import os
import shutil

import numpy
import numpy.random as random

from casatasks import casalog
from casatools import calibrater, ms, table

from . import sdutil
from .mstools import write_history

# Table tool
tb = table()
# Calibrator tool
cb = calibrater()
# MS tool
myms = ms()

def sdcal(infile=None, calmode='tsys', fraction='10%', noff=-1,
          width=0.5, elongated=False, applytable='', interp='', spwmap={},
          outfile='', overwrite=False, field='', spw='', scan='', intent=''):
    """Externally specify calibration solutions of various types."""
    # Composite mode: compute calibration table and calibrate
    if ',' in calmode:

    # Single mode: either calibrate or compute calibration table
        # Parameters check
        if calmode == 'tsys':
            if scan != '':
                raise UserWarning("Scan input must be ''(=all) in calmode='tsys'.")
            if spw != '':
                raise UserWarning("Spw input must be ''(=all) in calmode='tsys'.")

        if isinstance(infile, str) and os.path.exists(infile):
            # check if CORRECTED_DATA is necessary
            addcorr = calmode == 'apply'
  , compress=False, addcorr=addcorr, addmodel=False)
            cb.selectvis(spw=spw, scan=scan, field=field)
            raise Exception('Infile data set not found - please verify the name')

        if not isinstance(calmode, str):
            raise Exception("Calmode must be a string")

        if calmode.lower() not in ['tsys', 'ps', 'otfraster', 'otf', 'apply']:
            raise Exception(
                "Calmode must be either 'ps' or 'otfraster' or  'otf' or 'tsys' or 'apply'.")

        if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(outfile):
            raise RuntimeError("overwrite is False and output file exists: {}".format(outfile))

        # Calibration
        if calmode == 'apply':  # Calibrate using existing tables
            # single calibration table
            if isinstance(applytable, str):
                _table_list = [applytable]

            # multiple calibration tables
            if isinstance(applytable, list) or isinstance(applytable, numpy.ndarray):
                _table_list = applytable

            # no calibration table
            if len(_table_list) == 0:
                raise Exception('Applytable name must be specified.')

            # check calibration table files
            for _table_name in _table_list:
                # empty string
                if len(_table_name) == 0:
                    raise Exception('Applytable name must be specified.')
                # unexisting table
                if not os.path.exists(_table_name):
                    raise Exception("Table doesn't exist: {}".format(_table_name))

            # warning on usage difference with asap.sdcal2
            if (outfile != ''):
                warning_msg = '\n'.join([
                    'The outfile you specified will NOT be created.',
                    "Calibrated data will be stored in a new 'CORRECTED_DATA' column",
                    'inserted in the main table of the input MS file.'
      , priority="WARN")

            if(type(spwmap) != list and (type(spwmap) != dict)):
                raise Exception('Spwmap type must be list or dictionary.')

            if (type(spwmap) == dict):
                MS = infile
       + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW')
                total_spwID = tb.nrows()

                spwmap_dict = spwmap
                spwmap_list = list(range(total_spwID))

                for key, value in spwmap_dict.items():
                    for v in value:
                        if v in spwmap_list:
                            index = spwmap_list.index(v)
                            spwmap_list[index] = int(key)

                spwmap = spwmap_list

            # Setup calibrator
            for _table in _table_list:
                caltype = inspect_caltype(_table)
                if caltype == 'UNKNOWN':
                    raise RuntimeError('Applytable \'%s\' is not a caltable format' % (_table))
                elif caltype == 'B TSYS':
                    cb.setapply(table=_table, spwmap=spwmap, interp=interp, calwt=True)
                    # no spw mapping is needed for sky calibration
                    cb.setapply(table=_table, interp=interp, calwt=True)

            # Calibrate

            # Write to HISTORY table of MS
            param_names = sdcal.__code__.co_varnames[:sdcal.__code__.co_argcount]
            vars = locals()
            param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names]

            write_history(myms, infile, 'sdcal', param_names,
                          param_vals, casalog)

        else:  # Compute calibration table
            # Reconciliating 'Python world' calmode with 'C++ world' calmode
            # cpp_calmode[python_calmode] = c++_calmode
            cpp_calmode = {'tsys': 'tsys',
                           'ps': 'sdsky_ps',
                           'otfraster': 'sdsky_raster',
                           'otf': 'sdsky_otf'

            if len(outfile) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Output file name must be specified.')

            if calmode == 'tsys':
                cb.specifycal(caltable=outfile, time="", spw=spw, caltype=cpp_calmode[calmode])
                fraction_numeric = to_numeric_fraction(fraction)
                if noff <= 0 and fraction_numeric >= 0.5:
                    raise ValueError('Too many edge points. fraction must be < 0.5.')
                # Setup calibrator
                cb.selectvis(spw=spw, scan=scan, field=field, intent=intent)
                cb.setsolve(type=cpp_calmode[calmode], table=outfile,
                            fraction=fraction_numeric, numedge=noff)
                # Compute calibration table

    except UserWarning as instance:'*** UserWarning *** %s' % instance, 'WARN')


def inspect_caltype(table):
    caltype = 'UNKNOWN'
    with sdutil.table_manager(table) as tb:
        if 'VisCal' in tb.keywordnames():
            caltype = tb.getkeyword('VisCal')
    return caltype

def to_numeric_fraction(fraction):
        if isinstance(fraction, str):
            if len(fraction.strip()) == 0:
                # invalid, use default
                fraction_numeric = 0.1
                pos = fraction.strip().find('%')
                if pos != -1:
                    # percentage
                    fraction_numeric = float(fraction[:pos]) * 0.01
                    # direct value
                    fraction_numeric = float(fraction)
            fraction_numeric = float(fraction)
    except Exception as e:, priority='SEVERE', origin='sdcal')
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid fraction value (original error message: "%s")' % (str(e)))

    return fraction_numeric

def temporary_name(calmode):
    num_trial = 100
    for i in range(num_trial):
        number = random.random_integers(num_trial)
        name = ('' % (calmode, number)).replace(' ', '0')
        if not os.path.exists(name):
            return name
    raise RuntimeError('Failed to configure temporary caltable name.')

def temporary_calibration(calmode, arg_template, **kwargs):
    caltable = temporary_name(calmode)
    myargs = arg_template.copy()
    myargs['calmode'] = calmode
    myargs['outfile'] = caltable
    # try to keep the existing file although
    # outfile should never point to existing file
    myargs['overwrite'] = False
    # optional argument for sdcal
    for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
        if k in myargs:
            myargs[k] = v
    if not os.path.exists(caltable):
        raise RuntimeError('Failed to create temporary caltable.')
    return caltable

def fix_for_intent(calmodes, input_args):
    if 'tsys' in calmodes and ('otfraster' in calmodes or 'otf' in calmodes):
            "Intent selection for 'otf' or 'otfraster' should be 'OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE'. \n"
            "However, the task is not allowed to set global intent selection "
            "since calmode contains 'tsys'. \n"
            "As a workaround, set intent selection locally when 'otf' or 'otfraster' calibration "
            "is performed.",
        output_args = input_args.copy()
        output_args['intent'] = 'OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE'
        output_args = input_args
    return output_args

def handle_composite_mode(args):
    kwargs = args.copy()
    calmodes = kwargs['calmode'].split(',')
    _applytable = kwargs['applytable']
    if isinstance(_applytable, str):
        if len(_applytable) > 0:
            precalibrations = [_applytable]
            precalibrations = []
        precalibrations = list(_applytable[:])

    applytable_list = []
        # sky calibration
        if 'ps' in calmodes:
            # ps calibration
                temporary_calibration('ps', kwargs, spwmap={})
        elif 'otfraster' in calmodes:
            # otfraster calibration
            kwargs_local = fix_for_intent(calmodes, kwargs)
                temporary_calibration('otfraster', kwargs_local, spwmap={})
        elif 'otf' in calmodes:
            # otf calibration
            kwargs_local = fix_for_intent(calmodes, kwargs)
                temporary_calibration('otf', kwargs_local, spwmap={})

        # Tsys calibration
        if 'tsys' in calmodes:
                temporary_calibration('tsys', kwargs, field='', spw='', scan='')

        # apply temporary caltables
        if 'apply' in calmodes:
            if len(applytable_list) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("No applytable has been created/registered.")
            myargs = kwargs.copy()
            myargs['calmode'] = 'apply'
            myargs['applytable'] = precalibrations + applytable_list

        # clean up temporary tables
        for _table in applytable_list:
            if os.path.exists(_table):
      'removing \'%s\'' % (_table), priority='DEBUG')