from __future__ import absolute_import from scipy import fftpack import numpy as np import shutil import os import time from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6 if is_CASA6: from casatools import quanta, table, image, regionmanager, imager from casatasks import casalog, imsubimage, feather else: from taskinit import * from tasks import * image = iatool imager = imtool quanta = qatool regionmanager = rgtool table = tbtool _ia = image() _qa = quanta() _rg = regionmanager() _mytb = table() class SDINT_helper: # def __init__(self): #'Init Helper') ################################################ def getFreqList(self,imname=''): csys =_ia.coordsys() shp = _ia.shape() _ia.close() if(csys.axiscoordinatetypes()[3] == 'Spectral'): restfreq = csys.referencevalue()['numeric'][3]#/1.0e+09; # convert more generally.. freqincrement = csys.increment()['numeric'][3]# /1.0e+09; freqlist = []; for chan in range(0,shp[3]): freqlist.append(restfreq + chan * freqincrement); elif(csys.axiscoordinatetypes()[3] == 'Tabular'): freqlist = (csys.torecord()['tabular2']['worldvalues']) # /1.0e+09; else:'Unknown frequency axis. Exiting.','SEVERE'); return False; csys.done() return freqlist ################################################ def copy_restoringbeam(self,fromthis='',tothis=''): # _ib = image() #; # freqlist = self.getFreqList(fromthis) # for i in range(len(freqlist)):; beam = _ia.restoringbeam(channel = i); _ia.close() # _ia.setrestoringbeam(beam = beam, channel = i, polarization = 0); _ia.close() ################################################ def feather_int_sd(self,sdcube='', intcube='', jointcube='',sdgain=1.0,dishdia=100.0, usedata='sdint', chanwt=''): #, pbcube='',applypb=False, pblimit=0.2): """ Run the feather task to combine the SD and INT Cubes. There's a bug in feather for cubes. Hence, do each channel separately. FIX feather and then change this. CAS-5883 is the JIRA ticket that contains a fix for this issue.... TODO : Add the effdishdia usage to get freq-indep feathering. """ ### Do the feathering. if usedata=='sdint': ## Feather runs in a loop on chans internally, but there are issues with open tablecache images ## Also, no way to set effective dish dia separately for each channel. #feather(imagename = jointcube, highres = intcube, lowres = sdcube, sdfactor = sdgain, effdishdiam=-1) freqlist = self.getFreqList(sdcube) os.system('rm -rf '+jointcube) os.system('cp -r ' + intcube + ' ' + jointcube) _ib = image() _ia.set(0.0) ## Initialize this to zero for all planes for i in range(len(freqlist)): if chanwt[i] != 0.0 : ## process only the nonzero channels freqdishdia = dishdia ## * (freqlist[0] / freqlist[i]) # * 0.5 os.system('rm -rf tmp_*') #imsubimage(imagename = sdcube, outfile = 'tmp_sdplane', chans = str(i)); #imsubimage(imagename = intcube, outfile = 'tmp_intplane', chans = str(i)); self.createplaneimage(imagename=sdcube, outfile='tmp_sdplane', chanid = str(i)); self.createplaneimage(imagename=intcube, outfile='tmp_intplane', chanid = str(i)); #feather(imagename = 'tmp_jointplane', highres = 'tmp_intplane', lowres = 'tmp_sdplane', sdfactor = sdgain, effdishdiam=freqdishdia) # feathering via toolkit try:"start Feathering.....") imFea=imager( ) imFea.setvp(dovp=True) imFea.setsdoptions(scale=sdgain) imFea.feather(image='tmp_jointplane',highres='tmp_intplane',lowres='tmp_sdplane', effdishdiam=freqdishdia) imFea.done( ) del imFea except Exception as instance:'*** Error *** %s' % instance, 'ERROR') raise'tmp_jointplane') pixjoint = _ib.getchunk() _ib.close() _ia.putchunk(pixjoint, blc=[0,0,0,i]) _ia.close() if usedata=='sd': ## Copy sdcube to joint. os.system('rm -rf '+jointcube) os.system('cp -r ' + sdcube + ' ' + jointcube) if usedata=='int': ## Copy intcube to joint os.system('rm -rf '+jointcube) os.system('cp -r ' + intcube + ' ' + jointcube) ################################################ def calc_renorm(self, intname='', jointname=''): """ Calculate a new .sumwt spectrum containing the peak of the feathered PSF. The PSF and each residual image calculation will be re-normalized by this. This will keep the PSFs in all channels at a peak of 1. """ psfname = jointname+'.psf' os.system('cp -r '+intname+'.sumwt ' + jointname + '.sumwt')'.sumwt') vals = _ia.getchunk() shp = _ia.shape() _ia.close() if shp[0]>1:"WARNING : Cannot use this task with faceting", 'WARN')'.psf') for i in range(0, shp[3]): onepsf = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,i],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,i]) vals[0,0,0,i] = np.max(onepsf) _ia.close()'.sumwt') _ia.putchunk(vals) _ia.close()"********************Re-norm with "+str(vals)) ################################################ def apply_renorm(self, imname='', sumwtname=''): """ Divide each plane of the input image by the sumwt value for that channel """ shp = _ia.shape() vals = _ia.getchunk() ## This is one pixel per channel. _ia.close()"********************Re-norm with "+str(vals)) for i in range(0, shp[3]): oneplane = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,i],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,i]) if vals[0,0,0,i]>0.0: normplane = oneplane/vals[0,0,0,i] else: normplane = oneplane.copy() normplane.fill(0.0) _ia.putchunk( normplane , blc=[0,0,0,i] ) _ia.close() ################################################ def modify_with_pb(self, inpcube='', pbcube='',cubewt='', chanwt='', action='mult',pblimit=0.2, freqdep=True): """ Multiply or divide by the PB freqdep = True : Channel by channel freqdep = False : Before/After deconvolution, use a freq-independent PB from the middle of the list """'Modify with PB : ' + action + ' with frequency dependence ' + str(freqdep)) freqlist = self.getFreqList(inpcube) shp=_ia.shape() _ia.close() ############## ### Calculate a reference Primary Beam ### Weighted sum of pb cube ##midchan = int(len(freqlist)/2) ##refchan = len(freqlist)-1 ## This assumes ascending frequency ordering in chans. refchan=0 pbplane = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,refchan],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,refchan]) _ia.close() pbplane.fill(0.0) # pbplane = np.zeros( (shp[0],shp[1]), 'float') if freqdep==False: cwt = _ia.getchunk()[0,0,0,:] _ia.close() if shp[3] != len(cwt) or len(freqlist) != len(cwt): raise Exception("Modify with PB : Nchan shape mismatch between cube and sumwt.") cwt = cwt * chanwt ## Merge the weights and flags sumchanwt = np.sum(cwt) if sumchanwt==0: raise Exception("Weights are all zero ! ") for i in range(len(freqlist)): ## Read the pb per plane pbplane = pbplane + cwt[i] * _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,i],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,i]) _ia.close() pbplane = pbplane / sumchanwt ############## ## Special-case for setting the PBmask to be same for all freqs if freqdep==False: shutil.copytree(pbcube, pbcube+'_tmpcopy') for i in range(len(freqlist)): ## Read the pb per plane if freqdep==True: pbplane = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,i],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,i]) _ia.close() ## Make a tmp pbcube with the same pb in all planes. This is for the mask. if freqdep==False:'_tmpcopy') _ia.putchunk(pbplane, blc=[0,0,0,i]) _ia.close() implane = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,i],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,i]) outplane = pbplane.copy() outplane.fill(0.0) if action=='mult': pbplane[pbplane<pblimit]=0.0 outplane = implane * pbplane else: implane[pbplane<pblimit]=0.0 pbplane[pbplane<pblimit]=1.0 outplane = implane / pbplane _ia.putchunk(outplane, blc=[0,0,0,i]) _ia.close() # if freqdep==True: # ## Set a mask based on frequency-dependent PB # self.addmask(inpcube,pbcube,pblimit) # else: if freqdep==False: ## Set a mask based on the PB in refchan self.addmask(inpcube,pbcube+'_tmpcopy',pblimit) shutil.rmtree(pbcube+'_tmpcopy') ################################################ def addmask(self, inpimage='',pbimage='',pblimit=0.2, mode='replace'): #def addmask(self, inpimage='',pbimage='',pblimit=0.2, mode='add'): #def addmask(self, inpimage='',pbimage='',pblimit=0.2, mode='old'): """ add pb mask: create a new mask called 'pbmask' and set it as a defualt mask mode: "replace" or "add" relpalce: create a pbmask based on pblimit without account for the exist mask add: create a pbmask based on pblimit and merge with existing default mask """ defaultmaskname=_ia.maskhandler('default')[0] allmasknames = _ia.maskhandler('get') #"defaultmaskname=",defaultmaskname) if mode=='replace': if defaultmaskname!='' and defaultmaskname!='mask0': _ia.calcmask(mask='"'+pbimage+'"'+'>'+str(pblimit), name=defaultmaskname); elif defaultmaskname=='mask0': if 'pbmask' in allmasknames: _ia.maskhandler('delete','pbmask') _ia.calcmask(mask='"'+pbimage+'"'+'>'+str(pblimit), name='pbmask'); #elif mode=='add': # After deleting a pixel mask it sometimes leaves it in cache # # # if defaultmaskname=='pbmask': # _ia.maskhandler('delete',defaultmaskname) # _ia.close() # # _ia.calcmask(mask='mask("'+inpimage+'")||'+'"'+pbimage+'"'+'>'+str(pblimit), name='pbmask'); elif mode=='old': # this one create a new mask every time this function is called! _ia.calcmask(mask='mask("'+inpimage+'")||'+'"'+pbimage+'"'+'>'+str(pblimit)); else: raise Exception("Unrecongnized value for mode: ",mode) _ia.close() _ia.done() ################################################ def cube_to_taylor_sum(self, cubename='', cubewt='', chanwt='', mtname='',reffreq='1.5GHz',nterms=2,dopsf=False): """ Convert Cubes (output of major cycle) to Taylor weighted averages (inputs to the minor cycle) Input : Cube Output : Set of images with suffix : .tt0, .tt1, etc... """ refnu = _qa.convert( _qa.quantity(reffreq) ,'Hz' )['value'] #"&&&&&&&&& REF FREQ : " + str(refnu)) pix=[] num_terms=nterms if dopsf==True: num_terms=2*nterms-1 for tt in range(0,num_terms):'.tt'+str(tt)) pix.append( _ia.getchunk() ) _ia.close() pix[tt].fill(0.0) shp = _ia.shape() _ia.close() cwt = _ia.getchunk()[0,0,0,:] _ia.close() freqlist = self.getFreqList(cubename) if shp[3] != len(cwt) or len(freqlist) != len(cwt): raise Exception("Nchan shape mismatch between cube and sumwt.") cwt = cwt * chanwt ## Merge the weights and flags. sumchanwt = np.sum(cwt) ## This is a weight if sumchanwt==0: raise Exception("Weights are all zero ! ") else: for i in range(len(freqlist)): wt = (freqlist[i] - refnu)/refnu implane = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,i],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,i]) _ia.close() for tt in range(0,num_terms): pix[tt] = pix[tt] + (wt**tt) * implane * cwt[i] for tt in range(0,num_terms): pix[tt] = pix[tt]/sumchanwt # ia.close() for tt in range(0,num_terms):'.tt'+str(tt)) _ia.putchunk(pix[tt]) _ia.close() ################################################ def taylor_model_to_cube(self, cubename='', mtname='',reffreq='1.5GHz',nterms=2): """ Convert Taylor coefficients (output of minor cycle) to cube (input to major cycle) Input : Set of images with suffix : .tt0, .tt1, etc... Output : Cube """ if not os.path.exists(cubename+'.model'): shutil.copytree(cubename+'.psf', cubename+'.model')'.model') _ia.set(0.0) _ia.setrestoringbeam(remove=True) _ia.setbrightnessunit('Jy/pixel') _ia.close() refnu = _qa.convert( _qa.quantity(reffreq) ,'Hz' )['value'] pix=[] for tt in range(0,nterms):''+str(tt)) pix.append( _ia.getchunk() ) _ia.close()'.model') shp = _ia.shape() _ia.close() implane = pix[0].copy() freqlist = self.getFreqList(cubename+'.psf') for i in range(len(freqlist)): wt = (freqlist[i] - refnu)/refnu implane.fill(0.0) for tt in range(0,nterms): implane = implane + (wt**tt) * pix[tt]'.model') _ia.putchunk(implane, blc=[0,0,0,i]) _ia.close() ################################################## def calc_sd_residual(self,origcube='', modelcube = '', residualcube = '', psfcube=''): ##, pbcube='', applypb=False, pblimit=0.2): """ Residual = Original - ( PSF * Model ) """ # ia_orig = iatool() # ia_model = iatool() # ia_residual = iatool() # ia_psf = iatool() # # # # # freqlist = self.getFreqList(origcube) shp = _ia.shape() _ia.close() for i in range(0,len(freqlist)): im_orig = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,i],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,i]) _ia.close() im_model = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,i],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,i]) _ia.close() im_psf = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,i],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,i]) _ia.close() smoothedim = self.myconvolve(im_model[:,:,0,0], im_psf[:,:,0,0]) if( np.nansum(im_orig)==0.0): smoothedim.fill(0.0) im_residual=im_psf.copy() ## Just to init the shape of this thing im_residual[:,:,0,0] = im_orig[:,:,0,0] - smoothedim _ia.putchunk(im_residual, blc=[0,0,0,i]) _ia.close() # ia_orig.close() # ia_model.close() # ia_residual.close() # ia_psf.close() ################################################## def myconvolve(self,im1,im2): t3 = time.time() shp = im1.shape pshp = (shp[0]*2, shp[1]*2) pim1 = np.zeros(pshp,'float') pim2 = np.zeros(pshp,'float') pim1[shp[0]-shp[0]//2 : shp[0]+shp[0]//2, shp[1]-shp[1]//2 : shp[1]+shp[1]//2] = im1 pim2[shp[0]-shp[0]//2 : shp[0]+shp[0]//2, shp[1]-shp[1]//2 : shp[1]+shp[1]//2] = im2 fftim1 = fftpack.fftshift( fftpack.fft2( fftpack.ifftshift( pim1 ) ) ) fftim2 = fftpack.fftshift( fftpack.fft2( fftpack.ifftshift( pim2 ) ) ) fftprod = fftim1*fftim2 psmoothedim = np.real(fftpack.fftshift( fftpack.ifft2( fftpack.ifftshift( fftprod ) ) ) ) smoothedim = psmoothedim[shp[0]-shp[0]//2 : shp[0]+shp[0]//2, shp[1]-shp[1]//2 : shp[1]+shp[1]//2] return smoothedim ########################################## def regridimage(self, imagename, template, outfile): outia = None _myia = image() csys = _myia.coordsys() shape = _myia.shape() _myia.done()"imagename="+imagename) try: outia=_myia.regrid(outfile=outfile, shape=shape, csys=csys.torecord(), axes=[0,1], overwrite=True, asvelocity=False) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' in regridding image" % (instance), 'WARN') raise finally: csys.done() if outia != None and outia.isopen(): outia.done() _myia.done() ########################################## def createplaneimage(self,imagename, outfile, chanid): """ extract a channel plane image """ _tmpia=image() _tmprg=regionmanager() outia=None theregion = _tmprg.frombcs(csys=_tmpia.coordsys().torecord(), shape=_tmpia.shape(), chans=chanid) try: outia=_tmpia.subimage(outfile=outfile, region=theregion) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' in creating subimage" % (instance), 'WARN') _tmpia.close() _tmpia.done() _tmprg.done() if outia != None and outia.isopen(): outia.done() def pbcor(self, imagename, pbimage, cutoff, outfile): """ pb-correction """ outia=None _myia=image() try: outia = _myia.pbcor(pbimage=pbimage, outfile=outfile, overwrite=True, mode='divide', cutoff=cutoff) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' in creating pb-corrected image" % (instance), 'WARN') finally: _myia.done() if outia != None and outia.isopen(): outia.done() def checkpsf(self, inpsf, refpsf): """ check the center of psf if diffent for refpsf center and (shift to refpsf position) in returned psf """ tol=0.001 allowshift=True incsys = _ia.coordsys().torecord() _ia.close() #_ia.done() _tmpia = image() refcsys = _tmpia.coordsys().torecord() _tmpia.close() #_tmpia.done() # check the field center ramismatch = False decmismatch = False indir = incsys['direction0'] refdir = refcsys['direction0'] diff_ra = indir['crval'][0] - refdir['crval'][0] diff_dec = indir['crval'][1] - refdir['crval'][1] if diff_ra/refdir['crval'][0] > tol: ramismatch = True if diff_dec/refdir['crval'][1] > tol: decmismatch = True if ramismatch or decmismatch:"The position of SD psf is different from the the psf by (diffRA,diffDec)=( %s, %s)." % (diff_ra, diff_dec) ,'WARN') if allowshift: modsdpsf=inpsf+'_mod'"Modifying the input SD psf, "+inpsf+" by shifting the field center of sd psf to that of int psf. Modified SD psf image:"+modsdpsf) shutil.copytree(inpsf, inpsf+'_mod') thecsys = _ia.coordsys() themodcsysrec = thecsys.torecord() #repalcing ra, dec of the sd psf to those of the int psf themodcsysrec['direction0']['crval'][0] = refdir['crval'][0] themodcsysrec['direction0']['crval'][1] = refdir['crval'][1] thecsys.fromrecord(themodcsysrec) _ia.setcoordsys(thecsys) _ia.close() #_ia.done() else: raise Exception("the center of the psf different from the int psf by (diffRA, diffDec)=(%s,%s)" % (diff_ra, diff_dec)) else:" The center of psf coincides with int psf: (diffRA,diffDec)=( %s, %s)" % (diff_ra, diff_dec)) #### Add a check for frequency axis sdshape = _ia.shape() _ia.close() tshape = _ia.shape() _ia.close() if sdshape[3] != tshape[3]: raise Exception("The frequency axis of the input SD image and the interferometer template do not match and cannot be regridded. This is because when there are per-plane restoring beams, a regrid along the frequency axis cannot be defined at optimal accuracy. Please re-evaluate the SD image and psf onto a frequency grid that matches the interferometer frequency grid, and then retry.") #return modpsf def create_sd_psf(self, sdimage, sdpsfname ): """ If sdpsf="", create an SD_PSF cube using restoringbeam information from the sd image. Start from the regridded SD_IMAGE cube """ sdintlib = SDINT_helper() if is_CASA6: from casatools import image, componentlist, regionmanager else: image = iatool componentlist = cltool regionmanager = rgtool _ia = image() _cl = componentlist() _rg = regionmanager() ## Get restoringbeam info for all channels restbeams = _ia.restoringbeam() shp = _ia.shape() csys = _ia.coordsys() _ia.close() ## If no restoring beam, or if global restoringbeam, return with error. ## Also return if the number of beams doesn't match nchan... ###if not restbeams.has_key('nChannels') or restbeams['nChannels'] != shp[3]: if not 'nChannels' in restbeams or restbeams['nChannels'] != shp[3]: raise(Exception("The input SD cube must have per plane restoring beams")) cdir = csys.torecord()['direction0'] compdir = [cdir['system'] , str(cdir['crval'][0])+cdir['units'][0] , str(cdir['crval'][1])+cdir['units'][1] ] ## Make empty SD psf cube from SD image cube os.system('rm -rf '+sdpsfname) os.system('cp -r '+ sdimage + ' ' + sdpsfname) ## Iterate through PSF cube and replace pixels with Gaussians matched to restoringbeam info for ch in range(0,shp[3]): os.system('rm -rf tmp_sdplane') rbeam = restbeams['beams']['*'+str(ch)]['*0'] _cl.close() _cl.addcomponent(flux=1.0, fluxunit='Jy',polarization='Stokes', dir=compdir, shape='Gaussian', majoraxis=rbeam['major'], minoraxis=rbeam['minor'], positionangle=rbeam['positionangle'], spectrumtype='constant') #, freq=str(freqs[ch])+'Hz') implane = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,ch],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,ch]) implane.fill(0.0) _ia.putchunk(implane, blc=[0,0,0,ch]) _ia.modify(model=_cl.torecord(), subtract=False,[0,0,0,ch],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,ch])) ## Now, normalize it. implane = _ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,ch],trc=[shp[0],shp[1],0,ch]) pmax = np.max(implane) #print(pmax) if pmax>0.0: implane = implane/pmax else: implane.fill(0.0) _ia.putchunk(implane, blc=[0,0,0,ch]) _ia.close() def check_coords(self, intres='', intpsf='', intwt = '', sdres='', sdpsf='',sdwt = '', pars=None): """ ### (1) Frequency range of cube, data selection range. mtmfs reffreq. ### (2) nchan too small or too large ### (3) sumwt : flagged channels in int cubes ### (4) sd cube empty channels ? Weight image ? """ validity=True freqlist = self.getFreqList(intres) chanwt = np.ones( len(freqlist), 'float') if pars['usedata']=='int': pars['chanwt'] = chanwt return validity, pars ## get shapes and gather stats int_shp = _ia.shape() int_stat = _ia.statistics(axes=[0,1]) _ia.close() sd_shp = _ia.shape() sd_stat = _ia.statistics(axes=[0,1]) _ia.close() sumwt = _ia.getchunk() _ia.close() ### For mtmfs minor cycle only if pars['specmode'] in ['mfs','cont'] and pars['deconvolver']=='mtmfs':'DOING EXTRA CHECKS##############','WARN') #(1) # Check reference frequency cube freq range. if pars['reffreq']=='': reffreq =str( ( freqlist[0] + freqlist[ len(freqlist)-1 ] )/2.0 ) + 'Hz''The reference frequency for MFS is calculated as the middle of the cube frequency range, irrespective of flagged channels : '+reffreq,'INFO', "task_sdintimaging") ## Modified parameters : pars['reffreq'] = reffreq else: refval = _qa.convert(_qa.quantity( pars['reffreq'] ), 'Hz') ['value'] if refval < freqlist[0] or refval > freqlist[ len(freqlist)-1 ] :'The specified reffreq for MFS imaging is outside the frequency range of the specified Cube image for the major cycle. Please specify a reffreq within the cube frequency range or leave it as an empty string to auto-calculate the middle of the range.','WARN', "task_sdintimaging") validity=False #(2.1)# Too many channels if len(freqlist) > 50:'The cube for major cycles has '+str(len(freqlist))+' channels. For wideband continuum imaging, it may be possible to reduce the number of channels to (say) one per spectral window to preserve frequency dependent intensity and weight information but also minimize the number of channels in the image cubes. MFS imaging will be performed within each channel. This will reduce the sizes of the image cubes as well as the compute time used for feathering each plane separately. Note that a minimum of nterms=' + str(pars['nterms']) + ' channels is required for an accurate polynomial fit, but where possible at least 5 to 10 channels that span the frequency range are prefered in order to properly encode frequency dependent intensity and weights.', "WARN", "task_sdintimaging") #(2.2)# Too few channels if len(freqlist) < 5:'The cube for the major cycle has only '+str(len(freqlist))+' channels. A minimum of nterms = ' + str(pars['nterms']) + ' channels is required for an accurate polynomial fit, but where possible at least 5 to 10 channels that span the frequency range are prefered in order to properly encode frequency dependent intensity and weights.','WARN', "task_sdintimaging") if len(freqlist) < pars['nterms']: validity=False ### For both cube and mtmfs #(3) ## If there are channels filled with zeros.... create a chanflag to use during 'cube_to_taylor' and 'feathering' ## INT : If some chans are zero, check that sumwt reflects it too. zerochans = np.count_nonzero( int_stat['sum']==0.0 ) if zerochans>0:'There are '+str(zerochans)+' empty channels in the interferometer cube. These channels will be excluded from the feathering step.') chanwt[ int_stat['sum']==0.0 ] = 0.0 ## SD : If some chans are zero. ## Set the wt to zero and use the logical AND of int_wt and sd_wt for feathering? zerochans = np.count_nonzero( sd_stat['sum']==0.0 ) if zerochans>0:'There are '+str(zerochans)+' empty channels in the single dish image cube. These channels will be excluded from the feathering step. NOTE : We do not yet use SD weights. ') chanwt[ sd_stat['sum']==0.0 ] = 0.0 ### If there are channels to flag.... list them. if np.count_nonzero( chanwt==0.0 ):'The following channel weights/flags will be used in the feather step and minor cycle. Zero indicates channels that are empty in either the INT or SD input cubes and which will be excluded from the joint reconstruction. : ' + str(chanwt), 'INFO')'There are channels that are filled with zeros either in the INT cube or the SD cube or both, and they will be ignored from the joint reconstruction. Please search the log file for the string "channel weights/flags" to find a listing of channels that are being used','WARN') if np.count_nonzero( chanwt != 0.0 ) == 0:"There are no channels with data in both the INT and the SD cubes. Cannot proceed","WARN") validity=False pars['chanwt'] = chanwt return validity, pars def setup_cube_params(self,sdcube=''): """ Read coordinate system from the SD cube Decide parameters to input into sdintimaging for the INT cube to match. This is a helper method, not currently used in the sdintimaging task. We will add this later (after 6.1), and also remove some parameters from the task level. """ csys = _ia.coordsys() shp = _ia.shape() ctypes = csys.axiscoordinatetypes()"Shape of SD cube : "+str(shp))"Coordinate ordering : "+str(ctypes)) if len(ctypes) !=4 or ctypes[3] != 'Spectral':"The SD cube needs to have 4 axes, in the RA/DEC/Stokes/Spectral order", 'ERROR') _ia.close() return False nchan = shp[3] start = str( csys.referencevalue()['numeric'][3] ) + csys.units()[3] width = str( csys.increment()['numeric'][3]) + csys.units()[3] ## Number of channels"nchan = "+str(nchan)) ## Start Frequency"start = " + start ) ## Width"width = " + width ) ## Test for restoringbeams rbeams = _ia.restoringbeam() #if not rbeams.has_key('nChannels') or rbeams['nChannels']!= shp[3]: if not 'nChannels' in rbeams or rbeams['nChannels']!= shp[3]:"The SD Cube needs to have per-plane restoringbeams", 'ERROR') _ia.close() return False else:"Found " + str(rbeams['nChannels']) + " per-plane restoring beams")"\n(For specmode='mfs' in sdintimaging, please remember to set 'reffreq' to a value within the freq range of the cube)\n") _ia.close() return {'nchan':nchan, 'start':start, 'width':width} ### Using Old Imager. Does not work for cubes ? # def fit_psf_beam(self,msname = '', psfname =''): # # # csys = _ia.coordsys() # rbeam_old = _ia.restoringbeam() # print(rbeam_old) # shp = _ia.shape() # _ia.close() # cellx = csys.increment()['numeric'][0]; # celly = csys.increment()['numeric'][1]; # _im.defineimage(nx=shp[0],ny=shp[1],cellx=str(cellx)+'rad',celly=str(celly)+'rad',nchan=3) # params =_im.fitpsf(psfname) # print(params) # _im.close() #