from __future__ import absolute_import import os import math import shutil import string import time import re; import copy import pdb from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6 if is_CASA6: from casatools import synthesisimager, synthesisnormalizer from casatasks import casalog from .imager_base import PySynthesisImager from .parallel_imager_helper import PyParallelImagerHelper synth_imager_name = 'synthesisimager' synth_imager_import = 'from casatools import synthesisimager' else: from taskinit import * from imagerhelpers.imager_base import PySynthesisImager from imagerhelpers.parallel_imager_helper import PyParallelImagerHelper synthesisimager = casac.synthesisimager synthesisnormalizer = casac.synthesisnormalizer synth_imager_name = 'casac.synthesisimager' synth_imager_import = 'pass' ''' An implementation of parallel continuum imaging, using synthesisxxxx tools Datasets are partitioned by row and major cycles are parallelized. Gathers and normalization are done before passing the images to a non-parallel minor cycle. The output model image is them scattered to all the nodes for the next parallel major cycle. There are N synthesisimager objects. There is 1 instance per image field, of the normalizer and deconvolver. There is 1 iterbot. ''' ############################################# ############################################# ## Parallelize only major cycle. ############################################# class PyParallelContSynthesisImager(PySynthesisImager): def __init__(self,params=None): PySynthesisImager.__init__(self,params) self.PH = PyParallelImagerHelper() self.NN = self.PH.NN self.selpars = self.allselpars; self.allselpars = self.PH.partitionContDataSelection(self.allselpars) # self.allcflist = self.PH.partitionCFCacheList(self.cfcachepars['cflist']); # self.allcflist = self.PH.partitionCFCacheList(self.allgridpars['0']); self.listOfNodes = self.PH.getNodeList(); self.coordsyspars = {}; self.toolsi=None ############################################# def resetSaveModelParams(self, params=None): mainparams = params.getSelPars() for n in self.allselpars: # for all nodes for v in self.allselpars[n]: # for all MSes self.allselpars[n][v]['readonly']=mainparams[v]['readonly'] self.allselpars[n][v]['usescratch']=mainparams[v]['usescratch'] ############################################# def initializeImagers(self): ### Drygridding, and Coordsys comes from a single imager on MAIN node. ### No startmodel confusion. It's created only once and then scattered. self.initializeImagers() ### Note : Leftover from CAS-9977 ### There is a coord system mismatch at scatter/gather, if the MAIN version already ### exists on disk. With startmodel, it's xxx.model. With aproject, it's xxx.residual. ### There is an exception in SIImageStore::openImage to handle this. ### Turn on casalog.filter('DEBUG1') to see the warning message. ############################################# def initializeImagersBase(self,thisSelPars,partialSelPars): if partialSelPars==False: ## Init only on the zero'th node # # Use the already-created imager on MAIN node # ##self.toolsi = synthesisimager() # # Select data. # for mss in sorted( self.selpars.keys() ): self.toolsi.selectdata( thisSelPars[mss] ) # Defineimage. # This makes the global csys. Get csys to distribute to other nodes # It also sets 'startmodel' if available (this is later scattered to nodes) for fld in range(0,self.NF): tmpimpars = copy.deepcopy(self.allimpars[str(fld)]) #if tmpimpars.has_key('startmodel'): # tmpimpars.pop('startmodel') self.toolsi.defineimage( impars=tmpimpars, gridpars = self.allgridpars[str(fld)] ) fullcoords = self.toolsi.getcsys() self.coordsyspars[str(fld)] = fullcoords # Modify the coordsys inputs for fld in range(0, self.NF): self.allimpars[str(fld)]['csys']=self.coordsyspars[str(fld)]['coordsys'].copy() # Call the global defineimage again # (to get around later error of different coordsys latpoles! (CAs-9977) #for fld in range(0,self.NF): # self.toolsi.defineimage( impars=self.allimpars[str(fld)], gridpars = self.allgridpars[str(fld)] ) else: ## partialSelPars==True , The actual initialization on all nodes. # # Start the imagers on all nodes. # joblist=[] for node in self.listOfNodes: joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd('{0}; toolsi = {1}()'.format( synth_imager_import, synth_imager_name), node) ); self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); # # Select data. If partialSelPars is True, use the thisSelPars # data structure as a list of partitioned selections. # joblist=[]; nodes=self.listOfNodes;#[1]; for node in nodes: for mss in sorted( self.selpars.keys() ): selStr=str(thisSelPars[str(node-1)][mss]); joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.selectdata( "+selStr+")", node) ) self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); # # Call defineimage at each node. # joblist=[]; for node in nodes: ## For each image-field, define imaging parameters nimpars = copy.deepcopy(self.allimpars) #"nimpars = "+str(nimpars)) ngridpars = copy.deepcopy(self.allgridpars) for fld in range(0,self.NF): if self.NN>1: nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename'] = self.PH.getpartimagename( nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename'], node ) ## Pop out the startmodel, as it would already have been created on the main node,. tmpimpars = nimpars[str(fld)] if 'startmodel' in tmpimpars: tmpimpars.pop('startmodel') joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.defineimage( impars=" + str( nimpars[str(fld)] ) + ", gridpars=" + str( ngridpars[str(fld)] ) + ")", node ) ) self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); ############################################# def initializeImagers(self): #--------------------------------------- # Check if cfcache exists. # cfCacheName='' if(self.allgridpars['0']['gridder'].startswith('awp')): cfCacheName=self.allgridpars['0']['cfcache'] else: self.allgridpars['0']['cfcache']='' cfcExists=False if(self.allgridpars['0']['gridder'] == 'awproject' or self.allgridpars['0']['gridder'] == 'awprojectft'): if (cfCacheName == ''): cfCacheName = self.allimpars['0']['imagename'] + '.cf' cfCacheName=self.allgridpars['0']['cfcache'] = cfCacheName cfcExists = (os.path.exists(cfCacheName) and os.path.isdir(cfCacheName)); if (cfcExists): nCFs = len(os.listdir(cfCacheName)); if (nCFs == 0): + " exists, but is empty. Attempt is being made to fill it now.","WARN") cfcExists = False; #"##########################################") #"CFCACHE = "+cfCacheName,cfcExists) #"##########################################") # Start one imager on MAIN node self.toolsi = synthesisimager() # Init one SI tool ( it records the csys per field in self.coordsyspars ) self.initializeImagersBase(self.selpars,False); # Modify the coordsys inputs # for fld in range(0, self.NF): # self.allimpars[str(fld)]['csys']=self.coordsyspars[str(fld)]['coordsys'].copy() # Dry Gridding on the MAIN node ( i.e. on self.toolsi) if (not cfcExists): self.dryGridding(); ##weighting with mosfield=True if( (self.weightpars['type']=='briggs') and (self.weightpars['multifield'])): self.toolsi.setweighting(**self.weightpars) ###master create the weight density for all fields self.toolsi.getweightdensity() # Clean up the single imager (MAIN node) self.toolsi.done() self.toolsi = None # Do the second round, initializing imagers on ALL nodes self.initializeImagersBase(self.allselpars,True); # Fill CFCache - it uses all nodes. if (not cfcExists): self.fillCFCache(); self.reloadCFCache(); ###################################################################################################################################### #--------------------------------------- # 4. call setdata() for images on all nodes # # joblist=[]; # for node in self.listOfNodes: # ## Send in Selection parameters for all MSs in the list # #### MPIInterface related changes (the -1 in the expression below) # for mss in sorted( (self.allselpars[str(node-1)]).keys() ): # joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.selectdata( "+str(self.allselpars[str(node-1)][mss])+")", node) ) # self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); #--------------------------------------- # 5. Call defineImage() on all nodes. This sets up the FTMs. # # joblist=[]; # for node in self.listOfNodes: # ## For each image-field, define imaging parameters # nimpars = copy.deepcopy(self.allimpars) #"nimpars = "+str(nimpars)) # ngridpars = copy.deepcopy(self.allgridpars) # for fld in range(0,self.NF): # if self.NN>1: # nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename'] = self.PH.getpath(node) + '/' + nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename']+'.n'+str(node) # ### nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename'] = self.allnormpars[str(fld)]['workdir'] + '/' + nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename']+'.n'+str(node) # ### nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename'] = nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename']+'.n'+str(node) # # ngridpars[str(fld)]['cfcache'] = ngridpars[str(fld)]['cfcache']+'.n'+str(node) # # # Give the same CFCache name to all nodes # ngridpars[str(fld)]['cfcache'] = ngridpars[str(fld)]['cfcache']; # joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.defineimage( impars=" + str( nimpars[str(fld)] ) + ", gridpars=" + str( ngridpars[str(fld)] ) + ")", node ) ) # self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); #--------------------------------------- # 6. If cfcache does not exist, call fillCFCache() # This will fill the "empty" CFCache in parallel # 7. Now call reloadCFCache() on all nodes. # This reloads the latest cfcahce. # TRY: Start all over again! # self.deleteImagers(); # joblist=[] # for node in self.listOfNodes: # joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi = casac.synthesisimager()", node) ); # self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); # joblist=[]; # nodes=self.listOfNodes;#[1]; # for node in nodes: # for mss in sorted( (self.allselpars[str(node-1)]).keys() ): # joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.selectdata( "+str(self.allselpars[str(node-1)][mss])+")", node) ) # # for mss in sorted( self.selpars.keys() ): # # joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.selectdata( "+str(self.selpars[mss])+")", node) ) # self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); # joblist=[]; # for node in self.listOfNodes: # nimpars = copy.deepcopy(self.allimpars) # ngridpars = copy.deepcopy(self.allgridpars) # for fld in range(0,self.NF): # if self.NN>1: # nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename'] = self.PH.getpath(node) + '/' + nimpars[str(fld)]['imagename']+'.n'+str(node) # # # Give the same CFCache name to all nodes # ngridpars[str(fld)]['cfcache'] = ngridpars[str(fld)]['cfcache']; # joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.defineimage( impars=" + str( nimpars[str(fld)] ) + ", gridpars=" + str( ngridpars[str(fld)] ) + ")", node ) ) # self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); ############################################# ############################################# def initializeNormalizers(self): for immod in range(0,self.NF): self.PStools.append(synthesisnormalizer()) normpars = copy.deepcopy( self.allnormpars[str(immod)] ) partnames = [] if(self.NN>1): #### MPIInterface related changes #for node in range(0,self.NN): for node in self.listOfNodes: partnames.append( self.PH.getpartimagename( self.allimpars[str(immod)]['imagename'], node ) ) #onename = self.allimpars[str(immod)]['imagename']+'.n'+str(node) #partnames.append( self.PH.getpath(node) + '/' + onename ) #self.PH.deletepartimages( self.PH.getpath(node), onename ) # To ensure restarts work properly. self.PH.deletepartimages( self.allimpars[str(immod)]['imagename'] , node ) # To ensure restarts work properly. normpars['partimagenames'] = partnames self.PStools[immod].setupnormalizer(normpars=normpars) ############################################# def setWeighting(self): ## Set weight parameters and accumulate weight density (natural) joblist=[]; if( (self.weightpars['type']=='briggs') and (self.weightpars['multifield'])): ###master created the weight density for all fields ##Should have been in initializeImagersBase_New but it is not being called ! self.toolsi = synthesisimager() for mss in sorted( self.selpars.keys() ): self.toolsi.selectdata( self.selpars[mss] ) for fld in range(0,self.NF): self.toolsi.defineimage( impars=self.allimpars[str(fld)], gridpars = self.allgridpars[str(fld)] ) self.toolsi.setweighting(**self.weightpars) ###master create the weight density for all fields weightimage=self.toolsi.getweightdensity() self.toolsi.done() self.toolsi=None destWgtim=weightimage+'_moswt' shutil.move(weightimage, destWgtim) joblist=[]; for node in self.listOfNodes: joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.setweightdensity('"+str(destWgtim)+"')", node ) ) self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) #for node in self.listOfNodes: # ## Set weighting pars # joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.setweighting( **" + str(self.weightpars) + ")", node ) ) #self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) #joblist=[]; #for node in self.listOfNodes: # joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.getweightdensity()", node ) ) #self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) #for immod in range(0,self.NF): # #self.PStools[immod].gatherweightdensity() # self.PStools[immod].scatterweightdensity() ## Set weight density for each nodel #joblist=[]; #for node in self.listOfNodes: # joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.setweightdensity()", node ) ) #self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) #### end of multifield or mosweight else: joblist=[]; for node in self.listOfNodes: ## Set weighting pars joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.setweighting( **" + str(self.weightpars) + ")", node ) ) self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) ## If only one field, do the get/gather/set of the weight density. if self.NF == 1 and self.allimpars['0']['stokes']=="I": ## Remove after gridded wts appear for all fields correctly (i.e. new FTM). if not ( (self.weightpars['type'] == 'natural') or (self.weightpars['type'] == 'radial')) : ## For natural and radial, this array isn't created at all. ## Remove when we switch to new FTM"Gathering/Merging/Scattering Weight Density for PSF generation","INFO") joblist=[]; for node in self.listOfNodes: joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.getweightdensity()", node ) ) self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) ## gather weightdensity and sum and scatter"******************************************************")" gather and scatter now ")"******************************************************") for immod in range(0,self.NF): self.PStools[immod].gatherweightdensity() self.PStools[immod].scatterweightdensity() ## Set weight density for each nodel joblist=[]; for node in self.listOfNodes: joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.setweightdensity()", node ) ) self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) def deleteImagers(self): self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.done()") def deleteWorkDir(self): ## Delete the contents of the .workdirectory for immod in range(0,self.NF): normpars = copy.deepcopy( self.allnormpars[str(immod)] ) if(self.NN>1): for node in self.listOfNodes: self.PH.deletepartimages( self.allimpars[str(immod)]['imagename'], node ,deldir=True ) # ## Delete the workdirectory #"Deleting workdirectory : "+self.PH.getworkdir(imagename, node)) # shutil.rmtree( self.PH.getworkdir(imagename, node) ) def deleteCluster(self): self.PH.takedownCluster() # ############################################# def dryGridding(self): dummy=[''] self.toolsi.drygridding(dummy) # def dryGridding_Old(self): # nodes=[1]; # joblist=[]; # for node in nodes: # dummy=['']; # cmd = "toolsi.drygridding("+str(dummy)+")"; # joblist.append(self.PH.runcmd(cmd,node)); # self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); ############################################# def reloadCFCache(self): joblist=[]; for node in self.listOfNodes: cmd = "toolsi.reloadcfcache()";"reloadCFCache, CMD = {} {}".format(node, cmd)) joblist.append(self.PH.runcmd(cmd,node)); self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); ############################################# def fillCFCache(self):"-----------------------fillCFCache------------------------------------") # cflist=[f for f in os.listdir(self.allgridpars['cfcache']) if re.match(r'CFS*', f)]; # partCFList = if(not str(self.allgridpars['0']['gridder']).startswith("awp")): return allcflist = self.PH.partitionCFCacheList(self.allgridpars['0']); cfcPath = "\""+str(self.allgridpars['0']['cfcache'])+"\""; ftmname = "\""+str(self.allgridpars['0']['gridder'])+"\""; psTermOn = str(self.allgridpars['0']['psterm']); aTermOn = str(self.allgridpars['0']['aterm']); conjBeams = str(self.allgridpars['0']['conjbeams']); #aTermOn = str(True); #"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") #"AllCFList = ",allcflist) m = len(allcflist); #"No. of nodes used: " + m,cfcPath,ftmname) #"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") joblist=[]; for node in self.listOfNodes[:m]: #"#!$#!%#!$#@$#@$ " + allcflist) cmd = "toolsi.fillcfcache("+str(allcflist[node])+","+str(ftmname)+","+str(cfcPath)+","+psTermOn+","+aTermOn+","+conjBeams+")"; #"CMD = " + str(node) +" " + cmd) joblist.append(self.PH.runcmd(cmd,node)); self.PH.checkJobs(joblist); # Linear code # cfcName = self.allgridpars['0']['cfcache']; # cflist=[f for f in os.listdir(cfcName) if re.match(r'CFS*', f)]; # self.cfcachepars['cflist']=cflist; # self.SItool.fillcfcache(**(self.cfcachepars)) ; ############################################# def makePSFCore(self): ### Make PSFs joblist=[] #### MPIInterface related changes #for node in range(0,self.PH.NN): for node in self.listOfNodes: joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.makepsf()",node) ) self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) # this call blocks until all are done. ############################################# def makePBCore(self): joblist=[] # Only one node needs to make the PB. It reads the freq from the image coordsys joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.makepb()",self.listOfNodes[0]) ) self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) ############################################# def runMajorCycleCore(self, lastcycle):"----------------------------- Running Parallel Major Cycle ----------------------------","INFO") ### Run major cycle joblist=[] #### MPIInterface related changes #for node in range(0,self.PH.NN): for node in self.listOfNodes: joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.executemajorcycle(controls={'lastcycle':"+str(lastcycle)+"})",node) ) self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) # this call blocks until all are done. ############################################# def predictModelCore(self): joblist=[] #### MPIInterface related changes #for node in range(0,self.PH.NN): for node in self.listOfNodes: joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.predictmodel()",node) ) self.PH.checkJobs( joblist ) # this call blocks until all are done. def estimatememory(self): joblist=[] for node in self.listOfNodes: joblist.append( self.PH.runcmd("toolsi.estimatememory()", node) ) self.PH.checkJobs( joblist )