from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as np from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt import scipy.interpolate import scipy.optimize as optimize import scipy.signal import scipy.special as spspec from casatasks import casalog from casatools import quanta ################################################## # Prediction of theoretical beam size ################################################## class TheoreticalBeam: """ The class to derive the theoretical beam size of an image. Example: bu = sdbeamutil.TheoreticalBeam() # set imaging, antenna, and pointing informations bu.set_antenna('12m',blockage='0.75m',taper=10) bu.set_sampling(['12arcsec','12arcsec']) bu.set_image_param('5arcsec', '115GHz','SF', 6, -1, -1, -1) # print summary of setup to logger bu.summary() # get theoretical beam size of an image. beam = bu.get_beamsize_image() """ def __init__(self): self.is_antenna_set = False self.is_kernel_set = False self.is_sampling_set = False self.antenna_diam_m = -1. self.antenna_block_m = 0.0 self.taper = 10 self.ref_freq = -1. self.kernel_type = "" self.kernel_param = {} = "0.0deg" self.sampling_arcsec = [] self.cell_arcsec = [] def __to_arcsec_list(self, angle): """Return a list of angles in arcsec (value only without unit).""" if type(angle) not in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]: angle = [angle] return [self.__to_arcsec(val) for val in angle] def __to_arcsec(self, angle): """Convert angle to arcsec and return the value without unit.""" my_qa = quanta() if my_qa.isangle(angle): return my_qa.getvalue(my_qa.convert(angle, "arcsec"))[0] elif my_qa.getunit(angle) == '': return float(angle) else: raise ValueError("Invalid angle: %s" % (str(angle))) def __parse_width(self, val, cell_size_arcsec): """Convert value in unit of arcsec. If val is angle, returns a float value in unit of arcsec. else the unit is assumed to be pixel and multiplied by cell_size_arcsec """ my_qa = quanta() if my_qa.isangle(val): return self.__to_arcsec(val) elif my_qa.getunit(val) in ('', 'pixel'): return my_qa.getvalue(val) * cell_size_arcsec else: raise ValueError("Invalid width %s" % str(val)) def set_antenna(self, diam, blockage="0.0m", taper=10): """Set parameters to construct antenna beam. antenna diameter and blockage taper: the illumination taper in dB """ # try quantity my_qa = quanta() self.antenna_diam_m = my_qa.getvalue(my_qa.convert(diam, "m"))[0] self.antenna_block_m = my_qa.getvalue(my_qa.convert(blockage, "m"))[0] self.taper = taper self.is_antenna_set = True def set_sampling(self, intervals, pa="0deg"): """Set sampling interval of observation. intervals: pointing inteval of observation (['10arcsec','10arcsec']) pa: position angle (NOT USED) """ = pa self.sampling_arcsec = [abs(a) for a in self.__to_arcsec_list(intervals)] self.is_sampling_set = True def set_image_param(self, cell, ref_freq, gridfunction, convsupport, truncate, gwidth, jwidth, is_alma=False): """Set imaging parameters. cell: image pixel size ref_freq: reference frequency of image to calculate beam size gridfunction, convsupport, truncate, gwidth, jwidth: parameters passed to imager is_alma: valid only for PB kernel to use 10.7m """ self.ref_freq = ref_freq self.cell_arcsec = [abs(a) for a in self.__to_arcsec_list(cell)] if gridfunction.upper() == "SF": self.__set_sf_kernel(convsupport) elif gridfunction.upper() == "GJINC": self.__set_gjinc_kernel(truncate, gwidth, jwidth) elif gridfunction.upper() == "GAUSS": self.__set_gauss_kernel(truncate, gwidth) elif gridfunction.upper() == "BOX": self.__set_box_kernel(self.cell_arcsec[0]) elif gridfunction.upper() == "PB": self.__set_pb_kernel(is_alma) self.is_kernel_set = True def __set_sf_kernel(self, convsupport): """Set SF kernel parameter to the class.""" self.kernel_type = "SF" self.kernel_param = dict(convsupport=convsupport) def __set_gjinc_kernel(self, truncate, gwidth, jwidth): """Set GJINC kernel parameter to the class.""" self.kernel_type = "GJINC" self.kernel_param = dict(truncate=truncate, gwidth=gwidth, jwidth=jwidth) def __set_gauss_kernel(self, truncate, gwidth): """Set GAUSS kernel parameter to the class.""" self.kernel_type = "GAUSS" self.kernel_param = dict(truncate=truncate, gwidth=gwidth) def __set_box_kernel(self, width): """Set BOX kernel parameter to the class.""" self.kernel_type = "BOX" self.kernel_param = dict(width=width) def __set_pb_kernel(self, alma=False): """Set PB kernel parameter to the class.""" self.kernel_type = "PB" self.kernel_param = dict(alma=alma) def get_beamsize_image(self): """Return FWHM of theoretical beam size in image. The FWHM is derived by fitting gridded beam with Gaussian function. """ # assert necessary information is set self.__assert_antenna() self.__assert_kernel() self.__assert_sampling()"Calculating theoretical beam size of the image") # construct theoretic beam for image axis, beam = self.get_antenna_beam() f"Length of convolution array={len(axis)}, " f"total width={axis[-1] - axis[0]} arcsec, " f"separation={axis[1] - axis[0]} arcsec", priority="DEBUG1") kernel = self.get_kernel(axis) sampling = self.get_box_kernel(axis, self.sampling_arcsec[0]) # convolution gridded = np.convolve(beam, kernel, mode='same') gridded /= max(gridded) result = np.convolve(gridded, sampling, mode='same') result /= max(result) # fwhm_arcsec = findFWHM(axis,result) fwhm_arcsec, dummy = self.gaussfit(axis, result, minlevel=0.0, truncate=False) # DEBUG MESSAGE"- initial FWHM of beam = %f arcsec" % findFWHM(axis, beam))"- FWHM of gridding kernel = %f arcsec" % findFWHM(axis, kernel))"- FWHM of theoretical beam = %f arcsec" % findFWHM(axis, result))"- FWHM of theoretical beam (gauss fit) = %f arcsec" % fwhm_arcsec) ### del result if len(self.sampling_arcsec) == 1 and \ (len(self.cell_arcsec) == 1 or self.kernel_type != "BOX"): fwhm_geo_arcsec = fwhm_arcsec else: if len(self.sampling_arcsec) > 1: sampling = self.get_box_kernel(axis, self.sampling_arcsec[1]) elif self.kernel_type == "BOX" and len(self.cell_arcsec) > 1: kernel = self.get_box_kernel(axis, self.cell_arcsec[1]) gridded = np.convolve(beam, kernel, mode='same') gridded /= max(gridded) result = np.convolve(gridded, sampling, mode='same') result /= max(result) # fwhm1 = findFWHM(axis,result) fwhm1, _ = self.gaussfit(axis, result, minlevel=0.0, truncate=False) fwhm_geo_arcsec = np.sqrt(fwhm_arcsec * fwhm1) # DEBUG MESSAGE"The second axis")"- FWHM of gridding kernel = %f arcsec" % findFWHM(axis, kernel))"- FWHM of theoretical beam = %f arcsec" % findFWHM(axis, result))"- FWHM of theoretical beam (gauss fit) = %f arcsec" % fwhm1) del result # clear-up axes del axis, beam, kernel, sampling, gridded return dict(major="%farcsec" % (fwhm_geo_arcsec), minor="%farcsec" % (fwhm_geo_arcsec), def __assert_antenna(self): """Raise an error if antenna information is not set.""" if not self.is_antenna_set: raise RuntimeError("Antenna is not set") def __assert_kernel(self): """Raise an error if imaging parameters are not set.""" if not self.is_kernel_set: raise RuntimeError("Kernel is not set.") def __assert_sampling(self): """Raise an error if sampling information is not set.""" if not self.is_sampling_set: raise RuntimeError("Sampling information is not set") def get_antenna_beam(self): """Return arrays of antenna beam response and it's horizontal axis. Picked from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ self.__assert_antenna() self.__assert_kernel() fwhm_arcsec = primaryBeamArcsec(frequency=self.ref_freq, diameter=self.antenna_diam_m, taper=self.taper, showEquation=True, obscuration=self.antenna_block_m, fwhmfactor=None) truncate = False convolutionPixelSize = 0.02 # arcsec # avoid too coarse convolution array w.r.t. sampling if self.is_sampling_set and \ min(self.sampling_arcsec) < 5 * convolutionPixelSize: convolutionPixelSize = min(self.sampling_arcsec) / 5.0 # avoid too fine convolution arrays. sizes = list(self.cell_arcsec) + [fwhm_arcsec] if self.is_sampling_set: sizes += list(self.sampling_arcsec) minsize = min(sizes) support_min = 1000. support_fwhm = 5000. if minsize > support_min * convolutionPixelSize: convolutionPixelSize = minsize / support_min if fwhm_arcsec > support_fwhm * convolutionPixelSize: convolutionPixelSize = min(fwhm_arcsec / support_fwhm, minsize / 10.) if (self.taper < 0.1): # Airly disk return self.buildAiryDisk(fwhm_arcsec, 3., convolutionPixelSize, truncate=truncate, obscuration=self.antenna_block_m, diameter=self.antenna_diam_m) else: # Gaussian beam myxaxis = np.arange(-3 * fwhm_arcsec, 3 * fwhm_arcsec + 0.5 * convolutionPixelSize, convolutionPixelSize) myfunction = self.gauss(myxaxis, [fwhm_arcsec, truncate]) return myxaxis, myfunction def get_kernel(self, axis): """Return imaging kernel array.""" self.__assert_kernel() if self.kernel_type == "SF": # TODO: what to do for cell[0]!=cell[1]??? return self.get_sf_kernel(axis, self.kernel_param['convsupport'], self.cell_arcsec[0]) elif self.kernel_type == "GJINC": return self.get_gjinc_kernel(axis, self.kernel_param['truncate'], self.kernel_param['gwidth'], self.kernel_param['jwidth'], self.cell_arcsec[0]) elif self.kernel_type == "GAUSS": return self.get_gauss_kernel(axis, self.kernel_param['truncate'], self.kernel_param['gwidth'], self.cell_arcsec[0]) elif self.kernel_type == "BOX": return self.get_box_kernel(axis, self.kernel_param['width']) elif self.kernel_type == "PB": diam = self.antenna_diam_m if self.kernel_param['alma']: diam = 10.7 f"Using effective antenna diameter {diam}m for " f"{self.kernel_type} kernel of ALMA antennas") epsilon = self.antenna_block_m / diam return self.get_pb_kernel(axis, diam, self.ref_freq, epsilon=epsilon) # return (self.rootAiryIntensity(axis, epsilon))**2 else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid kernel: %s" % self.kernel_type) def summary(self): """Print summary of parameters set to the class.""""=" * 40)"Summary of Image Beam Parameters")"=" * 40)"[Antenna]") self.__antenna_summary()"\n[Imaging Parameters]") self.__kernel_summary()"\n[Sampling]") self.__sampling_summary() def __notset_message(self):"Not set.") def __antenna_summary(self): """Print summary of antenna setup.""" if not self.is_antenna_set: self.__notset_message() return"diameter: %f m" % (self.antenna_diam_m))"blockage: %f m" % (self.antenna_block_m)) def __kernel_summary(self): """Print summary of imaging parameter setup.""" if not self.is_kernel_set: self.__notset_message() return"reference frequency: %s" % str(self.ref_freq))"cell size: %s arcsec" % str(self.cell_arcsec))"kernel type: %s" % self.kernel_type) for key, val in self.kernel_param.items():"%s: %s" % (key, str(val))) def __sampling_summary(self): """Print summary of sampling setup.""" if not self.is_sampling_set: self.__notset_message() return"sampling interval: %s arcsec" % str(self.sampling_arcsec))"position angle: %s" % ( # # Construct Kernel arrays # # # BOX # def get_box_kernel(self, axis, width): """Return a box kernel array with specified width. axis: an array of xaxis values width: kernel width output array out[i] = 1.0 (-width/2.0 <= x[i] <= width/2.0) = 0.0 (else) """ data = np.zeros(len(axis)) indices = np.where(abs(axis) <= width / 2.0) data[indices] = 1.0 return data # # SF # def get_sf_kernel(self, axis, convsupport, cell_size): """Return spheroidal kernel array. axis: an array of xaxis values convsupport: the truncation radius of SF kernel in pixel unit. cell_size: image pixel size Modified version of one in AnalysisUtils.sfBeamPredict (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ convsupport = 3 if convsupport == -1 else convsupport supportwidth = (convsupport * 1.0 + 0.0) # value obtained by matching Fred's grdsf.f output with scipy(m=0,n=0) c = 5.356 * np.pi / 2.0 sfaxis = axis / float(supportwidth * cell_size * 1.0) indices = np.where(abs(sfaxis) < 1)[0] centralRegion = sfaxis[indices] centralRegionY = self.spheroidalWaveFunction(centralRegion, 0, 0, c, 1) mysf = np.zeros(len(axis)) mysf[indices] += centralRegionY / max(centralRegionY) return mysf def spheroidalWaveFunction(self, x, m=0, n=0, c=0, alpha=0): """Return spheroidal wave function. Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ if (type(x) != list and type(x) != np.ndarray): returnScalar = True x = [x] else: returnScalar = False cv = scipy.special.pro_cv(m, n, c) # get the eigenvalue result = scipy.special.pro_ang1_cv(m, n, c, cv, x)[0] for i in range(len(x)): nu = x[i] # (i-0.5*len(x))/(0.5*len(x)) # only true if x is symmetric about zero result[i] *= (1 - nu**2)**alpha # The peak of this function is about 10000 for m=0,n=0,c=6 if (returnScalar): return result[0] else: return result # # GAUSS # def get_gauss_kernel(self, axis, truncate, gwidth, cell_arcsec): """Return a gaussian kernel array. axis : an array of xaxis values truncate : truncation radius NOTE definition is different from truncate in gauss()! gwidth : kernel gwidth cell_arcsec : image pixel size in unit of arcsec """ if gwidth == -1: gwidth = np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) gwidth_arcsec = self.__parse_width(gwidth, cell_arcsec) # get gauss for full axis result = self.gauss(axis, [gwidth_arcsec]) # truncate kernel outside the truncation radius if truncate == -1: trunc_arcsec = gwidth_arcsec * 1.5 elif truncate is not None: trunc_arcsec = self.__parse_width(truncate, cell_arcsec) idx = np.where(abs(axis) > trunc_arcsec) result[idx] = 0. return result def gauss(self, x, parameters): """Compute the value of the Gaussian function. Compute the value of the Gaussian function at the specified location(s) with respect to the peak (which is assumed to be at x=0). truncate: if not None, then set result to zero if below this value. -Todd Hunter Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ if (type(parameters) != np.ndarray and type(parameters) != list): parameters = np.array([parameters]) if (len(parameters) < 2): parameters = np.array([parameters[0], 0]) fwhm = parameters[0] x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) sigma = fwhm / 2.3548201 result = np.exp(-(x**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2))) idx = np.where(result < parameters[1])[0] result[idx] = 0 return result # # GJINC # def get_gjinc_kernel(self, axis, truncate, gwidth, jwidth, cell_arcsec): """Return a GJinc kernel array. axis : an array of xaxis values truncate : truncation radius (NOT SUPPORTED YET) gwidth jwidth : kernel gwidth cell_arcsec : image pixel size in unit of arcsec """ if gwidth == -1: gwidth = 2.52 * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) if jwidth == -1: jwidth = 1.55 gwidth_arcsec = self.__parse_width(gwidth, cell_arcsec) jwidth_arcsec = self.__parse_width(jwidth, cell_arcsec) mygjinc = self.trunc(self.gjinc(axis, gwidth=gwidth_arcsec, jwidth=jwidth_arcsec, useCasaJinc=True, normalize=False)) return mygjinc def gjinc(self, x, gwidth, jwidth, useCasaJinc=False, normalize=False): """Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18).""" if (useCasaJinc): result = self.grdjinc1(x, jwidth, normalize) * self.gjincGauss(x, gwidth) else: result = self.jinc(x, jwidth) * self.gjincGauss(x, gwidth) return result def grdjinc1(self, val, c, normalize=True): """Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18).""" # Casa's function # // Calculate J_1(x) using approximate formula xs = np.pi * val / c result = [] for x in xs: x = abs(x) # I added this to make it symmetric ax = abs(x) if (ax < 8.0): y = x * x ans1 = x * (72362614232.0 + y * (-7895059235.0 + y * (242396853.1 + y * (-2972611.439 + y * (15704.48260 + y * (-30.16036606)))))) ans2 = 144725228442.0 + y * (2300535178.0 + y * (18583304.74 + y * (99447.43394 + y * (376.9991397 + y * 1.0)))) ans = ans1 / ans2 else: z = 8.0 / ax y = z * z xx = ax - 2.356194491 ans1 = 1.0 + y * (0.183105e-2 + y * (-0.3516396496e-4 + y * (0.2457520174e-5 + y * (-0.240337019e-6)))) ans2 = 0.04687499995 + y * (-0.2002690873e-3 + y * (0.8449199096e-5 + y * (-0.88228987e-6 + y * (0.105787412e-6)))) ans = sqrt(0.636619772 / ax) * (cos(xx) * ans1 - z * sin(xx) * ans2) if (x < 0.0): ans = -ans if (x == 0.0): out = 0.5 else: out = ans / x if (normalize): out = out / 0.5 result.append(out) return(result) def jinc(self, x, jwidth): """Compute JINC value. The peak of this function is 0.5. Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ argument = np.pi * np.abs(x) / jwidth np.seterr(invalid='ignore') # prevent warning for central point result = scipy.special.j1(argument) / argument np.seterr(invalid='warn') for i in range(len(x)): if (abs(x[i]) < 1e-8): result[i] = 0.5 return result def gjincGauss(self, x, gwidth): return (np.exp(-np.log(2) * (x / float(gwidth))**2)) # # Airly disk # def get_pb_kernel(self, axis, diam, ref_freq, epsilon=0.0): """Return Airy Disk array. Return Airy Disk array defined by the axis, diameter, reference frequency and ratio of central hole and antenna diameter axis: x-axis values diameter: antenna diameter in unit of m reference frequency: the reference frequency of the image epsilon: ratio of central hole diameter to antenna diameter """ a = (self.rootAiryIntensity(axis, epsilon))**2 airyfwhm = findFWHM(axis, a) fwhm = primaryBeamArcsec(frequency=ref_freq, diameter=diam, taper=self.taper, showEquation=False, obscuration=diam * epsilon, fwhmfactor=None) ratio = fwhm / airyfwhm tempaxis = axis / ratio a = self.rootAiryIntensity(tempaxis, epsilon) return a**2 def buildAiryDisk(self, fwhm, xaxisLimitInUnitsOfFwhm, convolutionPixelSize, truncate=False, obscuration=0.75, diameter=12.0): """Build airy disk. This function computes the Airy disk (with peak of 1.0) across a grid of points specified in units of the FWHM of the disk. fwhm: a value in arcsec xaxisLimitInUnitsOfFwhm: an integer or floating point unitless value truncate: if True, truncate the function at the first null (on both sides) obscuration: central hole diameter (meters) diameter: dish diameter (meters) obscuration and diameter are used to compute the blockage ratio (epsilon) and its effect on the pattern Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ epsilon = obscuration / diameter #"Using epsilon = %f" % (epsilon)) myxaxis = np.arange(-xaxisLimitInUnitsOfFwhm * fwhm, xaxisLimitInUnitsOfFwhm * fwhm + 0.5 * convolutionPixelSize, convolutionPixelSize) a = (self.rootAiryIntensity(myxaxis, epsilon))**2 # Scale the Airy disk to the desired FWHM, and recompute on finer grid airyfwhm = findFWHM(myxaxis, a) ratio = fwhm / airyfwhm myxaxis = np.arange(-xaxisLimitInUnitsOfFwhm * fwhm / ratio, (xaxisLimitInUnitsOfFwhm * fwhm + 0.5 * convolutionPixelSize) / ratio, convolutionPixelSize / ratio) a = self.rootAiryIntensity(myxaxis, epsilon) if (truncate): a = self.trunc(a) a = a**2 myxaxis *= ratio return(myxaxis, a) def rootAiryIntensity(self, myxaxis, epsilon=0.0, showplot=False): """Compute the value of 2*J1(x)/x. This function computes 2*J1(x)/x, which can be squared to get an Airy disk. myxaxis: the x-axis values to use epsilon: radius of central hole in units of the dish diameter Migrated from (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ if (epsilon > 0): a = (2 * spspec.j1(myxaxis) / myxaxis - epsilon**2 * 2 * spspec.j1(myxaxis * epsilon) / (epsilon * myxaxis)) / (1 - epsilon**2) else: a = 2 * spspec.j1(myxaxis) / myxaxis # simpler formula for epsilon=0 return(a) def trunc(self, result): """Truncate a list at the first null. Truncates a list at the first null on both sides of the center, starting at the center and moving outward in each direction. Assumes the list is positive in the center, e.g. a Gaussian beam. -Todd Hunter Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ # casa default truncate=-1, which means truncate at radius of first null mask = np.zeros(len(result)) truncateBefore = 0 truncateBeyond = len(mask) for r in range(len(result) // 2, len(result)): if (result[r] < 0): truncateBeyond = r break for r in range(len(result) // 2, 0, -1): if (result[r] < 0): truncateBefore = r break mask[truncateBefore:truncateBeyond] = 1 # # "Truncating outside of pixels %d-%d (len=%d)" % # (truncateBefore,truncateBeyond-1,len(mask))) result *= mask return result def gaussfit_errfunc(self, parameters, x, y): """Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18).""" return (y - self.gauss(x, parameters)) def gaussfit(self, x, y, showplot=False, minlevel=0, verbose=False, title=None, truncate=False): """Perform 1D Gaussian fit. Fits a 1D Gaussian assumed to be centered at x=0 with amp=1 to the specified data, with an option to truncate it at some level. Returns the FWHM and truncation point. Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ fwhm_guess = findFWHM(x, y) if (truncate == False): parameters = np.asarray([fwhm_guess], dtype=np.float64) else: parameters = np.asarray([fwhm_guess, truncate], dtype=np.float64) if (verbose):"Fitting for %d parameters: guesses = %s" % (len(parameters), parameters)) xx = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) yy = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float64) lenx = len(x) if (minlevel > 0): xwidth = findFWHM(x, y, minlevel) xx = x[np.where(np.abs(x) < xwidth * 0.5)[0]] yy = y[np.where(np.abs(x) < xwidth * 0.5)[0]] if (verbose): casalog.postt("Keeping %d/%d points, guess = %f arcsec" % (len(x), lenx, fwhm_guess)) result = optimize.leastsq(self.gaussfit_errfunc, parameters, args=(xx, yy), full_output=1) bestParameters = result[0] infodict = result[2] numberFunctionCalls = infodict['nfev'] mesg = result[3] ier = result[4] if (verbose):"optimize.leastsq: ier=%d, #calls=%d, message = %s" % (ier, numberFunctionCalls, mesg)) if (type(bestParameters) == list or type(bestParameters) == np.ndarray): fwhm = bestParameters[0] if verbose:"fitted FWHM = %f" % (fwhm)) if (truncate != False): truncate = bestParameters[1]"optimized truncation = %f" % (truncate)) else: fwhm = bestParameters return(fwhm, truncate) def findFWHM(x, y, level=0.5, s=0): """Measure the FWHM of the specified profile. This works well in a noise-free environment. The data are assumed to be sorted by the x variable. x: the position variable y: the intensity variable level: the signal level for which to find the full width s: see help scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline -Todd Hunter Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ halfmax = np.max(y) * level spline = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(x, y - halfmax, s=s) result = spline.roots() if (len(result) == 2): x0, x1 = result return(abs(x1 - x0)) elif (len(result) == 1): return(2 * abs(result[0])) else: # modified (KS 2015/02/19) # # f"More than two crossings ({len(result)}), " # "fitting slope to points near that power level." # ) # result = 2*findZeroCrossingBySlope(x, y-halfmax) # return(result) errmsg = "Unsupported FWHM search in CASA. " + \ f"More than two corssings ({len(result)}) at level {halfmax} ({level} % of peak)." raise Exception(errmsg) def primaryBeamArcsec(frequency, diameter, obscuration, taper, showEquation=True, use2007formula=True, fwhmfactor=None): """Implement the Baars formula: b*lambda / D. if use2007formula==False, use the formula from ALMA Memo 456 if use2007formula==True, use the formula from Baars 2007 book (see au.baarsTaperFactor) In either case, the taper value is expected to be entered as positive. Note: if a negative value is entered, it is converted to positive. The effect of the central obstruction on the pattern is also accounted for by using a spline fit to Table 10.1 of Schroeder's Astronomical Optics. fwhmfactor: if given, then ignore the taper For further help and examples, see -- Todd Hunter Simplified version of the one in AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ if (fwhmfactor is not None): taper = effectiveTaper(fwhmfactor, diameter, obscuration, use2007formula) if (taper is None): return if (taper < 0): taper = abs(taper) if (obscuration > 0.4 * diameter): "This central obscuration is too large for the method of calculation employed here.") return if (type(frequency) == str): my_qa = quanta() frequency = my_qa.getvalue(my_qa.convert(frequency, "Hz"))[0] lambdaMeters = 2.99792458e8 / frequency b = baarsTaperFactor(taper, use2007formula) * centralObstructionFactor(diameter, obscuration) if (showEquation): if (use2007formula): formula = "Baars (2007) Eq 4.13" else: formula = "ALMA memo 456 Eq. 18" f"Coefficient from {formula} for a -{taper:.1f}dB edge taper " f"and obscuration ratio={obscuration:g}/{diameter:g} = {b:.3f}*lambda/D") return(b * lambdaMeters * 3600 * 180 / (diameter * np.pi)) def effectiveTaper(fwhmFactor=1.16, diameter=12, obscuration=0.75, use2007formula=True): """Compute effective taper from constant factor for illumination pattern. The inverse of (Baars formula multiplied by the central obstruction factor). Converts an observed value of the constant X in the formula FWHM=X*lambda/D into a taper in dB (positive value). if use2007formula == False, use Equation 18 from ALMA Memo 456 if use2007formula == True, use Equation 4.13 from Baars 2007 book -- Todd Hunter Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ cOF = centralObstructionFactor(diameter, obscuration) if (fwhmFactor < 1.02 or fwhmFactor > 1.22):"Invalid fwhmFactor (1.02<fwhmFactor<1.22)") return if (baarsTaperFactor(10, use2007formula) * cOF < fwhmFactor): increment = 0.01 for taper_dB in np.arange(10, 10 + increment * 1000, increment): if (baarsTaperFactor(taper_dB, use2007formula) * cOF - fwhmFactor > 0): break else: increment = -0.01 for taper_dB in np.arange(10, 10 + increment * 1000, increment): if (baarsTaperFactor(taper_dB, use2007formula) * cOF - fwhmFactor < 0): break return(taper_dB) def baarsTaperFactor(taper_dB, use2007formula=True): """Convert a taper to the constant factor for illumination pattern. Converts a taper in dB to the constant X in the formula FWHM=X*lambda/D for the parabolic illumination pattern. We assume that taper_dB comes in as a positive value. use2007formula: False --> use Equation 18 from ALMA Memo 456. True --> use Equation 4.13 from Baars 2007 book - Todd Hunter Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ tau = 10**(-0.05 * taper_dB) if (use2007formula): return(1.269 - 0.566 * tau + 0.534 * (tau**2) - 0.208 * (tau**3)) else: return(1.243 - 0.343 * tau + 0.12 * (tau**2)) def centralObstructionFactor(diameter=12.0, obscuration=0.75): """Compute the scale factor of an Airy pattern. Computes the scale factor of an Airy pattern as a function of the central obscuration, using Table 10.1 of Schroeder's 'Astronomical Optics'. -- Todd Hunter Migrated from AnalysisUtils (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18) """ epsilon = obscuration / diameter myspline = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline( [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.33, 0.4], [1.22, 1.205, 1.167, 1.098, 1.058], s=0) factor = myspline(epsilon) / 1.22 if (type(factor) == np.float64): # casapy 4.2 return(factor) else: # casapy 4.1 and earlier return(factor[0])