from __future__ import absolute_import import os import math import shutil import string import time import re; import copy from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6 if is_CASA6: from casatools import synthesisutils from casatasks import casalog else: from taskinit import * synthesisutils = casac.synthesisutils ''' A set of helper functions for the tasks tclean Summary... ''' ############################################# ### Parallel Imager Helper. #############################################'Using clustermanager from MPIInterface', 'WARN') try: if is_CASA6: from casampi.MPIInterface import MPIInterface as mpi_clustermanager mpi_available = True else: from mpi4casa.MPIInterface import MPIInterface as mpi_clustermanager mpi_available = True except ImportError: mpi_available = False class PyParallelImagerHelper(): def __init__(self): ############### Cluster Info self.CL=None self.nodeList=None; # Initialize cluster, and partitioning. ############### Number of nodes to parallelize on # self.nodeList gets filled by setupCluster() self.NN = self.setupCluster() def getNodeList(self): return self.nodeList; ############################################# def chunkify(self,lst,n): return [ lst[i::n] for i in range(n) ] def partitionCFCacheList(self,gridPars): cfcName = gridPars['cfcache']; cflist=[]; if (not (cfcName == '')): cflist=[f for f in os.listdir(cfcName) if re.match(r'CFS*', f)]; nCF = len(cflist); nProcs=len(self.nodeList); if (nProcs > nCF): n=nCF; else: n=nProcs; if (nCF > 0):"########################################################");"nCF = " + str(nCF) + " nProcs = " + str(n) + " NodeList=" + str(self.nodeList));"########################################################"); xx=self.chunkify(cflist,n); allcfs={}; for i in range(n): allcfs[i+1]=xx[i]; return allcfs; ############################################# # The above version works better (better balanced chunking). # Keeping the code below in the file sometime, just in case...(SB). # def partitionCFCacheList(self,gridPars): # cfcName = gridPars['cfcache']; # cflist=[]; # if (not (cfcName == '')): # cflist=[f for f in os.listdir(cfcName) if re.match(r'CFS*', f)]; # nCF = len(cflist); # nProcs=len(self.nodeList); #"########################################################") #"nCF = " + nCF + " nProcs = " + nProcs + " NodeList=" + self.nodeList) #"########################################################") # #n0=int(nCF/self.NN); # n0=int(float(nCF)/nProcs+0.5); # if (nProcs >= nCF): # n0 = 1; # allcfs = {}; # nUsed=0; i=1; # while (nUsed < nCF): # m = nUsed+n0; # if (m > nCF): # m=nCF; # allcfs[i]=cflist[nUsed:m]; # nUsed = m; # if (i >= nProcs): # break; # i=i+1; # if (nUsed < nCF): # allcfs[nProcs].append(cflist[i]); # return allcfs; ############################################# ## Very rudimentary partitioning - only for tests. The actual code needs to go here. def partitionContDataSelection(self,oneselpars={}): synu = synthesisutils() allselpars = synu.contdatapartition( oneselpars , self.NN ) synu.done()'Partitioned Selection : {}'.format(allselpars)) return allselpars ############################################# ## Very rudimentary partitioning - only for tests. The actual code needs to go here. def partitionCubeDataSelection(self,oneselpars={}): synu = synthesisutils() allselpars = synu.cubedatapartition( oneselpars , self.NN ) synu.done()'Partitioned Selection : {}'.format(allselpars)) return allselpars ############################################# def partitionCubeDeconvolution(self,impars={}): synu = synthesisutils() allimpars = synu.cubeimagepartition( impars , self.NN ) synu.done()'ImSplit : {}'.format(allimpars)) return allimpars ############################################# def partitionCubeSelection(self, oneselpars={}, oneimpars={}): incsys = oneimpars['csys'] nchan = oneimpars['nchan'] synu = synthesisutils() allpars = synu.cubedataimagepartition(oneselpars, incsys, self.NN, nchan) synu.done() #"Cube Data/Im partitioned selection : {}".format(allpars)) return allpars ############################################# def setupCluster(self): # Initialize cluster # * Terminal: Client logs + Server logs # * casapy-<timestamp>.log: Client logs # * casapy-<timestamp>.log-server-<rank>-host-<hostname>-pid-<pid>: Server logs mpi_clustermanager.set_log_mode('redirect');'DEBUG') self.nodeList = self.CL.get_engines(); numproc=len(self.CL.get_engines()) numprocperhost=len(self.nodeList)/len(self.nodeList) if (len(self.nodeList) >0 ) else 1 owd=os.getcwd() self.CL.pgc('import os') self.CL.pgc('from numpy import array,int32') self.CL.pgc('os.chdir("'+owd+'")') os.chdir(owd)"setupCluster, Setting up {} engines.".format(numproc)) return numproc ############################################# def takedownCluster(self): # Check that all nodes have returned, before stopping the cluster self.checkJobs()'Ending use of cluster, but not closing it. Call clustermanager.stop_cluster() to close it if needed.') # self.CL=None ############################################# # This is a blocking call that will wait until jobs are done. def checkJobs(self,joblist=[]): #### MPIInterface related changes numcpu = len(self.nodeList) if len(joblist)==0: joblist = list(range(numcpu)) #for k in range(numcpu): for k in self.nodeList: joblist[k-1] = self.CL.odo('"node '+str(k)+' has completed its job")', k)'checkJobs. Blocking for nodes to finish') over=False while(not over): overone=True time.sleep(1) for k in range(len(joblist)): try: overone = self.CL.check_job(joblist[k],False) and overone except Exception: raise over = overone'...done') ############################################# def runcmd(self, cmdstr="", node=-1): if node >= 0: return self.CL.odo( cmdstr , node) else: self.CL.pgc( cmdstr ) ############################################# def runcmdcheck(self, cmdstr): joblist=[] #### MPIInterface related changes #for node in range(0,self.NN): for node in self.nodeList: joblist.append( self.CL.odo( cmdstr, node ) ) self.checkJobs( joblist ) ############################################# def pullval(self, varname="", node=0): return self.CL.pull( varname , node ) ############################################# def pushval(self, varname="", val=None, node=0): return self.CL.push( varname , val, node ) ############################################# def getpath(self, node=0): enginepath = if enginepath==None: return "" else: return enginepath ############################################# # def deletepartimages(self, dirname, imname): # namelist = shutil.fnmatch.filter( os.listdir(dirname), imname+".*" ) #"Deleting : " + namelist + ' from ' + dirname + ' starting with ' + imname) # for aname in namelist: # shutil.rmtree( dirname + "/" + aname ) ############################################# def deletepartimages(self, imagename, node, deldir=False): namelist = shutil.fnmatch.filter( os.listdir(self.getworkdir(imagename, node)), "*" )"Deleting : " + namelist + ' from ' + self.getworkdir(imagename, node) + ' starting with ' + imagename) for aname in namelist: shutil.rmtree( os.path.join(self.getworkdir(imagename, node), aname) ) if deldir==True:"Deleting workdirectory : "+self.getworkdir(imagename, node)) shutil.rmtree( self.getworkdir(imagename, node) ) ############################################# def getworkdir(self, imagename, nodeid): workdir = '' workdir = os.path.join(self.getpath(nodeid), imagename + '.workdirectory') if( not os.path.exists(workdir) ): os.mkdir( workdir ) return workdir ############################################# def getpartimagename(self, imagename, nodeid): """ For imagename = 'imaging_subdir/foo_img', it produces something like: 'imaging_subdir/foo_img.workdirectory/foo_img.n5.gridwt' (where n5 is the node idx) :param imagename: imagename as passed to the tclean task :param nodeid: id of MPI node :returns: (full path) name of a part/sub-image for nodeid, produced by concatenating the working directory, the image basename and the node id as a string. """ # don't include subdirs again here - the workdir is already inside the subdir(s) image_basename = os.path.basename(imagename) return os.path.join(self.getworkdir(imagename,nodeid), image_basename + '.n' + str(nodeid)) #############################################