import os import sys import string import inspect from casa_stack_manip import stack_find, find_casa ####---------------- return path to XML files ---------------- def static_var(varname, value): def decorate(func): setattr(func, varname, value) return func return decorate @static_var("path", None) def xmlpath( ): if xmlpath.path is None: __casapath__ = os.environ['CASAPATH'].split(' ')[0] __casaarch__ = os.environ['CASAPATH'].split(' ')[1] if os.path.exists(__casapath__ + "/" + __casaarch__ + "/xml"): xmlpath.path = __casapath__ + "/" + __casaarch__ + "/xml" elif os.path.exists(__casapath__ + "/xml"): xmlpath.path = __casapath__ + "/xml" else: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to find the XML constraints directory in your CASAPATH" return xmlpath.path ####---------------------------------------------------------- casa = find_casa( ) if casa.has_key('state') and casa['state'].has_key('init_version') and casa['state']['init_version'] > 0: # ##allow globals for taskby default casaglobals=True casac = stack_find("casac") casalog = stack_find("casalog") gentools = stack_find("gentools") qatool = stack_find("qatool") qa = stack_find("qa") utilstool = stack_find("utilstool") cu = stack_find("cu") tbtool = stack_find("tbtool") tb = stack_find("tb") ms = stack_find("ms") mstool = stack_find("mstool") aftool = stack_find("aftool") cbtool = stack_find("cbtool") cltool = stack_find("cltool") write_history = stack_find("write_history") me = stack_find("me") metool = stack_find("metool") mttool = stack_find("mttool") imtool = stack_find("imtool") smtool = stack_find("smtool") at = stack_find("at") attool = stack_find("attool") msmdtool = stack_find("msmdtool") coordsystool = stack_find("coordsystool") cptool = stack_find("cptool") cstool = stack_find("cstool") dctool = stack_find("dctool") fitool = stack_find("fitool") fntool = stack_find("fntool") iatool = stack_find("iatool") imdtool = stack_find("imdtool") lmtool = stack_find("lmtool") mptool = stack_find("mptool") pmtool = stack_find("pmtool") pm = stack_find("pm") potool = stack_find("potool") rgtool = stack_find("rgtool") sdmstool = stack_find("sdmstool") sdms = stack_find("sdms") sltool = stack_find("sltool") tptool = stack_find("tptool") viewertool = stack_find("viewertool") vptool = stack_find("vptool") sbstool = stack_find("sbstool") else: from casac import * import viewertool import os def __taskinit_setlogfile( logger ) : #### #### needed to allow pushing of the global 'casa' state dictionary #### a=inspect.stack() stacklevel=0 for k in range(len(a)): if a[k][1] == "<string>": stacklevel=k myf=sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals if myf.has_key('casa') and myf['casa'].has_key('files') and myf['casa']['files'].has_key('logfile') : logger.setlogfile(myf['casa']['files']['logfile']) # ##allow globals for taskby default casaglobals=True # setup available tools imager = casac.imager imtool=imager calibrater = casac.calibrater cbtool=calibrater mstool = tptool = casac.tableplot tp = tptool() mptool = casac.msplot mp = mptool() pmtool = casac.plotms pm = pmtool() cptool = casac.calplot cp = cptool() qatool = casac.quanta qa = = qatool() tbtool = casac.table #fgtool = casac.flagger aftool = casac.agentflagger af = aftool() metool = casac.measures iatool = casac.image potool = casac.imagepol lmtool= casac.linearmosaic smtool = casac.simulator cltool = casac.componentlist coordsystool = casac.coordsys cstool = casac.coordsys rgtool = casac.regionmanager sltool = casac.spectralline dctool = casac.deconvolver vptool = casac.vpmanager msmdtool = casac.msmetadata fitool = casac.fitter fntool = casac.functional imdtool = casac.imagemetadata utilstool = casac.utils cu = = utilstool() vftask = casac.vlafillertask() vlafiller=vftask.fill attool = casac.atmosphere ca = casac.calanalysis() mttool = casac.mstransformer mt = mttool() sdmstool = casac.singledishms sdms = sdmstool() parallelimager = casac.parallelimager() sbstool = casac.sidebandseparator sbs = sbstool() # Log initialization ################################################################################################### # IMPORTANT: The following steps must be follow the described order, # otherwise a seg fault occurs when setting the log file. # 1st Create casalog object, it will be used by tasks when importing taskinit casalog = casac.logsink() # 2nd Set log file accessing CASA dictionary of calling context via stack inspection __taskinit_setlogfile(casalog) # 3rd Set logger as global casalog.setglobal(True) # Set processor origin (normally "casa" but in the MPI case we use the hostname and rank involved) from mpi4casa.MPIEnvironment import MPIEnvironment processor_origin = MPIEnvironment.processor_origin casalog.processorOrigin(processor_origin) # Set showconsole to false for MPIServers casalog.showconsole(MPIEnvironment.log_to_console) # Log initialization ################################################################################################### def gentools(tools=None): """ Generate a fresh set of tools; only the ones who have globally sharing the same one can be unpredicatable im,cb,ms,tb,me,ia,po,sm,cl,cs,rg,sl,dc,vp,msmd,fi,fn,imd,sdms,lm,at=gentools() or if you want specific set of tools im, ia, cb=gentools(['im', 'ia', 'cb']) """ tooldic={'im':'imager()', 'cb' :'calibrater()', 'ms':'mstool()', 'tb':'tbtool()', 'me' :'metool()', 'ia': 'iatool()', 'po':'potool()', 'sm' :'smtool()', 'cl': 'cltool()', 'cs' :'cstool()', 'rg':'rgtool()', 'sl':'sltool()', 'dc':'dctool()', 'vp':'vptool()', 'msmd':'msmdtool()','fi':'fitool()','fn':'fntool()', 'imd':'imdtool()','sdms':'sdmstool()', 'lm':'lmtool()', 'at':'attool()'} reqtools=[] if (not tools) or not hasattr(tools, '__iter__'): reqtools=['im', 'cb', 'ms','tb', 'me', 'ia', 'po', 'sm', 'cl', 'cs', 'rg','sl', 'dc', 'vp', 'msmd', 'fi', 'fn', 'imd', 'sdms', 'lm', 'at'] else: reqtools=tools return tuple([eval(tooldic[reqtool]) for reqtool in reqtools]) im,cb,ms,tb,me,ia,po,sm,cl,cs,rg,sl,dc,vp,msmd,fi,fn,imd,sdms,lm,at=gentools() from mstools import write_history ###done with common tools # setup viewer tool # jagonzal (CAS-4322): Don't load viewer at the engine level if not os.environ.has_key('CASA_ENGINE'): try: ving = viewertool.viewertool( False ) if casa['flags'].has_key('--nogui') : vi = ving else: vi = viewertool.viewertool( True ) except : print "Unable to start viewer, maybe no dbus available?" defaultsdir = {} defaultsdir['alma'] = casa['dirs']['xml'] + '/almadefaults.xml' defaultsdir['evla'] = casa['dirs']['xml'] + '/evladefaults.xml' def selectfield(vis,minstring): """Derive the fieldid from minimum matched string(s): """'/FIELD') fields=list(tb.getcol('NAME'))#get fieldname list tb.close() #close table indexlist=list() #initialize list stringlist=list() fldlist=minstring.split()#split string into elements print 'fldlist is ',fldlist for fld in fldlist: #loop over fields _iter=fields.__iter__() #create iterator for fieldnames while 1: try: # has first value of field name except StopIteration: break # if (x.find(fld)!=-1): indexlist.append(fields.index(x)) stringlist.append(x) print 'Selected fields are: ',stringlist return indexlist def selectantenna(vis,minstring): """Derive the antennaid from matched string(s): """'/ANTENNA') ants=list(tb.getcol('NAME'))#get fieldname list tb.close() #close table indexlist=list() #initialize list stringlist=list() antlist=minstring.split()#split string into elements for ant in antlist: #loop over fields try: ind=ants.index(ant) indexlist.append(ind) stringlist.append(ant) except ValueError: pass print 'Selected reference antenna: ',stringlist print 'indexlist: ',indexlist return indexlist[0] def readboxfile(boxfile): """ Read a file containing clean boxes (compliant with AIPS BOXFILE) Format is: #FIELDID BLC-X BLC-Y TRC-X TRC-Y 0 110 110 150 150 or 0 hh:mm:ss.s hh:mm:ss.s Note all lines beginning with '#' are ignored. """ union=[] f=open(boxfile) while 1: try: line=f.readline() if (line.find('#')!=0): splitline=line.split('\n') splitline2=splitline[0].split() if (len(splitline2[1])<6): boxlist=[int(splitline2[1]),int(splitline2[2]), int(splitline2[3]),int(splitline2[4])] else: boxlist=[splitline2[1],splitline2[2],splitline2[3], splitline2[4]] union.append(boxlist) except: break f.close() return union # AUTHOR: S. Jaeger # # NAME: getimaxes # # DESCRIPTION: # This function uses the coordinate information associated # with an image to find where the directional (sky) axes are, # the spectral axes, and the stokes axes. # # INPUT: # imagename string path to a file on disk. # # RETURN # list of four lists, [list1, list2, list3, list4 ], as follows : # list1: ['axis num of 1st sky axis', 'Name of axis' ] # list2: ['axis num of 2nd sky axis', 'Name of axis' ] # list3: ['axis num of spectral axis', 'Spectral' ] # list4: ['axis num of stokes axis', 'Stokes' ] def getimaxes(imagename): """ Open an image file, looking at its coordinate system information to determine which axes are directional, linear, spectral, and the stokes axies. The return list or lists contains the axis numbers and names in the following order: 1. Directional or Linear 2. Directional or Linear 3. Spectral 4. Stokes Note that if an axis type is not found an empty list is returned for that axis. """ # Get the images coord. sys. csys=None imagename ) csys=ia.coordsys() # Find where the directional and channel axies are # Save the internal placement of the axies in a list # (which will be in the following order: # direction1: RA, Longitude, Linear, el, .. # direction2: DEC, Lattitude, Linear, az, .. # spectral: # stokes: I or V axisTypes=csys.axiscoordinatetypes() axisNames=csys.names() # Note that we make a potentially dangerous assumption here # that the first directional access is always RA, but it # may not be. The names given to the axies are completely # arbitrary and can not be used to determine one axis from # another. # TODO throw exception??? if we find extra axies or # unrecognized axies. retValue=[['',''],['',''],['',''],['','']] foundFirstDir=False for i in range( len( axisTypes ) ): if ( axisTypes[i]=='Direction' or axisTypes[i]=='Linear' ): if ( not foundFirstDir ) : retValue[0]=[i,axisNames[i]] foundFirstDir=True else: retValue[1]=[i,axisNames[i]] elif ( axisTypes[i]=='Spectral' ) : retValue[2]=[i,axisNames[i]] elif ( axisTypes[i]=='Stokes' ) : retValue[3]=[i,axisNames[i]] if ( csys != None ): del csys if ( ia.isopen() ): ia.close() return retValue # from RR def announce_async_task(taskname): """Use the logger to herald the beginning of an asynchronous task.""" casalog.origin(taskname)'')'###############################################')'### Begin Task: ' + taskname + ' ' * (27 - len(taskname)) + '###')"")"Use: ")" tm.retrieve(return_value) # to retrieve the status")"") def write_task_obit(taskname): """Eulogize the task in the logger."""'### End Task: ' + taskname + ' ' * (29 - len(taskname)) + '###')'###############################################')'') def array2string( array ): returnValue="" for i in range( len(array) ): if ( i > 1 ): returnValue+="," if ( isinstance( array[i], str ) ): returnValue+=array[i] else: returnValue+=str(array[i]) return returnValue def recursivermdir( top='' ): # Delete everything from the directory named in 'top', # assuming there are no symbolic links. for root, dirs, files in os.walk( top, topdown=False ): for name in files: os.remove( os.path.join( root, name ) ) for name in dirs: os.rmdir( os.path.join( root, name ) ) os.rmdir(top)