import time import os import sys import copy import pprint import numpy as np from . import flaghelper as fh from .mstools import write_history from .parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper from .parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper # this should be replaced when CASA really moves to Python 2.7 from collections import OrderedDict from casatasks import casalog from casatools import ms, agentflagger, quanta, table localqa = quanta() debug = False # Helper class class FlagHelper(ParallelTaskHelper): def __init__(self, args={}): self.__args = args def setupInputFile(self, parname): '''Create a temporary input file with absolute pathnames for other input files such as addantenna, timedev, freqdev. The temporary input file will have the same name with an extension .tmp''' newpar = None if isinstance(parname, str) and parname != '': newpar = fh.addAbsolutePath(parname) elif isinstance(parname, list) and os.path.isfile(parname[0]): newpar = [] for i in range(len(parname)): newpar.append(fh.addAbsolutePath(parname[i])) return newpar def setupCluster(self, thistask=''): '''Get a cluster to execute this task''' if thistask == '': thistask = 'flagdata' ParallelTaskHelper.__init__(self, task_name=thistask, args=self.__args) def setupRflag(self, devpar): '''cast rflag's list parameters from numpy types to Python types devpar --> list of numeric parameters or list of list such as timedev or freqdev''' nt = copy.deepcopy(devpar) for i in range(len(nt)): if (isinstance(nt[i],list)): nnt = nt[i] for j in range(len(nnt)): elem = fh.evaluateNumpyType(nnt[j]) # write the casted element back devpar[i][j] = elem # The flagdata task def flagdata(vis, mode, autocorr, # mode manual parameter inpfile, # mode list parameters reason, tbuff, spw, # data selection parameters field, antenna, uvrange, timerange, correlation, scan, intent, array, observation, feed, clipminmax, # mode clip parameters datacolumn, clipoutside, channelavg, chanbin, timeavg, timebin, clipzeros, quackinterval, # mode quack parameters quackmode, quackincrement, tolerance, # mode shadow parameter addantenna, lowerlimit, # mode elevation parameters upperlimit, ntime, # mode tfcrop combinescans, timecutoff, freqcutoff, timefit, freqfit, maxnpieces, flagdimension, usewindowstats, halfwin, extendflags, winsize, # rflag parameters timedev, freqdev, timedevscale, freqdevscale, spectralmax, spectralmin, antint_ref_antenna, # mode antint minchanfrac, verbose, extendpols, # mode extend growtime, growfreq, growaround, flagneartime, flagnearfreq, minrel, # mode summary maxrel, minabs, maxabs, spwchan, spwcorr, basecnt, fieldcnt, name, action, # run or not the tool display, flagbackup, savepars, # save the current parameters to FLAG_CMD or to a file cmdreason, # reason to save to flag cmd outfile, # output file to save flag commands overwrite, # overwrite the outfile file writeflags # HIDDEN parameter ): # # Task flagdata # Flags data from an MS or calibration table based on data selection in various ways casalog.origin('flagdata') if (action == 'none' or action=='' or action=='calculate'): flagbackup = False # SMC: moved the flagbackup to before initializing the cluster. # Note that with this change, a flag backup will be created even if # an error happens that prevents the flagger tool from running. if (mode != 'summary' and flagbackup):'Backup original flags before applying new flags') fh.backupFlags(aflocal=None, msfile=vis, prename='flagdata') # Set flagbackup to False because only the controller # should create a backup flagbackup = False # Initialize the helper class orig_locals = copy.deepcopy(locals()) FHelper = FlagHelper() # Check if vis is a MS, MMS or cal table: # typevis = 1 --> cal table # typevis = 0 --> MS # typevis = 2 --> MMS iscal = False typevis = fh.isCalTable(vis) if typevis == 1: iscal = True # ***************** Input is MMS -- Parallel Processing *********************** if typevis == 2 and ParallelDataHelper.isMMSAndNotServer(vis) and\ action != '' and action != 'none': # Create a temporary input file with .tmp extension. # Use this file for all the processing from now on. if (isinstance(inpfile,str) and inpfile != '') or \ (isinstance(inpfile, list) and os.path.isfile(inpfile[0])): inpfile = FHelper.setupInputFile(inpfile) if inpfile != None: orig_locals['inpfile'] = inpfile if outfile != '': outfile = os.path.abspath(outfile) orig_locals['outfile'] = outfile if isinstance(addantenna, str) and addantenna != '': addantenna = os.path.abspath(addantenna) orig_locals['addantenna'] = addantenna if isinstance(timedev, str) and timedev != '': timedev = os.path.abspath(timedev) orig_locals['timedev'] = timedev if isinstance(freqdev, str) and freqdev != '': freqdev = os.path.abspath(freqdev) orig_locals['freqdev'] = freqdev # Conversion np.array->list if needed. np.array can be a problem with MMS, as it # would require in the servers an import of np.array with the same name used by the # caller if isinstance(timedev, np.ndarray): orig_locals['timedev'] = timedev.tolist() if isinstance(freqdev, np.ndarray): orig_locals['freqdev'] = freqdev.tolist() FHelper.__init__(orig_locals) # For tests only # FHelper.bypassParallelProcessing(1) FHelper.setupCluster('flagdata') # (CAS-4119): Override summary minabs,maxabs,minrel,maxrel # so that it is done after consolidating the summaries # By-pass options to filter summary filterSummary = False if ((mode == 'summary') and ((minrel != 0.0) or (maxrel != 1.0) or (minabs != 0) or (maxabs != -1))): filterSummary = True myms = ms() subMS_list = myms.getreferencedtables() myms.close() if (minrel != 0.0): minreal_dict = create_arg_dict(subMS_list,0.0) FHelper.override_arg('minrel',minreal_dict) if (maxrel != 1.0): maxrel_dict = create_arg_dict(subMS_list,1.0) FHelper.override_arg('maxrel',maxrel_dict) if (minabs != 0): minabs_dict = create_arg_dict(subMS_list,0) FHelper.override_arg('minabs',minabs_dict) if (maxabs != -1): maxabs_dict = create_arg_dict(subMS_list,-1) FHelper.override_arg('maxabs',maxabs_dict) # By-pass options to filter summary if savepars: myms = ms() subMS_list = myms.getreferencedtables() myms.close() savepars_dict = create_arg_dict(subMS_list,False) FHelper.override_arg('savepars',savepars_dict) # Execute the parallel engines retVar = FHelper.go() # Save overall RFlag values into timedev/freqdev files once the subMS results have # been consolidated, if needed for RFlag (introduced in CAS-11850) opts_dict = {'writeflags': writeflags, 'timedev': timedev, 'freqdev': freqdev} fh.save_rflag_consolidated_files(mode, action, retVar, opts_dict, inpfile) # In async_mode return the job ids if ParallelTaskHelper.getAsyncMode(): return retVar else: # Filter summary at MMS level if (mode == 'summary'): if filterSummary: retVar = filter_summary(retVar,minrel,maxrel,minabs,maxabs) return retVar # Save parameters at MMS level elif savepars: action = 'none' else: return retVar summary_stats={}; # ***************** Input is a normal MS/cal table **************** # Create local tools aflocal = agentflagger() mslocal = ms() # Verify the ntime value newtime = 0.0 if type(ntime) == float or type(ntime) == int: if ntime <= 0: raise ValueError('Parameter ntime cannot be < = 0') else: # units are seconds newtime = float(ntime) elif type(ntime) == str: if ntime == 'scan': # iteration time step is a scan newtime = 0.0 else: # read the units from the string qtime = localqa.quantity(ntime) if qtime['unit'] == 'min': # convert to seconds qtime = localqa.convert(qtime, 's') elif qtime['unit'] == '': qtime['unit'] = 's' # check units if qtime['unit'] == 's': newtime = qtime['value'] else:'Cannot convert units of ntime. Will use default 0.0s', 'WARN')"New ntime is of type %s and value %s"%(type(newtime),newtime), 'DEBUG') try: # Open the MS and attach it to the tool if ((type(vis) == str) & (os.path.exists(vis))):, newtime) else: raise ValueError('Visibility data set not found - please verify the name') # Get the parameters for the mode agent_pars = {} # By default, write flags to the MS writeflags = True # Only the apply action writes to the MS # action=apply --> write to the MS # action=calculate --> do not write to the MS # action='' --> do not run the tool and do not write to the MS if action != 'apply': writeflags = False # Default mode if mode == '' or mode == 'manualflag': mode = 'manual' # Read in the list of commands # Make a dictionary of the input commands. Select by reason if requested flagcmd = {} if mode == 'list':'List mode is active') doPadding = True try: # If tbuff is requested, read and Parse if tbuff == 0.0 or tbuff == [] or tbuff == None: doPadding = False if doPadding:'Will apply time buffer padding') # inpfile is a file if isinstance(inpfile, str): inpfile = [inpfile] # read in the list and do a simple parsing to apply tbuff flaglist = fh.readAndParse(inpfile, tbuff) else: flaglist = fh.get_flag_cmd_list(inpfile) # Parse and create a dictionary flagcmd = fh.parseDictionary(flaglist, reason) # Validate the dictionary. # IMPORTANT: if any parameter changes its type, the following # function needs to be updated. The same if any new parameter is # added or removed from the task fh.evaluateFlagParameters(flagcmd,orig_locals) # List of flag commands in dictionary vrows = flagcmd.keys()'%s'%flagcmd,'DEBUG1') except Exception as instance:'%s'%instance,'ERROR') raise ValueError('Error reading the input list. Make sure the syntax used in ' 'the list follows the rules given in the inline help of the ' 'task.')'Selected ' + str(vrows.__len__()) + ' commands from combined input list(s) ') elif mode == 'manual': agent_pars['autocorr'] = autocorr'Manual mode is active') elif mode == 'clip': agent_pars['datacolumn'] = datacolumn.upper() agent_pars['clipoutside'] = clipoutside agent_pars['channelavg'] = channelavg agent_pars['chanbin'] = chanbin agent_pars['timeavg'] = timeavg agent_pars['timebin'] = timebin agent_pars['clipzeros'] = clipzeros if type(clipminmax) != list:'Error : clipminmax must be a list : [min,max]', 'ERROR') # If clipminmax = [], do not write it in the dictionary. # It will be handled by the framework to flag NaNs only if clipminmax.__len__() == 2: # Cast to float to avoid the missing decimal point clipmin = float(clipminmax[0]) clipmax = float(clipminmax[1]) clipminmax = [] clipminmax.append(clipmin) clipminmax.append(clipmax) agent_pars['clipminmax'] = clipminmax'Clip mode is active') elif mode == 'shadow': agent_pars['tolerance'] = tolerance if type(addantenna) == str: if addantenna != '': # it's a filename, create a dictionary antdict = fh.readAntennaList(addantenna) agent_pars['addantenna'] = antdict elif type(addantenna) == dict: if addantenna != {}: agent_pars['addantenna'] = addantenna'Shadow mode is active') elif mode == 'quack': agent_pars['quackmode'] = quackmode agent_pars['quackinterval'] = quackinterval agent_pars['quackincrement'] = quackincrement'Quack mode is active') elif mode == 'elevation': agent_pars['lowerlimit'] = lowerlimit agent_pars['upperlimit'] = upperlimit'Elevation mode is active') elif mode == 'tfcrop': agent_pars['ntime'] = newtime agent_pars['combinescans'] = combinescans agent_pars['datacolumn'] = datacolumn.upper() agent_pars['timecutoff'] = timecutoff agent_pars['freqcutoff'] = freqcutoff agent_pars['timefit'] = timefit agent_pars['freqfit'] = freqfit agent_pars['maxnpieces'] = maxnpieces agent_pars['flagdimension'] = flagdimension agent_pars['usewindowstats'] = usewindowstats agent_pars['halfwin'] = halfwin agent_pars['extendflags'] = bool(extendflags) agent_pars['channelavg'] = channelavg agent_pars['chanbin'] = chanbin agent_pars['timeavg'] = timeavg agent_pars['timebin'] = timebin'Time and Frequency (tfcrop) mode is active') elif mode == 'rflag': if newtime != 0.0: # this means ntime='scan', the default agent_pars['ntime'] = newtime agent_pars['combinescans'] = combinescans agent_pars['datacolumn'] = datacolumn.upper() agent_pars['winsize'] = winsize agent_pars['timedevscale'] = timedevscale agent_pars['freqdevscale'] = freqdevscale agent_pars['spectralmax'] = spectralmax agent_pars['spectralmin'] = spectralmin agent_pars['extendflags'] = bool(extendflags) # These can be double, doubleArray, or string. # writeflags=False : calculate and return thresholds. # writeflags=True : use given thresholds for this run. if writeflags == True: if isinstance(timedev, str): timedev = fh.readRFlagThresholdFile(timedev,'timedev') if isinstance(freqdev, str): freqdev = fh.readRFlagThresholdFile(freqdev,'freqdev') agent_pars['timedev'] = timedev agent_pars['freqdev'] = freqdev agent_pars['writeflags'] = writeflags agent_pars['display'] = display agent_pars['channelavg'] = channelavg agent_pars['chanbin'] = chanbin agent_pars['timeavg'] = timeavg agent_pars['timebin'] = timebin'Rflag mode is active') elif mode == 'antint': agent_pars['antint_ref_antenna'] = antint_ref_antenna agent_pars['minchanfrac'] = minchanfrac agent_pars['verbose'] = verbose elif mode == 'extend': agent_pars['ntime'] = newtime agent_pars['combinescans'] = combinescans agent_pars['extendpols'] = extendpols agent_pars['growtime'] = growtime agent_pars['growfreq'] = growfreq agent_pars['growaround'] = growaround agent_pars['flagneartime'] = flagneartime agent_pars['flagnearfreq'] = flagnearfreq'Extend mode is active') elif mode == 'unflag':'Unflag mode is active') elif mode == 'summary': agent_pars['spwchan'] = spwchan agent_pars['spwcorr'] = spwcorr agent_pars['basecnt'] = basecnt agent_pars['fieldcnt'] = fieldcnt agent_pars['name'] = name agent_pars['display'] = display # Disable writeflags and savepars writeflags = False savepars = False'Summary mode is active') # Add the mode to the agent's parameters agent_pars['mode'] = mode # Correlation does not go in selectdata, but in the agent's parameters if correlation != '': agent_pars['correlation'] = correlation.upper() # Create a flagcmd dictionary of the interface parameters for saving if mode != 'list' and mode != 'summary': # Create a dictionary of the selection parameters seldic = {} seldic['field'] = field seldic['spw'] = spw seldic['array'] = array seldic['feed'] = feed seldic['scan'] = scan seldic['antenna'] = antenna seldic['uvrange'] = uvrange seldic['timerange'] = timerange seldic['intent'] = intent seldic['observation'] = str(observation) # Add the agent's parameters seldic.update(agent_pars) tempdict = copy.deepcopy(seldic) # Remove the empty parameters for k,v in seldic.items(): if v == '': tempdict.pop(k) cmddict = {'command':tempdict} cmddict['reason'] = '' cmddict['applied'] = False flagcmd[0] = cmddict # Number of commands in dictionary vrows = flagcmd.keys()'There are %s cmds in dictionary of mode %s'%(vrows.__len__(),mode),'DEBUG1') modified_flagcmd = flagcmd # Setup global parameters in the agent's dictionary apply = True # Hold the name of the agent agent_name = mode.capitalize() agent_pars['agentname'] = agent_name agent_pars['apply'] = apply ########## Only save the parameters and exit; action = '' if action == '' or action == 'none': if savepars == False:'Parameter action=\'\' is only meaningful with savepars=True.', 'WARN') aflocal.done() return summary_stats else: if iscal and outfile == '':'Saving to FLAG_CMD is not supported for cal tables', 'WARN') if not overwrite and os.path.exists(outfile): raise ValueError('You have set overwrite to False. Remove %s before saving the flag commands'%outfile) else: fh.writeFlagCommands(vis, flagcmd, writeflags, cmdreason, outfile, False) aflocal.done() return summary_stats ######### From now on it is assumed that action = apply or calculate # Select the data and parse the agent's parameters if mode != 'list': aflocal.selectdata(field=field, spw=spw, array=array, feed=feed, scan=scan, \ antenna=antenna, uvrange=uvrange, timerange=timerange, \ intent=intent, observation=str(observation)) # CAS-3959 Handle channel selection at the FlagAgent level agent_pars['spw'] = spw'Parsing the parameters for %s mode'%mode, 'DEBUG1') if (not aflocal.parseagentparameters(agent_pars)): #'Failed to parse parameters for mode %s' %mode, 'ERROR') raise ValueError('Failed to parse parameters for mode %s' %mode)'%s'%agent_pars, 'DEBUG') else: # Select a loose union of the data selection from the list # The loose union will be calculated for field and spw only; # antenna, correlation and timerange should be handled by the agent if vrows.__len__() == 0: raise ValueError('There are no valid commands in list') unionpars = {} if vrows.__len__() == 1: unionpars = fh.parseSelectionPars(flagcmd[0]['command'])'The selected subset of the MS will be: ');'%s'%unionpars); aflocal.selectdata(unionpars); # Parse the parameters for each agent in the list # Get the returned modified dictionary of flag commands which # is needed by the rflag agent, when present in a list modified_flagcmd = fh.parseAgents(aflocal, flagcmd, [], apply, writeflags, display) # Do display if requested if display != '': agent_pars = {}'Parsing the display parameters') agent_pars['mode'] = 'display' # need to create different parameters for both, data and report. if display == 'both': agent_pars['datadisplay'] = True agent_pars['reportdisplay'] = True elif display == 'data': agent_pars['datadisplay'] = True elif display == 'report': agent_pars['reportdisplay'] = True # CAS-3966 Add datacolumn to display agent parameters # Check if FLOAT_DATA exist instead tblocal = table() allcols = tblocal.colnames() tblocal.close() float_data = 'FLOAT_DATA' in allcols if datacolumn.upper() == 'DATA' and float_data == True: datacolumn = 'FLOAT_DATA' agent_pars['datacolumn'] = datacolumn.upper() ret = aflocal.parseagentparameters(agent_pars) if not ret:'Unable to load the display. Please check the datacolumn','ERROR') # Disable saving the parameters to avoid inconsistencies if savepars:'Disabling savepars for the display', 'WARN') savepars = False # Initialize the agents'Initializing the agents') aflocal.init() # Run the tool'Running the agentflagger tool') summary_stats_list =, True) # Inform the user when flags are not written to the MS if not writeflags:"Flags are not written to the MS. (action=\'calculate\')") # Now, deal with all the modes that return output. # Rflag : There can be many 'rflags' in list mode. ## Pull out RFlag outputs. There will be outputs only if writeflags=False if (mode == 'rflag' or mode== 'list') and (writeflags==False):'Saving RFlag return dictionary: {0}'. format(pprint.pformat(summary_stats_list)), 'INFO') fh.parseRFlagOutputFromSummary(mode, summary_stats_list, modified_flagcmd) # Save the current parameters/list to FLAG_CMD or to output if savepars: if not overwrite and os.path.exists(outfile): raise RuntimeError('You have set overwrite to False. Remove %s before saving the flag commands'%outfile) # Cal table type if iscal: if outfile == '':'Saving to FLAG_CMD is not supported for cal tables', 'WARN') else:'Saving parameters to '+outfile) fh.writeFlagCommands(vis, flagcmd, writeflags, cmdreason, outfile, False) # MS type else: if outfile == '':'Saving parameters to FLAG_CMD') else:'Saving parameters to '+outfile) fh.writeFlagCommands(vis, flagcmd, writeflags, cmdreason, outfile, False) finally: # Destroy the tool aflocal.done() retval = True # Write history to the MS. Only for modes that write to the MS if not iscal: if mode != 'summary' and action == 'apply': try: param_names = flagdata.__code__.co_varnames[:flagdata.__code__.co_argcount] vars = locals( ) param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] retval &= write_history(mslocal, vis, 'flagdata', param_names, param_vals, casalog) except Exception as instance:"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN') # Pull out the 'summary' reports of summary_stats_list. if mode == 'summary' or mode == 'list': ordered_summary_list = OrderedDict(summary_stats_list) nreps = ordered_summary_list['nreport'] if nreps > 0: for rep in range(0,nreps): repname = "report"+str(rep) if ordered_summary_list[repname]['type'] != "summary": ordered_summary_list.pop(repname) else: # apply requested filtering summary_stats = ordered_summary_list.pop(repname); summary_stats = filter_summary(summary_stats,minrel,maxrel,minabs,maxabs) # add filtered dictionary back ordered_summary_list[repname] = summary_stats # Clean up the dictionary before returning it ordered_summary_list.pop('type') ordered_summary_list.pop('nreport') if len(ordered_summary_list) == 1: repkey = list(ordered_summary_list.keys()) summary_stats_list = ordered_summary_list.pop(repkey[0]) else: # rename the keys of the dictionary according to # the number of reports left in dictionary counter = 0 summary_reports = OrderedDict() for k in ordered_summary_list.keys(): repname = "report"+str(counter) summary_reports[repname] = ordered_summary_list[k] counter += 1 summary_stats_list = dict(summary_reports) # for when there is no summary mode in a list else: summary_stats_list = {} elif mode == 'rflag' and action == 'calculate': # keep the dictionary of rflag intact and return it pass else: summary_stats_list = {} return summary_stats_list # Helper functions def delspace(word, replace): '''Replace the white space of a string with another character''' newword = word if word.count(' ') > 0: newword = word.replace(' ', replace) return newword def filter_summary(summary_stats,minrel,maxrel,minabs,maxabs): if type(summary_stats) is dict: if 'flagged' in summary_stats and \ 'total' in summary_stats and \ not 'type' in summary_stats: if (summary_stats['flagged'] < minabs) or \ (summary_stats['flagged'] > maxabs and maxabs >= 0) or \ (summary_stats['flagged'] * 1.0 / summary_stats['total'] < minrel) or \ (summary_stats['flagged'] * 1.0 / summary_stats['total'] > maxrel): return None else: for x in list(summary_stats.keys()): res = filter_summary(summary_stats[x],minrel,maxrel,minabs,maxabs) if res == None: del summary_stats[x] return summary_stats def create_arg_dict(subMS_list,value): ret_dict = [] for subMS in subMS_list: ret_dict.append(value) return ret_dict