v1.0: 2012.10.05, U.R.V. # ################################################ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import shutil import numpy import copy import time # get is_CASA6 and is_python3 from casatasks.private.casa_transition import * if is_CASA6: from casatasks import casalog from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.imager_base import PySynthesisImager from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.imager_parallel_continuum import PyParallelContSynthesisImager from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.imager_parallel_cube import PyParallelCubeSynthesisImager from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers.input_parameters import ImagerParameters from .cleanhelper import write_tclean_history, get_func_params from casatools import table from casatools import synthesisimager else: from taskinit import * from imagerhelpers.imager_base import PySynthesisImager from imagerhelpers.imager_parallel_continuum import PyParallelContSynthesisImager from imagerhelpers.imager_parallel_cube import PyParallelCubeSynthesisImager from imagerhelpers.input_parameters import ImagerParameters from cleanhelper import write_tclean_history, get_func_params table=casac.table synthesisimager=casac.synthesisimager try: if is_CASA6: from casampi.MPIEnvironment import MPIEnvironment from casampi import MPIInterface else: from mpi4casa.MPIEnvironment import MPIEnvironment from mpi4casa import MPIInterface mpi_available = True except ImportError: mpi_available = False def tclean( ####### Data Selection vis,#='', selectdata, field,#='', spw,#='', timerange,#='', uvrange,#='', antenna,#='', scan,#='', observation,#='', intent,#='', datacolumn,#='corrected', ####### Image definition imagename,#='', imsize,#=[100,100], cell,#=['1.0arcsec','1.0arcsec'], phasecenter,#='J2000 19:59:28.500 +', stokes,#='I', projection,#='SIN', startmodel,#='', ## Spectral parameters specmode,#='mfs', reffreq,#='', nchan,#=1, start,#='', width,#='', outframe,#='LSRK', veltype,#='', restfreq,#=[''], # sysvel,#='', # sysvelframe,#='', interpolation,#='', perchanweightdensity, #='' ## ####### Gridding parameters gridder,#='ft', facets,#=1, psfphasecenter,#='', wprojplanes,#=1, ### PB vptable, mosweight, #=True aterm,#=True, psterm,#=True, wbawp ,#= True, conjbeams ,#= True, cfcache ,#= "", usepointing, #=false computepastep ,#=360.0, rotatepastep ,#=360.0, pointingoffsetsigdev ,#=[10.0], pblimit,#=0.01, normtype,#='flatnoise', ####### Deconvolution parameters deconvolver,#='hogbom', scales,#=[], nterms,#=1, smallscalebias,#=0.0 fusedthreshold, largestscale, ### restoration options restoration, restoringbeam,#=[], pbcor, ##### Outliers outlierfile,#='', ##### Weighting weighting,#='natural', robust,#=0.5, noise,#0.0Jy npixels,#=0, # uvtaper,#=False, uvtaper,#=[], ##### Iteration control niter,#=0, gain,#=0.1, threshold,#=0.0, nsigma,#=0.0 cycleniter,#=0, cyclefactor,#=1.0, minpsffraction,#=0.1, maxpsffraction,#=0.8, interactive,#=False, ##### (new) Mask parameters usemask,#='user', mask,#='', pbmask,#='', # maskthreshold,#='', # maskresolution,#='', # nmask,#=0, ##### automask by multithresh sidelobethreshold,#=5.0, noisethreshold,#=3.0, lownoisethreshold,#=3.0, negativethreshold,#=0.0, smoothfactor,#=1.0, minbeamfrac,#=0.3, cutthreshold,#=0.01, growiterations,#=100 dogrowprune,#=True minpercentchange,#=0.0 verbose, #=False fastnoise, #=False ## Misc restart,#=True, savemodel,#="none", # makeimages,#="auto" calcres,#=True, calcpsf,#=True, psfcutoff,#=0.35 ####### State parameters parallel):#=False): ##################################################### #### Sanity checks and controls ##################################################### ### Move these checks elsewhere ? inpparams=locals().copy() ###now deal with parameters which are not the same name inpparams['msname']= inpparams.pop('vis') inpparams['timestr']= inpparams.pop('timerange') inpparams['uvdist']= inpparams.pop('uvrange') inpparams['obs']= inpparams.pop('observation') inpparams['state']= inpparams.pop('intent') inpparams['loopgain']=inpparams.pop('gain') inpparams['scalebias']=inpparams.pop('smallscalebias') # Force chanchunks=1 always now (CAS-13400) inpparams['chanchunks']=1 if specmode=='cont': specmode='mfs' inpparams['specmode']='mfs' # if specmode=='mfs' and nterms==1 and deconvolver == "mtmfs": # casalog.post( "The MTMFS deconvolution algorithm (deconvolver='mtmfs') needs nterms>1.Please set nterms=2 (or more). ", "WARN", "task_tclean" ) # return if(deconvolver=="mtmfs" and (specmode=='cube' or specmode=='cubedata')): casalog.post( "The MSMFS algorithm (deconvolver='mtmfs') with specmode='cube' is not supported", "WARN", "task_tclean" ) return if((specmode=='cube' or specmode=='cubedata') and (parallel==False and mpi_available and MPIEnvironment.is_mpi_enabled) ): casalog.post( "Setting parameter parallel=False with specmode='cube' when launching CASA with mpi has no effect", "WARN", "task_tclean" ) if(perchanweightdensity==False and weighting=='briggsbwtaper'): casalog.post( "The briggsbwtaper weighting scheme is not compatable with perchanweightdensity=False.", "WARN", "task_tclean" ) return if((specmode=='mfs' or specmode=='cont') and weighting=='briggsbwtaper'): casalog.post( "The briggsbwtaper weighting scheme is not compatable with specmode='mfs' or 'cont'.", "WARN", "task_tclean" ) return if(npixels != 0 and weighting=='briggsbwtaper'): casalog.post( "The briggsbwtaper weighting scheme is not compatable with npixels != 0.", "WARN", "task_tclean" ) return if(facets>1 and parallel==True): casalog.post("Facetted imaging currently works only in serial. Please choose pure W-projection instead.","WARN","task_tclean") ##################################################### #### Construct ImagerParameters object ##################################################### imager = None paramList = None # Put all parameters into dictionaries and check them. ##make a dictionary of parameters that ImagerParameters take if is_python3: defparm=dict(list(zip(ImagerParameters.__init__.__code__.co_varnames[1:], ImagerParameters.__init__.__defaults__))) else: defparm=dict(zip(ImagerParameters.__init__.__func__.__code__.co_varnames[1:], ImagerParameters.__init__.func_defaults)) ###assign values to the ones passed to tclean and if not defined yet in tclean... ###assign them the default value of the constructor bparm={k: inpparams[k] if k in inpparams else defparm[k] for k in defparm.keys()} ###default mosweight=True is tripping other gridders as they are not ###expecting it to be true if(bparm['mosweight']==True and bparm['gridder'].find("mosaic") == -1): bparm['mosweight']=False if specmode=='mfs': bparm['perchanweightdensity'] = False # deprecation message if usemask=='auto-thresh' or usemask=='auto-thresh2': casalog.post(usemask+" is deprecated, will be removed in CASA 5.4. It is recommended to use auto-multithresh instead", "WARN") #paramList.printParameters() if len(pointingoffsetsigdev)>0 and pointingoffsetsigdev[0]!=0.0 and usepointing==True and gridder.count('awproj')>1: casalog.post("pointingoffsetsigdev will be used for pointing corrections with AWProjection", "WARN") # elif usepointing==True and pointingoffsetsigdev[0] == 0: # casalog.post("pointingoffsetsigdev is set to zero which is an unphysical value, will proceed with the native sky pixel resolution instead". "WARN") ##pcube may still need to be set to True for some combination of ftmachine etc... #========================================================= concattype='' pcube=False if parallel==True and specmode!='mfs': if specmode!='mfs': pcube=False parallel=False else: pcube=True #========================================================= ####set the children to load c++ libraries and applicator ### make workers ready for c++ based mpicommands cppparallel=False if mpi_available and MPIEnvironment.is_mpi_enabled and specmode!='mfs' and not pcube: mint=MPIInterface.MPIInterface() cl=mint.getCluster() if(is_CASA6): cl._cluster.pgc("from casatools import synthesisimager", False) cl._cluster.pgc("si=synthesisimager()", False) else: cl._cluster.pgc("from casac import casac", False) cl._cluster.pgc("si=casac.synthesisimager()", False) cl._cluster.pgc("si.initmpi()", False) cppparallel=True ###ignore chanchunk bparm['chanchunks']=1 # catch non operational case (parallel cube tclean with interative=T) if pcube and interactive: casalog.post( "Interactive mode is not currently supported with parallel apwproject cube CLEANing, please restart by setting interactive=F", "WARN", "task_tclean" ) return False #casalog.post('parameters {}'.format(bparm)) paramList=ImagerParameters(**bparm) ## Setup Imager objects, for different parallelization schemes. imagerInst=PySynthesisImager if parallel==False and pcube==False: imager = PySynthesisImager(params=paramList) imagerInst=PySynthesisImager elif parallel==True: imager = PyParallelContSynthesisImager(params=paramList) imagerInst=PySynthesisImager elif pcube==True: imager = PyParallelCubeSynthesisImager(params=paramList) imagerInst=PyParallelCubeSynthesisImager # virtualconcat type - changed from virtualmove to virtualcopy 2016-07-20 #using ia.imageconcat now the name changed to copyvirtual 2019-08-12 concattype='copyvirtual' else: casalog.post('Invalid parallel combination in doClean.', 'ERROR') return retrec={} try: #if (1): #pdb.set_trace() ## Init major cycle elements t0=time.time(); imager.initializeImagers() # Construct the CFCache for AWProject-class of FTMs. For # other choices the following three calls become NoOps. # imager.dryGridding(); # imager.fillCFCache(); # imager.reloadCFCache(); imager.initializeNormalizers() imager.setWeighting() t1=time.time(); casalog.post("***Time for initializing imager and normalizers: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); ## Init minor cycle elements if niter>0 or restoration==True: t0=time.time(); imager.initializeDeconvolvers() t1=time.time(); casalog.post("***Time for initializing deconvolver(s): "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); ####now is the time to check estimated memory imager.estimatememory() if niter>0: t0=time.time(); imager.initializeIterationControl() t1=time.time(); casalog.post("***Time for initializing iteration controller: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); ## Make PSF if calcpsf==True: t0=time.time(); imager.makePSF() if((psfphasecenter != '') and ('mosaic' in gridder)): ###for some reason imager keeps the psf open delete it and recreate it afterwards imager.deleteTools() mytb=table() psfname=bparm['imagename']+'.psf.tt0' if(os.path.exists( bparm['imagename']+'.psf.tt0')) else bparm['imagename']+'.psf' mytb.open(psfname) miscinf=mytb.getkeyword('miscinfo') iminf=mytb.getkeyword('imageinfo') #casalog.post ('miscinfo {} {}'.format(miscinf, iminf)) mytb.done() casalog.post("doing with different phasecenter psf") imager.unlockimages(0) psfParameters=paramList.getAllPars() psfParameters['phasecenter']=psfphasecenter psfParamList=ImagerParameters(**psfParameters) psfimager=imagerInst(params=psfParamList) psfimager.initializeImagers() psfimager.setWeighting() psfimager.makeImage('psf', psfParameters['imagename']+'.psf') psfimager.deleteTools() mytb.open(psfname, nomodify=False) mytb.putkeyword('imageinfo',iminf) mytb.putkeyword('miscinfo',miscinf) mytb.done() imager = PySynthesisImager(params=paramList) imager.initializeImagers() imager.initializeNormalizers() imager.setWeighting() ###redo these as we destroyed things for lock issues ## Init minor cycle elements if niter>0 or restoration==True: imager.initializeDeconvolvers() if niter>0: imager.initializeIterationControl() t1=time.time(); if(specmode != 'mfs' and ('stand' in gridder)): casalog.post("***Time for making PSF and PB: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); else: casalog.post("***Time for making PSF: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); imager.makePB() t2=time.time(); if(specmode=='mfs' and ('stand' in gridder)): casalog.post("***Time for making PB: "+"%.2f"%(t2-t1)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); if niter >=0 : ## Make dirty image if calcres==True: t0=time.time(); imager.runMajorCycle() t1=time.time(); casalog.post("***Time for major cycle (calcres=T): "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); ## In case of no deconvolution iterations.... if niter==0 and calcres==False: if savemodel != "none": imager.predictModel() ## Do deconvolution and iterations if niter>0 : t0=time.time(); isit = imager.hasConverged() imager.updateMask() #if((type(usemask)==str) and ('auto' in usemask)): # isit = imager.hasConverged() isit = imager.hasConverged() t1=time.time(); casalog.post("***Time to update mask: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); while ( not isit ): t0=time.time(); ### sometimes after automasking it does not do anything doneMinor=imager.runMinorCycle() t1=time.time(); casalog.post("***Time for minor cycle: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); t0=time.time(); if(doneMinor): imager.runMajorCycle() t1=time.time(); casalog.post("***Time for major cycle: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); imager.updateMask() t2=time.time() casalog.post("***Time to update mask: "+"%.2f"%(t2-t1)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); isit = imager.hasConverged() or (not doneMinor) ## Get summary from iterbot if type(interactive) != bool: retrec=imager.getSummary(); if savemodel!='none' and (interactive==True or usemask=='auto-multithresh' or nsigma>0.0): paramList.resetParameters() if parallel and specmode=='mfs': # For parallel mfs, also needs to reset the parameters for each node imager.resetSaveModelParams(paramList) imager.initializeImagers() imager.predictModel() ## Restore images. if restoration==True: t0=time.time(); imager.restoreImages() t1=time.time(); casalog.post("***Time for restoring images: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); if pbcor==True: t0=time.time(); imager.pbcorImages() t1=time.time(); casalog.post("***Time for pb-correcting images: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean"); ######### niter >=0 end if finally: ##close tools # needs to deletools before concat or lock waits for ever if imager != None: imager.deleteTools() if(cppparallel): ###release workers back to python mpi control si=synthesisimager() si.releasempi() if (pcube): casalog.post("running concatImages ...") casalog.post("Running virtualconcat (type=%s) of sub-cubes" % concattype,"INFO2", "task_tclean") imager.concatImages(type=concattype) # CAS-10721 #if niter>0 and savemodel != "none": # casalog.post("Please check the casa log file for a message confirming that the model was saved after the last major cycle. If it doesn't exist, please re-run tclean with niter=0,calcres=False,calcpsf=False in order to trigger a 'predict model' step that obeys the savemodel parameter.","WARN","task_tclean") # Write history at the end, when hopefully all .workdirectory, .work.temp, etc. are gone # from disk, so they won't be picked up. They need time to disappear on NFS or slow hw. try: params = get_func_params(tclean, locals()) write_tclean_history(imagename, 'tclean', params, casalog) except Exception as exc: casalog.post("Error updating history (logtable): {} ".format(exc),'WARN') return retrec ##################################################