from __future__ import absolute_import import os import numpy from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6 if is_CASA6: from casatools import image, regionmanager, coordsys from casatasks import casalog _ia = image( ) _rg = regionmanager( ) else: from taskinit import * image = iatool coordsys = cstool _ia = iatool( ) _rg = rgtool( ) # AUTHOR: S. Jaeger # # NAME: getimaxes # # DESCRIPTION: # This function uses the coordinate information associated # with an image to find where the directional (sky) axes are, # the spectral axes, and the stokes axes. # # INPUT: # imagename string path to a file on disk. # # RETURN # list of four lists, [list1, list2, list3, list4 ], as follows : # list1: ['axis num of 1st sky axis', 'Name of axis' ] # list2: ['axis num of 2nd sky axis', 'Name of axis' ] # list3: ['axis num of spectral axis', 'Spectral' ] # list4: ['axis num of stokes axis', 'Stokes' ] def getimaxes(imagename): """ Open an image file, looking at its coordinate system information to determine which axes are directional, linear, spectral, and the stokes axies. The return list or lists contains the axis numbers and names in the following order: 1. Directional or Linear 2. Directional or Linear 3. Spectral 4. Stokes Note that if an axis type is not found an empty list is returned for that axis. """ # Get the images coord. sys. csys=None imagename ) csys=_ia.coordsys() # Find where the directional and channel axies are # Save the internal placement of the axies in a list # (which will be in the following order: # direction1: RA, Longitude, Linear, el, .. # direction2: DEC, Lattitude, Linear, az, .. # spectral: # stokes: I or V axisTypes=csys.axiscoordinatetypes() axisNames=csys.names() # Note that we make a potentially dangerous assumption here # that the first directional access is always RA, but it # may not be. The names given to the axies are completely # arbitrary and can not be used to determine one axis from # another. # TODO throw exception??? if we find extra axies or # unrecognized axies. retValue=[['',''],['',''],['',''],['','']] foundFirstDir=False for i in range( len( axisTypes ) ): if ( axisTypes[i]=='Direction' or axisTypes[i]=='Linear' ): if ( not foundFirstDir ) : retValue[0]=[i,axisNames[i]] foundFirstDir=True else: retValue[1]=[i,axisNames[i]] elif ( axisTypes[i]=='Spectral' ) : retValue[2]=[i,axisNames[i]] elif ( axisTypes[i]=='Stokes' ) : retValue[3]=[i,axisNames[i]] if ( csys != None ): del csys if ( _ia.isopen() ): _ia.close() return retValue # The function that handles the imval task. def imval(imagename, region, box, chans, stokes): myia = image() mycsys = coordsys() try: # Blank return value. retValue = { 'blc':[], 'trc':[], 'unit': '', 'data': [], 'mask': []} casalog.origin('imval') try: axes=getimaxes(imagename) except: raise RuntimeError("Unable to determine the axes of image: "+imagename) # Get rid of any white space in the parameters region = region.replace(' ', '' ) box = box.replace( ' ', '' ) chans = chans.replace( ' ', '' ) stokes = stokes.replace( ' ','' ) # Default for the chans and stokes parameter is all when the # aren't given. The easy way is to set them to -1, and let # the code handle it. if ( len(chans) < 1 ): chans='-1' if ( len(stokes) < 1 ): stokes='-1' # If the user hasn't specified any region information then # find the very last data point -- what ia.getpixelvalue # defaults too. if ( len(box)<1 and len(chans)<1 and len(stokes)<1 and len(region)<1 ): try: # Get the default pixelvalue() at the referencepixel pos. csys=myia.coordsys() ref_values = csys.referencepixel()['numeric'] point=[] for val in ref_values.tolist(): point.append( int(round(val) ) ) 'Getting data value at point '+str(point), 'NORMAL' ) results = myia.pixelvalue(point) retValue = _imval_process_pixel( results, point ) retValue['axes']=axes 'imval task complete for point'+str(point), 'NORMAL1' ) return retValue finally: myia.done() # If the box parameter only has two value then we copy # them. if ( box.count(',') == 1 ): box = box + ','+ box # If we are finding the value at a single point this # is a special case and we use ia.getpixelvalue() singlePt = _imval_get_single( box, chans, stokes, axes ) if ( len( singlePt ) == 4 and singlePt.count( -1 ) < 1 ): try: 'Getting data value at point '+str(singlePt), 'NORMAL' ) imagename ) results = myia.pixelvalue( singlePt ) retValue = _imval_process_pixel( results, singlePt ) retValue['axes']=axes 'imval task complete for point '+str(singlePt), 'NORMAL1' ) return retValue finally: myia.done() # If we've made it here then we are finding the stats # of a region, which could be a set of single points. axes=getimaxes(imagename) statAxes=[] if ( len(box)>0 ): statAxes.append(axes[0][0]) statAxes.append(axes[1][0]) if ( len(chans)>0 ): statAxes.append(axes[2][0]) # If we get to this point and find that nothing was # given for the box parameter we use the reference # pixel values. mycsys = myia.coordsys() if ( len(box) == 0 and len(region) == 0): ctypes = mycsys.axiscoordinatetypes() ndir = 0 nlin = 0 for ctype in ctypes: if ctype == 'Direction': ndir += 1 elif ctype == 'Linear': nlin += 1 if ndir == 2 or nlin == 2: try: ref_values = mycsys.referencepixel()['numeric'] values = ref_values.tolist() box = str(int(round(values[axes[0][0]])))+','\ + str(int(round(values[axes[1][0]])))+',' \ + str(int(round(values[axes[0][0]])))+','\ +str(int(round(values[axes[1][0]]))) except: raise Exception("Unable to find the size of the input image.") # Because the help file says -1 is valid, apparently that's supported functionality, good grief if box.startswith("-1"): box = "" if chans.startswith("-1"): chans = "" if stokes.startswith("-1"): stokes = "" reg = _rg.frombcs( mycsys.torecord(), myia.shape(), box, chans, stokes, "a", region ) # Now that we know which axes we are using, and have the region # selected, lets get that stats! NOTE: if you have axes size # greater then 0 then the maxpos and minpos will not be displayed if ( 'regions' in reg ): "Complex region found, only processing the first"\ " SIMPLE region found", "WARN" ) reg=reg['regions']['*1'] retValue = _imval_getregion( imagename, reg ) retValue['axes']=axes 'imval task complete for region bound by blc='+str(retValue['blc'])+' and trc='+str(retValue['trc']), 'NORMAL1' ) return retValue finally: myia.done() mycsys.done() # # Take the results from the ia.pixelvalue() function and # the position given to the function and turn the results # into the desired values; blc, trc, data, and mask # def _imval_process_pixel( results, point ): retvalue={} # First check that the results are a dictionary type and that # it contains the key/value pairs we expect. if ( not isinstance( results, dict ) ): "ia.pixelvalue() has returned erroneous data, Python dictionary type expectd.", "WARN" ) "Value returned is: "+str(results), "SEVERE" ) return retvalue if ( 'mask' not in results ): "ia.pixelvalue() has returned unexpected results, no mask value present.", "SEVERE" ) return retvalue if ( 'value' not in results or 'unit' not in results['value'] or 'value' not in results['value'] ): "ia.pixelvalue() has returned unexpected results, data value absent or ill-formed.", "SEVERE" ) return retvalue retValue={ 'blc':point, 'trc': point, 'unit':results['value']['unit'], 'data': numpy.array([results['value']['value']]), 'mask': numpy.array([results['mask']]) } return retValue # # Give the box, channel, and stokes values find out # if we are getting the data from a single point in the # image, if so then return that point. def _imval_get_single( box, chans, stokes, axes ): # If we have more then one point then return an empty list. try: junk=int(chans) junk=int(stokes) except: return [] if ( box.count(';')>0 ): return [] # If the channel wasn't specified use the first one only. if ( len( chans ) < 1 ): #chans=0 return [] # If the stokes values weren't specified use the first one only. if ( len( stokes ) < 1 ): #stokes=0 return[] # The two x values and two y values need to be the same if its # a single point. There may be only two value if its a single # point too. x=-1 y=-1 box=box.split(',') if ( len(box) == 2 ): x=int(box[0]) y=int(box[1]) elif ( len(box) == 4 and box[0]==box[2] and box[1]==box[3]): x=int(box[0]) y=int(box[1]) else: # We have more then one point, return empty list. return [] retvalue=[-1,-1,-1,-1] retvalue[axes[0][0]]=x retvalue[axes[1][0]]=y retvalue[axes[2][0]]=int(chans) retvalue[axes[3][0]]=int(stokes) return retvalue # # Use the ia.getregion() function to construct the requested data. def _imval_getregion( imagename, region): retvalue= {} myia = image() try: # Open the image for processing! # Find the array of data and mask values. data_results=myia.getregion( region=region, dropdeg=True, getmask=False ) mask_results=myia.getregion( region=region, dropdeg=True, getmask=True ) # Find the bounding box of the region so we can report it back to # the user. bbox = myia.boundingbox( region=region ) if ( 'blc' not in bbox ): "ia.boundingbox() has returned unexpected results, blc value absent.", "SEVERE" ) myia.done() return retvalue if ( 'trc' not in bbox ): "ia.boundingbox() has returned unexpected results, trc value absent.", "SEVERE" ) myia.done() return retvalue # get the pixel coords mycsys = myia.coordsys() myarrays = _imval_iterate(bbox['blc'], bbox['trc']) mycoords = mycsys.toworldmany(myarrays) outcoords = _imval_redo(data_results.shape, mycoords['numeric']) avalue = myia.pixelvalue( bbox['blc'].tolist() ) if ( 'value' not in avalue or 'unit' not in avalue['value'] ): "ia.pixelvalue() has returned unexpected results, data value absent or ill-formed.", "SEVERE" ) myia.done() return retvalue retvalue={ 'blc':bbox['blc'].tolist(),'trc':bbox['trc'].tolist(), 'unit':avalue['value']['unit'], 'data':data_results, 'mask': mask_results, 'coords': outcoords } finally: myia.done() return retvalue def _imval_iterate(begins, ends, arrays=None, place=None, depth=0, count=None): if (depth == 0): count = [0] mylist = [] diff = numpy.array(ends) - numpy.array(begins) + 1 prod = for i in range(len(begins)): mylist.append(numpy.zeros([prod])) arrays = numpy.array(mylist) for i in range(begins[depth], ends[depth] + 1): if (depth == 0): tmpplace = [] for j in range(len(begins)): tmpplace.append(0) place = numpy.array(tmpplace) place[depth] = i if (depth == len(begins) - 1): for k in range(depth + 1): arrays[k][count[0]] = place[k] count[0] = count[0] + 1 else: mydepth = depth + 1 _imval_iterate(begins, ends, arrays, place, mydepth, count) return arrays def _imval_redo(shape, arrays): list_of_arrays = [] for x in range(arrays[0].size): mylist = [] for arr in arrays: mylist.append(arr[x]) list_of_arrays.append(numpy.array(mylist)) array_of_arrays = numpy.array(list_of_arrays) # because shape is an immutable tuple newshape = list(shape) newshape.append(array_of_arrays.shape[1]) return array_of_arrays.reshape(newshape)