from __future__ import absolute_import # get is_CASA6 and is_python3 from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6 import os import sys import numpy as np import pylab as pl from textwrap import wrap from casatools import table, msmetadata, quanta, ms, measures, ctsys from casatasks import casalog def plotants( vis=None, figfile=None, antindex=None, logpos=None, exclude=None, checkbaselines=None, title=None, showgui=None ): """Plot the antenna distribution in the local reference frame: The location of the antennas in the MS will be plotted with X-toward local east; Y-toward local north. The name of each antenna is shown next to its respective location. Keyword arguments: vis -- Name of input visibility file. default: none. example: vis='' figfile -- Save the plotted figure in this file. default: ''. example: figfile='myFigure.png' antindex -- Label antennas with name and antenna ID default: False. example: antindex=True logpos -- Produce a logarithmic position plot. default: False. example: logpos=True exclude -- antenna IDs or names to exclude from plotting default: []. example: exclude=[2,3,4], exclude='DV15' checkbaselines -- Only plot antennas in the MAIN table. This can be useful after a split. WARNING: Setting checkbaselines to True will add to runtime in proportion to the number of rows in the dataset. default: False. example: checkbaselines=True title -- Title written along top of plot default: '' You can zoom in by pressing the magnifier button (bottom, third from right) and making a rectangular region with the mouse. Press the home button (left most button) to remove zoom. A hard-copy of this plot can be obtained by pressing the button on the right at the bottom of the display. A file dialog will allow you to choose the directory, filename, and format of the export. """ # use ctsys values showplot = showgui and not ctsys.getnogui() and not ctsys.getagg() and not ctsys.getpipeline() if not showplot: pl.close() pl.ioff() else: pl.ion() pl.clf() # remove trailing / for title basename if vis[-1]=='/': vis = vis[:-1] myms = ms( ) try: exclude = myms.msseltoindex(vis, baseline=exclude)['antenna1'].tolist() except RuntimeError as rterr: # MSSelection failed errmsg = str(rterr) errmsg = errmsg.replace('specificion', 'specification') errmsg = errmsg.replace('Antenna Expression: ', '') raise RuntimeError("Exclude selection error: " + errmsg) telescope, names, ids, xpos, ypos, stations = getPlotantsAntennaInfo(vis, logpos, exclude, checkbaselines) if not names: raise ValueError("No antennas selected. Exiting plotants.") if not title: msname = os.path.basename(vis) title = "Antenna Positions for " if len(msname) > 55: title += '\n' title += msname if logpos: plotAntennasLog(telescope, names, ids, xpos, ypos, antindex, stations) else: plotAntennas(telescope, names, ids, xpos, ypos, antindex, stations, showplot) pl.title(title, {'fontsize':12}) if figfile: pl.savefig(figfile) def getPlotantsAntennaInfo(msname, log, exclude, checkbaselines): tb = table( ) me = measures( ) qa = quanta( ) telescope, arrayPos = getPlotantsObservatoryInfo(msname) arrayWgs84 = me.measure(arrayPos, 'WGS84') arrayLon, arrayLat, arrayAlt = [arrayWgs84[i]['value'] for i in ['m0','m1','m2']] # Open the ANTENNA subtable to get the names of the antennas in this MS and # their positions. Note that the entries in the ANTENNA subtable are pretty # much in random order, so antNames translates between their index and name # (e.g., index 11 = STD155). We'll need these indices for later, since the # main data table refers to the antennas by their indices, not names. anttabname = msname + '/ANTENNA' # Get antenna names from antenna table antNames = np.array(tb.getcol("NAME")).tolist() stationNames = np.array(tb.getcol("STATION")).tolist() if telescope == 'VLBA': # names = ant@station antNames = ['@'.join(antsta) for antsta in zip(antNames,stationNames)] # Get antenna positions from antenna table antPositions = np.array([me.position('ITRF', qa.quantity(x, 'm'), qa.quantity(y, 'm'), qa.quantity(z, 'm')) for (x, y, z) in tb.getcol('POSITION').transpose()]) tb.close() allAntIds = list(range(len(antNames))) if checkbaselines: # Get antenna ids from main table; this will add to runtime ants1 = tb.getcol('ANTENNA1') ants2 = tb.getcol('ANTENNA2') tb.close() antIdsUsed = list(set(np.append(ants1, ants2))) else: # use them all! antIdsUsed = allAntIds # handle exclude -- remove from antIdsUsed for antId in exclude: try: antNameId = antNames[antId] + " (id " + str(antId) + ")" antIdsUsed.remove(antId)"Exclude antenna " + antNameId) except ValueError:"Cannot exclude antenna " + antNameId + ": not in main table", "WARN") # apply antIdsUsed mask antNames = [antNames[i] for i in antIdsUsed] antPositions = [antPositions[i] for i in antIdsUsed] stationNames = [stationNames[i] for i in antIdsUsed] nAnts = len(antIdsUsed)"Number of points being plotted: " + str(nAnts)) if nAnts == 0: # excluded all antennas return telescope, antNames, [], [], [] # Get the names, indices, and lat/lon/alt coords of "good" antennas. antWgs84s = np.array([me.measure(pos, 'WGS84') for pos in antPositions]) # Convert from lat, lon, alt to X, Y, Z (unless VLBA) # where X is east, Y is north, Z is up, # and 0, 0, 0 is the center # Note: this conversion is NOT exact, since it doesn't take into account # Earth's ellipticity! But it's close enough. if telescope == 'VLBA' and not log: antLons, antLats = [[pos[i] for pos in antWgs84s] for i in ['m0','m1']] antXs = [qa.convert(lon, 'deg')['value'] for lon in antLons] antYs = [qa.convert(lat, 'deg')['value'] for lat in antLats] else: antLons, antLats = [np.array( [pos[i]['value'] for pos in antWgs84s]) for i in ['m0','m1']] radE = 6370000. antXs = (antLons - arrayLon) * radE * np.cos(arrayLat) antYs = (antLats - arrayLat) * radE return telescope, antNames, antIdsUsed, antXs, antYs, stationNames def getPlotantsObservatoryInfo(msname): metadata = msmetadata() telescope = metadata.observatorynames()[0] arrayPos = metadata.observatoryposition() metadata.close() return telescope, arrayPos def getAntennaLabelProps(telescope, station, log=False): # CAS-7120 make plots more readable (rotate labels) vAlign = 'center' hAlign = 'left' rotAngle = 0 if station and "VLA" in telescope: # these have non-standard format: # strip off VLA: or VLA:_ prefix if any if 'VLA:' in station: station = station[4:] if station[0] == '_': station = station[1:] if station in ['W01', 'E01', 'W1', 'E1']: vAlign = 'top' hAlign = 'center' else: vAlign = 'bottom' if 'W' in station or 'MAS' in station: hAlign = 'right' rotAngle = -35 elif 'E' in station or ('N' in station and not log): rotAngle = 35 return vAlign, hAlign, rotAngle def plotAntennasLog(telescope, names, ids, xpos, ypos, antindex, stations): fig = pl.figure(1) # Set up subplot. ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, polar=True, projection='polar') ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') ax.set_theta_direction(-1) # Do not show azimuth labels. ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) # Do not show grid. ax.grid(False) # code from pipeline # PlotAntsChart draw_polarlog_ant_map_in_subplot if 'VLA' in telescope: # For (E)VLA, set a fixed local center position that has been # tuned to work well for its array configurations (CAS-7479). xcenter, ycenter = -32, 0 rmin_min, rmin_max = 12.5, 350 else: # For non-(E)VLA, take the median of antenna offsets as the # center for the plot. xcenter = np.median(xpos) ycenter = np.median(ypos) rmin_min, rmin_max = 3, 350 # Derive radial offset w.r.t. center position. r = ((xpos-xcenter)**2 + (ypos-ycenter)**2)**0.5 # Set rmin, clamp between a min and max value, ignore station # at r=0 if one is there. rmin = min(rmin_max, max(rmin_min, 0.8*np.min(r[r > 0]))) # Update r to move any points below rmin to r=rmin. r[r <= rmin] = rmin rmin = np.log(rmin) # Set rmax. rmax = np.log(1.5*np.max(r)) # Derive angle of offset w.r.t. center position. theta = np.arctan2(xpos-xcenter, ypos-ycenter) # Draw circles at specific distances from the center. angles = np.arange(0, 2.01*np.pi, 0.01*np.pi) show_circle = True circles = [30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000] if telescope == "VLBA": circles = [1e5, 3e5, 1e6, 3e6, 1e7] for cr in circles: # Only draw circles outside rmin. if cr > np.min(r) and show_circle: # Draw the circle. radius = np.ones(len(angles))*np.log(cr) ax.plot(angles, radius, 'k:') # Draw tick marks on the circle at 1 km intervals. inc = 0.1*10000/cr if telescope == "VLBA": inc = 0.1*1e8/cr if cr > 100: for angle in np.arange(inc/2., 2*np.pi+0.05, inc): ax.plot([angle, angle], [np.log(0.95*cr), np.log(1.05*cr)], 'k-') # Add text label to circle to denote distance from center. va = 'top' circle_label_angle = -20.0 * np.pi / 180. if cr >= 1000: if np.log(cr) < rmax: ax.text(circle_label_angle, np.log(cr), '%d km' % (cr/1000), size=8, va=va) ax.text(circle_label_angle + np.pi, np.log(cr), '%d km' % (cr / 1000), size=8, va=va) else: ax.text(circle_label_angle, np.log(cr), '%dm' % (cr), size=8, va=va) ax.text(circle_label_angle + np.pi, np.log(cr), '%dm' % (cr), size=8, va=va) # Find out if most recently drawn circle was outside all antennas, # if so, no more circles will be drawn. if np.log(cr) > rmax: show_circle = False # plot points and antenna names/ids for i, (name, station) in enumerate(zip(names, stations)): if station and 'OUT' not in station: ax.plot(theta[i], np.log(r[i]), 'ko', ms=5, mfc='r') if antindex: name += ' (' + str(ids[i]) + ')' # set alignment and rotation angle (for VLA) valign, halign, angle = getAntennaLabelProps(telescope, station, log=True) # adjust so text is not on the circle: yoffset = 0 if halign == 'center': yoffset = 0.1 ax.text(theta[i], np.log(r[i])+yoffset, ' '+name, size=8, va=valign, ha=halign, rotation=angle, weight='semibold') # Set minimum and maximum radius. ax.set_rmax(rmax) ax.set_rmin(rmin) # Make room for 2-line title pl.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) def plotAntennas(telescope, names, ids, xpos, ypos, antindex, stations, showplot): fig = pl.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if telescope == 'VLBA': labelx = 'Longitude (deg)' labely = 'Latitude (deg)' else: # use m or km units units = ' (m)' if np.median(xpos) > 1e6 or np.median(ypos) > 1e6: xpos /= 1e3 ypos /= 1e3 units = ' (km)' labelx = 'X' + units labely = 'Y' + units if "VLA" in telescope: spacer = ' ' else: spacer = ' ' # plot points and antenna names/ids for i, (x, y, name, station) in enumerate(zip(xpos, ypos, names, stations)): if station and 'OUT' not in station: ax.plot(x, y, 'ro') if antindex: name += ' (' + str(ids[i]) + ')' # set alignment and rotation angle (for VLA) valign, halign, angle = getAntennaLabelProps(telescope, station) # adjust so text is not on the circle: if halign == 'center': y -= 10 ax.text(x, y, ' '+name, size=8, va=valign, ha=halign, rotation=angle, weight='semibold') if showplot: pl.xlabel(labelx) pl.ylabel(labely) pl.margins(0.1, 0.1)