from __future__ import absolute_import import shutil # get is_CASA6 and is_python3 from casatasks.private.casa_transition import * if is_CASA6: from casatools import quanta, measures, table, ms, imager from casatasks import casalog from .mstools import write_history _myqa = quanta( ) _myme = measures( ) else: from taskinit import * # not local tools _myqa = qa _myme = me def fixvis(vis, outputvis='',field='', refcode='', reuse=True, phasecenter='', distances='', datacolumn='all'): """ Input Parameters vis -- Name of the input visibility set outputvis -- Name of the output visibility set, default: same as vis field -- field selection string refcode -- Reference frame to convert to, default: the refcode of PHASE_DIR in the FIELD table example: 'B1950' reuse -- base recalculation on existing UVW coordinates? default=True ignored if parameter 'phasecenter' is set phasecenter -- if set to a valid direction: change the phase center for the given field to this value example: 'J2000 9h25m00s 05d12m00s' If given without the equinox, e.g. '0h01m00s 00d12m00s', the parameter is interpreted as a pair of offsets in RA and DEC to the present phasecenter. distances -- (experimental) List of the distances (as quanta) of the fields selected by field to be used for refocussing. If empty, the distances of all fields are assumed to be infinity. If not a list but just a single value is given, this is applied to all fields. default: [] examples: ['2E6km', '3E6km'] '15au' datacolumn -- when applying a phase center shift, modify visibilities only in this/these column(s) default: 'all' (DATA, CORRECTED, and MODEL) example: 'DATA,CORRECTED' (will not modify MODEL) Examples: fixvis('','') will recalculate the UVW coordinates for all fields based on the existing phase center information in the FIELD table. fixvis('','','0925+0512', '', 'J2000 9h25m00s 05d12m00s') will set the phase center for field '0925+0512' to the given direction and recalculate the UVW coordinates. """ # Note: this is duplicated in task_cvel, and really needing CASA-wide harmonization # (CAS-12871) def copy_ms(src, dest): """ This is a MMS-safe copy of an MMS tree directory. :param src: path to the source MS :param dest: path to the destination MS """ shutil.copytree(src, dest, symlinks=True) casalog.origin('fixvis') '**ALERT:** Deprecated in CASA 5.9/6.3. Please use task **phaseshift** instead.', 'WARN' ) if vis == outputvis or outputvis == '':'Will overwrite original MS ...', 'NORMAL') outputvis = vis else:'Copying original MS to outputvis ...', 'NORMAL') shutil.rmtree(outputvis, ignore_errors=True) copy_ms(vis, outputvis) if is_CASA6: tbt = table( ) myms = ms( ) myim = imager( ) else: tbt, myms, myim = gentools(['tb', 'ms', 'im']) if field == '' or isinstance(field,list) and len(field) == 0: field='*' fields = myms.msseltoindex(vis=outputvis,field=field)['field'] if len(fields) == 0: "Field selection returned zero results.", 'WARN') return thedistances = [] if distances == "": distances = [] elif distances != []: if type(distances) == str and _myqa.isquantity(distances): thedist = _myqa.canonical(distances) if thedist['unit'] == 'm': # a length for f in fields: # put nfields copies into the list thedistances.append(thedist['value']) else: msg = "Parameter distances needs to contain quanta with units of length." raise ValueError(msg) elif type(distances) == list: if len(fields) != len(distances): msg = "You selected "+str(len(fields))+" fields but gave "+str(len(distances))+" distances," raise ValueError(msg) else: for d in distances: if _myqa.isquantity(d): thedist = _myqa.canonical(d) if thedist['unit'] == 'm': # a length thedistances.append(thedist['value']) else: msg = "Parameter distances needs to contain quanta with units of length." raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = "Invalid parameter distances." raise ValueError(msg) if thedistances != []:'Will refocus to the given distances: '+str(distances), 'NORMAL') #determine therefcode, the reference frame to be used for the output UVWs"/FIELD") numfields = tbt.nrows() therefcode = 'J2000' ckwdict = tbt.getcolkeyword('PHASE_DIR', 'MEASINFO') tbt.close() if refcode == '': if 'TabRefTypes' in ckwdict: # we have a variable reference column therefcode = 'J2000' # always use "J2000" else: # not a variable reference column therefcode = ckwdict['Ref'] else: # a refcode was given, enforce validity if not (type(refcode)==str): msg = 'Invalid refcode '+str(refcode) raise RuntimeError(msg) if 'TabRefTypes' in ckwdict: # variable ref column refcodelist = ckwdict['TabRefTypes'].tolist() ref = 0 if not (refcode in refcodelist): msg = 'Invalid refcode '+refcode raise RuntimeError(msg) else: # not a variable reference column if not (refcode in get_validcodes()): msg = 'Invalid refcode '+refcode raise RuntimeError(msg) #endif therefcode = refcode #end if if phasecenter == '': # we are only modifying the UVW coordinates'Will leave phase centers unchanged.', 'NORMAL')"Recalculating the UVW coordinates ...", 'NORMAL') fldids = [] for i in range(numfields): if (i in fields): fldids.append(i) #, usescratch=False) myim.calcuvw(fields=fldids, refcode=therefcode, reuse=reuse) myim.close() else: # we are modifying UVWs and visibilities ## if observation: ##'Modifying the phase tracking center(s) is imcompatible', 'SEVERE') ##'with operating on only a subset of the observation IDs', 'SEVERE') ## return False if type(phasecenter) != str: msg = "Invalid phase center." raise ValueError(msg) theoldref, theoldrefstr, ckwdict, isvarref, flddict = get_oldref(outputvis, tbt) # for the case of a non-variable reference column and several selected fields commonoldrefstr = '' # handle the datacolumn parameter if (not type(datacolumn)==str):"Invalid parameter datacolumn", 'SEVERE') elif datacolumn=='' or datacolumn.lower()=='all': datacolumn='all'"Will modify the visibilities in all columns", 'NORMAL') else: # need to check datacolumn before any part of the MS gets modified wantedcolumns = datacolumn.split(',') thecolumns = tbt.colnames() tbt.close() for col in wantedcolumns: if not (col.lower() in ['data','observed','corrected', 'corrected_data','model','model_data']): msg = "Invalid datacolumn: \""+col+"\"" raise RuntimeError(msg) if (col.lower()=='observed'): col = 'DATA' if (col.lower()=='corrected'): col = 'CORRECTED_DATA' if (col.lower()=='model'): col = 'MODEL_DATA' if not col.upper() in thecolumns: msg = "Datacolumn "+col+" not present" raise RuntimeError(msg)"Will only modify the visibilities in the columns "+datacolumn.upper(), 'NORMAL') for fld in fields: allselected = True for i in range(numfields): if not (i in fields): allselected = False break commonoldrefstr = modify_fld_vis(fld, outputvis, tbt, myim, commonoldrefstr, phasecenter, therefcode, reuse, numfields, ckwdict, theoldref, theoldrefstr, isvarref, flddict, datacolumn, allselected, thedistances) if commonoldrefstr == False: raise RuntimeError('Failure in modify_fld_vis)') #endif change phasecenter # Write history to output MS try: param_names = fixvis.__code__.co_varnames[:fixvis.__code__.co_argcount] if is_python3: vars = locals( ) param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] else: param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names] write_history(myms, outputvis, 'fixvis', param_names, param_vals, casalog) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN') def get_validcodes(code=None): """Returns a list of valid refcodes.""" if not get_validcodes._hc: # Is it not already cached? # Making it once per session is often enough. validcodes = _myme.listcodes(_myme.direction('J2000', '0','0')) get_validcodes._normal = validcodes['normal'].tolist() get_validcodes._extra = validcodes['extra'].tolist() if code == 'extra': return get_validcodes._extra elif code == 'normal': return get_validcodes._normal else: return get_validcodes._normal + get_validcodes._extra get_validcodes._hc = False def is_valid_refcode(refcode): """Is refcode usable?""" return refcode in ['J2000', 'B1950', 'B1950_VLA', 'HADEC', 'ICRS'] \ + get_validcodes('extra') def log_phasecenter(oldnew, refstr, ra, dec): """Post a phase center to the logger, along with whether it is old or new.""" + ' phasecenter RA, DEC ' + refstr + ' ' + _myqa.time(_myqa.quantity(ra, 'rad'), 10)[0] # 10 digits precision + " " + _myqa.angle(_myqa.quantity(dec, 'rad'), 10)[0], 'NORMAL')' RA, DEC (rad) ' + refstr + ' ' + str(ra) + " " + str(dec), 'NORMAL') def get_oldref(outputvis, tbt): """Returns the original reference code, string, ckwdict, and isvarref.""" theoldref = -1 theoldrefstr = '' + "/FIELD") ckwdict = tbt.getcolkeyword('PHASE_DIR', 'MEASINFO') flddict = {} colstoget = ['PHASE_DIR', 'NAME'] if 'TabRefTypes' in ckwdict and 'TabRefCodes' in ckwdict: colstoget.append('PhaseDir_Ref') for c in colstoget: flddict[c] = tbt.getcol(c) if flddict['PHASE_DIR'].shape[1] > 1:'The input PHASE_DIR column is of order ' + str(flddict['PHASE_DIR'].shape[1] - 1), 'WARN')'Orders > 0 are poorly tested.', 'WARN') flddict['PHASE_DIR'] = flddict['PHASE_DIR'].transpose((2, 0, 1)) tbt.close() if 'TabRefTypes' in ckwdict and 'TabRefCodes' in ckwdict: isvarref = True else: isvarref = False theoldrefstr = ckwdict['Ref'] return theoldref, theoldrefstr, ckwdict, isvarref, flddict def modify_fld_vis(fld, outputvis, tbt, myim, commonoldrefstr, phasecenter, therefcode, reuse, numfields, ckwdict, theoldref, theoldrefstr, isvarref, flddict, datacol, allselected, thedistances): """Modify the UVW and visibilities of field fld.""" viaoffset = False thenewra_rad = 0. thenewdec_rad = 0. thenewref = -1 theolddir = flddict['PHASE_DIR'][fld] fieldname = flddict['NAME'][fld] if 'TabRefTypes' in ckwdict and 'TabRefCodes' in ckwdict: # determine string name of the phase dir reference frame theoldref = flddict['PhaseDir_Ref'][fld] refcodestrlist = ckwdict['TabRefTypes'].tolist() refcodelist = ckwdict['TabRefCodes'].tolist() if not (theoldref in refcodelist): msg = 'Invalid refcode in FIELD column PhaseDir_Ref: ' + str(theoldref) raise RuntimeError(msg) theoldrefstr = refcodestrlist[refcodelist.index(theoldref)] if not isvarref: if not (commonoldrefstr == ''): theoldrefstr = commonoldrefstr else: commonoldrefstr = theoldrefstr theoldphasecenter = theoldrefstr + ' ' + \ _myqa.time(_myqa.quantity(theolddir[0], 'rad'), 14)[0] + ' ' + \ _myqa.angle(_myqa.quantity(theolddir[1],'rad'), 14)[0] if not is_valid_refcode(theoldrefstr):'Refcode for FIELD column PHASE_DIR is valid but not yet supported: ' + theoldrefstr, 'WARN')'Output MS may not be valid.', 'WARN')'field: ' + fieldname, 'NORMAL') log_phasecenter('old', theoldrefstr, theolddir[0], theolddir[1]) if therefcode != 'J2000': "When changing phase center, can only write new UVW coordinates in J2000.", 'WARN') therefcode = 'J2000' if reuse:"When changing phase center, UVW coordinates will be recalculated.", 'NORMAL') reuse = False dirstr = parse_phasecenter(phasecenter, isvarref, theoldref, theoldrefstr, theolddir) if not dirstr: raise RuntimeError('Failed to parse phasecenter') if isvarref: thenewrefindex = ckwdict['TabRefTypes'].tolist().index(dirstr[0]) thenewref = ckwdict['TabRefCodes'][thenewrefindex] thenewrefstr = dirstr[0] else: # not a variable ref col validcodes = get_validcodes() if dirstr[0] in validcodes: thenewref = validcodes.index(dirstr[0]) thenewrefstr = dirstr[0] else: msg = 'Invalid refcode ' + dirstr[0] raise RuntimeError(msg) if dirstr[0] != ckwdict['Ref']: if numfields > 1 and not allselected: msg = ("You have not selected all " + str(numfields) + " fields and PHASE_DIR is not a variable reference column.\n" " Please use split or provide phase dir in " + ckwdict['Ref'] + ".") raise RuntimeError(msg) else: "The direction column reference frame in the FIELD table will be changed from " + ckwdict['Ref'] + " to " + dirstr[0], 'NORMAL') #endif isvarref try: thedir = _myme.direction(thenewrefstr, dirstr[1], dirstr[2]) thenewra_rad = thedir['m0']['value'] thenewdec_rad = thedir['m1']['value'] except Exception as instance: msg = "*** Error \'%s\' when interpreting parameter \'phasecenter\': " % (instance) raise RuntimeError(msg) if not is_valid_refcode(thenewrefstr):'Refcode for the new phase center is valid but not yet supported: ' + thenewrefstr, 'WARN')'Output MS may not be valid.', 'WARN') if theolddir[0] >= _myqa.constants('pi')['value']: # old RA uses range 0 ... 2 pi, not -pi ... pi while (thenewra_rad < 0.): # keep RA positive in order not to confuse the user thenewra_rad += 2. * _myqa.constants('pi')['value'] log_phasecenter('new', thenewrefstr, thenewra_rad, thenewdec_rad) # modify FIELD table + '/FIELD', nomodify=False) pcol = tbt.getcol('PHASE_DIR') pcol[0][0][fld] = thenewra_rad pcol[1][0][fld] = thenewdec_rad tbt.putcol('PHASE_DIR', pcol)"FIELD table PHASE_DIR column changed for field " + str(fld) + ".", 'NORMAL') if thenewref != -1: # modify reference of the phase dir column; check also the # other direction columns theoldref2 = -1 theoldref3 = -1 if isvarref: pcol = tbt.getcol('PhaseDir_Ref') #theoldref was already determined further above #theoldref = pcol[fld] pcol[fld] = thenewref pcol2 = tbt.getcol('DelayDir_Ref') theoldref2 = pcol2[fld] pcol3 = tbt.getcol('RefDir_Ref') theoldref3 = pcol3[fld] if theoldref != thenewref: tbt.putcol('PhaseDir_Ref', pcol) "FIELD table phase center direction reference frame for field " + str(fld) + " set to " + str(thenewref) + " (" + thenewrefstr + ")", 'NORMAL') if not (thenewref == theoldref2 and thenewref == theoldref3): "*** The three FIELD table direction reference frame entries for field " + str(fld) + " will not be identical in the output data: " + str(thenewref) + ", " + str(theoldref2) + ", " + str(theoldref3), 'NORMAL') if not (theoldref == theoldref2 and theoldref == theoldref3): "*** The three FIELD table direction reference frame entries for field " + str(fld) + " were not identical in the input data either: " + str(theoldref) + ", " + str(theoldref2) + ", " + str(theoldref3), 'NORMAL') else: "FIELD table direction reference frame entries for field " + str(fld) + " unchanged.", 'NORMAL') else: # not a variable reference column tmprec = tbt.getcolkeyword('PHASE_DIR', 'MEASINFO') if theoldrefstr != thenewrefstr: tmprec['Ref'] = thenewrefstr tbt.putcolkeyword('PHASE_DIR', 'MEASINFO', tmprec) "FIELD table phase center direction reference frame changed from " + theoldrefstr + " to " + thenewrefstr, 'NORMAL') tbt.close() fldids = [] phdirs = [] for i in range(numfields): if (i==fld): fldids.append(i) phdirs.append(theoldphasecenter) if thedistances==[]: thedistances = 0. # the default value #, usescratch=False) myim.fixvis(fields=fldids, phasedirs=phdirs, refcode=therefcode, datacolumn=datacol, distances=thedistances) myim.close() return commonoldrefstr def parse_phasecenter(phasecenter, isvarref, ref, refstr, theolddir): dirstr = phasecenter.split(' ') if len(dirstr) == 2: # interpret phasecenter as an offset"No equinox given in parameter \'phasecenter\': " + phasecenter, 'NORMAL')"Interpreting it as pair of offsets in (RA,DEC) ...", 'NORMAL') if isvarref and ref > 31:'*** Refcode in FIELD column PhaseDir_Ref is a solar system object: ' + refstr, 'NORMAL') '*** Will use the nominal entry in the PHASE_DIR column to calculate new phase center', 'NORMAL') qra = _myqa.quantity(theolddir[0], 'rad') qdec = _myqa.quantity(theolddir[1], 'rad') qraoffset = _myqa.quantity(dirstr[0]) qdecoffset = _myqa.quantity(dirstr[1]) if not _myqa.isangle(qdecoffset): msg = "Invalid phasecenter parameter. DEC offset must be an angle." raise RuntimeError(msg) qnewdec = _myqa.add(qdec,qdecoffset) qnewra = qra ishms = (_myqa.canonical(qraoffset)['unit'] == 'rad') and (('h' in dirstr[0] and 'm' in dirstr[0] and 's' in dirstr[0]) or (dirstr[0].count(':')==2)) if (_myqa.canonical(qraoffset)['unit'] == 'rad') and not ishms: "RA offset is an angle (not a time). Will divide by cos(DEC) to compute time offset.") if _myqa.cos(qnewdec)['value'] == 0.0: "Resulting DEC is at celestial pole. Will ignore RA offset.", 'WARN') else: qraoffset = _myqa.div(qraoffset, _myqa.cos(qnewdec)) qnewra = _myqa.add(qnewra, qraoffset) else: if not ((_myqa.canonical(qraoffset)['unit'] == 's') or ishms): msg = "Invalid phasecenter parameter. RA offset must be an angle or a time." raise RuntimeError(msg) # RA offset was given as a time; apply as is qraoffset = _myqa.convert(qraoffset, 'deg') qnewra = _myqa.add(qnewra, qraoffset) dirstr = [refstr, _myqa.time(qnewra,12)[0], _myqa.angle(qnewdec,12)[0]] elif not len(dirstr) == 3: msg = 'Incorrectly formatted parameter \'phasecenter\': ' + phasecenter raise RuntimeError(msg) return dirstr