########################################################################3 # _gclean.py # # Copyright (C) 2021,2022 # Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be adressed as follows: # Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. # Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office # National Radio Astronomy Observatory # 520 Edgemont Road # Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA # import os import asyncio from functools import reduce import copy # from casatasks.private.imagerhelpers._gclean import gclean class gclean: '''gclean(...) creates a stream of convergence records which indicate the convergence quaility of the tclean process. The initial record describes the initial dirty image. It is designed for use with the interactive clean GUI, but it could be used independently. It can be used as a regular generator: for rec in gclean( vis='refim_point_withline.ms', imagename='test', imsize=512, cell='12.0arcsec', specmode='cube', interpolation='nearest', nchan=5, start='1.0GHz', width='0.2GHz', pblimit=-1e-05, deconvolver='hogbom', niter=500, cyclefactor=3, scales=[0, 3, 10] ): # use rec to decide when to stop, for example to check stopcode or peak residual: # if (rec[0] > 1) or (min(rec[1][0][0]['peakRes']) < 0.001): # break print(rec) or as an async generator: async for rec in gclean( vis='refim_point_withline.ms', imagename='test', imsize=512, cell='12.0arcsec', specmode='cube', interpolation='nearest', nchan=5, start='1.0GHz', width='0.2GHz', pblimit=-1e-05, deconvolver='hogbom', niter=500, cyclefactor=3, scales=[0, 3, 10] ): # use rec to decide when to stop print(rec) See also: __next__(...) for a description of the returned rec TODO: do we need to preserve any hidden state between tclean calls for the iterbotsink and/or synthesisimager tools? ''' def _tclean( self, *args, **kwargs ): from casatasks import tclean arg_s = ', '.join( map( lambda a: self._history_filter(len(self._exe_cmds), None, repr(a)), args ) ) kw_s = ', '.join( map( lambda kv: self._history_filter(len(self._exe_cmds), kv[0], "%s=%s" % (kv[0],repr(kv[1]))), kwargs.items()) ) if len(arg_s) > 0 and len(ks_s) > 0: parameters = arg_s + ", " + kw_s else: parameters = arg_s + kw_s self._exe_cmds.append( "tclean( %s )" % parameters ) return tclean( *args, **kwargs ) def cmds( self ): return self._exe_cmds def update( self, msg ): """ Interactive clean parameters update. msg: dict with possible keys 'niter', 'cycleniter', 'threshold', 'cyclefactor' and 'mask' """ if 'niter' in msg: try: self._niter = int(msg['niter']) except ValueError: pass if 'cycleniter' in msg: try: self._cycleniter = int(msg['cycleniter']) except ValueError: pass if 'threshold' in msg: self._threshold = msg['threshold'] if 'cyclefactor' in msg: try: self._cyclefactor = int(msg['cyclefactor']) except ValueError: pass if 'mask' in msg: self._mask = msg['mask'] def __init__( self, vis, imagename, imsize=[100], cell="1arcsec", specmode='cube', nchan=-1, start='', width='', interpolation='linear', gridder='standard', pblimit=0.2, deconvolver='hogbom', niter=0, threshold='0.1Jy', cycleniter=-1, cyclefactor=1.0, scales=[], history_filter=lambda index, arg, history_value: history_value ): self._vis = vis self._imagename = imagename self._imsize = imsize self._cell = cell self._specmode = specmode self._nchan = nchan self._start = start self._width = width self._interpolation = interpolation self._gridder = gridder self._pblimit = pblimit self._deconvolver = deconvolver self._niter = niter self._threshold = threshold self._cycleniter = cycleniter self._cyclefactor = cyclefactor self._mask = '' self._scales = scales self._exe_cmds = [ ] self._history_filter = history_filter if len(list(filter(lambda f: os.path.isdir(f) and f.startswith(self._imagename + '.'), os.listdir( os.curdir )))) > 0: raise RuntimeError("image files already exist") self._convergence_result = (None,None) def __filter_convergence( raw ): ### ### this function filters out the pieces of the `raw` tclean 'summaryminor' ### return dictionary that we care about ### ### the first index in the `raw` dictionary is the channel axis ### each channel may have a number of polarity dictionaries ### keep_keys = [ 'modelFlux', 'iterDone', 'peakRes' ] ret = {} for channel_k,channel_v in raw[0].items( ): # 0: main field in multifield imaging TODO worry about other fields ret[channel_k] = {} for stokes_k,stokes_v in channel_v.items( ): ret[channel_k][stokes_k] = {} for summary_k in keep_keys: ret[channel_k][stokes_k][summary_k] = copy.deepcopy(stokes_v[summary_k]) return ret def __update_convergence( cumm_sm, new_sm ): """Accumulates the per-channel/stokes subimage 'summaryminor' records from new_sm to cumm_sm. param cumm_sm: cummulative summary minor records : { chan: { stoke: { key: [values] } } } param new_sm: new summary minor records : { chan: { stoke: { key: [values] } } } For most "keys", the resultant "values" will be a list, one value per minor cycle. The "iterDone" key will be replaced with "iterations", and for the "iterations" key, the value in the returned cummulative record will be a rolling sum of iterations done for tclean calls so far, one value per minor cycle. For example, if there have been two clean calls, and in the first call channel 0 had [1] iteration in 1 minor cycle, and for the second call channel 0 had [6, 10, 9, 1] iterations in 4 minor cycles), then the resultant "iterations" key for channel 0 would be: [1, 7, 17, 26, 27] """ ### substitute 'iterations' for 'iterDone' replace_iters_key = lambda x: ('iterations' if x[0] == 'iterDone' else x[0], x[1]) new_sm = { chan_k: { stokes_k: { k: v for k,v in map( replace_iters_key, stokes_v.items( ) ) } for stokes_k,stokes_v in chan_v.items() } for chan_k,chan_v in new_sm.items() } if cumm_sm is None: return new_sm else: def accumulate_tclean_records( cumm_subsm_rec, new_subsm_rec ): """ param cumm_subsm_rec: cummulative subimage 'summaryminor' record : { "key": [minor cycle values,...] } param new_subsm_rec: new subimage 'summaryminor' record : { "key": [minor cycle values,...] } """ curr_iters_sum = max(cumm_subsm_rec['iterations']) if 'iterations' in cumm_subsm_rec else 0 if 'iterations' in new_subsm_rec: iterations_tuple = reduce( lambda acc, v: (acc[0]+v, acc[1] + [acc[0]+v+curr_iters_sum]), new_subsm_rec['iterations'], (0,[]) ) new_subsm_rec['iterations'] = iterations_tuple[1] # just want the sum of iterations list return { key: cumm_subsm_rec[key] + new_subsm_rec[key] for key in new_subsm_rec.keys( ) } return { channel_k: { stokes_k: accumulate_tclean_records( cumm_sm[channel_k][stokes_k], stokes_v ) for stokes_k,stokes_v in channel_v.items( ) } for channel_k,channel_v in new_sm.items( ) } def __next__( self ): """ Runs tclean and returns the (stopcode, convergence result) when executed with the python builtin next() function. The returned convergence result is a nested dictionary: { channel id: { stokes id: { summary key: [values, one per minor cycle] }, }, } See also: gclean.__update_convergence(...) """ if self._niter < 1: print("warning, nothing to run, niter == %s" % self._niter) return self._convergence_result else: if self._convergence_result[0] is None: # initial call to tclean(...) creates the initial dirty image with niter=0 tclean_ret = self._tclean( vis=self._vis, imagename=self._imagename, imsize=self._imsize, cell=self._cell, specmode=self._specmode, interpolation=self._interpolation, nchan=self._nchan, start=self._start, width=self._width, pblimit=self._pblimit, deconvolver=self._deconvolver, cyclefactor=self._cyclefactor, scales=self._scales, interactive=0, niter=1, gain=0.000001 ) else: tclean_ret = self._tclean( vis=self._vis, imagename=self._imagename, imsize=self._imsize, cell=self._cell, specmode=self._specmode, interpolation=self._interpolation, nchan=self._nchan, start=self._start, width=self._width, pblimit=self._pblimit, deconvolver=self._deconvolver, cyclefactor=self._cyclefactor, scales=self._scales, interactive=0, niter=self._niter, restart=True, calcpsf=False, calcres=False, threshold=self._threshold, cycleniter=self._cycleniter, maxpsffraction=1, minpsffraction=0, mask=self._mask ) new_summaryminor_rec = gclean.__filter_convergence(tclean_ret['summaryminor']) self._convergence_result = ( tclean_ret['stopcode'] if 'stopcode' in tclean_ret else 0, gclean.__update_convergence(self._convergence_result[1],new_summaryminor_rec) ) return self._convergence_result def __reflect_stop( self ): ## if python wasn't hacky, you would be able to try/except/raise in lambda try: return self.__next__( ) except StopIteration: raise StopAsyncIteration async def __anext__( self ): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop( ) return await loop.run_in_executor( None, self.__reflect_stop ) def __iter__( self ): return self def __aiter__( self ): return self