from __future__ import absolute_import import shutil import os import string # get is_CASA6 and is_python3 from casatasks.private.casa_transition import * if is_CASA6: from .parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper from . import JPLephem_reader2 as jplreader from casatools import ms as mstool from casatools import table as tbtool from casatools import imager as imtool from casatools import measures, quanta from casatasks import casalog from .mstools import write_history _qa = quanta( ) _me = measures( ) else: from taskinit import * from mstools import write_history from parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper import recipes.ephemerides.JPLephem_reader2 as jplreader # not really local copies _qa = qa _me = me def fixplanets(vis, field, fixuvw=False, direction='', refant=0, reftime='first'): """ Fix FIELD, SOURCE, and UVW for given fields based on given direction or pointing table information This task's main purpose is to correct observations which were performed with correct pointing and correlation but for which incorrect direction information was entered in the FIELD and SOURCE table of the MS. If you actually want to change the phase center of the visibilties in an MS, you should use task fixvis. Input Parameters vis -- Name of the input visibility set field -- field selection string fixuvw -- recalc uvw coordinates? (default: False) direction -- if set, don't use pointing table but set direction to this value. The direction can either be given explicitly or as the path to a JPL Horizons ephemeris (for an example of the format, see directory data/ephemerides/JPL-Horizons/). Alternatively, the ephemeris table can also be provided as mime format file, i.e. a saved email as obtained via the commands (for example): import recipes.ephemerides.request as jplreq jplreq.request_from_JPL(objnam='Mars',startdate='2012-01-01',enddate='2014-12-31', date_incr='0.1 d', get_axis_orientation=False, get_axis_ang_orientation=True, get_sub_long=True, use_apparent=False, get_sep=False, return_address='YOUR_EMAIL_ADDESS', mailserver='YOUR_MAIL_SERVER_ADDRESS') example: 'J2000 19h30m00 -40d00m00', default= '' (use pointing table) refant -- if using pointing table information, use it from this antenna default: 0 (antenna id 0) examples: 'DV06' (antenna with name DV06) 3 (antenna id 3) reftime -- if using pointing table information, use it from this timestamp default: 'first' examples: 'median' will use the median timestamp for the given field using only the unflagged maintable rows '2012/07/11/08:41:32' will use the given timestamp (must be within the observaton time) """ casalog.origin('fixplanets') mst = mstool() tbt = tbtool() imt = None try: fields = mst.msseltoindex(vis=vis,field=field)['field'] numfields = 0 if(len(fields) == 0): "Field selection returned zero results.", 'WARN') return"/FIELD") oldrefcol = [] if('PhaseDir_Ref' in tbt.colnames()): oldrefcol = tbt.getcol('PhaseDir_Ref') tbt.close() fixplanetstemp = 'fixplanetstemp-'+os.path.basename(vis) # temp file name fixplanetstemp2 = 'fixplanetstemp2-'+os.path.basename(vis) # temp file name for fld in fields: thenewra_rad = 0. thenewdec_rad = 0. thenewref = -1 thenewrefstr = '' theephemeris = '' if(direction==''): # use information from the pointing table # find median timestamp for this field in the main table shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp, ignore_errors=True) thetime = 0 if(reftime.lower()=='median'): tttb = tbt.query('FIELD_ID=='+str(fld)+' AND FLAG_ROW==False', name=fixplanetstemp, columns='TIME') tttb.close() tttb = None tbt.close() if(tbt.nrows()>0): thetime = tbt.getcell('TIME',tbt.nrows()//2) "MEDIAN TIME "+str(thetime), 'NORMAL') tbt.close() else: "No pointing table rows for field "+field, 'NORMAL') tbt.close() shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp, ignore_errors=True) return elif(reftime.lower()=='first'): tttb = tbt.query('FIELD_ID=='+str(fld), name=fixplanetstemp, columns='TIME') tttb.close() tttb = None tbt.close() if(tbt.nrows()>0): thetime = tbt.getcell('TIME',0) "FIRST TIME "+str(thetime), 'NORMAL') tbt.close() else: "No pointing table rows for field "+field, 'NORMAL') tbt.close() shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp, ignore_errors=True) return else: try: myqa = _qa.quantity(reftime) thetime = _qa.convert(myqa,'s')['value'] except Exception as instance: raise TypeError("reftime parameter is not a valid date (e.g. YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss): %s" % reftime) tttb = tbt.query('FIELD_ID=='+str(fld), name=fixplanetstemp, columns='TIME') tttb.close() tttb = None tbt.close() if(tbt.nrows()>0): thefirsttime = tbt.getcell('TIME',0) thelasttime = tbt.getcell('TIME',tbt.nrows()-1) tbt.close() else: "No pointing table rows for field "+field, 'NORMAL') tbt.close() shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp, ignore_errors=True) return shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp, ignore_errors=True) if (thefirsttime<=thetime and thetime<=thelasttime): "GIVEN TIME "+reftime+" == "+str(thetime), 'NORMAL') else: "GIVEN TIME "+reftime+" == "+str(thetime)+" is not within the observation time (" +str(thefirsttime)+'s'+" - " +str(thelasttime)+'s'+")", 'SEVERE') raise TypeError shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp, ignore_errors=True) # determine reference antenna antids = mst.msseltoindex(vis=vis,baseline=refant)['antenna1'] antid = -1 if(len(antids) == 0): msg = "Antenna selection returned zero results." raise RuntimeError(msg) antid = int(antids[0])'Using antenna id '+str(antid)+' as reference antenna.', 'NORMAL')'/ANTENNA') flgcol = tbt.getcol('FLAG_ROW') tbt.close() if(flgcol[antid]==True): msg = 'Antenna id '+str(antid)+' is flagged. Please select a different one.' raise RuntimeError(msg) # get direction for the timestamp from pointing table shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp2, ignore_errors=True)'/POINTING') ttb = tbt.query('TRACKING==True AND NEARABS(TIME,'+str(thetime)+',INTERVAL/2.) AND ANTENNA_ID==' +str(antid), name=fixplanetstemp2) nr = ttb.nrows() ttb.close() ttb = None if(nr==0): shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp2, ignore_errors=True) ttb2 = tbt.query('TRACKING==True AND NEARABS(TIME,'+str(thetime)+',3.) AND ANTENNA_ID==' +str(antid), # search within 3 seconds name=fixplanetstemp2) nr = ttb2.nrows() ttb2.close() ttb2 = None if(nr==0): "Cannot find any POINTING table rows for antenna "+str(antid) +" with TRACKING==True within 3 seconds of TIME "+str(thetime), 'NORMAL') "Will try without requiring TRACKING==True ...", 'NORMAL') shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp2, ignore_errors=True) ttb3 = tbt.query('NEARABS(TIME,'+str(thetime)+',INTERVAL/2.) AND ANTENNA_ID==' +str(antid), name=fixplanetstemp2) nr = ttb3.nrows() ttb3.close() ttb3 = None if(nr==0): shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp2, ignore_errors=True) ttb4 = tbt.query('NEARABS(TIME,'+str(thetime)+',3.) AND ANTENNA_ID==' +str(antid), # search within 3 seconds name=fixplanetstemp2) nr = ttb4.nrows() ttb4.close() ttb4 = None if(nr==0): tbt.close() msg = ("Cannot find any POINTING table rows for antenna "+str(antid) + " within 3 seconds of TIME "+str(thetime)) raise RuntimeError(msg) # give up tbt.close() thedir = tbt.getcell('DIRECTION',0) tbt.close() ' field id '+str(fld)+ ' AZ EL '+str(thedir[0])+" "+str(thedir[1]), 'NORMAL') thedirme = _me.direction(rf='AZELGEO',v0=_qa.quantity(thedir[0][0], 'rad'), v1=_qa.quantity(thedir[1][0],'rad')) # convert AZEL to J2000 coordinates _me.doframe(_me.epoch(rf='UTC', v0=_qa.quantity(thetime,'s')))'/ANTENNA') thepos = tbt.getcell('POSITION',antid) theposref = tbt.getcolkeyword('POSITION', 'MEASINFO')['Ref'] theposunits = tbt.getcolkeyword('POSITION', 'QuantumUnits') tbt.close() "Ref. antenna position is "+str(thepos)+' ('+theposunits[0]+', '+theposunits[1]+', ' +theposunits[2]+')('+theposref+')', 'NORMAL') _me.doframe(_me.position(theposref, _qa.quantity(thepos[0],theposunits[0]), _qa.quantity(thepos[1],theposunits[1]), _qa.quantity(thepos[2],theposunits[2])) ) thedirmemod = _me.measure(v=thedirme, rf='J2000') # thenewra_rad = thedirmemod['m0']['value'] thenewdec_rad = thedirmemod['m1']['value'] _me.done() shutil.rmtree(fixplanetstemp2, ignore_errors=True) else: # direction is not an empty string, use this instead of the pointing table information if(type(direction)==str): dirstr = direction.split(' ') if len(dirstr)==1: # an ephemeris table was given if(os.path.exists(dirstr[0])): if os.path.isfile(dirstr[0]): # it is a file, i.e. not a CASA table try: # a mime file maybe? outdict=jplreader.readJPLephem(dirstr[0], '1.0') if not jplreader.ephem_dict_to_table(outdict, dirstr[0]+".tab"): raise ValueError("Error converting dictionary to ephem table") except: # no it is not a mime file either msg = "*** Error when interpreting parameter \'direction\':\n File given is not a valid JPL email mime format file." raise RuntimeError(msg) else: theephemeris = dirstr[0]+".tab"'Successfully converted mime format ephemeris to table '+theephemeris+'.\n Will use it with offset (0,0)', 'NORMAL') else: # not a file, assume it is a CASA table theephemeris = dirstr[0]'Will use ephemeris table '+theephemeris+' with offset (0,0)', 'NORMAL') thenewra_rad = 0. thenewdec_rad = 0. else: msg = "*** Error when interpreting parameter \'direction\':\n string is neither a direction nor an existing file or table." raise RuntimeError(msg) else: if len(dirstr)==2: # a direction without ref frame was given dirstr = ['J2000', dirstr[0], dirstr[1]]'Assuming reference frame J2000 for parameter \'direction\'', 'NORMAL') elif not len(dirstr)==3: msg = 'Incorrect format in parameter \'direction\'' raise RuntimeError(msg) # process direction and refframe try: thedir = _me.direction(dirstr[0], dirstr[1], dirstr[2]) thenewra_rad = thedir['m0']['value'] thenewdec_rad = thedir['m1']['value'] except Exception as instance: msg = "*** Error \'%s\' when interpreting parameter \'direction\': " % (instance) raise RuntimeError(msg) try:"/FIELD") thenewrefindex = tbt.getcolkeyword('PHASE_DIR', 'MEASINFO')['TabRefTypes'].tolist().index(dirstr[0]) thenewref = tbt.getcolkeyword('PHASE_DIR', 'MEASINFO')['TabRefCodes'][thenewrefindex] thenewrefstr = dirstr[0] tbt.close() except Exception as instance:"PHASE_DIR is not a variable reference column. Will leave reference as is.", 'WARN') thenewref = -1 if(0<thenewref and thenewref<32): msg = "*** Error when interpreting parameter \'direction\':\n presently only J2000 and solar system objects are supported." raise RuntimeError(msg) #endif # modify FIELD table'/FIELD', nomodify=False) numfields = tbt.nrows() theolddir = tbt.getcell('PHASE_DIR',fld) planetname = tbt.getcell('NAME',fld) 'object: '+planetname, 'NORMAL') 'old RA, DEC (rad) '+str(theolddir[0])+" " +str(theolddir[1]), 'NORMAL') if(theephemeris==''): 'new RA, DEC (rad) '+str(thenewra_rad)+" "+ str(thenewdec_rad), 'NORMAL') else: 'new RA, DEC to be taken from ephemeris table '+theephemeris +' with offsets (rad) '+str(thenewra_rad)+" "+ str(thenewdec_rad), 'NORMAL') pcol = tbt.getcol('PHASE_DIR') pcol[0][0][fld] = thenewra_rad pcol[1][0][fld] = thenewdec_rad tbt.putcol('PHASE_DIR',pcol) pcol = tbt.getcol('DELAY_DIR') pcol[0][0][fld] = thenewra_rad pcol[1][0][fld] = thenewdec_rad tbt.putcol('DELAY_DIR',pcol) pcol = tbt.getcol('REFERENCE_DIR') pcol[0][0][fld] = thenewra_rad pcol[1][0][fld] = thenewdec_rad tbt.putcol('REFERENCE_DIR',pcol)"FIELD table PHASE_DIR, DELAY_DIR, and REFERENCE_DIR columns changed for field "+str(fld)+".", 'NORMAL') if(theephemeris==''): if ('EPHEMERIS_ID' in tbt.colnames()) and (tbt.getcell('EPHEMERIS_ID',fld)>=0): # originally an ephemeris was used eidc = tbt.getcol('EPHEMERIS_ID') eidc[fld] = -1 tbt.putcol('EPHEMERIS_ID', eidc) # remove the reference to it"FIELD table EPHEMERIS_ID column reset to -1 for field "+str(fld)+".", 'NORMAL') if(thenewref!=-1): # modify reference of the direction columns permanently theoldref = -1 theoldref2 = -1 theoldref3 = -1 try: pcol = tbt.getcol('PhaseDir_Ref') theoldref = pcol[fld] pcol[fld] = thenewref oldrefcol = pcol pcol2 = tbt.getcol('DelayDir_Ref') theoldref2 = pcol2[fld] pcol2[fld] = thenewref pcol3 = tbt.getcol('RefDir_Ref') theoldref3 = pcol3[fld] pcol3[fld] = thenewref if not (theoldref==theoldref2 and theoldref==theoldref3):"The three FIELD table direction reference frame entries for field "+str(fld) +" are not identical in the input data: " +str(theoldref)+", "+str(theoldref2)+", "+str(theoldref3) +". Will try to continue ...", 'WARN') theoldref=-1 else: oldrefstrindex = tbt.getcolkeyword('PHASE_DIR', 'MEASINFO')['TabRefCodes'].tolist().index(theoldref) oldrefstr = tbt.getcolkeyword('PHASE_DIR', 'MEASINFO')['TabRefTypes'][oldrefstrindex]"Original FIELD table direction reference frame entries for field "+str(fld) +" are all "+str(theoldref)+" ("+oldrefstr+")", 'NORMAL') tbt.putcol('PhaseDir_Ref', pcol) tbt.putcol('DelayDir_Ref', pcol2) tbt.putcol('RefDir_Ref', pcol3) except Exception as instance: msg = "*** Error \'%s\' when writing reference frames in FIELD table: " % (instance) raise RuntimeError(msg) if(theoldref != thenewref):"FIELD table direction reference frame entries for field "+str(fld) +" set to "+str(thenewref)+" ("+thenewrefstr+")", 'NORMAL') else:"FIELD table direction reference frame entries for field "+str(fld) +" unchanged.", 'NORMAL') else: # we are working with an ephemeris try:, nomodify=False) # sanitize the internal ephemeris table name valid_chars = "-+_.%s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits) planetname_for_table = ''.join(c if c in valid_chars else '_' for c in planetname) # make sure theemepheris is given as absolute path to avoid MeasIERS warnings mst.addephemeris(-1, os.path.abspath(theephemeris), planetname_for_table, fld) # -1 = take the next free ID except Exception as instance: raise RuntimeError("*** Error \'%s\' when attaching ephemeris: " % (instance)) finally: mst.close() if(fixuvw and (oldrefcol!=[]) and (thenewref>0)): # modify reference of phase dir for fixuvw pcol = tbt.getcol('PhaseDir_Ref') pcol[fld] = 0 # J2000 tbt.putcol('PhaseDir_Ref', pcol) # J2000 tbt.close() #modify SOURCE table newsra_rad = thenewra_rad newsdec_rad = thenewdec_rad if(theephemeris!=''): # get the nominal position from the ephemeris trec = mst.getfielddirmeas('PHASE_DIR',fld) newsra_rad = trec['m0']['value'] newsdec_rad = trec['m1']['value'] mst.close()'/SOURCE', nomodify=False) sdir = tbt.getcol('DIRECTION') newsdir = sdir sname = tbt.getcol('NAME') for i in range(0,tbt.nrows()): if(sname[i]==planetname): #'i old dir ' + i + " " + sdir[0][i] + sdir[1][i]) newsdir[0][i] = newsra_rad newsdir[1][i] = newsdec_rad #' new dir ' + newsdir[0][i] + newsdir[1][i]) tbt.putcol('DIRECTION', newsdir) tbt.close()"SOURCE table DIRECTION column changed.", 'NORMAL') # end for if(fixuvw):"Fixing the UVW coordinates ...", 'NORMAL') # similar to fixvis fldids = [] for i in range(numfields): if (i in fields): fldids.append(i) imt = imtool(), usescratch=False) imt.calcuvw(fldids, refcode='J2000', reuse=False) imt.close() imt = None if((oldrefcol!=[]) and (thenewref>0)):'/FIELD', nomodify=False) tbt.putcol('PhaseDir_Ref', oldrefcol) tbt.close() else:"UVW coordinates not changed.", 'NORMAL') if (ParallelTaskHelper.isParallelMS(vis)):"Tidying up the MMS subtables ...", 'NORMAL') ParallelTaskHelper.restoreSubtableAgreement(vis) finally: mst = None tbt = None imt = None # Write history to MS try: param_names = fixplanets.__code__.co_varnames[:fixplanets.__code__.co_argcount] if is_python3: vars = locals() param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] else: param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names] write_history(mstool(), vis, 'fixplanets', param_names, param_vals, casalog) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN') mst = None tbt = None