from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import shutil # get is_CASA6 and is_python3 from casatasks.private.casa_transition import * if is_CASA6: from casatools import image, coordsys, quanta from casatasks import casalog from .ialib import write_image_history else: from taskinit import * from ialib import write_image_history image = iatool coordsys = cstool quanta = qatool def imregrid( imagename, template, output, asvelocity, axes, shape, interpolation, decimate, replicate, overwrite ): _myia = None outia = None csys = None try: casalog.origin('imregrid') if hasattr(template, 'lower') and not template.lower() == "get": # First check to see if the output file exists. If it # does then we abort. CASA doesn't allow files to be # over-written, just a policy. if len(output) < 1: output = imagename + '.regridded'"output was not specified - defaulting to\n\t" + output, 'INFO') _myia = image() _myia.dohistory(False) # Figure out what the user wants. if not isinstance(template, dict): if template.lower() == 'get': csys = _myia.coordsys() shape = _myia.shape() _myia.done() return {'csys': csys.torecord(), 'shap': shape} elif template.upper() in ( 'J2000', 'B1950', 'B1950_VLA', 'GALACTIC', 'HADEC', 'AZEL', 'AZELSW', 'AZELNE', 'ECLIPTIC', 'MECLIPTIC', 'TECLIPTIC', 'SUPERGAL' ): outia = _imregrid_to_new_ref_frame( _myia, imagename, template, output, axes, shape, overwrite, interpolation, decimate ) try: param_names = imregrid.__code__.co_varnames[:imregrid.__code__.co_argcount] if is_python3: vars = locals( ) param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] else: param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names] write_image_history( outia, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, param_names, param_vals, casalog ) except Exception as instance: "*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN' ) outia.done() return else: if ( not os.path.isdir(template) or not os.access(template, os.R_OK) ): raise TypeError('Cannot read template image %s' % template) template_ia = image() template_csys = template_ia.coordsys() image_ia = image() image_csys = image_ia.coordsys() tempshape = template_ia.shape() imshape = image_ia.shape() axestoregrid = axes if (axes[0] < 0): # default value of axes, need to determine actual axes to # send to ia.regrid() axestoregrid = [] image_ncoords = image_csys.ncoordinates() for i in range(image_ncoords): ctype = image_csys.coordinatetype(i)[0] template_coord = template_csys.findcoordinate(ctype) if ctype != 'Stokes' and template_coord["return"]: # only regrid if not Stokes axis and coordinate # exists in template for template_pix_axis in template_coord['pixel']: if tempshape[template_pix_axis] > 1: # only regrid if template axis is not # degenerate world_axes = image_csys.findcoordinate( ctype )['pixel'] for world_pix_axis in world_axes: if imshape[world_pix_axis] > 1: # only regrid if the world axis is # not degenerate axestoregrid.append(world_pix_axis) # eliminate dups axestoregrid = list(set(axestoregrid)) if len(axestoregrid) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Found no axes to regrid!") axestoregrid.sort() if (len(shape) == 1 and shape[0] == -1): shape = _imregrid_handle_default_shape( imshape, image_csys, template_csys, axestoregrid, tempshape, axes ) template_ia.done() image_ia.done() csys = template_csys else: # csys and shape specified in dictionary generated by previous run # with template="get" csys = coordsys() csys.fromrecord(template['csys']) shape = template['shap'] # The actual regridding. outia = _myia.regrid( outfile=output, shape=shape, csys=csys.torecord(), axes=axes, asvelocity=asvelocity, method=interpolation, decimate=decimate, replicate=replicate, overwrite=overwrite ) try: param_names = imregrid.__code__.co_varnames[:imregrid.__code__.co_argcount] if is_python3: vars = locals( ) param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] else: param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names] write_image_history( outia, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, param_names, param_vals, casalog ) except Exception as instance: "*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance), 'WARN' ) return finally: if _myia: _myia.done() if outia: outia.done() if csys: csys.done() def _imregrid_to_new_ref_frame( _myia, imagename, template, output, axes, shape, overwrite, interpolation, decimate ): csys = _myia.coordsys() if len(shape) > 0 and shape != [-1]: "Specified shape parameter will be ignored when regridding to a " + "new reference frame", "WARN" ) if len(axes) > 0 and axes != [-1]: "Specified axes parameter will be ignored when " + "regridding to a new reference frame", "WARN" ) dirinfo = csys.findcoordinate("direction") if not dirinfo['return']: raise Exception("Image does not have a direction coordinate.") newrefcode = template.upper() oldrefcode = csys.referencecode("direction")[0] if oldrefcode == newrefcode: imagename + ' is already in ' + oldrefcode, 'INFO' )"...making a straight copy...", 'INFO') subi = _myia.subimage(output) _myia.done() csys.done() return subi if (csys.projection()['type'] == 'SFL'): raise Exception( "The direction coordinate of this image has a projection " "of SFL. Because of the constraints of this projection, " "this image cannot be easily rotated. You may wish to " "consider temporarily modifying the projection using " "cs.setprojection() to allow rotation of the image." ) "Changing coordinate system from " + oldrefcode + " to " + newrefcode, 'INFO' ) diraxes = dirinfo['pixel'] if len(diraxes) != 2: raise Exception( "Unsupported number of direction axes. There must be exactly 2." ) dirrefpix = csys.referencepixel("direction")["numeric"] shape = _myia.shape() centerpix = [int(shape[diraxes[0]]/2), int(shape[diraxes[1]]/2)] if centerpix[0] != dirrefpix[0] or centerpix[1] != dirrefpix[1]: "Center direction pixel and reference pixel are " + "different, making a temporary image and setting " + "the reference pixel equal to the center pixel. " + "The output image will have this modified coordinate system." ) # so toworld() works in the correct frame csys.setconversiontype(oldrefcode) newrefpix = csys.referencepixel()["numeric"] newrefpix[diraxes[0]] = centerpix[0] newrefpix[diraxes[1]] = centerpix[1] newrefval = csys.toworld(newrefpix)["numeric"] csys.setreferencepixel(newrefpix) csys.setreferencevalue(newrefval) tsub = _myia.subimage() _myia.done() _myia = tsub _myia.dohistory(False) _myia.setcoordsys(csys.torecord()) doref = ( csys.referencecode("direction")[0] == csys.conversiontype("direction") ) angle = csys.convertdirection(newrefcode) myqa = quanta() mysin = myqa.getvalue(myqa.sin(angle)) mycos = myqa.getvalue(myqa.cos(angle)) xnew = 0 ynew = 0 for xx in [-centerpix[0], centerpix[0]]: for yy in [-centerpix[1], centerpix[1]]: xnew = max(xnew, abs(xx*mycos - yy*mysin + 1)) ynew = max(ynew, abs(xx*mysin + yy*mycos + 1)) pad = int(max(xnew - shape[0]/2, ynew - shape[1]/2)) if pad > 0: "Padding image by " + str(pad) + " pixels so no pixels are cut off in the regridding", "NORMAL" ) _myia = _myia.pad("", pad, wantreturn=True) _myia.dohistory(False) shape = _myia.shape() newrefpix = csys.referencepixel()['numeric'] newrefpix[diraxes[0]] = newrefpix[diraxes[0]] + pad newrefpix[diraxes[1]] = newrefpix[diraxes[1]] + pad csys.setreferencepixel(newrefpix) regridded = _myia.regrid( outfile="",shape=shape, csys=csys.torecord(), axes=diraxes, method=interpolation, decimate=decimate ,doref=doref ) regridded.dohistory(False) # beam is rotated counterclockwise angle_in_deg = format("%7.3f" % myqa.convert(angle, "deg")['value']) "Will rotate beams counterclockwise by " + angle_in_deg + " degrees, " + "if necessary, to account for angle between original and new frame " + "at the reference pixel", 'NORMAL' ) regridded.rotatebeam(angle=myqa.mul(-1, angle)) # now crop"Cropping masked image boundaries", "NORMAL") cropped = regridded.crop(outfile=output, axes=diraxes, overwrite=overwrite) regridded.done() _myia.done() return cropped def _imregrid_handle_default_shape( imshape, image_csys, template_csys, axestoregrid, tempshape, original_axes ): # CAS-4959, output shape should have template shape for axes being # regridded, input image shape for axes not being regridded, CAS-4960 in # cases where the input image and template both have multiple stokes, the # number of pixels on the output stokes axis is to be the number of stokes # the input and template have in common shape = imshape targetaxesnames = image_csys.names() template_spectral_info = template_csys.findcoordinate("Spectral") template_has_spectral = template_spectral_info['return'] if template_has_spectral: template_spectral_axis = template_spectral_info['pixel'][0] atr = axestoregrid[:] for i in range(len(imshape)): atr_count = 0 for j in atr: if i == j: # axis numbers may not correspond so have to look for the # template axis location by the axis name, CAS-4960 template_axis = template_csys.findaxisbyname(targetaxesnames[i]) template_axis_length = tempshape[template_axis] if ( template_has_spectral and template_spectral_axis == template_axis and template_axis_length == 1 ): "You've specified that you want to regrid the spectral axis without specifying " "the output shape. Normally the length chosen would be that of the corresponding " "template axis, however, the template spectral axis is degenerate and one cannot regrid " "an axis such that its output length is one. So, removing axis " + str(j) + " from the axes list and just copying the input spectral information to the output image", "WARN" ) shape[i] = imshape[i] del axestoregrid[atr_count] else: shape[i] = tempshape[template_axis] break atr_count += 1; if ( template_csys.findcoordinate("stokes")['return'] and image_csys.findcoordinate("stokes")['return'] and len(template_csys.stokes()) > 1 and len(image_csys.stokes()) > 1 ): stokes_axis = image_csys.findaxisbyname("stokes") found = ( len(original_axes) == 0 or (len(original_axes) == 1 and original_axes[0] < 0) ) if not found: for axis in axestoregrid: if axis == stokes_axis: found = True break if found: # adjust stokes length to be equal to number of common stokes common_stokes_count = 0 for image_stokes in image_csys.stokes(): for template_stokes in template_csys.stokes(): if image_stokes == template_stokes: common_stokes_count += 1 break shape[stokes_axis] = common_stokes_count else: shape[stokes_axis] = imshape[stokes_axis] return shape