import os from casatasks import casalog from casatools import ms as mstool from casatools import singledishms, table from . import sdutil from .mstools import write_history ms = mstool() sdms = singledishms() tb = table() @sdutil.callable_sdtask_decorator def sdsmooth(infile=None, datacolumn=None, antenna=None, field=None, spw=None, timerange=None, scan=None, pol=None, intent=None, reindex=None, kernel=None, kwidth=None, outfile=None, overwrite=None): try: if len(outfile) == 0: errmsg = 'outfile is empty.' raise ValueError(errmsg) if (os.path.exists(outfile)) and (not overwrite): errmsg = outfile + ' exists.' raise ValueError(errmsg) sdms.set_selection(spw=spw, field=field, antenna=antenna, timerange=timerange, scan=scan, polarization=pol, intent=intent, reindex=reindex) sdms.smooth(type=kernel, width=kwidth, datacolumn=datacolumn, outfile=outfile) # Write to HISTORY of outfile MS param_names = sdsmooth.__code__.co_varnames[:sdsmooth.__code__.co_argcount] vars = locals() param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] write_history(ms, outfile, 'sdsmooth', param_names, param_vals, casalog) finally: sdms.close()