 * ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter Array
 * (c) European Southern Observatory, 2002
 * (c) Associated Universities Inc., 2002
 * Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration),
 * Copyright by AUI (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration),
 * All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 * MA 02111-1307  USA
 * Warning!
 *  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 * | This is generated code!  Do not modify this file.                  |
 * | If you do, all changes will be lost when the file is re-generated. |
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * File MainTable.h
#ifndef MainTable_CLASS
#define MainTable_CLASS

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

#include <alma/ASDM/ArrayTime.h>

#include <alma/ASDM/Tag.h>

#include <alma/ASDM/EntityRef.h>

#include <alma/ASDM/Interval.h>



#include <alma/Enumerations/CTimeSampling.h>







#include <alma/ASDM/ConversionException.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/DuplicateKey.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/UniquenessViolationException.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/NoSuchRow.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/DuplicateKey.h>

#include <asdmIDLC.h>

#include <alma/ASDM/Representable.h>

#include <pthread.h>

namespace asdm {

//class asdm::ASDM;
//class asdm::MainRow;

class ASDM;
class MainRow;
 * The MainTable class is an Alma table.
 * <BR>
 * \par Role
 *  Contains links to all data subsets. Each data subset is contained in a separate entity, usually a BLOB.

 * <BR>
 * Generated from model's revision "-1", branch ""
 * <CAPTION> Attributes of Main </CAPTION>
 * <TR BGCOLOR="#AAAAAA"> <TH> Name </TH> <TH> Type </TH> <TH> Expected shape  </TH> <TH> Comment </TH></TR>
 * <TR> <TH BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC" colspan="4" align="center"> Key </TD></TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> time </TD>
 * <TD> ArrayTime</TD>
 * <TD> &nbsp; </TD>
 * <TD> &nbsp;mid point of scheduled period. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> configDescriptionId </TD>
 * <TD> Tag</TD>
 * <TD> &nbsp; </TD>
 * <TD> &nbsp;Configuration description identifier. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> fieldId </TD>
 * <TD> Tag</TD>
 * <TD> &nbsp; </TD>
 * <TD> &nbsp;Field identifier. </TD>
 * </TR>

 * <TR> <TH BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"  colspan="4" valign="center"> Value <br> (Mandatory) </TH></TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> numAntenna (numAntenna)</TD> 
 * <TD> int </TD>
 * <TD>  &nbsp;  </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;Number of antennas. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> timeSampling </TD> 
 * <TD> TimeSamplingMod::TimeSampling </TD>
 * <TD>  &nbsp;  </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;time sampling mode. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> interval </TD> 
 * <TD> Interval </TD>
 * <TD>  &nbsp;  </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;data sampling interval. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> numIntegration (numIntegration)</TD> 
 * <TD> int </TD>
 * <TD>  &nbsp;  </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;number of integrations. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> scanNumber </TD> 
 * <TD> int </TD>
 * <TD>  &nbsp;  </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;scan number. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> subscanNumber </TD> 
 * <TD> int </TD>
 * <TD>  &nbsp;  </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;subscan number. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> dataSize </TD> 
 * <TD> int64_t </TD>
 * <TD>  &nbsp;  </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;size of the binary data , as a number of bytes. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> dataUID </TD> 
 * <TD> EntityRef </TD>
 * <TD>  &nbsp;  </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;reference to the binary data. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> stateId </TD> 
 * <TD> std::vector<Tag>  </TD>
 * <TD>  numAntenna </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;State identifier. </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD> execBlockId </TD> 
 * <TD> Tag </TD>
 * <TD>  &nbsp;  </TD> 
 * <TD> &nbsp;ExecBlock identifier. </TD>
 * </TR>

 * </TABLE>
class MainTable : public Representable {
	friend class ASDM;


	 * Return the list of field names that make up key key
	 * as an array of strings.
	 * @return a vector of string.
	static const std::vector<std::string>& getKeyName();

	virtual ~MainTable();
	 * Return the container to which this table belongs.
	 * @return the ASDM containing this table.
	ASDM &getContainer() const;
	 * Return the number of rows in the table.
	 * @return the number of rows in an unsigned int.
	unsigned int size() const;
	 * Return the name of this table.
	 * This is a instance method of the class.
	 * @return the name of this table in a string.
	std::string getName() const;
	 * Return the name of this table.
	 * This is a static method of the class.
	 * @return the name of this table in a string.
	static std::string name() ;	
	 * Return the version information about this table.
	 std::string getVersion() const ;
	 * Return the names of the attributes of this table.
	 * @return a vector of string
	 static const std::vector<std::string>& getAttributesNames();

	 * Return the default sorted list of attributes names in the binary representation of the table.
	 * @return a const reference to a vector of string
	 static const std::vector<std::string>& defaultAttributesNamesInBin();
	 * Return this table's Entity.
	Entity getEntity() const;

	 * Set this table's Entity.
	 * @param e An entity. 
	void setEntity(Entity e);
	 * Produces an XML representation conform
	 * to the schema defined for Main (MainTable.xsd).
	 * @returns a string containing the XML representation.
	 * @throws ConversionException
	std::string toXML()  ;

	// Conversion Methods
	 * Convert this table into a MainTableIDL CORBA structure.
	 * @return a pointer to a MainTableIDL
	asdmIDL::MainTableIDL *toIDL() ;
	 * Fills the CORBA data structure passed in parameter
	 * with the content of this table.
	 * @param x a reference to the asdmIDL::MainTableIDL to be populated
	 * with the content of this.
	 void toIDL(asdmIDL::MainTableIDL& x) const;

	 * Populate this table from the content of a MainTableIDL Corba structure.
	 * @throws DuplicateKey Thrown if the method tries to add a row having a key that is already in the table.
	 * @throws ConversionException
	void fromIDL(asdmIDL::MainTableIDL x) ;
	// ====> Row creation.
	 * Create a new row with default values.
	 * @return a pointer on a MainRow
	MainRow *newRow();
	 * Create a new row initialized to the specified values.
	 * @return a pointer on the created and initialized row.
 	 * @param time
 	 * @param configDescriptionId
 	 * @param fieldId
 	 * @param numAntenna
 	 * @param timeSampling
 	 * @param interval
 	 * @param numIntegration
 	 * @param scanNumber
 	 * @param subscanNumber
 	 * @param dataSize
 	 * @param dataUID
 	 * @param stateId
 	 * @param execBlockId
	MainRow *newRow(ArrayTime time, Tag configDescriptionId, Tag fieldId, int numAntenna, TimeSamplingMod::TimeSampling timeSampling, Interval interval, int numIntegration, int scanNumber, int subscanNumber, int64_t dataSize, EntityRef dataUID, std::vector<Tag>  stateId, Tag execBlockId);

	 * Create a new row using a copy constructor mechanism.
	 * The method creates a new MainRow owned by this. Each attribute of the created row 
	 * is a (deep) copy of the corresponding attribute of row. The method does not add 
	 * the created row to this, its simply parents it to this, a call to the add method
	 * has to be done in order to get the row added (very likely after having modified
	 * some of its attributes).
	 * If row is null then the method returns a new MainRow with default values for its attributes. 
	 * @param row the row which is to be copied.
	 MainRow *newRow(MainRow *row); 

	// ====> Append a row to its table.
	 * Add a row.
	 * @param x a pointer to the MainRow to be added.
	 * @return a pointer to a MainRow. If the table contains a MainRow whose attributes (key and mandatory values) are equal to x ones
	 * then returns a pointer on that MainRow, otherwise returns x.
	 * @throw DuplicateKey { thrown when the table contains a MainRow with a key equal to the x one but having
	 * and a value section different from x one }
	 * @note The row is inserted in the table in such a way that all the rows having the same value of
	 * ( configDescriptionId, fieldId ) are stored by ascending time.
	 * @see method getByContext.
	MainRow* add(MainRow* x) ; 


	// ====> Methods returning rows.
	 * Get a collection of pointers on the rows of the table.
	 * @return Alls rows in a vector of pointers of MainRow. The elements of this vector are stored in the order 
	 * in which they have been added to the MainTable.
	std::vector<MainRow *> get() ;
	 * Get a const reference on the collection of rows pointers internally hold by the table.
	 * @return A const reference of a vector of pointers of MainRow. The elements of this vector are stored in the order 
	 * in which they have been added to the MainTable.
	 const std::vector<MainRow *>& get() const ;

	 * Returns all the rows sorted by ascending startTime for a given context. 
	 * The context is defined by a value of ( configDescriptionId, fieldId ).
	 * @return a pointer on a vector<MainRow *>. A null returned value means that the table contains
	 * no MainRow for the given ( configDescriptionId, fieldId ).
	 * @throws IllegalAccessException when a call is done to this method when it's called while the dataset has been imported with the 
	 * option checkRowUniqueness set to false.
	 std::vector <MainRow*> *getByContext(Tag configDescriptionId, Tag fieldId);

 	 * Returns a MainRow* given a key.
 	 * @return a pointer to the row having the key whose values are passed as parameters, or 0 if
 	 * no row exists for that key.
	 * @param time
	 * @param configDescriptionId
	 * @param fieldId
 	MainRow* getRowByKey(ArrayTime time, Tag configDescriptionId, Tag fieldId);


 	 * Look up the table for a row whose all attributes 
 	 * are equal to the corresponding parameters of the method.
 	 * @return a pointer on this row if any, null otherwise.
 	 * @param time
 	 * @param configDescriptionId
 	 * @param fieldId
 	 * @param numAntenna
 	 * @param timeSampling
 	 * @param interval
 	 * @param numIntegration
 	 * @param scanNumber
 	 * @param subscanNumber
 	 * @param dataSize
 	 * @param dataUID
 	 * @param stateId
 	 * @param execBlockId
	MainRow* lookup(ArrayTime time, Tag configDescriptionId, Tag fieldId, int numAntenna, TimeSamplingMod::TimeSampling timeSampling, Interval interval, int numIntegration, int scanNumber, int subscanNumber, int64_t dataSize, EntityRef dataUID, std::vector<Tag>  stateId, Tag execBlockId); 

	void setUnknownAttributeBinaryReader(const std::string& attributeName, BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor* barFctr);
	BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor* getUnknownAttributeBinaryReader(const std::string& attributeName) const;


	 * Create a MainTable.
	 * <p>
	 * This constructor is private because only the
	 * container can create tables.  All tables must know the container
	 * to which they belong.
	 * @param container The container to which this table belongs.
	MainTable (ASDM & container);

	ASDM & container;
	bool archiveAsBin; // If true archive binary else archive XML
	bool fileAsBin ; // If true file binary else file XML	
	std::string version ; 
	Entity entity;


	 * If this table has an autoincrementable attribute then check if *x verifies the rule of uniqueness and throw exception if not.
	 * Check if *x verifies the key uniqueness rule and throw an exception if not.
	 * Append x to its table.
	 * @throws DuplicateKey
	MainRow* checkAndAdd(MainRow* x, bool skipCheckUniqueness=false) ;
	 * Brutally append an MainRow x to the collection of rows already stored in this table. No uniqueness check is done !
	 * @param MainRow* x a pointer onto the MainRow to be appended.
	 void append(MainRow* x) ;
	 * Brutally append an MainRow x to the collection of rows already stored in this table. No uniqueness check is done !
	 * @param MainRow* x a pointer onto the MainRow to be appended.
	 void addWithoutCheckingUnique(MainRow* x) ;

	 * Insert a MainRow* in a vector of MainRow* so that it's ordered by ascending time.
	 * @param MainRow* x . The pointer to be inserted.
	 * @param vector <MainRow*>& row . A reference to the vector where to insert x.
 	MainRow * insertByTime(MainRow* x, std::vector<MainRow *>&row );

// A data structure to store the pointers on the table's rows.

// In all cases we maintain a private vector of MainRow s.
   std::vector<MainRow * > privateRows;


	typedef std::vector <MainRow* > TIME_ROWS;
	std::map<std::string, TIME_ROWS > context;
	 * Returns a string built by concatenating the ascii representation of the
	 * parameters values suffixed with a "_" character.
	 std::string Key(Tag configDescriptionId, Tag fieldId) ;
	 * Fills the vector vout (passed by reference) with pointers on elements of vin 
	 * whose attributes are equal to the corresponding parameters of the method.
	void getByKeyNoAutoIncNoTime(std::vector <MainRow*>& vin, std::vector <MainRow*>& vout,  Tag configDescriptionId, Tag fieldId);

	void error() ; //throw(ConversionException);

	 * Populate this table from the content of a XML document that is required to
	 * be conform to the XML schema defined for a Main (MainTable.xsd).
	 * @throws ConversionException
	void fromXML(std::string& xmlDoc) ;
	std::map<std::string, BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor *> unknownAttributes2Functors;

	  * Private methods involved during the build of this table out of the content
	  * of file(s) containing an external representation of a Main table.
	void setFromMIMEFile(const std::string& directory);
	void openMIMEFile(const std::string& directory);
	void setFromXMLFile(const std::string& directory);
	 * Serialize this into a stream of bytes and encapsulates that stream into a MIME message.
	 * @returns a string containing the MIME message.
	 * @param byteOrder a const pointer to a static instance of the class ByteOrder.
	std::string toMIME(const asdm::ByteOrder* byteOrder=asdm::ByteOrder::Machine_Endianity);
     * Extracts the binary part of a MIME message and deserialize its content
	 * to fill this with the result of the deserialization. 
	 * @param mimeMsg the string containing the MIME message.
	 * @throws ConversionException
	 void setFromMIME(const std::string & mimeMsg);
	  * Private methods involved during the export of this table into disk file(s).
	std::string MIMEXMLPart(const asdm::ByteOrder* byteOrder=asdm::ByteOrder::Machine_Endianity);
	  * Stores a representation (binary or XML) of this table into a file.
	  * Depending on the boolean value of its private field fileAsBin a binary serialization  of this (fileAsBin==true)  
	  * will be saved in a file "Main.bin" or an XML representation (fileAsBin==false) will be saved in a file "Main.xml".
	  * The file is always written in a directory whose name is passed as a parameter.
	 * @param directory The name of directory  where the file containing the table's representation will be saved.
	  void toFile(std::string directory);
	   * Load the table in memory if necessary.
	  bool loadInProgress;
	  void checkPresenceInMemory() {
		if (!presentInMemory && !loadInProgress) {
			loadInProgress = true;
			presentInMemory = true;
			loadInProgress = false;
	 * Reads and parses a file containing a representation of a MainTable as those produced  by the toFile method.
	 * This table is populated with the result of the parsing.
	 * @param directory The name of the directory containing the file te be read and parsed.
	 * @throws ConversionException If any error occurs while reading the 
	 * files in the directory or parsing them.
	 void setFromFile(const std::string& directory);	

} // End namespace asdm

#endif /* MainTable_CLASS */