import collections import csv import json import os import re from socket import timeout as socket_timeout import ssl import string from time import sleep from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen import certifi import numpy as np from casatasks import casalog from casatasks.private.sdutil import (table_manager, table_selector, tool_manager) from casatools import measures from casatools import ms as mstool from casatools import msmetadata, quanta # Jy/K DB part def gen_factor_via_web_api(vis, spw='*', endpoint='asdm', timeout=180, retry=3, retry_wait_time=5): """Generate factors via Jy/K Web API. This function will be used task_gencal. Arguments: vis {str} -- The file path of the visibility data. spw {str} -- Spectral windows. endpoint {str} -- The endpoint of Jy/K DB Web API to access. Options are 'asdm' (default), 'model-fit', 'interpolation'. timeout {int} -- Maximum waiting time [sec] for the Web API access, defaults to 180 sec. retry {int} -- Number of retry when the Web API access fails, defaults to 3 times. retry_wait_time {int} -- Waiting time [sec] until next query when the Web API access fails, defaults to 5 sec. """ if spw == '': spw = '*' assert endpoint in ['asdm', 'model-fit', 'interpolation'], \ 'The JyPerKDatabaseClient class requires one of endpoint: asdm, model-fit or interpolation' return __factor_creator_via_jy_per_k_db(endpoint=endpoint, vis=vis, spw=spw, factory=__jyperk_factory[endpoint], timeout=timeout, retry=retry, retry_wait_time=retry_wait_time) def __factor_creator_via_jy_per_k_db(endpoint='', vis=None, spw='*', factory=None, timeout=180, retry=3, retry_wait_time=5): params_generator = factory[0] response_translator = factory[1] params = params_generator.get_params(vis, spw=spw) client = JyPerKDatabaseClient(endpoint, timeout=timeout, retry=retry, retry_wait_time=retry_wait_time) manager = RequestsManager(client) resps = manager.get(params) return response_translator.convert(resps, vis, spw=spw) QueryStruct = collections.namedtuple('QueryStruct', ['param', 'subparam']) ResponseStruct = collections.namedtuple('ResponseStruct', ['response', 'subparam']) class ASDMParamsGenerator(): """A class to generate required parameters for Jy/K Web API with asdm. Usage: vis = "./" params = ASDMParamsGenerator.get_params(vis) """ @classmethod def get_params(cls, vis, spw=None): """Generate required parameters for Jy/K Web API. Arguments: vis {str} -- The file path of the visibility data. spw {str} -- This parameter is not used. It is provided to align the calling method with other classes (InterpolationParamsGenerator and ModelFitParamsGenerator). Returns: Generator Object -- yield QueryStruct() object. A sample like below. QueryStruct( param={'uid': 'uid://A002/X85c183/X36f'}, subparam='./' ) """ yield QueryStruct(param={'uid': cls._vis_to_uid(vis)}, subparam=vis) @staticmethod def _vis_to_uid(vis): """Convert MS name like 'uid___A002_Xabcd_X012 into uid://A002/Xabcd/X012'. Arguments: vis {str} -- The file path of the visibility data. Returns: str -- Corresponding ASDM uid. """ basename = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(vis)) pattern = r'^uid___A[0-9][0-9][0-9]_X[0-9a-f]+_X[0-9a-f]+\.ms$' if re.match(pattern, basename): return basename.replace('___', '://').replace('_', '/').replace('.ms', '') else: raise RuntimeError('MS name is not appropriate for DB query: {}'.format(basename)) class InterpolationParamsGenerator(): """A class to generate required parameters for Jy/K Web API with interpolation. Usage: vis = './' params = InterpolationParamsGenerator.get_params(vis) """ @classmethod def get_params(cls, vis, spw='*'): if spw == '': spw = '*' if spw == '*': spw = cls._get_available_spw(vis, spw) params = {} science_windows = cls._get_science_windows(vis, spw) timerange, antenna_names, basebands, mean_freqs, spwnames = \ cls._extract_msmetadata(science_windows, vis) mean_freqs = cls._get_mean_freqs(vis, science_windows) bands = Bands.get(science_windows, spwnames, mean_freqs, vis) params['date'] = cls._mjd_to_datestring(timerange['begin']) params['temperature'] = cls._get_mean_temperature(vis) params.update(cls._get_aux_params()) for antenna_id, antenna_name in enumerate(antenna_names): params['antenna'] = antenna_name params['elevation'] = MeanElevation.get(vis, antenna_id) for sw_id in science_windows: params['band'] = bands[sw_id] params['baseband'] = basebands[sw_id] params['frequency'] = mean_freqs[sw_id] subparam = {'vis': vis, 'spwid': int(sw_id)} yield QueryStruct(param=params, subparam=subparam) @staticmethod def _get_science_windows(vis, spw): ms = mstool() selected = ms.msseltoindex(vis, spw=spw) science_windows = selected['spw'] return science_windows @staticmethod def _extract_msmetadata(science_windows, vis): with tool_manager(vis, msmetadata) as msmd: timerange = msmd.timerangeforobs(0) antenna_names = msmd.antennanames() basebands = dict((i, msmd.baseband(i)) for i in science_windows) mean_freqs = dict((i, msmd.meanfreq(i)) for i in science_windows) spwnames = msmd.namesforspws(science_windows) return timerange, antenna_names, basebands, mean_freqs, spwnames @staticmethod def _get_available_spw(vis, spw): science_windows = InterpolationParamsGenerator._get_science_windows(vis, spw=spw) with tool_manager(vis, msmetadata) as msmd: spwnames = msmd.namesforspws(science_windows) spw = ','.join( map(str, [i for i, name in enumerate(spwnames) if not name.startswith('WVR')])) return spw @staticmethod def _mjd_to_datestring(epoch): me = measures() qa = quanta() if epoch['refer'] != 'UTC': try: epoch = me.measure(epoch, 'UTC') finally: me.done() datestring = qa.time(epoch['m0'], form='fits') return datestring[0] @staticmethod def _get_mean_temperature(vis): with table_manager(os.path.join(vis, 'WEATHER')) as tb: valid_temperatures = tb.getcol("TEMPERATURE"), tb.getcol("TEMPERATURE_FLAG") ) return valid_temperatures.mean() @staticmethod def _get_mean_freqs(vis, science_windows): with table_manager(os.path.join(vis, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) as tb: mean_freqs = dict((i, tb.getcell('CHAN_FREQ', i).mean()) for i in science_windows) return mean_freqs @staticmethod def _get_aux_params(): return {'delta_days': 1000} class ModelFitParamsGenerator(InterpolationParamsGenerator): """A class to generate required parameters for Jy/K Web API with model-fit.""" @staticmethod def _get_aux_params(): return {} class Bands(): """A class to extract all bands corresponding from VIS file. Usage: bands = Bands.get(science_windows, spwnames, mean_freqs, vis) """ @classmethod def get(cls, science_windows, spwnames, mean_freqs, vis): """Return all bands corresponding to the 'science_window' given in the input. First the method scan 'spwnames', if the band can be detect, the method will adopt this value. In other case, the method compare the freq with the 'mean_freqs' at which the band was detect, the method detect the band from the frequencies that are closest to the result. """ bands = cls._extract_bands_from_spwnames(science_windows, spwnames) mean_freqs_with_undetected_band = cls._filter_mean_freqs_with_undetected_band( science_windows, spwnames, mean_freqs) if len(mean_freqs_with_undetected_band) > 0: bands.update( cls._detect_bands_from_mean_freqs(mean_freqs_with_undetected_band, vis) ) return bands @staticmethod def _extract_bands_from_spwnames(science_windows, spwnames): """Extract bands that contain band information in the spwname. The spwnames is like 'X835577456#ALMA_RB_06#BB_2#SW-01#CH_AVG'. """ bands = {} for sw, spwname in zip(science_windows, spwnames): if 'ALMA_RB_' in spwname: bands[sw] = int(re.findall(r'^.*?ALMA_RB_(\d+)#.*', spwname)[0]) return bands @staticmethod def _filter_mean_freqs_with_undetected_band(science_windows, spwnames, mean_freqs): """Filter mean freqs without 'ALMA_RB_'.""" filtered_mean_freqs = {} for sw, spwname in zip(science_windows, spwnames): if 'ALMA_RB_' not in spwname: filtered_mean_freqs[sw] = mean_freqs[sw] return filtered_mean_freqs @staticmethod def _detect_bands_from_mean_freqs(target_mean_freqs, vis): """Extract bands using the mean freqs. Params: target_mean_freqs {dict} -- The mean freqs which does not been detected the bands. vis {str} -- The file path of the visibility data. """ known_bands = Bands._get_known_bands(vis) science_windows = list(known_bands.keys()) mean_freqs = Bands._extract_mean_freqs(science_windows, vis) extracted_bands = {} for spw, target_mean_freq in target_mean_freqs.items(): nearest_spw = Bands._calc_nearest_spw(mean_freqs, target_mean_freq) extracted_bands[spw] = known_bands[nearest_spw] return extracted_bands @staticmethod def _calc_nearest_spw(available_mean_freqs, mean_freq): available_mean_freqs_list = list(available_mean_freqs.values()) available_spw = list(available_mean_freqs.keys()) nearest_i = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(available_mean_freqs_list) - mean_freq)) return available_spw[nearest_i] @staticmethod def _get_spwnames(vis, science_windows): with tool_manager(vis, msmetadata) as msmd: spwnames = msmd.namesforspws(science_windows) return spwnames @staticmethod def _get_known_bands(vis): science_windows = Bands._get_all_science_windows(vis) with tool_manager(vis, msmetadata) as msmd: spwnames = msmd.namesforspws(science_windows) bands = Bands._extract_bands_from_spwnames(science_windows, spwnames) return bands @staticmethod def _get_all_science_windows(vis): ms = mstool() selected = ms.msseltoindex(vis, spw='*') science_windows = selected['spw'] return science_windows @staticmethod def _extract_mean_freqs(science_windows, vis): with tool_manager(vis, msmetadata) as msmd: mean_freqs = dict((i, msmd.meanfreq(i)) for i in science_windows) return mean_freqs class MeanElevation(): """A class to extract elevations from the VIS file and calcurate elevations average. Usage: mean_elevation = MeanElevation.get(vis, antenna_id) """ @classmethod def get(cls, vis, antenna_id): """Get elevations aveage.""" stateid = cls._get_stateid(vis) science_dd = cls._get_science_dd(vis) rows = cls._query_rows(vis, science_dd, stateid.tolist(), antenna_id) return cls._calc_elevation_mean(rows, vis) @staticmethod def _get_stateid(vis): with tool_manager(vis, mstool) as ms: ms.msselect({'scanintent': 'OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE'}) selected = ms.msselectedindices() stateid = selected['stateid'] return stateid @staticmethod def _get_science_dd(vis): with tool_manager(vis, msmetadata) as msmd: science_spw = list(np.intersect1d( msmd.almaspws(tdm=True, fdm=True), msmd.spwsforintent('OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE') )) science_dd = [msmd.datadescids(spw=i)[0] for i in science_spw] return science_dd @staticmethod def _query_rows(vis, science_dd, stateid, antenna_id): query = f'ANTENNA1=={antenna_id}&&ANTENNA2=={antenna_id}&&DATA_DESC_ID=={science_dd[0]}' + \ f'&&STATE_ID IN {list(stateid)}' with table_selector(vis, query) as tb: rows = tb.rownumbers() return rows @staticmethod def _calc_elevation_mean(rows, vis): elevations = [] qa = quanta() with tool_manager(vis, msmetadata) as msmd: for row in rows: dirs = msmd.pointingdirection(row, initialrow=row) assert dirs['antenna1']['pointingdirection']['refer'].startswith('AZEL') el_deg = qa.convert(dirs['antenna1']['pointingdirection']['m1'], 'deg') elevations.append(el_deg['value']) elevations = np.asarray(elevations) if len(elevations) == 0: elevation_mean = np.nan else: elevation_mean = elevations.mean() return elevation_mean class RequestsManager(): """A class to manage the Jy/K Database access by the param. Usage: vis = "./" client = JyPerKDatabaseClient('asdm') params = ASDMParamsGenerator.get_params(vis) manager = RequestsManager(client) manager.get(params) """ def __init__(self, client): """Set client.""" self.client = client def get(self, params): """Get the responses of the Jy/K DB.""" dataset = [ {'response': self.client.get(param.param), 'aux': param.subparam} for param in params] return self._filter_success_is_true(dataset) def _filter_success_is_true(self, dataset): return [data for data in dataset if data['response']['success']] class JyPerKDatabaseClient(): """A class to get values from Jy/K Web API. The Jy/K Web API address is ''. The address can be changed with the environment variable 'JYPERKDB_URL'. """ BASE_URL = os.getenv('JYPERKDB_URL', '') def __init__(self, endpoint, timeout=180, retry=3, retry_wait_time=5): """Set the parameters to be used when accessing the Web API. Arguments: endpoint {str} -- The endpoint of Jy/K DB Web API to access. Options are 'asdm' (default), 'model-fit', 'interpolation'. timeout {int} --- Maximum waiting time [sec] for the Web API access, defaults to 180 sec. retry {int} -- Number of retry when the Web API access fails, defaults to 3 times. retry_wait_time {int} -- Waiting time [sec] until next query when the Web API access fails, defaults to 5 sec. """ assert endpoint in ['asdm', 'model-fit', 'interpolation'], \ 'The JyPerKDatabaseClient class requires one of endpoint: ' \ 'asdm, model-fit or interpolation' self.web_api_url = self._generate_web_api_url(endpoint) self.timeout = timeout self.retry = retry self.retry_wait_time = retry_wait_time def get(self, param): """Get the Web API response. Arguments: param {dict} -- The parameters used in the Web API. """ request_url = self._generate_url(param) body = self._try_to_get_response(request_url) retval = self._convert_to_json(body) self._check_retval(retval) return retval def _generate_web_api_url(self, endpoint_type): web_api_url = '/'.join([self.BASE_URL, endpoint_type]) if not web_api_url.endswith('/'): web_api_url += '/' return web_api_url def _generate_url(self, param): # encode params encoded = urlencode(param) query = '?'.join([self.web_api_url, encoded]) return query def _retrieve(self, url): """Access to Jy/K DB and return response. Arguments: url {str} -- url to retrieve in the Jy/K Web API. Returns: dict -- If the request is successfull, dictionary contain below information. success {bool} -- Boolean stating whether the request succeeded or not. timestamp {str} -- Timestamp of when the request was received by the Jy/K Service. elapsed {bool} -- Boolean stating whether the request succeeded or not. error {dict} -- Error field which has a message describing the problem. query {dict} -- Dictionary with all the parameters passed to the request. data {dict} -- Data field which varies for each endpoint. Please check the following source for details. """ try: ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where()) with urlopen(url, context=ssl_context, timeout=self.timeout) as resp: body = return {'status': 'Success', 'err_msg': None, 'body': body} except HTTPError as e: # 4xx, 5xx msg = 'Failed to load URL: {0}\n'.format(url) \ + 'Error Message: HTTPError(code={0}, Reason="{1}")\n'.format(e.code, e.reason) return {'status': 'HTTPError', 'err_msg': msg} except URLError as e: # not connect msg = 'Failed to load URL: {0}\n'.format(url) \ + 'Error Message: URLError(Reason="{0}")\n'.format(e.reason) return {'status': 'URLError', 'err_msg': msg} except socket_timeout as e: # not connect msg = 'Failed to load URL: {0}\n'.format(url) \ + 'Error Message: URLError(Reason="{0}")\n'.format(e) return {'status': 'URLError', 'err_msg': msg} def _try_to_get_response(self, url):'Accessing Jy/K DB: request URL is "{url}"') for i in range(self.retry): response_with_tag = self._retrieve(url) if response_with_tag['status'] == 'Success':'Got a response successfully') return response_with_tag['body'] if i < self.retry - 1:['err_msg']) f'Sleeping for {str(self.retry_wait_time)} seconds because the request failed') sleep(self.retry_wait_time)'Retry to access Jy/K DB ({str(i + 2)}/{str(self.retry)})') if response_with_tag['status'] != 'Success': raise RuntimeError(response_with_tag['err_msg']) def _convert_to_json(self, response): try: return json.loads(response) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: msg = 'Failed to get Jy/K factors from DB: JSON Syntax error. {}'.format(e) raise RuntimeError(msg) def _check_retval(self, retval): """Check if 'success' of retval dict is True. This method only checks if the api was able to complete the process successfully or not. It is expected that 'success' will be False as a response in case if query was successful but response contains nothing due to any error in the server. In that case, this method raises RuntimeError to propagate server side error to the user. Arguments: retval: dictionary translated from JSON response from the server Raises: RuntimeError: response contains nothing due to any error in the server """ if not retval['success']: msg = 'Failed to get Jy/K factors from DB: {}'.format(retval['error']), priority='ERROR') raise RuntimeError(msg) class Translator(): """A class containing the methods required to convert Jy/K DB responses into factors.""" @staticmethod def format_cal_table_format(factors): # _format_jyperk """Format given dictionary to the formatted list. Sample formated list: [['MS_name', 'antenna_name', 'spwid', 'pol string', 'factor'], ['MS_name', 'antenna_name', 'spwid', 'pol string', 'factor'], ... ['MS_name', 'antenna_name', 'spwid', 'pol string', 'factor']] Arguments: factors {dict} -- Dictionary containing Jy/K factors with meta data. Returns: list -- Formatted list of Jy/K factors. """ factors = [[factor['MS'], factor['Antenna'], factor['Spwid'], 'I', f"{float(factor['factor']):.9f}"] for factor in factors] return factors @staticmethod def filter_jyperk(vis, factors, spw): """Filter factors using spw.""" ms = mstool() selected = ms.msseltoindex(vis=vis, spw=spw) science_windows = selected['spw'] filtered = [ i for i in factors if (len(i) == 5) and ( i[0] == os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(vis)) and (int(i[2]) in science_windows) ) ] return filtered class ASDMRspTranslator(): """A class to convert the response for asdm from the Jy/K DB to factors.""" @classmethod def convert(cls, data, vis, spw='*'): """Convert from the response to list with factor. Arguments: spw {str} -- This parameter is not used. It is provided to align the calling method with other classes (InterpolationRspTranslator and ModelFitRspTranslator). Returns: list -- List of Jy/K conversion factors with meta data. """ assert len(data) == 1 data = data[0] factors = cls._extract_factors(data) formatted = Translator.format_cal_table_format(factors) return Translator.filter_jyperk(vis, formatted, spw) @staticmethod def _extract_factors(data): return data['response']['data']['factors'] class InterpolationRspTranslator(): """A class to convert the responses for interpolation from the Jy/K DB to factors.""" @classmethod def convert(cls, data_set, vis, spw='*'): """Convert from the response to list with factor. Arguments: data_set {dict} -- The result of the Web API. vis {str} -- The file path of the visibility data. spw {str} -- Spectral windows. Returns: list -- List of Jy/K conversion factors with meta data. """ cal_dict = cls._dataset_to_cal_dict(data_set, cls._extract_factor) formatted = Translator.format_cal_table_format(cal_dict) return Translator.filter_jyperk(vis, formatted, spw) @staticmethod def _extract_factor(data): if data['response']['query']['elevation'] == 'nan':'The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.', priority='WARN', origin='jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean') return 1 return data['response']['data']['factor']['mean'] @staticmethod def _dataset_to_cal_dict(dataset, _extract_factor): return_data = [] for data in dataset: # aux is dictionary holding vis and spw id aux = data['aux'] if not isinstance(aux, dict): raise TypeError('The response.aux in the JSON obtained from Jy/K db must be dict.') if 'vis' not in aux: raise KeyError( 'The response.aux in the JSON obtained from Jy/K db must contain vis.') if 'spwid' not in aux: raise KeyError( 'The response.aux in the JSON obtained from Jy/K db must contain spwid.') spwid = aux['spwid'] if not isinstance(spwid, int): raise TypeError( 'The response.aux.spwid in the JSON obtained from Jy/K db must be int.') vis = aux['vis'] if not isinstance(vis, str): raise TypeError( 'The response.aux.vis in the JSON obtained from Jy/K db must be str.') basename = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(vis)) factor = _extract_factor(data) polarization = 'I' antenna = data['response']['query']['antenna'] return_data.append({'MS': basename, 'Antenna': antenna, 'Spwid': spwid, 'Polarization': polarization, 'factor': factor}) return return_data class ModelFitRspTranslator(InterpolationRspTranslator): """A class to convert the responses for model-fit from the Jy/K DB to factors.""" @staticmethod def _extract_factor(data): return data['response']['data']['factor'] __jyperk_factory = { 'asdm': (ASDMParamsGenerator, ASDMRspTranslator), 'interpolation': (InterpolationParamsGenerator, InterpolationRspTranslator), 'model-fit': (ModelFitParamsGenerator, ModelFitRspTranslator), } # file part class JyPerKReader4File(): """A class to read from CSV file and format factors. This function will be used task_gencal. """ def __init__(self, infile): """Set a parameter. Arguments: infile {str} -- The file path of CSV which the factors are stored. """ self.infile = infile def get(self): """Read jyperk factors from a file and returns a string list. Returns: list -- [['MS','ant','spwid','polid','factor'], ...] """ if not os.path.isfile(self.infile): raise OSError(f'There is no Jy/K db-derived factor file: {self.infile}') with open(self.infile, 'r') as f: return list(self._extract_jyperk_from_csv(f)) def _extract_jyperk_from_csv(self, stream): reader = csv.reader(stream) # Check if first line is header or not line = next(reader) if len(line) == 0 or line[0].strip().upper() == 'MS' or line[0].strip()[0] == '#': # must be a header, commented line, or empty line pass elif len(line) == 5: # may be a data record yield line else:'Jy/K factor file is invalid format') for line in reader: if len(line) == 0 or len(line[0]) == 0 or line[0][0] == '#': continue elif len(line) == 5: yield line else:'Jy/K factor file is invalid format')