# Copyright (C) 2017,2018
# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
#        Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu.
#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
#                        520 Edgemont Road
#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA

####  (1) move generated files beneath build

"""CASA Python Module

This is a standard python module that provides CASA tools and tasks
without regular CASA's bespoke CLI.
from __future__ import division, print_function

classifiers = """\
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
Intended Audience :: Developers
License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Programming Language :: C++
Topic :: Software Development
Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
Operating System :: POSIX

from setuptools import setup
from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler, CCompiler
from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler
from distutils.core import Extension, Distribution
from distutils.ccompiler import get_default_compiler
from distutils.ccompiler import show_compilers
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError, CompileError
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree, remove_tree
from distutils.core import Command
from distutils.util import spawn, get_platform

from functools import reduce
from itertools import dropwhile,takewhile
from collections import defaultdict
from subprocess import call as Proc
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from datetime import datetime
from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo
from textwrap import dedent
from shutil import copy2, move
import subprocess
import sysconfig
import platform
import pickle
import errno
import time
import sys
import re
import os
import io

from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join, islink
from itertools import chain
import argparse

lib_ext = "dylib" if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 'so'


parser.add_argument('--version', help='version')
parser.add_argument('--debug', help='debug', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--relwithdebinfo', help='Build with optimization and debug flags', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('bdist_wheel', help='bdist_wheel')

_debug_build_ = args.debug
_rel_with_deb_info_ = args.relwithdebinfo
print("_debug_build_: " + str(_debug_build_))
print("_rel_with_deb_info_: " + str(_rel_with_deb_info_))

# Remove the "non-standard" arguments from sys.argv so as not to confuse dist_tools
for arg in sys.argv:
    if (arg.startswith("--version")):
    if (arg.startswith("--debug")):
    if (arg.startswith("--relwithdebinfo")):

module_name = 'casatools'

pyversion = float(sys.version_info[0]) + float(sys.version_info[1]) / 10.0
xml_jar_file = 'xml-casa-assembly-1.65.jar'
real_gnu = None
gxx_version_number = 0

if pyversion < 3:
    str_encode = str
    str_decode = str
    def pipe_decode(output):
        return output
    def str_encode(s):
        return bytes(s,sys.getdefaultencoding())
    def str_decode(bs):
        return bs.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(),"strict")
    def pipe_decode(output):
        if isinstance(output,bytes) or isinstance(output,bytearray):
            return str_decode(output)
        elif isinstance(output,tuple):
            return (str_decode(output[0]),str_decode(output[1]))
            return ("","")

lib_dirs = ["/opt/casa/03", "/opt/casa/02", "/opt/casa/01", "/opt/local"]

third_party_lib_path = ""

for d in lib_dirs:
    if os.path.isdir(d):
        third_party_lib_path = d

print ("Using " + third_party_lib_path + " for third party libraries")

if sys.platform == 'darwin':
    def islib(l):
        return l.endswith('.dylib')
elif sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux':
    def islib(l):
        # 'lib_....so
        return l.find('.so') > 3
    sys.exit("oops, had not planned on building on %s" % sys.platform)

def compute_version( ):
    if (args.version != None ):
        print (args.version.split("."))
        (major, minor, patch, feature) = args.version.split(".")
        return(int(major), int(minor), int(patch), int(feature),"","","")
        proc = Popen( [ "scripts/version" ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE )
        out,err = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
        devbranchtag = out.split(" ")[0].strip()
        releasetag = out.split(" ")[1].strip()
        if (len(out.split(" ")) == 3):
            print("Latest commit doesn't have a tag. Adding -dirty flag to version string.")
            dirty="+" + out.split(" ")[2].strip() # "+" denotes local version identifier as described in PEP440
        devbranchversion = ""
        devbranchrevision = ""
        if (devbranchtag != releasetag):
            devbranchrevision = devbranchtag.split("-")[-1]
            if (devbranchtag.startswith("CAS-")):
            devbranchrevision = devbranchtag.split("-")[-1]
            isDevBranch = False
        (major, minor, patch, feature) = releasetag.split(".")
        #print(major, minor, patch, feature, devbranchversion, devbranchrevision, dirty)
        return(int(major), int(minor), int(patch), int(feature), devbranchversion, devbranchrevision, dirty)

(casatools_major,casatools_minor,casatools_patch,casatools_feature, devbranchversion, devbranchrevision, dirty) = compute_version( )
print(casatools_major, casatools_minor, casatools_patch, casatools_feature, devbranchversion, devbranchrevision, dirty)
casatools_version = '%d.%d.%d.%d%s' % (casatools_major,casatools_minor,casatools_patch,casatools_feature,dirty)
if devbranchversion !="":
    casatools_version = '%d.%d.%d.%da%s.dev%s%s' % (casatools_major,casatools_minor,casatools_patch,casatools_feature,devbranchversion,devbranchrevision,dirty)

def install_version_header( major, minor, patch, feature, verstr ):
    with open("binding/include/toolversion.h","w") as out, open("ac/templates/toolversion.h.in") as f:
        for line in f:
            l = line.replace("@CASATOOLS_MAJOR@",str(major)).replace("@CASATOOLS_MINOR@",str(minor)).replace("@CASATOOLS_PATCH@",str(patch)).replace("@CASATOOLS_FEATURE@",str(feature)).replace("@CASATOOLS_VERSION_STRING@",verstr)

def install_version_cc( major, minor, patch, feature,  verstr ):
    with open("binding/source/version.cc","w") as out, open("casa-source/code/stdcasa/version.cc.in") as f:
        for line in f:
            l = line.replace("@CASA_VERSION_MAJOR@",str(major))\

print("generating version header...")
###  return string discription of the current operating system, e.g.
###        el6 -- RedHat/SuSE/Centos/Scientific Enterprise Linux 6
###        el7 -- RedHat/SuSE/Centos/Scientific Enterprise Linux 7
def os_description( ):
    def process_os_details( result, file_proc ):
        def description_line(result, path):
            if result is None:
                if os.path.isfile(path):
                    with open(path) as f:
                        return f.readline( )
            return result

        def match_line(result, match_func):
            os_desc = match_func(result)
            ret = os_desc if os_desc != result else result
            return ret

        if result is None:
            desc = reduce( description_line, file_proc[0], None )
            if desc is not None:
                return reduce( match_line, file_proc[1], desc )

        return result

    # need description string template for SuSE
    description_selection = [ ( [ "/etc/redhat-release", "/etc/SuSE-release" ],
                                [ lambda str: "el6" if (str.startswith("Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation") and "release 6" in str) else str,
                                  lambda str: "el6" if (str.startswith("CentOS") and "release 6" in str) else str,
                                  lambda str: "el7" if (str.startswith("Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation") and "release 7" in str) else str,
                                  lambda str: "el7" if (str.startswith("CentOS") and "release 7" in str) else str ] ) ]

    return reduce( process_os_details, description_selection, None )

### python is lame, this is what is necessary to get a dictionary that is defined for
### every key, but all keys except the 'specified' ones will get the default value
### (an empty list)...
### see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9139897/how-to-set-default-value-to-all-keys-of-a-dict-object-in-python
os_desc = os_description( )
specified_closure_library_dictionary = { 'el6': ( [ '-L/usr/lib64/atlas' ],
                                                  [ 'cblas', 'f77blas', 'atlas' ] ) }
closure_library_dictionary = defaultdict(lambda: ([ ], [ ]), specified_closure_library_dictionary)
closure_ldflags, closure_libraries = closure_library_dictionary[os_desc]

boost_exclusions = [ 'Merger.cc', 'PycValueHolder.cc', 'PycBasicData.cc', 'PycRecord.cc', 'PycArray.cc', 'PycExcp.cc', 'PycArrayNP.cc', 'PycImport.cc' ]

a_priori_exclusions = ['tTableRecord.cc','tXMLToRecord.cc','tArrayIteratorSTL.cc','tStokesConverter.cc','value_variant.cc','tSymLink.cc','tImageExpr2.cc','tRefTable.cc','tPBMath1DEVLA.cc','SingleDishMS_GTest.cc','dRGBTestPattern.cc','tMSReader.cc','tChoice.cc','tCFCache.cc','tImageAnalysis.cc','tPBTable.cc','tLatticeExprNode.cc','tRecursiveVi2LayersWithCal_GT.cc','tCopy.cc','tKJones.cc','tFlagAgentDisplay.cc','tArrayIO3.cc','tTime.cc','tBeamSquint.cc','tImageDecomposer.cc','tStatWtTVI.cc','tCalSolVi2Organizer_GT.cc','tReadBigBDF.cc','tComponentType.cc','tFITSErrorImage.cc','tStatisticsUtilities.cc','tAppInfo.cc','LineFinder_GTest.cc','tMSDataDescBuffer.cc','tMFrequency.cc','tLockFile.cc','tWCBox.cc','tLatConvEquation.cc','tList.cc','dDataSelection.cc','tmeas.cc','tPrimes.cc','VisibilityIteratorImplAsync2.cc','tReadAsciiTable.cc','tImageUtilities.cc','FillMetadata.cc','tSimpleSimVi2_GT.cc','MSCheckerTest.cc','tMSScanGram.cc','tStdLogical.cc','tImageRegrid.cc','tObjectPool.cc','tCoordinateSystem.cc','tLatticePerf.cc','SingleDishMSFiller_GTest.cc','tFFTServer2.cc','tUnit.cc','tRegex2.cc','tFlagAgentTimeFreqCrop.cc','tCTIter.cc','tRegionHandler.cc','tRecordTransformable.cc','tFitGaussian.cc','tPrecision.cc','tVirtColEng.cc','tTableLock.cc','tRecordDesc.cc','tHashMapIter.cc','dVarRefMdirCol.cc','tLatticeApply2.cc','dAveragingTime.cc','tStokesImageUtil.cc','tImageExprParse_addDir.cc','tLEL.cc','tVLADiskInput.cc','tfitsskip_hdu.cc','tLatticeRegion.cc','tMSAntennaGram3.cc','tMatrixMath.cc','tVLATapeInput.cc','tfits_ascTbl2.cc','AtmosphereTest.cc','dPagedArray.cc','tFluxStandard4.cc','tFlagger.cc','tFluxStandard3.cc','tMaskArrExcp.cc','tAttribute_Gtest.cc','tMultiHDF5.cc','tError.cc','tVisCal_GT.cc','tImageFFT.cc','asdm2msfillertask_cmpt.cc','dGridPlacementMultipleRuns.cc','tSIIterBot.cc','tRegionTextParser.cc','tSynthesisUtils.cc','tMeasureHolder.cc','tImager.cc','tHanningSmooth.cc','tIDL.cc','tByteSinkSource.cc','tfits_binTbl1.cc','tAipsrcValue.cc','tDataType.cc','tImagePolarimetry.cc','makeAsdmIndex.cc','dTimeIteration.cc','tLatticeIterator.cc','tFunctionHolder.cc','tCalStats7.cc','tTiledShape.cc','tLCRegion.cc','tMArrayUtil.cc','tArrayBase.cc','tSort_1.cc','tTiledDataStMan.cc','tBucketCache.cc','tPtrHolder.cc','tLinearXform.cc','tSynthesisImager.cc','tIAU2000.cc','dAutoDiff.cc','SDMaskHandler_GTest.cc','3DWindow.cc','tFitter5689.cc','tLatticeExpr2Node.cc','tComponentList.cc','ascii2Table.cc','tUVContSubTVI.cc','tExtendSpecifier.cc','dPanelDisplay.cc','tLCMask.cc','tMSTimeGram.cc','tMutex.cc','tExprUnitNode.cc','tNutation.cc','tFluxStandard.cc','tLatticeExpr3Node.cc','QtParamGUI.cc','tfits2.cc','tTblAsRaster.cc','tArrayOpsDiffShapes.cc','casadrawer.cc','tAsdmStMan.cc','tSlice.cc','tTiledBool.cc','tLCExtension.cc','tMSSummary.cc','tStatWt2.cc','dLatticeAsVector.cc','tChannelAverageTVI.cc','tLCPolygon.cc','tImageExprGram.cc','dAveragingChannel.cc','tHyperPlane.cc','dSymbol.cc','tIPosition.cc','tTapeIO.cc','tTabularCoordinate.cc','dVSCEngine.cc','tMeasurementSet.cc','tSpectralCoordinate.cc','VisBufferImplAsync2.cc','tImageConvolver.cc','tBinTable.cc','tSpectralIndex.cc','tfits3.cc','tStack.cc','VLAT2.cc','tExtendImage.cc','tLinearFitSVD.cc','tSSMStringHandler.cc','tMaskArrMath2.cc','tMDirection.cc','tArrayLogical.cc','tFITSKeywordUtil.cc','tfits2ms.cc','dInterpolate1D.cc','tHashMapIO.cc','tGaussianND.cc','tTSMShape.cc','tFeather.cc','tRecursiveVi2Layers_GT.cc','tTableQuantum.cc','tSmooth.cc','tMMapIO.cc','dCoordinates.cc','tSakuraArrayConverter.cc','tfits_binTbl2.cc','ParamPanel.cc','dImageStatistics.cc','tHDF5DataSet.cc','CrashReportPoster.cc','tString.cc','tArrayAsRaster.cc','tPrecTimer.cc','tEarthMagneticMachine.cc','Subtable.cc','tCTTimeInterp1.cc','tTiledCellStMan.cc','dImageSummary.cc','tVisModelData.cc','tTiledStMan.cc','tCalibraterSolve_GT.cc','tTable_2.cc','tCoordinateUtil.cc','tTableIter.cc','tGaussianShape.cc','SlideEditor.cc','tBitVector.cc','tGaussianDeconvolver.cc','dTwoSidedShape.cc','tDisplayOptions.cc','tVisModelDataRefim.cc','tfits_imgExt2.cc','Subtables.cc','dImageInterface.cc','tGenSort.cc','tPBMath2D.cc','tTypes.cc','tTrVI2.cc','tMEarthMagnetic.cc','tMSDerivedValues.cc','dMeasure.cc','dDBusViewerProxy.cc','tCOWPtr.cc','type_record.cc','dImageHistograms.cc','tArrayIter.cc','parasdm2MS.cc','dRegionFile.cc','SampleReaderDemo.cc','PointingDirectionCache_Test.cc','tValueHolder.cc','dRemoveAxes.cc','tLatticeConvolver.cc','tCEMemModel.cc','tMSTransformIterator.cc','tTableInfo.cc','tAipsrc.cc','tLogTransformedPolynomialSpectralElement.cc','tStatWt.cc','tMVAngle.cc','tCanonicalConversion.cc','tHashMap.cc','tMSFieldGram.cc','tLogging.cc','tCalInterpolation.cc','MatrixMath.cc','tSkyComponentFactory.cc','tSpectralFit.cc','ImageMaskHandler_Gtest.cc','tFITSExtImage.cc','tUVSub.cc','tAnnRotBox.cc','tZScoreCalculator.cc','flagger_cmpt.cc','dQtDataManager.cc','tPoolStack.cc','ValuePanel.cc','tImageRegion.cc','dSparseDiff.cc','tQueue.cc','tImageFitter.cc','tGaussianConvert.cc','tVisVectorJonesMueller_GT.cc','tImageCollapser.cc','tVPSkyJones.cc','tImageStatistics.cc','dGLDemo.cc','tScalarRecordColumn.cc','tRecordGram.cc','tFFT2D.cc','tRegex_1.cc','tLatticeAddNoise.cc','tMArray.cc','tArrayMath.cc','tLatticeCache.cc','tLatticeIndexer.cc','VisBufferAsyncWrapper2.cc','tAWPFTM.cc','tVectorSTLIterator.cc','tScaledComplexData.cc','tEnvVar.cc','tMBaseline.cc','MirTypeAssert.cc','tOrdMap.cc','tAttribute.cc','tCoordinate.cc','dConstraints.cc','tAttValPoi.cc','tFit2D.cc','tSampledFunctional.cc','tImageFit1D.cc','dWorldMap.cc','tConversion.cc','tBitFlagsEngine.cc','tLCPixelSet.cc','tRebinImage.cc','nISMBucket.cc','tExprGroup.cc','tFFTServer.cc','tRIorAPArray.cc','tHDF5Lattice.cc','tArray.cc','tCompoundFunction.cc','tMArrayMath.cc','tHDF5Image.cc','tFunctors.cc','tAnnRectBox.cc','tMath.cc','tfits_priGrp.cc','dExportRangeRightBottom.cc','tUDFMSCal.cc','tfitsread_data.cc','tSort.cc','Colorbar.cc','tMSColumns.cc','tLatticeApply.cc','use_EditlineGuiProxy.cc','tFlagAgentClipping.cc','tStokes.cc','FluxStandard2_GTest.cc','tHDF5Iterator.cc','tRowCopier.cc','tStokesUtil.cc','tVisCalGlobals_GT.cc','tCompare.cc','tFlagAgentBase.cc','tAnnText.cc','tBucketMapped.cc','tLatticeFractile.cc','tLatticeStatistics.cc','tParam.cc','dM1950_2000.cc','tImageProxy.cc','tWCExtension.cc','tMeasMath.cc','tMSSpwGram.cc','dLSQFit.cc','Antennas.cc','tTableVector.cc','tCalStats3.cc','tRecordExpr.cc','dCEMemModel.cc','AveragingTvi2_Test.cc','tImageStatistics2.cc','tTableLockSync.cc','tImageSourceFinder.cc','tPowerLogarithmicPolynomial.cc','tMappedIO.cc','dPSWorldCanvasApp.cc','AlignMemory.cc','tLSQaips.cc','tConstants.cc','tUVWMachine.cc','tNewCalTable.cc','tSakuraAlignedArray.cc','dExportRangeRightTop.cc','dExportRangePipeline.cc','tStArrayFile.cc','tBucketBuffered.cc','tRegionManager.cc','PythonInterpreter.cc','tArrayUtilPerf.cc','tConvertArray.cc','dExportRangeInternal.cc','tRegularFile.cc','dAveraging.cc','tfitsskip_all.cc','tQuantum.cc','tVAXConversion.cc','tArrayMath2.cc','tCombinatorics.cc','tViff.cc','tRebinLattice.cc','tAntennaResponses.cc','tSkyCompRep.cc','harvestrr.cc','tRFCubeLattice.cc','tTableLockSync_2.cc','tFITSImage.cc','tTiledShapeStMan.cc','tPJones_GT.cc','tExprNodeSet.cc','tMemory.cc','tVector.cc','tViiLayerFactory_GT.cc','tTableTrace.cc','tMSMetaData.cc','tfitsskip.cc','tFitterEstimatesFileParser.cc','tHDF5Record.cc','CrashReporter.cc','tLELAttribute.cc','tKJones_GT.cc','tVelocityMachine.cc','tQVector.cc','tLCUnion.cc','tSPolynomial.cc','tLCConcatenation.cc','tMSFITSInput.cc','tMSMetaInfoForCal_GT.cc','tDlHandle.cc','tArrayUtil.cc','tAgentFlagger.cc','3DController.cc','tAnnLine.cc','tCombiFunction.cc','LineFindingUtils_GTest.cc','tImageConcat.cc','tImageTransposer.cc','tCountedPtr.cc','dLogging2.cc','dLattice.cc','tEarthField.cc','tArrayIter1.cc','tTempImage.cc','DemoDummy.cc','tSubLattice.cc','tMVPosition.cc','SofaTest.cc','tTiledEmpty.cc','tTileStepper.cc','tLCLELMask.cc','tGaussianMultipletSpectralElement.cc','FluxStandard_GTest.cc','tImageExpr3Gram.cc','tSparseDiff.cc','tCompositeNumber.cc','tTable.cc','tLCIntersection.cc','dPagedImage.cc','tSTLMath.cc','tCTGenericFill.cc','tArrayAccessor.cc','tMaskArrLogi.cc','tJsonValue.cc','dOverPlot.cc','tLatticeHistograms.cc','tFITSQualityImage.cc','tImageInputProcessor.cc','dExportRangeLeftTop.cc','tImageAnalysis2.cc','tLatticeUtilities.cc','tTblAsXY.cc','tMedianSlider.cc','tMSPolBuffer.cc','tStatAcc.cc','tCalStats0.cc','tArrayColumnCellSlices.cc','tGlinXphJones_GT.cc','tDataConversion.cc','tBinarySearch.cc','tFlagAgentElevation.cc','tAlgoPClark.cc','tFlagAgentExtension.cc','tLCPolygon2.cc','tGaussianBeam.cc','tTiledCellStM_1.cc','ProtoVR.cc','tTaQLNode.cc','tAnnVector.cc','VisBufferImpl.cc','tBoxedArrayMath.cc','LUdecomp.cc','dLogging.cc','synthesisparsync_cmpt.cc','tAnnCircle.cc','tTiledShapeStM_1.cc','tExprNodeUDF.cc','AWConvFunc2.cc','tTableExprData.cc','tByteSink.cc','tImagePrimaryBeamCorrector.cc','tImageExpr2Gram.cc','tMultiFile.cc','tJsonOut.cc','tMeasJPL.cc','MirExceptions.cc','tDiagonal.cc','tChannelAverageTransformEngine_GT.cc','tTableDesc.cc','dQtPlotter.cc','tMMueller_GT.cc','tqlayout.cc','tPolynomial.cc','tCTPatchedInterp.cc','tProfileFit1D.cc','tLCEllipsoid.cc','tHanningSmoothTVI.cc','dLegend.cc','tFitToHalfStatistics.cc','tSakuraUtils.cc','tApplicator.cc','tPointComponent.cc','tInterpolate2D.cc','tConcatTable3.cc','tQualityCoordinate.cc','tVanVleck.cc','tGridFT.cc','dOverPlot2Files.cc','tLinearCoordinate.cc','MirVisReader.cc','tCalLibraryParse.cc','tTempLattice.cc','tClarkCleanLatModel.cc','tMSFieldEphem.cc','tTableDescHyper.cc','tMaskArrIO.cc','dVirtColEng.cc','tRegex.cc','tTiledLineStepper.cc','SDPosInterpolator_GTest.cc','tTable_3.cc','tPowerLogPolynomialSpectralElement.cc','tMathNaN.cc','t2xReadASDM.cc','tImageExprParse.cc','tSlidingArrayMath.cc','tLargeFilebufIO.cc','tCTSelection.cc','tFITSImgParser.cc','tGeometry.cc','tJsonKVMap.cc','tVSCEngine.cc','tCurvedLattice2D.cc','tGaussian1D.cc','tLatticeConcat.cc','tInterpolate1D.cc','tfits_ascTbl.cc','tTypeIO.cc','tDerivedMSCal.cc','MsFactory.cc','tMeasure.cc','tComponentImager.cc','tSinusoid1D.cc','tLogSink.cc','tFITS.cc','tConvolver.cc','tForwardCol.cc','tMSSelection.cc','tArrayMathPerf.cc','tRegister.cc','dOverIterationPlot.cc','tStMan.cc','tAipsIOCarray.cc','tBucketFile.cc','tComplex.cc','AsynchronousInterface2.cc','tInput.cc','tConversionPerf.cc','tFile.cc','TestUtilsTVI.cc','tCasacRegionManager.cc','tLineFinder.cc','tfitsreader.cc','tTableGram.cc','tImageStatsCalculator.cc','casaparamgui.cc','tGaussianComponent.cc','PolAverageTVI_GTest.cc','tPagedImage2.cc','tConstantSpectrum.cc','3v.cc','tLatticeExpr3.cc','3DDisplayData.cc','tVLALogicalRecord.cc','dGridPlacementMultiplePlots.cc','tConvert.cc','tCalibraterSolveSimData_GT.cc','tIncrementalStMan2.cc','tTableRow.cc','tModcompConversion.cc','tCompareBoxedPartial.cc','IDIndex.cc','tMemoryStMan.cc','tCasaImageBeamSet.cc','accumulateFromGrid.cc','tTiledFileAccess.cc','tALMAAperture.cc','tLECanonicalConversion.cc','tMSConcat.cc','tMatrixMathLA.cc','tMathFunc.cc','tFuncExpression.cc','tWCEllipsoid.cc','tNonLinearFitLM.cc','tCLPatchPanel.cc','Viff.cc','tStandardStMan.cc','tFunctionOrder.cc','tFrequencyAligner.cc','tTableStreamReader.cc','tAttVal.cc','tDiskShape.cc','tHostInfo.cc','tAutoDiff.cc','dGaussianND.cc','tDirectionCoordinate.cc','tcal_cmpt2.cc','tMSCalEnums.cc','tAxesSpecifier.cc','tRecordGramTable.cc','tAutoflag.cc','tCasarc01.cc','dExportRangeLeftBottom.cc','tHingesFencesStatistics.cc','harvestrn.cc','tImageInfo.cc','tMemoryTrace.cc','tBlock.cc','tParAngleMachine.cc','tCasaImageOpener.cc','tTable_4.cc','tWCLELMask.cc','tSTLIO.cc','tDJones_GT.cc','tFringeJones_GT.cc','FortranizedLoopsFromGrid.cc','tImage2DConvolver.cc','tMappedArrayEngine.cc','dLatticeAsRaster.cc','tSimButterworthBandpass.cc','tMuvw.cc','tByteIO.cc','tTiledColumnStMan.cc','tPixelCurve1D.cc','DataLoadingBuf.cc','tForwardColRow.cc','tMSUvDistGram.cc','tMSIter.cc','tLatticeTwoPtCorr.cc','tRegionTextList.cc','tCalStats6.cc','tReadAsciiTable2.cc','tCalStats1.cc','tPhaseShiftingTVI.cc','tPBMath.cc','tConvolutionEquation.cc','tLatticeStatsDataProvider.cc','tLattStatsSpecialize.cc','tInterpolateArray1D.cc','tLimbDarkenedDiskShape.cc','dMultiplePlotTypes.cc','dRetypedArrayEngine.cc','tTableCopy.cc','tConcatTable2.cc','dArrayAccessor.cc','dRGBWCRaster.cc','tFlagDataHandler.cc','tExtendLattice.cc','dProfile2dDD.cc','tDynBuffer.cc','tFJones.cc','tVectorKernel.cc','tSubImage.cc','tProfileFitterEstimatesFileParser.cc','tLatticeFit.cc','tColumnsIndexArray.cc','tClassicalStatistics.cc','tArrayAndDrawing.cc','tTiledDataStM_1.cc','tHistAcc.cc','tAnnAnnulus.cc','MakeMS.cc','tMSAntennaGram2.cc','tSolveDataBuffer_GT.cc','dTimeColorization.cc','tSimOrdMap.cc','tArrayIO2.cc','dPointShape.cc','tFITSExtImageII.cc','tBlockTrace.cc','tVisibilityIterator.cc','tCalibrater.cc','tVisibilityIteratorAsync.cc','tFITSSpectralUtil.cc','tStringDistance.cc','tfits5.cc','tLabelandFindRegions.cc','dMUString.cc','importmiriad.cc','dSpectralModel.cc','dExportRange.cc','tTable_1.cc','tArrayColumnSlices.cc','tLELSpectralIndex.cc','tTimer.cc','tCalStats5.cc','tStatisticsAlgorithmFactory.cc','tShadow.cc','tObjectStack.cc','tExprGroupArray.cc','tPath.cc','tSlicer.cc','tLCComplement.cc','tLCDifference.cc','tClarkCleanModel.cc','tStMan1.cc','tConcatRows.cc','tMSFitsSelection.cc','tMeasIERS.cc','tLUdecomp.cc','dImagingWeightViaGridFT.cc','tTableCopyPerf.cc','tOrdMap2.cc','tMSKeys.cc','tLELMedian.cc','tFileIO.cc','tIncrementalStMan.cc','tArrayIO.cc','ImageMaskHandlerTest.cc','tMSCorrGram.cc','tFilebufIO.cc','tStringArray.cc','paramgui_python.cc','tCompressComplex.cc','tConcatTable.cc','tMSMainBuffer.cc','tFlagAgentSummary.cc','FortranizedLoopsToGrid.cc','tPointShape.cc','tObjectID.cc','dTimeColorizationAveraging.cc','tAipsIO.cc','tPerfTransform.cc','CalTableFromAIPS.cc','tFlagAgentQuack.cc','tCalStats4.cc','dPSLatticeAsRaster.cc','dFunction.cc','dCOWptr.cc','tSepImageConvolver.cc','tMSFITSOutput.cc','tGaussian3D.cc','tMaskedArray.cc','tImageExpr.cc','dVLAArchiveInput.cc','tRNG.cc','tMSFieldBuffer.cc','tReadSeqBDFs.cc','tEVLAAperture.cc','tLatticeFFT.cc','SDAlgorithmTest.cc','tArrayPosIter.cc','tDirectoryIterator.cc','tFITSDateUtil.cc','tVirtualTaQLColumn.cc','tReadAllBDFs.cc','interrupt_python.cc','tDirectory.cc','tcal_cmpt.cc','tCalIntpMatch.cc','tTblAsContour.cc','tSumPerformance.cc','tImageMetaData.cc','VisibilityIterator_Test.cc','tTableAccess.cc','tTableKeywords.cc','SDDoubleCircleGainCalImpl_GTest.cc','tStokesCoordinate.cc','tMVTime.cc','tFunctionWrapper.cc','tFallible.cc','FluxStandardTest.cc','tVisIter.cc','tFlagAgentManual.cc','EphemObjFluxStandard_GTest.cc','dSkyCompBase.cc','tVisVectorJonesMueller.cc','tImageAttrHandler.cc','tFITSHistoryUtil.cc','dImageMoments.cc','MirFiller.cc','tIBMConversion.cc','tTabularSpectrum.cc','tSSMAddRemove.cc','tCompressFloat.cc','tPagedArray.cc','dDBus.cc','tPagedImage.cc','version2.cc','tfits1.cc','tObsInfo.cc','dExportPlot.cc','tMeasComet.cc','dGridPlacement.cc','tHDF5File.cc','VisibilityProcessing_Test.cc','dTimeAveragingIteration.cc','bimafiller.cc','tPixonProcessor.cc','tStatisticsTypes.cc','tMemoryTable.cc','tVLABuffer.cc','tFlagAgentShadow.cc','tMSFeedGram.cc','tIncCEMemModel.cc','tMSAntennaGram.cc','tAnnEllipse.cc','value_record.cc','tChebyshev.cc','tScaledArrayEngine.cc','tCalStats2.cc','tLCStretch.cc','tMaskArrMath1.cc','tfits4.cc','tAnnCenterBox.cc','tMIRIADImage.cc','tLoggerHolder.cc','tColumnsIndex.cc','tProjection.cc','tDisplayEvent.cc','dOverLeftRightPlot.cc','tCCList.cc','tMaskArrMath0.cc','tAnnSymbol.cc','tImageProfileFitter.cc','tWCUnion.cc','tFlagAgentRFlag.cc','SingleDishSkyCal_GTest.cc','tMSBin.cc','tPoisson.cc','tFTMachine.cc','tMFFileIO.cc','tSpectralFitter.cc','tConstantND.cc','tLinearSearch.cc','dMultichannelRaster.cc','tLinAlgebra.cc','t_priArr_imgExt.cc','tQuality.cc','tRefRows.cc','tFluxStandard2.cc','tRFASelector.cc','tLatticeExpr2.cc','MSChecker_Gtest.cc','tSubImageFactory.cc','dDBusSession.cc','tMsPlot.cc','tSynthesisImagerVi2.cc','tGaussian2D.cc','tExprNode.cc','tLatticeStepper.cc','conversions.cc','tImageMoments.cc','tHDF5.cc','tRegriddingTVI.cc','tFlagIndex.cc','VisibilityIterator_Gtest.cc','tChauvenetCriterionStatistics.cc','tPixelValueManipulator.cc','tLSQFit.cc','type_variant.cc','tReadParBDFs.cc','dNBody.cc','tImageEmpty.cc','tLCPagedMask.cc','tArrayMathTransform.cc','tLatticeLocker.cc','tLatticeSlice1D.cc','tLargeFileIO.cc','tRecord.cc','tTableMeasures.cc','tLatticeExpr.cc','tQuantumHolder.cc','tDisplayTool.cc','tNewCalTableIterNick.cc','tImageBeamSet.cc','DOmirfiller.cc','tDefaultValue.cc','tCalStatsTab.cc','tLorentzianSpectralElement.cc','CTSelection.cc','tLCSlicer.cc','tLatticeMathUtil.cc','tAnnPolygon.cc','tMedianSmooth.cc','tArrayLattice.cc','dProgressMeter.cc','PGPlotterLocal.cc',
'Adios2StManColumn.cc', 'tAdios2StMan.cc', 'Adios2StMan.cc',
'HashMap2.cc', 'List2.cc', 'Map2.cc', 'StackError.cc', 'Stack2.cc',

a_priori_directory_exclusions = [ ]

def flatmap(f, items):
    return chain.from_iterable(map(f, items))

def isexe(f):
    return os.path.isfile(f) and os.access(f, os.X_OK)

def clean_args(l):
    return [a for a in l if len(a) > 0]

def mkpath(path):
    except OSError as exc:
        if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):

## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14320220/testing-python-c-libraries-get-build-path
def distutils_dir_name(dname):
    """Returns the name of a distutils build directory"""
    f = "{dirname}.{platform}-{version[0]}.{version[1]}"
    return f.format(dirname=dname,platform=sysconfig.get_platform(),version=sys.version_info)

def distutils_shared_library_name(base):
    shared_ext = "dylib" if sys.platform == 'darwin' else "so"
    f = "lib{name}.{abi}.{ext}"
    return f.format(name=base, abi=sysconfig.get_config_var('SOABI'), ext=shared_ext)

def distutils_loadable_object(base):
    f = "_{name}{so}"
    return f.format(name=base,so=sysconfig.get_config_var('SO'))

def sakura_files( ):
    return [ 'sakura-source/src/baseline.cc', 'sakura-source/src/bit_operation.cc',
             'sakura-source/src/bool_filter_collection.cc', 'sakura-source/src/concurrent.cc',
             'sakura-source/src/convolution.cc', 'sakura-source/src/fft.cc',
             'sakura-source/src/gen_util.cc', 'sakura-source/src/gridding.cc',
             'sakura-source/src/interpolation.cc', 'sakura-source/src/mask_edge.cc',
             'sakura-source/src/normalization.cc', 'sakura-source/src/numeric_operation.cc',
             'sakura-source/src/statistics.cc' ]

def source_files(
    path,root_filter=[ ],path_filter=[ ],
    subdir_filter=['tests','test','apps','demo'], file_filter=[ ],
    file_suffix_filter="", do_apriori_exclusions=True
    find all of the source files to compile beneath path
    result = [ ]
    my_apriori_exclusions = a_priori_exclusions if do_apriori_exclusions else []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        if root in root_filter or any(map(lambda x: root.endswith(x),a_priori_directory_exclusions)):
        subdir = os.path.basename(root)
        if subdir in subdir_filter or any(map(lambda x: (os.sep + x + os.sep) in root,subdir_filter)):
        path = root.split(os.sep)
        for file in files:
            if any(map(lambda x: x in root+os.sep+file, path_filter)):
            if file.endswith(file_suffix_filter) and not any(map(lambda s: (root + os.sep + file).endswith(s),file_filter)) and not file in my_apriori_exclusions and not file in boost_exclusions:
                result.append(root + os.sep + file)
    return result

### see Roberto's comment in:
### https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3595363/properties-file-in-python-similar-to-java-properties
def load_properties(filepath, sep='=', comment_char='#'):
    Read the file passed as parameter as a properties file.
    props = {}
    with open(filepath, "rt") as f:
        for line in f:
            l = line.strip()
            if l and not l.startswith(comment_char):
                key_value = l.split(sep)
                key = key_value[0].strip()
                value = sep.join(key_value[1:]).strip().strip('"')
                props[key] = value.split(' ') if key.startswith('build.flags') else value

    global real_gnu
    global gxx_version_number
    real_gnu = False
    proc = Popen([ props['build.compiler.cxx'], "-v" ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    out,err = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
    gcc_versions = [s for s in (out + err).split('\n') if s.startswith("gcc version ")]
    if len(gcc_versions) > 0 :
        ### get gcc version number because turning warnings into errors
        ### causes problems for grpc with gcc 8...
        match_ver = re.compile('\d+\.\d+\.\d+')
        for v in gcc_versions:
            nums = match_ver.findall(v)
            if len(nums) > 0:
                elements = nums[1].split('.')
                if len(elements) == 3:
                    gxx_version_number = int(elements[0])

        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
            print('using real GNU compiler on OSX...')
        real_gnu = True

    return props

def so_version( ):
    z=delta & 0xff
    return "%d.%d.%d" % (x,y,z)

def install_xml_casa( ):
    script = os.path.join('scripts','xml-casa')
    jar = os.path.join('scripts','java',xml_jar_file)
    bindir = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__', "bin")
    javadir = os.path.join(bindir,'java')

def get_grpc_srcdir():
    return os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('binding'),'grpc')

def generate_grpc(protos):
    protoc = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__', "bin", "protoc")
    grpc_plugin = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__', "bin", "grpc_cpp_plugin")
    proto_export_dir = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__', "proto")
    assert os.path.exists(grpc_plugin), 'gRPC plugin not found'
    #outdir=os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('binding'),'grpc')
    for p in protos:
        assert os.path.isfile(p), "could not find gRPC proto '%s'" % p
        print('generating protocol for %s...' % os.path.basename(p))
        genprotocol = [protoc, '-I%s' % os.path.dirname(p), '--cpp_out=%s' % outdir, p]
        genrpc = [protoc, '-I%s' % os.path.dirname(p), '--grpc_out=%s' % outdir, '--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=%s' % grpc_plugin, p]
        print("\t%s" % " ".join(genprotocol))
        run_process( genprotocol, err='could not generate protobuf bindings for %s' % p )
        print("\t%s" % " ".join(genrpc))
        run_process( genrpc, err='could not generate protobuf bindings for %s' % p )
        todir = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__', "include")
        name, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))
        if os.path.isfile("%s/%s.pb.h" % (todir,name)):
            os.remove("%s/%s.pb.h" % (todir,name))
        move( "%s.pb.h" % os.path.join(outdir,name), todir )
        if os.path.isfile("%s/%s.grpc.pb.h" % (todir,name)):
            os.remove("%s/%s.grpc.pb.h" % (todir,name))
        move( "%s.grpc.pb.h" % os.path.join(outdir,name), todir )
    return outdir

def generate_pyinit(moduledir,tools):
    """Generate __init__.py for the module
    outfile = os.path.join(moduledir,'__init__.py')
    with open(outfile, "w") as fd:
        fd.write("""########################## generated by setup.py ##########################\n""")
        fd.write("from __future__ import absolute_import\n")
        fd.write("__name__ = '%s'\n" % module_name)
        fd.write("__all__ = [ \"ctsys\", \"version\", \"version_string\"\n")
        for tool in tools:
            if tool != "utils":
                fd.write("            '%s',\n" % tool)
        fd.write("          ]\n")
        for tool in tools:
            if tool != "utils":
                fd.write("from .%s import %s\n" % (tool,tool))

               from casatools import ctuser as __user
               from .utils import utils as __utils
               import os as __os
               import sys as __sys

               def __find_data_path( ):

                   def find_mount_point(path):
                       path = __os.path.abspath(path)
                       while not __os.path.ismount(path):
                           path = __os.path.dirname(path)
                       return path

                   #potential_data_paths = ['/opt/casa/data', '/home/casa/data/master', '/home/casa/data', '/export/data_1/casa/data']
                   potential_data_paths = [ ]
                   casadata = [ d for d in (__os.environ['CASADATA'].split(':') if 'CASADATA' in __os.environ else [ ]) if __os.path.isdir(d) ]
                   potential = [ d for d in potential_data_paths if __os.path.isdir(d) ]
                   potential_local = [ d for d in potential if find_mount_point(d) == '/' ]
                   potential_remote = [ d for d in potential if find_mount_point(d) != '/' ]
                   used = set( )
                   return [ x for x in casadata + potential_local + potential_remote if x not in used and (used.add(x) or True)]

               def __find_user_data_path( ):
                   def is_iter_container(v):
                           _iter = iter(v)
                           return not isinstance(v,str)
                       except TypeError:
                           return False

                   if hasattr(__user,'datapath') and is_iter_container(__user.datapath):
                       return list(filter(__os.path.isdir, list(map(__os.path.expanduser,__user.datapath))))
                       return [ ]

               sakura( ).initialize_sakura( )    ## sakura requires explicit initialization

               ctsys = __utils( )
               _distro_dpath = None
               _dpath = [ ]

               _user_data = None
               if hasattr(__user,'rundata'):
                    if not __os.path.isdir(__os.path.expanduser(__user.rundata)):
                        if __sys.argv[0] != '-m':
                            print("ignoring rundata setting (%s) because it is not a directory" % __user.rundata,file=__sys.stderr)
                        _user_data = __os.path.expanduser(__user.rundata)

               if _user_data is None:
                       import casashell as __cs
                       _user_data = __os.path.expanduser(__os.path.join(__cs._rcdir,'data'))
                   except Exception as e:
                       _user_data = __os.path.expanduser("~/.casa/data")

               if __os.path.isdir(_user_data):
                   _dpath = _dpath + [ _user_data ]
                   _iers = __os.path.join(_user_data,'geodetic','IERSeop2000')
                   if __os.path.isdir(_iers):
                       _distro_dpath = _user_data

               if _distro_dpath is None:
                       import casadata
                       _distro_dpath = casadata.datapath
                       _dpath = _dpath + [ _distro_dpath ]
                   except: pass

               ctsys.initialize( __sys.executable, "" if _distro_dpath is None else _distro_dpath,
                                 __find_user_data_path( ) + _dpath )

               if __sys.argv[0] != '-m':
                   __resolved_iers = ctsys.resolve('geodetic/IERSeop2000')
                   if __resolved_iers == 'geodetic/IERSeop2000':
                       raise ImportError('measures data is not available, visit http://go.nrao.edu/casadata-info for more information')
                   if len(ctsys.rundata( )) == 0:
               from .coercetype import coerce as __coerce

               __coerce.set_ctsys(ctsys)         ## used to locate files from a partial path

               def version( ): return list(ctsys.toolversion( ))
               def version_string( ): return ctsys.toolversion_string( )

               import atexit as __atexit
               __atexit.register(ctsys.shutdown) ## c++ shutdown

def generate_config(moduledir,propdict):
    """Generate config.py
    outfile = os.path.join(moduledir,"config.py")
    with open(outfile, "w") as fd:
########################## generated by setup.py ##########################
### see Roberto's comment in:
### https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3595363/properties-file-in-python-similar-to-java-properties
import os as __os

def __load_properties(filepath, sep='=', comment_char='#'):
    props = {}
    with open(filepath, "rt") as f:
        for line in f:
            l = line.strip()
            if l and not l.startswith(comment_char):
                key_value = l.split(sep)
                key = key_value[0].strip()
                value = sep.join(key_value[1:]).strip().strip('"')
                props[key] = value.split(' ') if key.startswith('build.flags') else value
    return props

build = __load_properties(__os.path.join(__os.path.dirname(__file__),'build.properties'))
build['build.compiler.xml-casa'] = __os.path.join(__os.path.dirname(__os.path.abspath(__file__)),'__casac__','bin','xml-casa')

build['build.flags.compile.grpc'] = [ '-I' + __os.path.join(__os.path.dirname(__os.path.abspath(__file__)),'__casac__','include') ]
build['build.flags.link.grpc'] = [ '-L' + __os.path.join(__os.path.dirname(__os.path.abspath(__file__)),'__casac__','lib'), '-lgrpc++', '-lgrpc', '-lgpr', '-lprotobuf' ]
build['build.compiler.protoc'] = __os.path.join(__os.path.dirname(__os.path.abspath(__file__)),'__casac__','bin','protocpp')
build['build.compiler.protocpp'] = __os.path.join(__os.path.dirname(__os.path.abspath(__file__)),'__casac__','bin','protocpp')
build['build.compiler.protopy'] = __os.path.join(__os.path.dirname(__os.path.abspath(__file__)),'__casac__','bin','protopy')


def generate_lex(sources,output_dir='libcasatools/generated/include'):
    """Generate lex compilation files...
    for file in sources:
        name = os.path.basename(file)
        base = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
        if Proc([props['build.compiler.flex'], "-P%s" % base, "-o", "%s%s%s.lcc" % (output_dir,os.sep,base), file]) != 0:
            sys.exit('lex generation of %s%s%s.lcc failed' % (output_dir,os.sep,base))

def generate_yacc(sources,output_dir='libcasatools/generated/include'):
    """Generate yacc compilation files...
    for file in sources:
        name = os.path.basename(file)
        base = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
        if Proc([props['build.compiler.bison'], "-y", "-p", base, "-o", "%s%s%s.ycc" % (output_dir,os.sep,base), file]) != 0:
            sys.exit('lex generation of %s%s%s.ycc failed' % (output_dir,os.sep,base))

def generate_binding(sources,swig_dir='binding/generated/tools', header_dir='binding/generated/tools',source_dir='binding/generated/tools', tool_dir=''):
    """Generate swig binding code from CASA XML files...
    xml_casa = props['build.compiler.xml_casa']
    assert os.path.isfile(xml_casa) and os.access(xml_casa,os.X_OK), "casa xml generation script not found..."
    proc = Popen([xml_casa, '-all', '-output-tool-subdir','output-i=%s' % swig_dir, 'output-h=%s' % header_dir, 'output-c=%s' % source_dir, 'output-tool=%s' % tool_dir ] + sources, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    out,err = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
    if proc.returncode != 0:
        sys.exit('casa xml generation failed')
    lines = out.split('\n')
    needed = [ tool.strip( ) for line in lines  for tool in line[5:].split(',') if line.startswith('<inc>') ]
    tool_lines = [ line[5:].strip( ) for line in lines if line.startswith('<tgt>') and ':' in line[5:] ]
    lib_lines = [ line[5:].strip( ) for line in lines if line.startswith('<tgt>') and '<' in line[5:] ]

    libs = { }
    for l in lib_lines:
        x = [i.strip( ) for i in l.split('<')]
        if len(x) != 2:
            sys.exit( "error in library target: %s" % l )
        libs[x[0]] = [ t.strip( ) for t in x[1].split( ) ]

    tools = { }
    for l in tool_lines:
        x = [i.strip( ) for i in l.split(':')]
        if len(x) != 2:
            sys.exit( "error in tool target: %s" % l )
        tools[x[0]] = [ t.strip( ) for t in x[1].split( ) ]

    ##  needed  -  tools that are used (returned, accepted as parameters, etc.) by other tools
    ##  libs    -  libraries to be created for building the tools (i.e. shared tool object modules)
    ##  tools   -  all tools along with what they need to be built against
    return (needed,libs,tools)

def run_process( cmd, err, dir=".", stdin=None, env=None ):
    print("\t]=> %s (cwd: %s)" % (cmd,os.path.abspath(dir)))
    sys.stdout.flush( )
    proc = Popen( cmd, cwd=dir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=None if env is None else dict(os.environ,**env) ) if stdin is None else Popen( cmd, cwd=dir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=stdin, env=None if env is None else dict(os.environ, **env) )
    out,err = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
    exit_code = proc.wait( )
    if proc.returncode != 0:
        sys.stdout.flush( )
    return proc.returncode

def write_wrapper( dir, ccache, compiler ):
#open(LOG,">> /tmp/wrapper-log-file.txt");
#print LOG '%s', ' ', join(' ',@ARGV), "\\n";
exec { '%s' } '%s', '%s', @ARGV;
    ### when the user uses /usr/lib64/ccache/gcc et al. writing any
    ### wrappers results in an infinite loop...
    if len(ccache) > 0:
        with open(join(dir,os.path.basename(compiler)), "w") as f:
            f.write(ccache_wrapper % (compiler,ccache,ccache,compiler))

    os.chmod(join(dir,os.path.basename(compiler)), 0o0755)

## gRPC depends on a few other packages, some of which use libtool and automake. The problem
## with automake and libtool is that they were designed as if there is only one way to build
## and link libraries and applications. They permit not configuration, they ignore compiler
## specifications. It is just a inflexible and brittle system. To ensure that ccache is used
## by these extra packages, we create a wrapper library and add it to the beginning of our
## PATH. (BTW, gRPC's makefile is very nice)
def create_ccache_bin( ):
    """gRPC and protobuf don't seem to honor CC and CXX
    for c in [props['build.compiler.cc'], props['build.compiler.cxx']]:
        if not os.path.exists(join(broken_autoconf_compiler_dir,os.path.basename(c))):
            write_wrapper( broken_autoconf_compiler_dir, props['build.compiler.ccache'], c )

def gen_proto_binary( prefix, grpc_desc, wrapper_desc ):
    starting_dir=os.getcwd( )
    bindir = join(prefix, "bin")
    grpc_plugin = join(bindir, "grpc_%s_plugin" % grpc_desc)
    assert os.path.exists(grpc_plugin), 'grpc %s plugin not found' % grpc_desc
    plugindir_name = "grpc_%s" % wrapper_desc
    grpc_plugin_dir = join(bindir,plugindir_name)
    if os.path.exists("protoc-gen-grpc"):
    os.symlink("../grpc_%s_plugin" % grpc_desc,"protoc-gen-grpc")
    with open( "proto%s" % wrapper_desc, "w" ) as fd:
        fd.write("""########################## generated by setup.py ##########################\n""")
        fd.write("""use File::Basename;\n""")
        fd.write("""use Cwd 'abs_path';\n""")
        fd.write("""use Cwd 'getcwd';\n\n""")
        fd.write("""$plugindir = abs_path(dirname(abs_path($0)) . "/%s");\n""" % plugindir_name)
        fd.write("""$bindir    = abs_path(dirname(abs_path($0)));\n""")
        fd.write("""$ENV{PATH} = "$plugindir:$ENV{PATH}";\n""")
        fd.write("""exec("$bindir/protoc", @ARGV);\n""")
        os.chmod("proto%s" % wrapper_desc,0o755)

def build_grpc( prefix, srcdir, collectdir ):
    """Build grpc (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/):
           (1) do a straight build of grpc to get the C/C++ libraries and protoc compiler
           (2) rebuild protobuf to install and then cherry pick the include files
    extra_env = { 'PATH': "%s:%s:%s" % ( broken_autoconf_compiler_dir, os.path.join(collectdir,'bin'), os.environ['PATH']),
                  'CC': os.path.basename(props['build.compiler.cc']), 'CXX': os.path.basename(props['build.compiler.cxx']),
                  'DOLLAR': '$$',
                  'ORIGIN': '$ORIGIN',
                  'LDFLAGS': '-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '-Wl,-rpath,${DOLLAR}ORIGIN:${DOLLAR}ORIGIN/lib' }

    if os.path.isdir("grpc-source"):

        if not os.path.isdir(srcdir):
            print("copying the grpc source directory...")
            run_process( ["rsync","-aq","grpc-source/",srcdir], err='could not copy the grpc source tree' )
            #### need to set @rpath/ prefix for install name...
            makefile = "%s/Makefile" % srcdir
            if os.path.isfile(makefile):
                with open(makefile) as fd:
                    s = fd.read()
                s = s.replace('-install_name ', '-install_name $(RPATH_DIR)')
                if sys.platform == 'darwin' and real_gnu:
                    s = s.replace('CXXFLAGS += -stdlib=libc++','')
                    ### it could be that replacing DEFAULT_CXX should be done in all cases
                    s = s.replace('$(DEFAULT_CXX)',props['build.compiler.cxx'])
                if sys.platform =='darwin':
                    proc = Popen( [ "/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version | grep Xcode" ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True )
                    out,err = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
                    print("Xcode version: " + out)
                    xcodeversion = out.split(" ")[1].strip()
                    xcode_parts = xcodeversion.split(".")
                    xcodeversionmajor = xcode_parts[0];
                    xcodeversionminor = xcode_parts[1]
                    if int(xcodeversionmajor) >= 10:
                        print("Xcode version is 10 or greater. Won't treat grpc build warnings as errors ")
                        s = s.replace('CPPFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror','CPPFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wextra')

                if gxx_version_number >= 8:
                    print("g++ version is 8 or greater. Won't treat grpc build warnings as errors ")
                    s = s.replace('CPPFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror','CPPFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wextra')

                with open(makefile, "w") as fd:

        create_ccache_bin( )
        if os.path.isdir(prefix):
            if not os.path.exists("grpc-source/third_party/protobuf/LICENSE"):
                print("checking out google protobuf...")
                run_process( ["git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "grpc-source"], err='git protobuf checkout failed' )

            srcdir_arg = os.path.realpath(srcdir)
            prefix_arg = os.path.realpath(prefix)
            collectdir_arg = os.path.realpath(collectdir)

            print("building google grpc...")
            run_process( [ "make", "RPATH_DIR=@rpath/", "prefix=%s" % prefix_arg, "HAS_SYSTEM_PROTOBUF=false",
                           "PROTOBUF_CONFIG_OPTS=--prefix=%s" % collectdir_arg, "VERBOSE=1", "install"],
                         err='build of grpc failed', dir=srcdir_arg, env=extra_env )

            print("installing google protobuf...")
            run_process( ["make", "install"], err='building google protobuf failed', dir="%s/third_party/protobuf" % srcdir_arg, env=extra_env )

            print("copying the protobuf includes...")
            run_process( ["rsync","-aq","%s/include/" % collectdir_arg,"%s/include" % prefix], err='could not copy the protobuf include tree' )

            print("copying the protobuf libs...")
            run_process( ["rsync","-aq","%s/lib/" % collectdir_arg,"%s/lib" % prefix], err='could not copy the protobuf lib tree' )

            print("copying the protobuf compiler...")
            run_process( ["rsync","-aq","%s/bin/" % collectdir_arg,"%s/bin" % prefix], err='could not copy the protobuf bin tree' )

            ## grpc "make install" seems to generate a symlink from '...so.5' instead of '...so.1'
            libdir = join(prefix,"lib")
            if os.path.exists(join(libdir,"libgrpc++.so.1.8.7")) and os.path.exists(join(libdir,"libgrpc++.so.5")):
            ## on linux grpc's "make install" seems to create a 'libgrpc++.so.5' symlink to 'libgrpc++.so.1.8.5'
            ## instead of a 'libgrpc++.so.1' symlink
            if os.path.exists(join(libdir,"libgrpc++_unsecure.so.1.8.7")) and os.path.exists(join(libdir,"libgrpc++_unsecure.so.5")):
            ### grpc uses "plugins" to generate the different flavors of bindings (e.g. c++)...
            ### this "plugin" must be found in $PATH as a different name and executable...
            ### it can be explicitly specified on the command line, but we create the name
            ### in a subdirectory and generate a script that adds the subdirectory to $PATH
            ### before execing the actual proto compiler. This allows our C++ plugin to
            ### act as a default which can be overridden by the user on the command line.
            gen_proto_binary(prefix, "cpp", "cpp")
            gen_proto_binary(prefix, "python", "py")

            ## remove 'libtool' droppings
            for root,subdirs,files in os.walk(prefix):
                for f in files:
                    p = join(root,f)
                    if not islink(p) and p.endswith(".la"):

def build_protobuf( prefix, srcdir, collectdir ):
    """Build grpc (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/):
           (1) do a straight build of grpc to get the C/C++ libraries and protoc compiler
           (2) rebuild protobuf to install and then cherry pick the include files
    if os.path.isdir("grpc-source"):

        if not os.path.isdir(srcdir):
            print("copying the source directory...")
            run_process( ["rsync","-aq","grpc-source/third_party/protobuf/",srcdir], err='could not copy the protobuf source tree' )
            ## here we would really like to patch protobuf's Makefile.am to create libraries as we would like right off the
            ## bat (e.g. "-install_name @rpath/libprotobuf.14.dylib"), but 'libtool' is a britte cludge

        create_ccache_bin( )
        if os.path.isdir(prefix):

            srcdir_arg = os.path.realpath(srcdir)
            prefix_arg = os.path.realpath(prefix)
            collectdir_arg = os.path.realpath(collectdir)

            extra_env = { 'PATH': "%s:%s:%s" % (broken_autoconf_compiler_dir, os.path.join(collectdir,'bin'), os.environ['PATH']),
                          'CC': os.path.basename(props['build.compiler.cc']), 'CXX': os.path.basename(props['build.compiler.cxx']) }
            print("autogen for google protobuf...")
            run_process( ["autoreconf","-f", "-i", "-Wall,no-obsolete"], err='autogen of protobuf failed', dir=srcdir_arg, env=extra_env )
            print("configuring google protobuf...")
            run_process( ["./configure", "--prefix=%s" % prefix_arg], err='build of grpc failed', dir=srcdir_arg, env=extra_env )

            print("compiling google protobuf...")
            run_process( ["make"], err='building google protobuf failed', dir=srcdir_arg, env=extra_env )

            found=[ ]
            for f in listdir(searchdir):
                if f.startswith("libprotobuf") and islib(f):
                    file = join(searchdir,f)

            if len(found) < 4:
                sys.exit("build of dynamic protobuf libraries failed")

            tgtdir = "%s/lib" % prefix_arg
            for f in found:
                fname = os.path.basename(f)
                if islink(f):
                    if not os.path.exists(join(tgtdir,fname)):
                        linkto = os.readlink(f)
                elif isfile(f):
                    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
                        run_process( ["install_name_tool", "-id", "@rpath/%s" % fname, join(tgtdir,fname) ], err='could not update install_name for %s' % fname )

def tool_files(tool):
    src = ['binding/tools/%s/%s' % (tool,f) for f in listdir('binding/tools/%s' % tool) if f.endswith(".cc")]
    src += ['binding/generated/tools/%s/%s' % (tool,f) for f in listdir('binding/generated/tools/%s' % tool) if f.endswith(".cc")]
    src += ['binding/generated/tools/%s/%s' % (tool,f) for f in listdir('binding/generated/tools/%s' % tool) if f.endswith(".i")]

    inc = [ ]
    incs = ['binding/generated/tools/%s/%s' % (tool,f) for f in listdir('binding/generated/tools/%s' % tool) if f.endswith(".h")]
    if len(incs) > 0:
        inc.append('binding/generated/tools/%s' % tool)

    incs = ['binding/tools/%s/%s' % (tool,f) for f in listdir('binding/tools/%s' % tool) if f.endswith(".h")]
    if len(incs) > 0:
        inc.append('binding/tools/%s' % tool)
    return (inc,src)

platform_cflags = { 'darwin': [ ],
                    'linux2': [ '-fcx-fortran-rules' ],
                    'linux': [ '-fcx-fortran-rules' ],
#####  these cause a segmentation violation in test_setjy
#                    'linux2': [ '-fopenmp', '-fcx-fortran-rules' ],
#                    'linux': [ '-fopenmp', '-fcx-fortran-rules' ],

props = load_properties('build.properties')

# Flags for MPI compilation. Used only in code/ for now.
casa_have_mpi = '@CASA_HAVE_MPI@'
if casa_have_mpi:
    mpi_cxx_flags = ['-DHAVE_MPI']
    mpi_cxx_flags = []

module_cflags = { 'casacore/': ['-DCFITSIO_VERSION_MAJOR=3', '-DCFITSIO_VERSION_MINOR=370', \
                                 '-DHAVE_FFTW3', '-DHAVE_FFTW3_THREADS', '-DHAVE_READLINE', \
                                 '-DUSE_THREADS', '-DUseCasacoreNamespace', '-DWCSLIB_VERSION_MAJOR=5', \
                                 '-DWCSLIB_VERSION_MINOR=15', '-fsigned-char', '-DWITHOUT_BOOST',
                                 '-DCASATOOLS', '-Dcasacore=casa6core', '-fPIC' ] + platform_cflags[sys.platform],
                       '/code/':     ['-DAIPS_64B', '-DAIPS_AUTO_STL', '-DAIPS_DEBUG', \
                                      '-DAIPS_HAS_QWT', '-DAIPS_LINUX', '-DAIPS_LITTLE_ENDIAN', \
                                      '-DAIPS_STDLIB', '-DCASACORE_NEEDS_RETHROW', '-DCASA_USECASAPATH', \
                                      '-DQWT6', '-DUseCasacoreNamespace', \
                                      '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE', '-DNO_CRASH_REPORTER', \
                                      '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', '-DWITHOUT_ACS', '-DWITHOUT_BOOST', \
                                      '-DUSE_THREADS', '-DCASATOOLS', '-Dcasacore=casa6core', '-fPIC' ] \
                                      + mpi_cxx_flags + platform_cflags[sys.platform],
                       'binding/':     ['-DAIPS_64B', '-DAIPS_AUTO_STL', '-DAIPS_DEBUG', '-DAIPS_HAS_QWT', \
                                        '-DAIPS_LINUX', '-DAIPS_LITTLE_ENDIAN', '-DAIPS_STDLIB', \
                                        '-DCASACORE_NEEDS_RETHROW', '-DCASA_USECASAPATH', '-DQWT6', \
                                        '-DUseCasacoreNamespace', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE', \
                                        '-DNO_CRASH_REPORTER', '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', '-DWITHOUT_ACS', '-DWITHOUT_BOOST', \
                                        '-DUSE_THREADS', '-DCASATOOLS', '-Dcasacore=casa6core', '-fPIC' ] \
                                        + platform_cflags[sys.platform] }

def get_ccache():
    return [ props['build.compiler.ccache'] ] if 'build.compiler.ccache' in props and len(props['build.compiler.ccache']) > 0 else [ ]

def get_cflags():
    cflags = map(
        lambda pair: pair[1],
        filter(lambda pair: pair[0].startswith('build.flags.compile') and "boost" not in pair[0],props.items())
    cflags = [item for sublist in cflags for item in sublist]         ### python has not yet hit upon a flatten function...
    if 'build.python.numpy_dir' in props and len(props['build.python.numpy_dir']) > 0:
        cflags.insert(0,'-I' + props['build.python.numpy_dir'])       ### OS could have different version of python in
                                                                      ###     /usr/include (e.g. rhel6)
    return cflags

def debug_build():
    return _debug_build_

def relwithdebinfo_build():
    return _rel_with_deb_info_

def get_optimization_flags():
    if debug_build( ):
        return ['-g']
    elif relwithdebinfo_build():
        return ['-g', '-O2']
        return ['-O2']

def get_new_cxx_compiler_flags():
    return get_optimization_flags() + ['-std=c++11']

def get_new_cxx_compiler_includes():
    return [
        '-Ibuild/%s/include' % distutils_dir_name('grpc-install'),
        '-Ibinding/include', '-Ibinding/generated/include', '-Ilibcasatools/generated/include',
        '-Icasa-source/code', '-Icasa-source', '-Icasacore', '-Iinclude',

def get_new_c_compiler_flags():
    return get_optimization_flags()

def get_use_grpc():
   return ( [ '-DUSE_GRPC' ] if props['option.grpc'] != "0" else [ ] )

def get_fortran_compiler_flags(ext):
    arch = platform.architecture()[0].lower()
    if (ext == ".f90"):
        cc_args = ["-O3", "-fPIC", "-c", "-ffree-form", "-ffree-line-length-none"]
        if relwithdebinfo_build():
            cc_args.insert(0, "-g")
    if (ext == ".f"):
        cc_args = ["-O3", "-fPIC", "-c", "-fno-automatic", "-ffixed-line-length-none"]
        if relwithdebinfo_build():
            cc_args.insert(0, "-g")
    if real_gnu and len(props['build.flags.compile.openmp']) > 0:
        ### we'll assume our fortran compiler is gfortran and set the openmp
        ### flags for gfortran if our main C++ compiler is really GNU and the
        ### openmp flags are set...
        cc_args = list(filter( lambda x: x != "-fno-automatic", cc_args )) + ['-fopenmp']
    # Force architecture of shared library.
    if arch == "32bit":
    elif arch == "64bit":
            "\nPlatform has architecture '%s' which is unknown to "
            "the setup script. Proceed with caution\n" % arch
    return cc_args

def customize_compiler(self):
    """inject customization into distutils.

    Getting distutils to use a specfic compiler with a fully-quaified
    path and specfic flags is difficult. By default, it seems to just
    use 'gcc', i.e. whichever compiler happens to be in the user's
    path. I want to select a specific compiler using autoconf.

    I found this reference useful:

    self.compiler_cxx = [ props['build.compiler.cxx'] ]
    print('* Note: build.compiler.cxx: {}'.format('build.compiler.cxx'))

    # make it swallow fortran files....
    self.src_extensions.extend( [".f",".f90"] )

    # save references to the default compiler_so and _comple methods
    default_compiler_so = self.compiler_so
    default_linker_so = self.linker_so
    supercc = self._compile
    superld = self.link
    ccache = get_ccache()
    cflags = get_cflags()                                                                 ###     /usr/include (e.g. rhel6)
    new_compiler_cxx = (
        ccache + [props['build.compiler.cxx']] + get_new_cxx_compiler_flags()
        + get_new_cxx_compiler_includes() + cflags + default_compiler_so[1:]
    new_compiler_cc = ccache + [props['build.compiler.cc']] + get_optimization_flags() + ['-Ibinding/include','-Ibinding/generated/include','-Ilibcasatools/generated/include', '-Icasa-source/code','-Icasacore', '-Iinclude', 'sakura-source/src'] + cflags + default_compiler_so[1:]
    new_compiler_fortran = [props['build.compiler.fortran']]

    if debug_build( ):
        new_compiler_cxx = list(filter(lambda flag: not flag.startswith('-O'),new_compiler_cxx))
        new_compiler_ccc = list(filter(lambda flag: not flag.startswith('-O'),new_compiler_cc))
    elif relwithdebinfo_build( ):
        new_compiler_cxx = list(filter(lambda flag: not flag.startswith('-g'),new_compiler_cxx))
        new_compiler_ccc = list(filter(lambda flag: not flag.startswith('-g'),new_compiler_cc))

    local_path_file = ".lib-path.%d" % sys.hexversion
    local_mangle_file = ".lib-mangle.%d" % sys.hexversion

    if os.path.isfile(local_path_file):
        with open(local_path_file,'rb') as f:
            local_library_path = pickle.load(f)
        local_library_path = [ ]

    if os.path.isfile(local_mangle_file):
        with open(local_mangle_file,'rb') as f:
            library_mangle = pickle.load(f)
        library_mangle = { }

    def _link(target_desc, objects, output_filename, output_dir=None,
              libraries=None, library_dirs=None, runtime_library_dirs=None,
              export_symbols=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None,
              extra_postargs=None, build_temp=None, target_lang=None):
        fn = os.path.basename(output_filename)
        if fn.startswith('lib') and fn.endswith(".so"):
            print("linking shared library...")
            self.linker_so = list(map(lambda f: "-dynamiclib" if f == "-bundle" else f,self.linker_so))
            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
                if output_filename.endswith(".so"):
                    output_filename = output_filename[:-3] + ".dylib"
                subname = os.path.basename(output_filename)
                extra_postargs=list(map( lambda arg: arg % subname if '%s' in arg else arg, extra_postargs ))
            dir = os.path.dirname(output_filename)
            if dir not in local_library_path:
                with open(local_path_file,'wb') as f:

            bfn = (fn[3:])[:-3]
            library_mangle[bfn.split('.')[0]] = bfn
            with open(local_mangle_file,'wb') as f:

        ## allowing pthread library path (e.g. /opt/local/lib for macos) to be first results
        ## in any macports (or other) protobuf library being used in preference to the one
        ## we built...
        self.linker_so = list(takewhile(lambda x: not x.startswith('-L'),self.linker_so)) + \
            ['-L' + get_casac_dir() + os.sep + 'lib'] + \
            list(dropwhile(lambda x: not x.startswith('-L'),self.linker_so))

        superld(target_desc, objects, output_filename, output_dir,
                [library_mangle[l] if l in library_mangle else l for l in libraries],
                library_dirs+local_library_path, runtime_library_dirs, export_symbols,
                debug, extra_preargs, extra_postargs, build_temp, target_lang)

        self.linker_so = default_linker_so

    # now redefine the _compile method. This gets executed for each
    # object but distutils doesn't have the ability to change compilers
    # based on source extension: we add it.
    def _compile(obj, src, ext, cc_args, postargs, pp_opts):
        if ext == ".f" or ext == ".f90" :
            print("fortran compile...")
            if sys.platform == 'darwin' or sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
                compiler_so = new_compiler_fortran
                if (ext == ".f90"):
                    cc_args = ["-O3", "-fPIC", "-c", "-ffree-form", "-ffree-line-length-none"]
                if (ext == ".f"):
                    cc_args = ["-O3", "-fPIC", "-c", "-fno-automatic", "-ffixed-line-length-none"]
                if real_gnu and len(props['build.flags.compile.openmp']) > 0:
                    ### we'll assume our fortran compiler is gfortran and set the openmp
                    ### flags for gfortran if our main C++ compiler is really GNU and the
                    ### openmp flags are set...
                    cc_args = cc_args + ['-fopenmp']
                # Force architecture of shared library.
                if arch == "32bit":
                elif arch == "64bit":
                    print("\nPlatform has architecture '%s' which is unknown to "
                          "the setup script. Proceed with caution\n" % arch)
                cc_args = get_fortran_compiler_flags(ext)
                self.spawn(compiler_so + cc_args + [src, '-o', obj] + postargs)
            except DistutilsExecError as msg:
                raise CompileError(msg)
            if ext == ".c" :
                print("c compile...")
                new_compiler = new_compiler_cc
                print("c++ compile...")
                new_compiler = new_compiler_cxx
            ## get the cflags for the module being built; key is a subdir, value are flags
            m_cflags = map(lambda x: x[1] if x[0] in src else [], module_cflags.items())
            m_cflags = [item for sublist in m_cflags for item in sublist] ### python has not yet hit upon a flatten function...
            #self.set_executable('compiler_so', clean_args(new_compiler + m_cflags + ( [ '-DUSE_GRPC' ] if props['option.grpc'] != "0" else [ ] )))
            self.set_executable('compiler_so', clean_args(new_compiler + m_cflags + get_use_grpc()))
            supercc(obj, src, ext, clean_args(cc_args), clean_args(postargs), clean_args(pp_opts))

        # reset the default compiler_so (may not be necessary)
        self.compiler_so = default_compiler_so

    # inject our redefined _compile method into the class
    self._compile = _compile
    self.link = _link

def customize_swig(self):
    swig_exe = props['build.compiler.swig'] if len(props['build.compiler.swig']) > 0 else "swig"
    self.swig = swig_exe

doing_wheel_build = False
wheel_build = None
    from wheel.bdist_wheel import bdist_wheel

    class casa_binary_wheel(bdist_wheel):
        user_options = bdist_wheel.user_options + [
            # The format is (long option, short option, description).
            ('debug', None, 'build a debugging version'),
            ('version=', None, 'Silence distutils when passing version for bdist_wheel from the command line'),

        def initialize_options(self):
            self.version = None
            global _debug_build_
            if _debug_build_:
                self.debug = 1
                self.debug = 0

        def run(self):
            global doing_wheel_build
            doing_wheel_build = True
            doing_wheel_build = False

    wheel_build = casa_binary_wheel

except ImportError:
    pass  # custom command not needed if wheel is not installed

def do_cerberus():
    moduledir = get_module_dir()
    cerberusdir = os.path.join(moduledir, '__cerberus__')
    if os.path.exists(cerberusdir):
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cerberusdir):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith('.py'):
                fpath = os.path.join(root, file)
                with io.open(fpath,'r',encoding='utf8',newline='\n') as fd:
                    s = fd.read()
                s = s.replace("from cerberus", "from casatools.__cerberus__")
                with io.open(fpath,'w',encoding='utf8',newline='\n') as fd:

def generate_casac_init_py():
    ### this generates the __init__.py for the __casac__ submodule...
    imports = "\n".join([ "from %s.__casac__.%s import %s" % (module_name,t,t) for t in TOOLS ])
    alllist = ",\n            ".join([ "'%s'" % t for t in TOOLS ])
    with open(os.path.join(casacdir,'__init__.py'),"w") as fd:
        fd.write("from __future__ import absolute_import\n")
        fd.write("__name__ = '__casac__'\n")
        fd.write("__all__ = [ %s ]\n\n" % alllist)
        fd.write("%s\n" % imports)

# run the customize_compiler
class casa_build_ext(build_ext):
    user_options = build_ext.user_options + [
        # The format is (long option, short option, description).
        ('debug', None, 'build a debugging version'),
        ('version=', None, 'Silence distutils when passing version for bdist_wheel from the command line'),

    def initialize_options(self):
        self.version = None
        global _debug_build_
        if _debug_build_:
            self.debug = 1
            self.debug = 0

    def build_extensions(self):

    def run(self):

        global a_priori_directory_exclusions
        global a_priori_exclusions
        do_wheel_closure = doing_wheel_build
        moduledir = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name)
        # cerberusdir = os.path.join(moduledir, '__cerberus__')
        casacdir = os.path.join(moduledir, '__casac__')


        print("copying xml-casa...")
        install_xml_casa( )


        if os.path.exists(cerberusdir):
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cerberusdir):
            for file in files:
                if file.endswith('.py'):
                    fpath = os.path.join(root, file)
                    with io.open(fpath,'r',encoding='utf8',newline='\n') as fd:
                        s = fd.read()
                    s = s.replace("from cerberus", "from casatools.__cerberus__")
                    with io.open(fpath,'w',encoding='utf8',newline='\n') as fd:
        ### this generates the __init__.py for the __casac__ submodule...
        imports = "\n".join([ "from %s.__casac__.%s import %s" % (module_name,t,t) for t in TOOLS ])
        alllist = ",\n            ".join([ "'%s'" % t for t in TOOLS ])
        with open(os.path.join(casacdir,'__init__.py'),"w") as fd:
            fd.write("from __future__ import absolute_import\n")
            fd.write("__name__ = '__casac__'\n")
            fd.write("__all__ = [ %s ]\n\n" % alllist)
            fd.write("%s\n" % imports)

        if do_wheel_closure:
            module_path = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name)

            if isexe("scripts/mod-closure") and not os.path.isfile(".created.closure"):
                print("generating module closure...")
                if Proc([ "scripts/mod-closure", module_path ]) != 0:
                    sys.exit("\tclosure generation failed...")
                open(".created.closure",'a').close( )
                if isexe("scripts/find-glibc-private"):
                    if Proc(["scripts/find-glibc-private", "--delete", module_path]) != 0:
                        sys.exit("\tGLIBC_PRIVATE cleanup failed...")

        # Fixing rpaths is needed for gcc wheel builds
        if sys.platform == 'darwin' and doing_wheel_build:
            print("Fixing rpaths")
            result = subprocess.run(['perl', 'scripts/fixrpath.pl'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        if relwithdebinfo_build():
           print("Extracting debug symbols")
           if not os.path.exists('./debugsymbols'):
           result = subprocess.run(['perl', 'scripts/extract_symbols.pl', 'ws=./debugsymbols', 'binaries=./build', 'version='+casatools_version ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

class casa_test(Command):
    user_options = [
      # The format is (long option, short option, description).
      ('output-regression', None, 'run the output (i.e. generated files) regression comparison'),

    def initialize_options(self):
        self.__test_dir = "build/%s" % distutils_dir_name('testing')
        self.__lib_dir = os.path.abspath("build/%s" % distutils_dir_name('lib'))
        self.__env = os.environ.copy( )
        if 'PYTHONPATH' in self.__env:
            self.__env['PYTHONPATH'] = ("%s:%s" % (self.__env['PYTHONPATH'],self.__lib_dir))
            self.__env['PYTHONPATH'] = self.__lib_dir
        self.__regression_dir = "build/%s" % distutils_dir_name('regression')
        #self.__regression_ref_dir = "tests/output-regression/reference-%d.%d" % (sys.version_info[0],sys.version_info[1])
        self.__regression_ref_dir = "tests/output-regression/reference"
        self.__regression_sample_gen = "scripts/output-snapshot"
        self.__regression_sample_dir = "%s/%s" % (self.__regression_dir,"output")
        self.output_regression = 0

    def finalize_options(self):

    def __dump_output(self, working_dir, bname, out, err):
        stdout_path = "%s/%s-stdout.txt" % (working_dir,bname)
        stdout_fd = open(stdout_path, 'w')
        stdout_fd.close( )
        stderr_path = "%s/%s-stderr.txt" % (working_dir,bname)
        stderr_fd = open(stderr_path, 'w')
        stderr_fd.close( )
        return (stdout_path,stderr_path)

    def __run_test(self,tabwidth,test_path,working_dir):
        label = '.'.join(os.path.basename(test_path).split('.')[:-1])
        sys.stdout.write(label + '.' * (tabwidth - len(label)))
        sys.stdout.flush( )
        proc = Popen( [sys.executable,test_path], cwd=working_dir, env=self.__env,
                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
        (output, error) = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
        exit_code = proc.wait( )
        (stdout_path,stderr_path) = self.__dump_output(working_dir,"log",output,error)
        print(" ok" if exit_code == 0 else " fail")
        return (exit_code, label, stdout_path, stderr_path)

    def __generate_sample(self):
        if os.path.exists(self.__regression_dir):
        proc = Popen( [self.__regression_sample_gen,"out=%s" % self.__regression_sample_dir],
                      env=self.__env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
        (output, error) = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
        exit_code = proc.wait( )
        return exit_code

    def __compare_reg(self, tabwidth, label, refpath, samplepath):
        sys.stdout.write(label + '.' * (tabwidth - len(label)))
        sys.stdout.flush( )
        proc = Popen( ["/usr/bin/diff",refpath,samplepath], env=self.__env,
                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
        (output, error) = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
        exit_code = proc.wait( )
        print(" ok" if exit_code == 0 else " fail")
        (op,ep) = self.__dump_output(os.path.dirname(samplepath),label,output,error)
        return (exit_code, label, op, ep)

    def __collect_tests(self, testdir):
        tests = [ ]
        for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(testdir):
            for f in files:
                if f.endswith(".py") and f.startswith("test_"):
                    workingdir = "%s/%s" % (self.__test_dir,f[:-3])
                    tests.append((os.path.abspath("%s/%s" % (dir,f)),workingdir))
        return tests

    def __collect_regression_files(self, regdir):
        regression = { }
        for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(regdir):
            for f in files:
                if f != "log.txt":
                    regression[f] = "%s/%s" % (dir,f)
        return regression

    def __collect_regression(self):
        regression_ref = { }
        regression_sample = { }
        if os.path.isdir(self.__regression_ref_dir):
            if isexe(self.__regression_sample_gen):
                if self.__generate_sample( ) == 0:
                    regression_ref = self.__collect_regression_files(self.__regression_ref_dir)
                    regression_sample = self.__collect_regression_files(self.__regression_sample_dir)
                    print("warning, generation of regression sample failed; skipping regression test")
                print( "warning, regression sample generator (%s) does not exist; skipping regression test" %
            print("warning, regression reference (%s) does not exist; skipping regression test" % self.__regression_ref_dir)
        return (regression_ref, regression_sample)

    def run(self):
        if os.path.exists(self.__test_dir):
        tests = self.__collect_tests("tests/tools")

        (regression_ref, regression_sample) = self.__collect_regression( )

        testwidth = 0 if len(tests) == 0 else max(map(lambda x: len(os.path.basename(x[0]))+3,tests))
        regressionwidth = 0 if len(regression_ref) == 0 else max(map(lambda x: len(x)+3,regression_ref.keys( )))
        tabwidth = max(testwidth,regressionwidth,45)

        start_time = time.time()
        testresults = list(map(lambda params: self.__run_test(tabwidth,*params),tests))

        len_message = "regression file count"
        print( len_message + '.' * (tabwidth - len(len_message)) +
               (" ok" if len(regression_ref) == len(regression_sample) else " fail") )

        regressionresults = []
        if self.output_regression:
            regression_keys = filter(lambda k: k in regression_sample, regression_ref.keys( ))
            regressionresults = list(map(lambda k: self.__compare_reg(tabwidth,k,regression_ref[k],regression_sample[k]), regression_keys))

        end_time = time.time()

        results = testresults + regressionresults
        print('-' * (tabwidth + 8))
        passed = list(filter(lambda v: v[0] == 0,results))
        failed = list(filter(lambda v: v[0] != 0,results))
        print("ran %s tests in %.02f minutes, %d passed, %d failed" % (len(results),(end_time-start_time) / 60.0,len(passed),len(failed)))
        print("OK" if len(failed) == 0 else "FAIL")
        sys.exit(0 if len(failed) == 0 else 1)

class casa_binary_dist(Distribution):
    def finalize_options(self):
        self.plat_name = get_platform( )

    def initialize_options (self):
        self.plat_name = get_platform( )
    def run(self):
    def is_pure(self):
        return False

def get_casac_dir():
    return os.path.join(get_module_dir(), '__casac__')

def get_module_dir():
    return os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name)

# includes and libs for linking from build.properties
def get_link_props():
    prop_linking = list(
            lambda x:
                len(x) > 0, list(
                            lambda pair:
                                pair[1], filter(
                                    lambda pair: pair[0].startswith('build.flags.link'),props.items()

    ldflags = list(filter(lambda x:  not x.startswith('-l'),prop_linking))
    prop_libs = list(map(lambda x: x[2:],list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith('-l'),prop_linking))))
    return (ldflags, prop_libs)

def get_grpc_libs():
    return [ 'grpc++','grpc','gpr','protobuf' ] if props['option.grpc'] != "0" else [ ]

# third party libs for linking
def get_tp_libs():
    if casa_have_mpi:
        mpi_libs = ['open-pal', 'open-rte', 'mpi', 'mpi_cxx']
        mpi_libs = []

    return [
            'sqlite3','xslt','xml2','xerces-c','fftw3f_threads','fftw3f', 'fftw3_threads',
        ] + get_grpc_libs() + ['readline', 'gfortran', 'dl'] + mpi_libs

def get_gfortran_lib_path( ):
    proc = Popen([ props['build.compiler.fortran'], "-print-search-dirs"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE )
    out,err = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
    exit_code = proc.wait( )
    if exit_code != 0:
        sys.exit('failed to find libgfortran')

    for line in out.split('\n'):
        if line.startswith('libraries: ='):
            for path in line[12:].split(':'):
                if os.path.exists('%s/libgfortran.%s' % (path,lib_ext)):
                    return os.path.abspath(path)

    print("failed to locate gfortran using default path...")
    return third_party_lib_path + '/lib/gcc5'

# get architecture specific data used for linking
def get_arch_link():
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        archflags = ['-L' + get_gfortran_lib_path( )]
        archlibs = [ ]
        archflags = [ ]
        archlibs = ['gomp']
    return (archflags, archlibs)

def get_casatools_rpath(escape_for_make=False):
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        ### need to get '/opt/local/lib/gcc5' from gfortran directly
        return [ '-install_name', '@rpath/%s', '-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path' ]
        myorigin = '\$$ORIGIN/lib' if escape_for_make else '$ORIGIN/lib'
        return [ '-Wl,-rpath,' + ":".join([myorigin] + list(map(lambda s: s[2:],filter(lambda s: s.startswith('-L'), gldflags)))) ]

(arch_flags, arch_libs) = get_arch_link()

# declare some .PHONY targets
cpp_target = "cpp_compile"
yacc_target = "yacc_compile"
lex_target = "lex_compile"
c_target = "c_compile"
# test_target = "test_compile"
fortran_target = "f_compile"
soabi = sysconfig.get_config_var('SOABI')
if soabi is None:
    ## Python 2.7
    soabi = "python-27-x86_64"
lib_ext = "dylib" if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 'so'
casac_dir = get_casac_dir()
output_lib = os.sep.join([casac_dir, "lib", "lib{libname}." + soabi + "." + lib_ext])
libcasatools = output_lib.format(libname='casatools')
gen_tool_dep_target = 'generate_tool_dependencies'
swig_target = "swig_compile"
statics_wrap_target = "statics_wrap_cc_compile"
tool_libs_target = "tool_libs_link"
straight_copies_target = "straight_file_copies"
all_target = "all"
build_distutils_temp = os.path.join('build',distutils_dir_name('temp'))
depdir = '.d'
sep = ' '
cpp = sep.join(get_ccache() + [props['build.compiler.cxx']])
cc = sep.join(get_ccache() + [props['build.compiler.cc']])
f77 = props['build.compiler.fortran']
casatools_obj_list = []
sys_cflags = sep.join(
        filter(lambda flag: not flag.startswith('-O'),sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGS').split())

python_inc = props['build.python.include']
sepl = " -l"
(gldflags, gprop_libs) = get_link_props()
# gldflags = g1
# gprop_libs = g2
link_libs = list(dict.fromkeys((gprop_libs + get_tp_libs() + arch_libs)))
# casatools link
linker = props['build.compiler.cxx']
ldflags1 = sep.join(props['build.flags.compile.pthread'] + arch_flags)
# FIXME hardcoded because I don't know where it comes from
ldflags1 += ' -shared -L/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64 -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,'
ldflags1 += '/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64 -Wl,--enable-new-dtags'
grpath = get_casatools_rpath(True)
ldflags3 = sep.join(gldflags + grpath)
# ldflags3 += '-Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/lib:/usr/lib64'

def write_makefile_begin(targets, mode="genmake"):
    clean_target = "clean"
    with open("makefile", "w") as mk:
            "# THIS MAKEFILE IS AUTO GENERATED BY setup.py "
            + mode + ". EDIT AT YOUR OWN PERIL!\n"
        mk.write("\nCXX := " + cpp)
        mk.write("\nCC := " + cc)
        mk.write("\nF77 := " + f77)
        mk.write("\nOPTIM_FLAGS := -O2 -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2")

        #mk.write("\nOPTIM_FLAGS := -O2 \n")
        mk.write("\nDEPDIR := " + depdir + "\n")
        mk.write("# override optimization for debug builds")
        mk.write("\ndebug: OPTIM_FLAGS := -g \n")
        mk.write("\n.PHONY: " + all_target + "\n")
        mk.write(all_target + ": " + sep.join(targets) + "\n")
        mk.write('\ndebug: ' + all_target)
                "\n", clean_target, ": "
                "\n\t @rm -rf " + build_distutils_temp + " $(DEPDIR)",
                "\n.PHONY: ", clean_target, "\n"

def filter_optim_debug(cmd):
    # take out explicit optimization/debugging flags
    cmd = cmd.replace('-g ', '')
    cmd = re.sub('-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=\d+', '', cmd)
    return re.sub('-O\d+','', cmd)

def write_make_cpp(additional_subdir_filters=[], use_sakura=True, use_atm=True):
    # c++ casacore and casacode + others but not gcwrap
    CODE_SRC = source_files(
        "casa-source/code", file_suffix_filter=".cc",
            'tests', 'test', 'apps', 'display', 'plotms', 'guitools', 'display3d',
            'demo', 'casaqt', 'convert', 'Filling', 'ImagerObjects2'
        ] + additional_subdir_filters,
    CORE_SRC = source_files("casacore", file_suffix_filter=".cc")
    #, subdir_filter=additional_subdir_filters)
    SAKURA_SRC = sakura_files() if use_sakura else []
    CODE_ATM = source_files("casa-source/code/atmosphere/ATM",file_suffix_filter=".cpp") if use_atm else []
    # the gprc registrar files may not be present when this code gets run
    duse_grpc = get_use_grpc()
    if duse_grpc:
        grpc_registrar_dir = 'build' + os.sep + distutils_dir_name("binding") + os.sep + "grpc"
        GRPC_REGISTRAR = source_files(grpc_registrar_dir, file_suffix_filter=".cc")
    # the binding/source files need to be put into the casatools library, so compile
    # them here
    SOURCE_BINDING = source_files("binding/source", file_suffix_filter=".cc")
    obj_name = os.path.join(build_distutils_temp, "{base}.o")
    g_dep_name = os.path.join("$(DEPDIR)", build_distutils_temp, "{base}.d")
    g_dep_targ = g_dep_name + ": ;\nPRECIOUS: " + g_dep_name
    # use makefile as a dependency
    cpp_obj = (
        obj_name + ': {src} ' + g_dep_name + ' makefile'\
            + '\n\t$(CXX) $(OPTIM_FLAGS) {flags} {includes} {cflags} ' \
            + '{dflags} -c $< -o $@' \
            + '\n\t$(POSTCOMPILE)'
    src = [
    cflags = [
        module_cflags['/code/'], module_cflags['casacore/'],
        platform_cflags[sys.platform], module_cflags['/code/'],
        platform_cflags[sys.platform], module_cflags['binding/']
    includes = sep.join(get_new_cxx_compiler_includes() + get_cflags())
    flags = sep.join(["$(DEPFLAGS)"] + get_new_cxx_compiler_flags())
    flags = flags + " -fPIC"
    # add_cflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGS')
    # filter out the optimization flags which Darrell has done for C and C++ compiles for setup.py build
    global sys_cflags
    sys_cflags = sep.join(
                lambda flag: not flag.startswith('-O'),sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGS').split()
    grpc_dirs = ["-I" + get_grpc_srcdir() + " -I" + get_grpc_incdir()] if duse_grpc else []
    mkdirs_cc_target = "mk_cc_obj_dirs"
    targdirs = set()
    cpp_list = []
    with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
        for (mysrc, myflags) in zip(src, cflags):
            dflags = sep.join(myflags + duse_grpc + grpc_dirs)
            myinc = includes
            if mysrc == SOURCE_BINDING:
                myinc += " -I" + python_inc
            for s in mysrc:
                b = os.path.splitext(s)[0]
                objfile = obj_name.format(base=b)
                targ_entry = filter_optim_debug(
                        base=b,src=s, flags=flags, includes=myinc,
                        cflags=sys_cflags, dflags=dflags
                # mk.write(
                #    "\n\n" + cpp_obj.format(
                #        base=b,src=s, flags=flags, includes=myinc,
                #        cflags=sys_cflags, dflags=dflags
                #    )
                mk.write('\n' + targ_entry)
                mk.write('\n' + g_dep_targ.format(base=b))
        mk.write("\n# make directories for C++ object files\n")
        mk.write(".PHONY: " + mkdirs_cc_target + "\n")
        mydirs = sep.join(list(targdirs) + ["$(DEPDIR)" + os.sep + s for s in targdirs])
        mk.write(mkdirs_cc_target + ":\n\t@mkdir -p " + mydirs + "\n")
        mk.write("\n# targets to compile C++ code to object files\n")
        mk.write(".PHONY: " + cpp_target + "\n")
        mk.write(cpp_target + ": " + mkdirs_cc_target + " " + sep.join(cpp_list) + "\n")
        global casatools_obj_list
        casatools_obj_list = cpp_list

def write_yacc(additional_casacore_filtered_dirs=[], additional_casacode_filtered_dirs=[]):
    # yacc
    CASACORE_YACC = source_files(
        "casacore", file_suffix_filter=".yy",
    ) if additional_casacore_filtered_dirs else source_files(
        "casacore", file_suffix_filter=".yy"
    CODE_YACC = source_files(
        "casa-source/code", file_suffix_filter=".yy",
            'tests','test', 'apps', 'display', 'plotms', 'guitools',
            'display3d', 'demo', 'casaqt', 'Filling'
        ] + additional_casacode_filtered_dirs
    obj_name = os.path.join(output_dir,'{base}.ycc')
    yacc_obj_targ = (
        obj_name + ": {src}\n\t" + props["build.compiler.bison"] + " -y -p {base} -o $@ $<\n"
    yacc_list = []
    with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
        for f in CASACORE_YACC + CODE_YACC:
            #for f in mysrc:
            name = os.path.basename(f)
            base = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
            objfile = obj_name.format(base=base)
            mk.write('\n\n' + yacc_obj_targ.format(src=f, base=base))
        mk.write("\n# targets to compile yacc code to object files\n")
        mk.write(".PHONY: " + yacc_target + "\n")
        mk.write(yacc_target + ": " + sep.join(yacc_list) + "\n")

def write_lex(additional_casacore_filtered_dirs=[], additional_casacode_filtered_dirs=[]):
    # lex
    CASACORE_LEX = source_files(
        "casacore", file_suffix_filter=".ll",
    ) if additional_casacore_filtered_dirs else source_files(
    CODE_LEX = source_files(
        subdir_filter=[ 'tests','test','apps','display','plotms','guitools',
        'display3d','demo','casaqt','Filling' ] + additional_casacode_filtered_dirs
    obj_name = os.path.join(output_dir,'{base}.lcc')
    lex_obj_targ = (
        obj_name + ": {src}\n\t" + props["build.compiler.flex"] + " -P{base} -o $@ $<\n"
    lex_list = []
    with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
        for f in CASACORE_LEX + CODE_LEX:
            name = os.path.basename(f)
            base = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
            objfile = obj_name.format(base=base)
            mk.write(lex_obj_targ.format(src=f, base=base))
        mk.write("\n# targets to compile lex code to object files\n")
        mk.write(".PHONY: " + lex_target + "\n")
        mk.write(lex_target + ": " + sep.join(lex_list) + "\n")

def write_fortran(do_code=True):
    # fortran files
    CORE_F77 = source_files(
            'atmroutines.f','fmosft.f', 'fwproj.f', 'phasol.f'
    CODE_F77 = source_files(
    ) if do_code else []
    obj_name = build_distutils_temp + os.sep + '{base}.o'
    mkdirs_f77_target = "mk_f77_obj_dirs"
    f_obj = (
        obj_name + ': {src} {dir} makefile' + \
        '\n\t{f77} {flags} $< -o $@'
    f_list = []
    targdirs = set()
    with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
        for f in CORE_F77 + CODE_F77:
            (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(f)
            flags = sep.join(get_fortran_compiler_flags(ext))
            objfile = obj_name.format(base=base)
            dir = os.path.dirname(objfile)
                + f_obj.format(base=base, src=f, f77=f77, flags=flags, dir=dir)
        for x in targdirs:
                '\n' + x + ': ;'
                + '\n\tif [ ! -d ' + x + ' ]; then mkdir -p ' + x + '; fi'
        mk.write("\n# make directories for fortran object files\n")
        mk.write(".PHONY: " + mkdirs_f77_target + "\n")
        mydirs = sep.join(list(targdirs))
        mk.write(mkdirs_f77_target + ': ' + sep.join(targdirs))
        mk.write("\n# targets to compile fortran code to object files\n")
        mk.write(".PHONY: " + fortran_target + "\n")
        mk.write(fortran_target + ": " + sep.join(f_list) + "\n")
    # update casatools_obj_list
    global casatools_obj_list
    casatools_obj_list += f_list

def write_casacode_linker():
    # casatools link
    # linker = props['build.compiler.cxx']
    #(prop_ldflags, prop_libs) = get_link_props()
    # remove duplicates, preserving order
    global link_libs

    # ldflags1 = sep.join(props['build.flags.compile.pthread'] + arch_flags)
    # FIXME hardcoded because I don't know where it comes from
    # ldflags1 += ' -shared -L/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64 -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,'
    # ldflags1 += '/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64 -Wl,--enable-new-dtags'
    modulelib = os.sep.join([moduledir, "__casac__", "lib"])
    ldflags2 = '-L/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64 -L' + modulelib
    # this needs to be added for the gcwrap tool libraries, but if added here, it breaks
    # the libcasatools link
    # -lcasatools.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu '
    global sepl
    ldflags2 += sepl + sepl.join(link_libs)

    # The ORIGIN bit may be needed for the gcwrap tool libs, as may be the __casac__ path
    # $$ escapes the literal $ from make, the \ escapes the literal $ from the shell
    # ldflags3 = sep.join(prop_ldflags + ['-Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/lib:/usr/lib64'])
    # rpath = get_casatools_rpath(True)
    # ldflags3 = sep.join(gldflags + rpath)
    # ldflags3 += '-Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/lib:/usr/lib64'
    ld_cmd = linker + ' ' + ldflags1 + ' $^ ' + ldflags2 + ' -o $@ ' + ldflags3
    with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
        mk.write('\n\n' + libcasatools + ': ' + sep.join(casatools_obj_list))
        mk.write('\n\t@mkdir -p ' + modulelib)
        mk.write('\n\t' + ld_cmd)

def write_dependency_tracking():
    # C++ and C dependency tracking to makefile
    with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
$(shell mkdir -p $(DEPDIR) >/dev/null)
# IMPORTANT: These dependency flags are for gcc. clang may use different flags for this purpose
# DEPFLAGS = -MT $@ -MMD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Td

POSTCOMPILE = @mv -f $(DEPDIR)/$*.Td $(DEPDIR)/$*.d && touch $@
# the include of the dependencies must come after the first target
# so just put it at the end of the file
MY_DEPS := $(shell find $(DEPDIR) -name '*.d' -type f)
include $(MY_DEPS)

def do_testing():

def compile_casacore_tests():
    sep = " "
    includes = sep.join(get_new_cxx_compiler_includes())
    # compile tests
    CASACORE_CC = source_files(
        "casacore", subdir_filter=['python'], file_suffix_filter='cc',
            'tIAU2000.cc', 'tAdios2StMan.cc', 'tLargeFilebufIO.cc',
            'tHashMapIter.cc', 'tHashMap.cc', 'tHashMapIO.cc', 'tOrdMap.cc',
            'tOrdMap2.cc', 'tSimOrdMap.cc', 'tStack.cc', 'tList.cc',
            'tQueue.cc', 'tRegionManager.cc'
    CASACORE_TESTS = list(filter(lambda x: '/test/' in x, CASACORE_CC))
    tmp = []
    for f in CASACORE_TESTS:
        if re.search("^[td].*cc$", os.path.basename(f)):
    # flags = "$(DEPFLAGS) " + sep.join(get_new_cxx_compiler_flags())
    flags = sep.join(get_new_cxx_compiler_flags())
    dflags = sep + sep.join(module_cflags['casacore/'])
    libdir = casac_dir + "/lib"
    libs = "-L" + libdir + " -lcasatools.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu "\
        + "-lprotobuf -lgrpc -lgrpc++ -lgpr"
    libs += " " + ldflags1
    # remove -shared from libs because it causes a segfault
    libs = libs.replace("-shared", "")
    libs += ' -l' + ' -l'.join(link_libs)
    rellibdir = libdir.replace('build', '../../../../..')
    wflags = "-Wl,-rpath," + rellibdir
    targdirs = set()
    dirmap = {}
    # test_exec_dirs_targ = "test_exe_dirs"
    exe_list = []
    make_tests_targ = "build_casacore_tests"
    make_test_dirs = "make_casacore_test_dirs"
    print("sys_cflags", sys_cflags)
    print("dflags", dflags)
    print("libs", libs)
    print("wflags", wflags)
    with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
        for f in CASACORE_TESTS:
            name = os.path.basename(f)
            base = os.path.splitext(f)[0]
            # it's just easier to keep track of if the strings are created in
            # the loop rather than outside and then using format inside
            exefile = build_distutils_temp + os.sep + base
            # exefile = exe_name.format(base=base)
            targdir = os.path.dirname(exefile)
            dirmap[targdir] = os.path.dirname(f)
            # dep_name = os.path.join("$(DEPDIR)", 'build',distutils_dir_name('temp'), '{base}.d')
            location_info(mk, getframeinfo(currentframe()))
            # excluding depname for now
            # mk.write("\n\n" + test_targ.format(src=f, base=base))
            mk.write("\n" + exefile + ": " + f + " makefile " + libcasatools)
                "\n\t $(CXX) " + flags + " " + includes + " " + sys_cflags + " "
                + libs + " "
                # custom include to get header files in test directories
                + '-I./' + os.path.dirname(f) + " "
                + "-D_REENTRANT -I/usr/include/cfitsio -I/usr/include/eigen3 "
                + "-I/opt/casa/03/include -DWITHOUT_DBUS " \
                + "-I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/wcslib "
                + "-fopenmp -I/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/include -Wall " \
                + "--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -DAIPS_64B -DAIPS_AUTO_STL " \
                + "-DAIPS_DEBUG -DAIPS_HAS_QWT -DAIPS_LINUX " \
                + "-DAIPS_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DAIPS_STDLIB " \
                + "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE " \
                + "-DNO_CRASH_REPORTER -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DWITHOUT_ACS " \
                + "-DUSE_GRPC -Ibuild/binding.linux-x86_64-3.6/grpc " \
                + "-Ibuild/lib.linux-x86_64-3.6/casatools/__casac__/include "
                # -shared causes a segfault
                + "-lpython3.6m " + dflags + " "
                + "-o " + exefile + " " + wflags + " "
                + f + " "
            # ommitting POSTCOMPILE for now
            #  + '\n\t$(POSTCOMPILE)')
            # mk.write(
            #     "\n\n" + test_targ.format(src=f, base=base)
            # )
            # mk.write("\n" + g_dep_targ.format(base=base))
            # mk.write("\n" + g_dep_targ.format(base=base))
        location_info(mk, getframeinfo(currentframe()))
        mk.write("\n# make directories for test executables\n")
        mk.write("\n.PHONY: " + make_test_dirs)
        r = re.compile(os.sep + 'test\.')
        substr = os.sep + 'temp.'
        mydirs = sep.join(
            list(targdirs) + ["$(DEPDIR)" + os.sep + r.sub(substr, s, 1)
            for s in targdirs]
        mk.write("\n" + make_test_dirs + ":\n\t@mkdir -p " + mydirs + "\n")
        cmd = []
        make_links_targ = "create_casacore_test_links"
        all_links = []
        for build, orig in dirmap.items():
            myfiles = [
                f for f in listdir(orig)
                if not re.search("^CMakeLists|cc$|h$", os.path.basename(f))
            links = [build + os.sep + f for f in myfiles]
            n = build.count(os.sep) + 1
            relpath = n * ('..' + os.sep) + orig + os.sep
                    link + ": ;"
                    + "\n\t if [ ! -L " + link + " ]; then ln -s " + relpath + o
                    + " " + link + "; fi"
                ) for (link, o) in zip(links, myfiles)
        mk.write('\n' + '\n\n'.join(cmd))
            '\n' + make_links_targ + ': ' + sep.join(all_links) + ' '
            + make_test_dirs
            "\n" + make_tests_targ + ": " + make_test_dirs + " " \
            + make_links_targ + " " + sep.join(exe_list) + "\n"

def location_info(handle, frameinfo):
        "\n# written from " + str(frameinfo.filename) + " line "
        + str(frameinfo.lineno)

def write_miriad():
    # miriad c files
    MIR_SRC =  source_files( "casacore/mirlib",file_suffix_filter=".c" )
    includes = sep.join(get_new_cxx_compiler_includes())
    flags = sep.join(["$(DEPFLAGS)"] + get_new_c_compiler_flags())
    obj_name = os.path.join('build',distutils_dir_name('temp')) + os.sep + '{base}.o'
    dep_name = os.path.join("$(DEPDIR)", 'build',distutils_dir_name('temp'), '{base}.d')
    dflags = sep.join(module_cflags['casacore/'])
    c_obj = (
        obj_name + ': {src} ' + dep_name + ' makefile '
        + '\n\t$(CC) $(OPTIM_FLAGS) {includes} {flags} {cflags} {dflags} -c $< -o $@'
        + '\n\t$(POSTCOMPILE)'
    c_list = []
    mkdirs_c_target = "mk_c_obj_dirs"
    global sys_cflags
    g_dep_name = os.path.join("$(DEPDIR)", build_distutils_temp, "{base}.d")
    g_dep_targ = g_dep_name + ": ;\nPRECIOUS: " + g_dep_name
    with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
        targdirs = set()
        for f in MIR_SRC:
            name = os.path.basename(f)
            base = os.path.splitext(f)[0]
            objfile = obj_name.format(base=base)
            # sys_cflags same as C++
            cmd = "\n\n" + c_obj.format(
                base=base, src=f, includes=includes, flags=flags,
                cflags=sys_cflags, dflags=dflags
            cmd = filter_optim_debug(cmd)
            #    "\n\n" + c_obj.format(
            #        base=base, src=f, cc=cc, includes=includes, flags=flags,
            #        cflags=sys_cflags, dflags=dflags
            #    )
            mk.write("\n" + g_dep_targ.format(base=base))
        mk.write("\n# targets to compile C code to object files\n")
        mk.write(".PHONY: " + c_target + "\n")
        mk.write(c_target + ": " + mkdirs_c_target + " " + sep.join(c_list) + "\n")
        mk.write("\n# make directories for C object files\n")
        mk.write(".PHONY: " + mkdirs_c_target + "\n")
        mydirs = sep.join(list(targdirs) + ["$(DEPDIR)" + os.sep + s for s in targdirs])
        mk.write(mkdirs_c_target + ":\n\t@mkdir -p " + mydirs + "\n")
    global casatools_obj_list
    casatools_obj_list += c_list

class create_makefile(Command):
    user_options = [
      # The format is (long option, short option, description).
#     ('output-regression', None, 'run the output (i.e. generated files) regression comparison'),
      #('debug', None, 'Instruct make to create debugging libraries, optimized otherwise')

    def initialize_options(self):
        global _debug_build_
        _debug_build_ = '--debug' in sys.argv
        self.debug = 1 if _debug_build_ else 0
        print("create debug build is ", _debug_build_)

    user_options = []

    def initialize_options(self):

    def finalize_options(self):

    def __build_developer_grpc(self):
        if not os.path.exists('.built.grpc'):
            # hopefully this will replace dbus
            build_grpc( os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__'),
                        os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('grpc')),
                        os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('grpc-install')) )
            build_protobuf( os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__'),
                            os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('protobuf')),
                            os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('grpc-install')) )
            open(".built.grpc",'a').close( )

    def __generate_casa_makefile(self):
        my_targets = [
            yacc_target, lex_target, cpp_target, c_target,
            fortran_target, libcasatools, swig_target, statics_wrap_target,
            tool_libs_target, straight_copies_target
        # swig *.i -> *_wrap.cpp
        BINDING_I = source_files("binding/generated/tools", file_suffix_filter=".i")
        wrap_cpp_name = '{base}_wrap.cpp'
        swig = self.swig
        flags = sep.join(['-python'] + get_swig_flags())
        xml_casa = 'scripts' + os.sep + 'xml-casa'
        xml_tool_dir = os.sep.join(["xml", "tools"])
        wrap_cpp_create = (
            wrap_cpp_name + ': {base}.i ' + xml_tool_dir + os.sep + '{toolname}.xml '
            + xml_casa + '\n\t' + swig + ' ' + flags + ' -o $@ $<'
        i_list = []
        with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
            for ifile in BINDING_I:
                (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(ifile)
                toolname = base.split(os.sep)[-2]
                wrapcpp_file = wrap_cpp_name.format(base=base)
                mk.write("\n\n" + wrap_cpp_create.format(base=base, toolname=toolname))
            mk.write("\n# targets to compile swig .i files to _wrap.cpp files\n")
            mk.write(".PHONY: " + swig_target + "\n")
            mk.write(swig_target + ": " + sep.join(i_list) + "\n")

        # Generation of various files. This can probably be done in make, if really
        # necessary, but it's so quick it's easiest to just do it using the existing
        # python functionality for now
        #install_version_header(casatools_major, casatools_minor, casatools_patch, casatools_feature, casatools_version)
        generate_config(moduledir, props)

        # C++ tool _statics, _wrap, _cmpt, and other C++ gcwrap files
        # some of this is copied and pasted from the C++ section above, so can be
        # refactored
        # NOTE: If changes to xml files modify tool interdependencies, setup.py must
        # be run again. The makefile can't check for and modify these (yet).
        STATICS_CC = source_files("binding/generated/tools", file_suffix_filter=".cc")
        # the wrap files won't be there for the initial run of this script, so we
        # cannot use source_files() to find them
        WRAP_CPP = [filename.replace('_statics.cc', '_wrap.cpp') for filename in STATICS_CC]
        CODE_BINDING = source_files("binding/tools", file_suffix_filter=".cc")
        obj_name = os.path.join('build',distutils_dir_name('temp')) + os.sep + '{base}.o'
        dep_name = os.path.join("$(DEPDIR)", build_distutils_temp, "{base}.d")
        obj_create = (
            obj_name + ': {src} ' + dep_name + ' makefile'
            + '\n\t$(CXX) $(OPTIM_FLAGS) {flags} {includes} {cflags} {dflags} -c $< -o $@'
            + '\n\t$(POSTCOMPILE)'
        dep_targ = dep_name + ": ;\nPRECIOUS: " + dep_name
        cflags = module_cflags['binding/'] + platform_cflags[sys.platform]
        includes = sep.join(get_new_cxx_compiler_includes() + get_cflags() + ["-Ibinding"])
        tool_inc = "-Ibinding/generated/tools/{toolname} -Ibinding/tools/{toolname}"
        flags = sep.join(["$(DEPFLAGS)"] + get_new_cxx_compiler_flags())
        add_cflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGS')
        duse_grpc = get_use_grpc()
        grpc_dirs = ["-I" + get_grpc_srcdir() + " -I" + get_grpc_incdir()]
        dflags = sep.join(cflags + duse_grpc + grpc_dirs)
        cpp_list = []
        mkdirs_statics_wrap_target = "mk_static_cc_obj_dirs"
        targdirs = set()
        with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
            for s in STATICS_CC + WRAP_CPP + CODE_BINDING:
                base = os.path.splitext(s)[0]
                myinc = includes
                toolname = base.split(os.sep)[-2]
                if s in WRAP_CPP:
                    myinc += " -I" + python_inc
                # for tn in tool_deps[toolname]:
                mylibs = set([toolname] + g_tools[toolname] if toolname in g_tools else [])
                dependencies = set()
                for mylib in g_tools[toolname]:
                    if mylib in g_tool_shared_libs:
                for dependency in dependencies:
                    myinc += " " + tool_inc.format(toolname=dependency)
                objfile = obj_name.format(base=base)
                cmd = obj_create.format(
                    base=base, src=s, flags=flags, includes=myinc,
                    cflags=add_cflags, dflags=dflags
                cmd = filter_optim_debug(cmd)
                mk.write('\n\n' + cmd)
                #    "\n\n" + obj_create.format(
                #        base=base, src=s, flags=flags, includes=myinc,
                #        cflags=add_cflags, dflags=dflags
                #    )
                # )
                mk.write("\n" + dep_targ.format(base=base))
            mk.write("\n# make directories for statics C++ object files\n")
            mk.write(".PHONY: " + mkdirs_statics_wrap_target + "\n")
            mydirs = sep.join(list(targdirs) + ["$(DEPDIR)" + os.sep + s for s in targdirs])
            mk.write(mkdirs_statics_wrap_target + ":\n\t@mkdir -p " + mydirs + "\n")
            mk.write("\n# targets to compile statics C++ code to object files\n")
            mk.write(".PHONY: " + statics_wrap_target + "\n")
            mk.write(statics_wrap_target + ": " + mkdirs_statics_wrap_target + " " + sep.join(cpp_list) + "\n")

            mk.write("\n\n# Create tool shared libraries")
            # update ldflags2 to add libcasatools
            ldflags2 = '-L' + casac_dir + os.sep + 'lib '
            ldflags2 += '-L/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64 '
            global sepl
            global link_libs
            ldflags2 += sepl + sepl.join([os.path.basename(libcasatools)[3:][:-3]] + link_libs)

            tool_bind_dir = os.sep.join(["binding", "tools", "{toolname}"])
            tool_gen_dir = os.sep.join(["binding", "generated", "tools", "{toolname}"])
            # make targets for libraries on which tool libraries depend
            tool_shared_lib = os.sep.join([casac_dir, "lib", "{libname}." + soabi + "." + lib_ext])
            tool_libs_targ_deps = []
            mk.write("\n\n# rules for tool libraries on which other tools depend\n")
            prepend_dir = os.sep.join([build_distutils_temp]) + os.sep
            wrap_obj = tool_gen_dir + os.sep + "{toolname}_wrap.o"
            for mylib in g_tool_shared_libs.keys():
                dep_cmpt_statics_wrap = []
                tsl = tool_shared_lib.format(libname=mylib)
                needed_objs = []
                for tn in g_tool_shared_libs[mylib]:
                    for mydir in (tool_bind_dir, tool_gen_dir):
                        # for myext in (".cc", ".cpp"):
                        needed_objs += (
                            source_files(mydir.format(toolname=tn), file_suffix_filter=".cc")
                    # The *_wrap.cc files are generated when running make, they won't exist
                    # after the first time setup.py genmake is run, so the _wrap.o dependency
                    # needs to be explicitly added here
                    needed_objs += [wrap_obj.format(toolname=tn)]

                needed_objs = [o.replace('.cc', '.o') for o in needed_objs]
                # needed_objs = [o.replace('.cpp', '.o') for o in needed_objs]
                needed_objs = [prepend_dir + o for o in needed_objs]
                ld_cmd = linker + ' ' + ldflags1 + " " + sep.join(needed_objs) + " " + ldflags2 + ' -o $@ ' + ldflags3
                mk.write(tsl + ": " + libcasatools + " " + sep.join(needed_objs) + "\n\t" + ld_cmd+ "\n")

            # make rules for tool libraries
            all_tool_names = g_tools.keys()
            tool_lib_name = os.sep.join([casac_dir, "_{libname}." + soabi + "." + lib_ext])
            sh_lib_flag = "{libname}." + soabi
            mk.write("\n\n# rules for tool libraries\n")
            for tn in (all_tool_names):
                dep_libs = g_tools[tn]
                tln = tool_lib_name.format(libname=tn)
                tool_lib_create = tln + ": " + libcasatools
                needed_objs = []
                needed_libs = []
                for mydl in dep_libs:
                    if tn == mydl:
                        for mydir in (tool_bind_dir, tool_gen_dir):
                            # need to make it .cc rather than cc to avoid tcc files
                            needed_objs += (
                                source_files(mydir.format(toolname=tn), file_suffix_filter=".cc")
                        tool_lib_create += " " + tool_shared_lib.format(libname=mydl)
                needed_objs = [o.replace('.cc', '.o') for o in needed_objs]
                # The *_wrap.cc files are generated when running make, they won't exist
                # after the first time setup.py genmake is run, so the _wrap.o dependency
                # needs to be explicitly added here
                needed_objs += [wrap_obj.format(toolname=tn)]
                needed_objs = [prepend_dir + o for o in needed_objs]
                tool_lib_create += " " + sep.join(needed_objs)
                ld_cmd = (
                    linker + ' ' + ldflags1 + " " + sep.join(needed_objs) + " " + ldflags2
                    + (sepl + sepl.join(needed_libs) if len(needed_libs) > 0 else "") + ' -o $@ ' + ldflags3
                mk.write("\n" + tool_lib_create)
                mk.write('\n\t' + ld_cmd + '\n')

            mk.write("\n\n# Create all tool libraries\n")
            mk.write(".PHONY: " + tool_libs_target + "\n")
            mk.write(tool_libs_target + ": " + sep.join(tool_libs_targ_deps) + "\n")

        # straight file copies
        run_process( ["rsync","-aq","src/python/",moduledir], err='could not copy python module files' )
        files_to_copy = [ ]
        bindir = os.sep.join([moduledir, "__casac__", "bin"])
        copy_to_dirs = {}
        copy_to_dirs[os.path.basename(xml_casa)] = bindir
        assembly_jar = "xml-casa-assembly-1.65.jar"
        files_to_copy.append("scripts" + os.sep + "java" + os.sep + assembly_jar)
        copy_to_dirs[assembly_jar] = bindir + os.sep + "java"
        copy_to_list = []
        with open("makefile", "a") as mk:
            mk.write("\n\n# straight file copies\n")
            for f in files_to_copy:
                filename = os.path.basename(f)
                copy_to_dir = copy_to_dirs[filename] if filename in copy_to_dirs else moduledir
                copy_to = copy_to_dir + os.sep + filename
                    "\n" + copy_to + ": " +f
                    + "\n\tmkdir -p " + copy_to_dir + " && cp -f $< $@\n"
            mk.write("\n\n.PHONY: " + straight_copies_target + "\n")
            mk.write(straight_copies_target + ": " + sep.join(copy_to_list))
        # cerberus, just use the python implementation for now, no make target yet
        # casac __init__.py generation, just use the python implmentation for now, no make target yet
        # testing
            "Successfully generated makefile! Now, run 'make [-j<n>]' "
            "(eg 'make -j8' or just 'make') to complete your build"

    def run(self):
        self.__build_developer_grpc( )
        self.__generate_casa_makefile( )

class create_makefile_ia(Command):
    user_options = [
        # The format is (long option, short option, description).
        # ('output-regression', None, 'run the output (i.e. generated files) regression comparison'),
        #('debug', None, 'Instruct make to create debugging libraries, optimized otherwise')

    def initialize_options(self):
        print("setting up options for CARTA ia only build")
        global _debug_build_
        self.debug = 1 if _debug_build_ else 0
        print("create debug build is ", str(_debug_build_))
    def finalize_options(self):

    def __build_developer_grpc(self):
        if not os.path.exists('.built.grpc'):
            # hopefully this will replace dbus
            build_grpc( os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__'),
                        os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('grpc')),
                        os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('grpc-install')) )
            build_protobuf( os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__'),
                            os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('protobuf')),
                            os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('grpc-install')) )
            open(".built.grpc",'a').close( )

    def __generate_casa_ia_makefile(self):
        my_targets = [
                yacc_target, lex_target, cpp_target, c_target, fortran_target,
                libcasatools, swig_target, statics_wrap_target, tool_libs_target,
        my_targets = [yacc_target, lex_target, cpp_target, fortran_target, libcasatools]
        write_makefile_begin(my_targets, "ia")
        casacore_filters = ["derivedmscal", "ms", "msfits"]
        casacode_filters = [
            "asdmstman", "alma", "atca", "calanalysis", "casa_sakura", "casadbus", "flagging", "graphics", "mstransform", "msvis", "nrao",
            "parallel", "singledish", "singledishfiller", "spectrallines", "synthesis"
        additional_subdir_filters = casacore_filters + casacode_filters
        write_make_cpp(additional_subdir_filters, False, False)
        write_yacc(["ms"], ["synthesis"])
        write_lex(["ms"], ["synthesis"])
        # don't need gcwrap files to make ia library

    def run(self):
        self.__build_developer_grpc( )
        self.__generate_casa_ia_makefile( )

def get_swig_flags():
    swig_flags = ['-outdir', get_casac_dir(), '-c++', '-threads', "-Ibinding/include" ]
    if pyversion >= 3:
        print('generating python3 bindings...')
    return swig_flags

def get_grpc_incdir():
    return os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__', 'include')

# set these globals so we don't have to run generate_binding() twice for genmake
g_tools_using_shared_libs = None
g_tool_shared_libs = None
g_tools = None

def generate_casacore_version_header():
    with open("casacore/CMakeLists.txt") as f:
        for line in f:
            r = re.match(".*set\(PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR (\d+)\)",line)
            if r is not None:
                casacore_version_major = r.group(1)

            r = re.match(".*set\(PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR (\d+)\)",line)
            if r is not None:
                casacore_version_minor = r.group(1)

            r = re.match(".*set\(PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH (\d+)\)",line)
            if r is not None:
                casacore_version_patch = r.group(1)

    print("Casacore version " + casacore_version_major + "." + casacore_version_minor + "." + casacore_version_patch)

    with open("include/casacore/casa/version.h","w") as out, open("casacore/casa/version.h.in") as f:
        for line in f:
            l = line.replace("@PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR@",str(casacore_version_major)) \
                     .replace("@PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR@",str(casacore_version_minor)) \

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ## ensure that we use the version of python selected by configure...
    targetexecutable=pipe_decode(subprocess.check_output(["@PYTHON@", "-c", "import sys; print(sys.executable)"])).split('\n')[0]
    if sys.executable != targetexecutable:
        if not os.path.exists('.restarted'):
            os.execvp( '@PYTHON@', ['@PYTHON@'] + sys.argv )
            print("cannot configure with @PYTHON@")
            sys.stdout.flush( )
    if os.path.exists('.restarted'):
    if not os.path.isfile('build.properties'):
        sys.exit('Run configure to create build properties, then try again...')
    if 'build.compiler.cxx' not in props:
        sys.exit('Configuration error, not compiler found... try again...')
    if not os.path.exists('scripts/java'):
        sys.exit('Run scripts/gcw-pick first...')

    TOOL_XML = source_files("xml/tools",file_suffix_filter=".xml")
    tools = [ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] for f in TOOL_XML ]
    # moduledir = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name)
    moduledir = get_module_dir()

    a_priori_directory_exclusions += [ 'casadbus/session', 'casadbus/plotserver', 'casadbus/synthesis', 'casadbus/utilities', 'casadbus/viewer' ]
    a_priori_exclusions += [ 'FlagAgentDisplay.cc', 'DistributedSynthesisIterBot.cc', 'DistSIIterBot.cc', 'InteractiveMasking.cc', 'SynthesisIterBot.cc', 'SIIterBot.cc' ]

    CASACORE_YACC = source_files("casacore",file_suffix_filter=".yy")
    CODE_YACC = source_files("casa-source/code",file_suffix_filter=".yy",subdir_filter=['tests','test','apps','display','plotms','guitools','display3d','demo','casaqt','Filling'])
    CASACORE_LEX = source_files("casacore",file_suffix_filter=".ll")
    CODE_LEX = source_files("casa-source/code",file_suffix_filter=".ll",subdir_filter=['tests','test','apps','display','plotms','guitools','display3d','demo','casaqt','Filling'])

    generate_lex(CASACORE_LEX + CODE_LEX)
    generate_yacc(CASACORE_YACC + CODE_YACC)
    (NEEDED,LIBS,TOOLS) = generate_binding(TOOL_XML,tool_dir=os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name))
    # stuff in globals for genmake
    (g_tools_using_shared_libs, g_tool_shared_libs, g_tools) = (NEEDED, LIBS, TOOLS)

    CORE_SRC = source_files("casacore",file_suffix_filter=".cc")
    MIR_SRC =  source_files("casacore/mirlib",file_suffix_filter=".c")
    SAKURA_SRC = sakura_files( )
    CORE_F77 = source_files("casacore",file_suffix_filter=".f",
                            file_filter=[ 'fgridft.f','grd2dwts.f','grd2d.f','ADDGRD.f','grdde2d.f','atmroutines.f',
                                          'fmosft.f', 'fwproj.f', 'phasol.f' ]


    if not os.path.exists('.built.grpc'):
        build_grpc( os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__'),
                    os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('grpc')),
                    os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('grpc-install')) )
        build_protobuf( os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__'),
                        os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('protobuf')),
                        os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('grpc-install')) )
        open(".built.grpc",'a').close( )
        print(' * Note: not building grpc because I found .built.grpc')

    # grpc_incdir = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name, '__casac__', 'include')
    grpc_incdir = get_grpc_incdir()
    grpc_srcdir = generate_grpc( [ os.path.join('casa-source','code','casatools','protos','registrar.proto'),
                               ] )
    GRPC_SRC = ['%s/%s' % (grpc_srcdir,f) for f in listdir(grpc_srcdir) if f.endswith(".cc")] if len(grpc_srcdir) != 0 else [ ]
    BINDING_SRC = ['binding/source/%s' % f for f in listdir('binding/source') if f.endswith(".cc")] + GRPC_SRC
    CODE_SRC = source_files("casa-source/code",file_suffix_filter=".cc",subdir_filter=['tests','test','apps','display','plotms','guitools','display3d','demo','casaqt','convert','Filling','ImagerObjects2'],file_filter=['MeasurementComponents/rGridFT.cc'],
    CODE_ATM = source_files("casa-source/code/atmosphere/ATM",file_suffix_filter=".cpp")
    #CODE_F77 = source_files("casa-source/code/synthesis/fortran",file_suffix_filter=".f",file_filter=['fgridsdclip.f'])
    CODE_F77 = source_files("casa-source/code/synthesis/fortran",file_suffix_filter=".f",
    #(ldflags, prop_libs) = get_link_props()
    # global gldflags
    # global gprop_libs
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        ### need to get '{third_party_lib_path}/lib/gcc5' from gfortran directly
        rpath = [ '-install_name', '@rpath/%s', '-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path' ]
        archflags = ['-L{third_party_lib_path}/lib/gcc5']
        archlibs = [ ]
        rpath = [ '-Wl,-rpath,' + ":".join(['$ORIGIN/lib'] + list(map(lambda s: s[2:],filter(lambda s: s.startswith('-L'),ldflags)))) ]
        archflags = [ ]
        archlibs = ['gomp']
    rpath = get_casatools_rpath()
    (archflags, archlibs) = get_arch_link()

    # grpc_libs  = [ 'grpc++','grpc','gpr','protobuf' ] if props['option.grpc'] != "0" else [ ]
    # grpc_libs = get_grpc_libs()
    # ext = [ Extension( module_name + ".__casac__.lib.lib" + module_name, language='c++', sources=BINDING_SRC + CODE_SRC + CORE_SRC + MIR_SRC + SAKURA_SRC + CODE_ATM + CODE_F77 + CORE_F77, include_dirs=['binding',grpc_srcdir,grpc_incdir], extra_link_args=ldflags+rpath+archflags, libraries=prop_libs + ['sqlite3','xslt','xml2','xerces-c','fftw3f_threads','fftw3f','fftw3_threads','fftw3','lapack','wcs','cfitsio','rpfits','blas'] + grpc_libs + ['readline', 'gfortran', 'dl'] + archlibs ) ]
    tp_libs = get_tp_libs()
    ext = [ Extension( module_name + ".__casac__.lib.lib" + module_name, language='c++', sources=BINDING_SRC + CODE_SRC + CORE_SRC + MIR_SRC + SAKURA_SRC + CODE_ATM + CODE_F77 + CORE_F77, include_dirs=['binding',grpc_srcdir,grpc_incdir], extra_link_args=gldflags+rpath+archflags, libraries=gprop_libs + tp_libs + archlibs ) ]

    # casacdir = os.path.join(moduledir, '__casac__')
    casacdir = get_casac_dir()
    libdir = os.path.join(casacdir, 'lib')
    # swig_opt = [ '-outdir', casacdir, '-c++', '-threads', "-Ibinding/include" ]
    # if pyversion >= 3:
    #    print('generating python3 bindings...')
    #    swig_opt.insert(0,"-py3")
    swig_opt = get_swig_flags()
    incdirs = { }
    libsrc = { }
    for t in TOOLS:
        (I,L) = tool_files(t)
        incdirs[t] = I
        libsrc[t] = L
    for lb in LIBS:
        incdirs[lb] = [ i for t in LIBS[lb] for i in incdirs[t] ]
        libsrc[lb] = [ l for t in LIBS[lb] for l in libsrc[t] ]

    for lb in LIBS:
        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
            rpath = [ '-install_name', '@rpath/%s', '-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path' ]
        # ext.append(Extension( module_name + ".__casac__.lib.%s" % lb, language='c++', sources=libsrc[lb], include_dirs=['binding'] + incdirs[lb], extra_link_args=ldflags + ['-L'+libdir] + rpath + archflags, swig_opts=swig_opt, libraries=[module_name] + prop_libs + ['sqlite3','xslt','xml2','xerces-c','fftw3f_threads','fftw3f','fftw3_threads','fftw3','lapack','wcs','cfitsio','rpfits','blas','blas'] + grpc_libs + ['readline','gfortran','dl'] + archlibs ))

        # ext.append(Extension( module_name + ".__casac__.lib.%s" % lb, language='c++', sources=libsrc[lb], include_dirs=['binding'] + incdirs[lb], extra_link_args=ldflags + ['-L'+libdir] + rpath + archflags, swig_opts=swig_opt, libraries=[module_name] + prop_libs + ['sqlite3','xslt','xml2','xerces-c','fftw3f_threads','fftw3f','fftw3_threads','fftw3','lapack','wcs','cfitsio','rpfits','blas','blas'] + grpc_libs + ['readline','gfortran','dl'] + archlibs ))
        ext.append(Extension( module_name + ".__casac__.lib.%s" % lb, language='c++', sources=libsrc[lb], include_dirs=['binding'] + incdirs[lb], extra_link_args=gldflags + ['-L'+libdir] + rpath + archflags, swig_opts=swig_opt, libraries=[module_name] + gprop_libs + tp_libs + archlibs ))

    for t in TOOLS:
        inc = [ ]; lib = [ ]; src = [ ]
        for dep in TOOLS[t]:
            inc += incdirs[dep]
            if dep.startswith('lib'):
                lib += [ dep[3:] ]
                src += libsrc[dep]

        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
            rpath = [ '-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/lib','-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path' ]
        # ext.append(Extension( module_name + ".__casac__._%s" % t, language='c++', sources=src, include_dirs=['binding'] + inc, extra_link_args=ldflags + ['-L'+libdir] + rpath + archflags + closure_ldflags, swig_opts=swig_opt, libraries=[module_name] + prop_libs + ['sqlite3','xslt','xml2','xerces-c','fftw3f_threads','fftw3f','fftw3_threads','fftw3','lapack','wcs','cfitsio','rpfits','blas','blas'] + grpc_libs + ['readline', 'gfortran', 'dl'] + lib + archlibs + closure_libraries ))
        ext.append(Extension( module_name + ".__casac__._%s" % t, language='c++', sources=src, include_dirs=['binding',grpc_incdir] + inc, extra_link_args=gldflags + ['-L'+libdir] + rpath + archflags + closure_ldflags, swig_opts=swig_opt, libraries=[module_name] + gprop_libs + tp_libs + lib + archlibs + closure_libraries ))

    setup( name="casatools",version=casatools_version,
           maintainer="Darrell Schiebel",
           author="CASA development team",
           license="GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)",
           description = __doc__.split("\n")[0],
           classifiers=filter(None, classifiers.split("\n")),
           package_dir={module_name: os.path.join('build',distutils_dir_name('lib'), module_name)},
           packages=[ module_name ],
           cmdclass={ 'build_ext': casa_build_ext, 'test': casa_test, 'bdist_wheel': wheel_build, 'genmake': create_makefile, 'ia': create_makefile_ia } \
                                   if wheel_build \
                                   else { 'build_ext': casa_build_ext, 'test': casa_test, 'genmake': create_makefile, 'ia': create_makefile_ia },
           install_requires=[ 'numpy' ] )