 * ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter Array
 * (c) European Southern Observatory, 2002
 * (c) Associated Universities Inc., 2002
 * Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration),
 * Copyright by AUI (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration),
 * All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 * MA 02111-1307  USA
 * Warning!
 *  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 * | This is generated code!  Do not modify this file.                  |
 * | If you do, all changes will be lost when the file is re-generated. |
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * File WVMCalRow.cpp
#include <vector>
#include <set>

#include <alma/ASDM/ASDM.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/WVMCalRow.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/WVMCalTable.h>

#include <alma/ASDM/SpectralWindowTable.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/SpectralWindowRow.h>

#include <alma/ASDM/AntennaTable.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/AntennaRow.h>

#include <alma/ASDM/AntennaTable.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/AntennaRow.h>

using asdm::ASDM;
using asdm::WVMCalRow;
using asdm::WVMCalTable;

using asdm::SpectralWindowTable;
using asdm::SpectralWindowRow;

using asdm::AntennaTable;
using asdm::AntennaRow;

using asdm::AntennaTable;
using asdm::AntennaRow;

#include <alma/ASDM/Parser.h>

#include <alma/ASDM/EnumerationParser.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/ASDMValuesParser.h>
#include <alma/ASDM/InvalidArgumentException.h>

using namespace std;

namespace asdm {
	WVMCalRow::~WVMCalRow() {

	 * Return the table to which this row belongs.
	WVMCalTable &WVMCalRow::getTable() const {
		return table;

	bool WVMCalRow::isAdded() const {
		return hasBeenAdded;

	void WVMCalRow::isAdded(bool added) {
		hasBeenAdded = added;
	using asdmIDL::WVMCalRowIDL;
	 * Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.
	 * @return The values of this row as a WVMCalRowIDL struct.
	WVMCalRowIDL *WVMCalRow::toIDL() const {
		WVMCalRowIDL *x = new WVMCalRowIDL ();
		// Fill the IDL structure.
		x->timeInterval = timeInterval.toIDLArrayTimeInterval();

		x->wvrMethod = wvrMethod;

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polyFreqLimits.size(); ++i) {
			x->polyFreqLimits[i] = polyFreqLimits.at(i).toIDLFrequency();

		x->numInputAntenna = numInputAntenna;

		x->numChan = numChan;

		x->numPoly = numPoly;

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pathCoeff.size(); i++) {
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pathCoeff.at(i).size(); j++) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pathCoeff.size() ; i++)
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pathCoeff.at(i).size(); j++)
				for (unsigned int k = 0; k < pathCoeff.at(i).at(j).size(); k++)
					x->pathCoeff[i][j][k] = pathCoeff.at(i).at(j).at(k);

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refTemp.size(); i++) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refTemp.size() ; i++)
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < refTemp.at(i).size(); j++)
				x->refTemp[i][j]= refTemp.at(i).at(j).toIDLTemperature();

		x->antennaId = antennaId.toIDLTag();

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputAntennaId.size(); ++i) {
			x->inputAntennaId[i] = inputAntennaId.at(i).toIDLTag();

		x->spectralWindowId = spectralWindowId.toIDLTag();




		return x;
	void WVMCalRow::toIDL(asdmIDL::WVMCalRowIDL& x) const {
		// Set the x's fields.
		x.timeInterval = timeInterval.toIDLArrayTimeInterval();

		x.wvrMethod = wvrMethod;

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polyFreqLimits.size(); ++i) {
			x.polyFreqLimits[i] = polyFreqLimits.at(i).toIDLFrequency();

		x.numInputAntenna = numInputAntenna;

		x.numChan = numChan;

		x.numPoly = numPoly;

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pathCoeff.size(); i++) {
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pathCoeff.at(i).size(); j++) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pathCoeff.size() ; i++)
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pathCoeff.at(i).size(); j++)
				for (unsigned int k = 0; k < pathCoeff.at(i).at(j).size(); k++)
					x.pathCoeff[i][j][k] = pathCoeff.at(i).at(j).at(k);

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refTemp.size(); i++) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refTemp.size() ; i++)
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < refTemp.at(i).size(); j++)
				x.refTemp[i][j]= refTemp.at(i).at(j).toIDLTemperature();

		x.antennaId = antennaId.toIDLTag();

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputAntennaId.size(); ++i) {
			x.inputAntennaId[i] = inputAntennaId.at(i).toIDLTag();

		x.spectralWindowId = spectralWindowId.toIDLTag();





	 * Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct WVMCalRowIDL.
	 * @param x The IDL struct containing the values used to fill this row.
	void WVMCalRow::setFromIDL (WVMCalRowIDL x){
		try {
		// Fill the values from x.
		setTimeInterval(ArrayTimeInterval (x.timeInterval));


		polyFreqLimits .clear();
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i <x.polyFreqLimits.length(); ++i) {
			polyFreqLimits.push_back(Frequency (x.polyFreqLimits[i]));




		pathCoeff .clear();
		vector< vector<float> > vv_aux_pathCoeff;
		vector<float> v_aux_pathCoeff;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x.pathCoeff.length(); ++i) {
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < x.pathCoeff[0].length(); ++j) {
				for (unsigned int k = 0; k < x.pathCoeff[0][0].length(); ++k) {

		refTemp .clear();
        vector<Temperature> v_aux_refTemp;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x.refTemp.length(); ++i) {
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < x.refTemp[0].length(); ++j) {
				v_aux_refTemp.push_back(Temperature (x.refTemp[i][j]));

		setAntennaId(Tag (x.antennaId));

		inputAntennaId .clear();
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i <x.inputAntennaId.length(); ++i) {
			inputAntennaId.push_back(Tag (x.inputAntennaId[i]));

		setSpectralWindowId(Tag (x.spectralWindowId));




		} catch (const IllegalAccessException &err) {
			throw ConversionException (err.getMessage(),"WVMCal");
	 * Return this row in the form of an XML string.
	 * @return The values of this row as an XML string.
	string WVMCalRow::toXML() const {
		string buf;
		buf.append("<row> \n");
		Parser::toXML(timeInterval, "timeInterval", buf);

			buf.append(EnumerationParser::toXML("wvrMethod", wvrMethod));

		Parser::toXML(polyFreqLimits, "polyFreqLimits", buf);

		Parser::toXML(numInputAntenna, "numInputAntenna", buf);

		Parser::toXML(numChan, "numChan", buf);

		Parser::toXML(numPoly, "numPoly", buf);

		Parser::toXML(pathCoeff, "pathCoeff", buf);

		Parser::toXML(refTemp, "refTemp", buf);

		Parser::toXML(antennaId, "antennaId", buf);

		Parser::toXML(inputAntennaId, "inputAntennaId", buf);

		Parser::toXML(spectralWindowId, "spectralWindowId", buf);




		return buf;

	 * Fill the values of this row from an XML string 
	 * that was produced by the toXML() method.
	 * @param x The XML string being used to set the values of this row.
	void WVMCalRow::setFromXML (string rowDoc) {
		Parser row(rowDoc);
		string s = "";
		try {

		wvrMethod = EnumerationParser::getWVRMethod("wvrMethod","WVMCal",rowDoc);













		} catch (const IllegalAccessException &err) {
			throw ConversionException (err.getMessage(),"WVMCal");
	void WVMCalRow::toBin(EndianOSStream& eoss) {



			/* eoss.writeInt(wvrMethod); */

	Frequency::toBin(polyFreqLimits, eoss);




		eoss.writeInt((int) pathCoeff.size());
		eoss.writeInt((int) pathCoeff.at(0).size());		
		eoss.writeInt((int) pathCoeff.at(0).at(0).size());
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pathCoeff.size(); i++) 
			for (unsigned int j = 0;  j < pathCoeff.at(0).size(); j++)
				for (unsigned int k = 0; k <  pathCoeff.at(0).at(0).size(); k++)	

	Temperature::toBin(refTemp, eoss);

	Tag::toBin(inputAntennaId, eoss);

void WVMCalRow::antennaIdFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
		antennaId =  Tag::fromBin(eis);
void WVMCalRow::spectralWindowIdFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
		spectralWindowId =  Tag::fromBin(eis);
void WVMCalRow::timeIntervalFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
		timeInterval =  ArrayTimeInterval::fromBin(eis);
void WVMCalRow::wvrMethodFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
		wvrMethod = CWVRMethod::literal(eis.readString());
void WVMCalRow::polyFreqLimitsFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
	polyFreqLimits = Frequency::from1DBin(eis);	

void WVMCalRow::numInputAntennaFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
		numInputAntenna =  eis.readInt();
void WVMCalRow::numChanFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
		numChan =  eis.readInt();
void WVMCalRow::numPolyFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
		numPoly =  eis.readInt();
void WVMCalRow::pathCoeffFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
		unsigned int pathCoeffDim1 = eis.readInt();
		unsigned int pathCoeffDim2 = eis.readInt();
		unsigned int pathCoeffDim3 = eis.readInt();
		vector <vector<float> > pathCoeffAux2;
		vector <float> pathCoeffAux1;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pathCoeffDim1; i++) {
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pathCoeffDim2 ; j++) {
				for (unsigned int k = 0; k < pathCoeffDim3; k++) {

void WVMCalRow::refTempFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
	refTemp = Temperature::from2DBin(eis);		

void WVMCalRow::inputAntennaIdFromBin(EndianIStream& eis) {
	inputAntennaId = Tag::from1DBin(eis);	


	WVMCalRow* WVMCalRow::fromBin(EndianIStream& eis, WVMCalTable& table, const vector<string>& attributesSeq) {
		WVMCalRow* row = new  WVMCalRow(table);
		map<string, WVMCalAttributeFromBin>::iterator iter ;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < attributesSeq.size(); i++) {
			iter = row->fromBinMethods.find(attributesSeq.at(i));
			if (iter != row->fromBinMethods.end()) {
				(row->*(row->fromBinMethods[ attributesSeq.at(i) ] ))(eis);			
			else {
				BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor* functorP = table.getUnknownAttributeBinaryReader(attributesSeq.at(i));
				if (functorP)
					throw ConversionException("There is not method to read an attribute '"+attributesSeq.at(i)+"'.", "WVMCalTable");
		return row;

	// A collection of methods to set the value of the attributes from their textual value in the XML representation
	// of one row.
	// Convert a string into an Tag 
	void WVMCalRow::antennaIdFromText(const string & s) {
		antennaId = ASDMValuesParser::parse<Tag>(s);
	// Convert a string into an Tag 
	void WVMCalRow::spectralWindowIdFromText(const string & s) {
		spectralWindowId = ASDMValuesParser::parse<Tag>(s);
	// Convert a string into an ArrayTimeInterval 
	void WVMCalRow::timeIntervalFromText(const string & s) {
		timeInterval = ASDMValuesParser::parse<ArrayTimeInterval>(s);
	// Convert a string into an WVRMethod 
	void WVMCalRow::wvrMethodFromText(const string & s) {
		wvrMethod = ASDMValuesParser::parse<WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod>(s);
	// Convert a string into an Frequency 
	void WVMCalRow::polyFreqLimitsFromText(const string & s) {
		polyFreqLimits = ASDMValuesParser::parse1D<Frequency>(s);
	// Convert a string into an int 
	void WVMCalRow::numInputAntennaFromText(const string & s) {
		numInputAntenna = ASDMValuesParser::parse<int>(s);
	// Convert a string into an int 
	void WVMCalRow::numChanFromText(const string & s) {
		numChan = ASDMValuesParser::parse<int>(s);
	// Convert a string into an int 
	void WVMCalRow::numPolyFromText(const string & s) {
		numPoly = ASDMValuesParser::parse<int>(s);
	// Convert a string into an float 
	void WVMCalRow::pathCoeffFromText(const string & s) {
		pathCoeff = ASDMValuesParser::parse3D<float>(s);
	// Convert a string into an Temperature 
	void WVMCalRow::refTempFromText(const string & s) {
		refTemp = ASDMValuesParser::parse2D<Temperature>(s);
	// Convert a string into an Tag 
	void WVMCalRow::inputAntennaIdFromText(const string & s) {
		inputAntennaId = ASDMValuesParser::parse1D<Tag>(s);

	void WVMCalRow::fromText(const std::string& attributeName, const std::string&  t) {
		map<string, WVMCalAttributeFromText>::iterator iter;
		if ((iter = fromTextMethods.find(attributeName)) == fromTextMethods.end())
			throw ConversionException("I do not know what to do with '"+attributeName+"' and its content '"+t+"' (while parsing an XML document)", "WVMCalTable");
	// Intrinsic Table Attributes getters/setters //

 	 * Get timeInterval.
 	 * @return timeInterval as ArrayTimeInterval
 	ArrayTimeInterval WVMCalRow::getTimeInterval() const {
  		return timeInterval;

 	 * Set timeInterval with the specified ArrayTimeInterval.
 	 * @param timeInterval The ArrayTimeInterval value to which timeInterval is to be set.
 	 * @throw IllegalAccessException If an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
 	void WVMCalRow::setTimeInterval (ArrayTimeInterval timeInterval)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
			throw IllegalAccessException("timeInterval", "WVMCal");
 		this->timeInterval = timeInterval;


 	 * Get wvrMethod.
 	 * @return wvrMethod as WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod
 	WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod WVMCalRow::getWvrMethod() const {
  		return wvrMethod;

 	 * Set wvrMethod with the specified WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod.
 	 * @param wvrMethod The WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod value to which wvrMethod is to be set.
 	void WVMCalRow::setWvrMethod (WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod wvrMethod)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
 		this->wvrMethod = wvrMethod;


 	 * Get polyFreqLimits.
 	 * @return polyFreqLimits as std::vector<Frequency >
 	std::vector<Frequency > WVMCalRow::getPolyFreqLimits() const {
  		return polyFreqLimits;

 	 * Set polyFreqLimits with the specified std::vector<Frequency >.
 	 * @param polyFreqLimits The std::vector<Frequency > value to which polyFreqLimits is to be set.
 	void WVMCalRow::setPolyFreqLimits (std::vector<Frequency > polyFreqLimits)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
 		this->polyFreqLimits = polyFreqLimits;


 	 * Get numInputAntenna.
 	 * @return numInputAntenna as int
 	int WVMCalRow::getNumInputAntenna() const {
  		return numInputAntenna;

 	 * Set numInputAntenna with the specified int.
 	 * @param numInputAntenna The int value to which numInputAntenna is to be set.
 	void WVMCalRow::setNumInputAntenna (int numInputAntenna)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
 		this->numInputAntenna = numInputAntenna;


 	 * Get numChan.
 	 * @return numChan as int
 	int WVMCalRow::getNumChan() const {
  		return numChan;

 	 * Set numChan with the specified int.
 	 * @param numChan The int value to which numChan is to be set.
 	void WVMCalRow::setNumChan (int numChan)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
 		this->numChan = numChan;


 	 * Get numPoly.
 	 * @return numPoly as int
 	int WVMCalRow::getNumPoly() const {
  		return numPoly;

 	 * Set numPoly with the specified int.
 	 * @param numPoly The int value to which numPoly is to be set.
 	void WVMCalRow::setNumPoly (int numPoly)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
 		this->numPoly = numPoly;


 	 * Get pathCoeff.
 	 * @return pathCoeff as std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float > > >
 	std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float > > > WVMCalRow::getPathCoeff() const {
  		return pathCoeff;

 	 * Set pathCoeff with the specified std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float > > >.
 	 * @param pathCoeff The std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float > > > value to which pathCoeff is to be set.
 	void WVMCalRow::setPathCoeff (std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float > > > pathCoeff)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
 		this->pathCoeff = pathCoeff;


 	 * Get refTemp.
 	 * @return refTemp as std::vector<std::vector<Temperature > >
 	std::vector<std::vector<Temperature > > WVMCalRow::getRefTemp() const {
  		return refTemp;

 	 * Set refTemp with the specified std::vector<std::vector<Temperature > >.
 	 * @param refTemp The std::vector<std::vector<Temperature > > value to which refTemp is to be set.
 	void WVMCalRow::setRefTemp (std::vector<std::vector<Temperature > > refTemp)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
 		this->refTemp = refTemp;

	// Extrinsic Table Attributes getters/setters//

 	 * Get antennaId.
 	 * @return antennaId as Tag
 	Tag WVMCalRow::getAntennaId() const {
  		return antennaId;

 	 * Set antennaId with the specified Tag.
 	 * @param antennaId The Tag value to which antennaId is to be set.
 	 * @throw IllegalAccessException If an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
 	void WVMCalRow::setAntennaId (Tag antennaId)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
			throw IllegalAccessException("antennaId", "WVMCal");
 		this->antennaId = antennaId;


 	 * Get inputAntennaId.
 	 * @return inputAntennaId as std::vector<Tag> 
 	std::vector<Tag>  WVMCalRow::getInputAntennaId() const {
  		return inputAntennaId;

 	 * Set inputAntennaId with the specified std::vector<Tag> .
 	 * @param inputAntennaId The std::vector<Tag>  value to which inputAntennaId is to be set.
 	void WVMCalRow::setInputAntennaId (std::vector<Tag>  inputAntennaId)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
 		this->inputAntennaId = inputAntennaId;


 	 * Get spectralWindowId.
 	 * @return spectralWindowId as Tag
 	Tag WVMCalRow::getSpectralWindowId() const {
  		return spectralWindowId;

 	 * Set spectralWindowId with the specified Tag.
 	 * @param spectralWindowId The Tag value to which spectralWindowId is to be set.
 	 * @throw IllegalAccessException If an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
 	void WVMCalRow::setSpectralWindowId (Tag spectralWindowId)  {
  		if (hasBeenAdded) {
			throw IllegalAccessException("spectralWindowId", "WVMCal");
 		this->spectralWindowId = spectralWindowId;

	// Links Attributes getters/setters //

	 * Returns the pointer to the row in the SpectralWindow table having SpectralWindow.spectralWindowId == spectralWindowId
	 * @return a SpectralWindowRow*
	 SpectralWindowRow* WVMCalRow::getSpectralWindowUsingSpectralWindowId() {
	 	return table.getContainer().getSpectralWindow().getRowByKey(spectralWindowId);



	 * Returns the pointer to the row in the Antenna table having Antenna.antennaId == antennaId
	 * @return a AntennaRow*
	 AntennaRow* WVMCalRow::getAntennaUsingAntennaId() {
	 	return table.getContainer().getAntenna().getRowByKey(antennaId);


 	 * Set inputAntennaId[i] with the specified Tag.
 	 * @param i The index in inputAntennaId where to set the Tag value.
 	 * @param inputAntennaId The Tag value to which inputAntennaId[i] is to be set. 
 	 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
  	void WVMCalRow::setInputAntennaId (int i, Tag inputAntennaId)  {
  	  	if (hasBeenAdded) {
  		if ((i < 0) || (i > ((int) this->inputAntennaId.size())))
  			throw OutOfBoundsException("Index out of bounds during a set operation on attribute inputAntennaId in table WVMCalTable");
  		std::vector<Tag> ::iterator iter = this->inputAntennaId.begin();
  		int j = 0;
  		while (j < i) {
  			j++; iter++;
  		this->inputAntennaId.insert(this->inputAntennaId.erase(iter), inputAntennaId); 
 * Append a Tag to inputAntennaId.
 * @param id the Tag to be appended to inputAntennaId
 void WVMCalRow::addInputAntennaId(Tag id){

 * Append an array of Tag to inputAntennaId.
 * @param id an array of Tag to be appended to inputAntennaId
 void WVMCalRow::addInputAntennaId(const std::vector<Tag> & id) {
 	for (unsigned int i=0; i < id.size(); i++)

  * Returns the Tag stored in inputAntennaId at position i.
 const Tag WVMCalRow::getInputAntennaId(int i) {
 	return inputAntennaId.at(i);
  * Returns the AntennaRow linked to this row via the Tag stored in inputAntennaId
  * at position i.
 AntennaRow* WVMCalRow::getAntennaUsingInputAntennaId(int i) {
 	return table.getContainer().getAntenna().getRowByKey(inputAntennaId.at(i));
  * Returns the vector of AntennaRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in inputAntennaId
 vector<AntennaRow *> WVMCalRow::getAntennasUsingInputAntennaId() {
 	vector<AntennaRow *> result;
 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputAntennaId.size(); i++)
 	return result;


	 * Create a WVMCalRow.
	 * <p>
	 * This constructor is private because only the
	 * table can create rows.  All rows know the table
	 * to which they belong.
	 * @param table The table to which this row belongs.
	WVMCalRow::WVMCalRow (WVMCalTable &t) : table(t) {
		hasBeenAdded = false;












// This attribute is scalar and has an enumeration type. Let's initialize it to some valid value (the 1st of the enumeration).		
wvrMethod = CWVRMethod::from_int(0);







	 fromBinMethods["antennaId"] = &WVMCalRow::antennaIdFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["spectralWindowId"] = &WVMCalRow::spectralWindowIdFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["timeInterval"] = &WVMCalRow::timeIntervalFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["wvrMethod"] = &WVMCalRow::wvrMethodFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["polyFreqLimits"] = &WVMCalRow::polyFreqLimitsFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["numInputAntenna"] = &WVMCalRow::numInputAntennaFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["numChan"] = &WVMCalRow::numChanFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["numPoly"] = &WVMCalRow::numPolyFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["pathCoeff"] = &WVMCalRow::pathCoeffFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["refTemp"] = &WVMCalRow::refTempFromBin; 
	 fromBinMethods["inputAntennaId"] = &WVMCalRow::inputAntennaIdFromBin; 
	fromTextMethods["antennaId"] = &WVMCalRow::antennaIdFromText;
	fromTextMethods["spectralWindowId"] = &WVMCalRow::spectralWindowIdFromText;
	fromTextMethods["timeInterval"] = &WVMCalRow::timeIntervalFromText;
	fromTextMethods["wvrMethod"] = &WVMCalRow::wvrMethodFromText;
	fromTextMethods["polyFreqLimits"] = &WVMCalRow::polyFreqLimitsFromText;
	fromTextMethods["numInputAntenna"] = &WVMCalRow::numInputAntennaFromText;
	fromTextMethods["numChan"] = &WVMCalRow::numChanFromText;
	fromTextMethods["numPoly"] = &WVMCalRow::numPolyFromText;
	fromTextMethods["pathCoeff"] = &WVMCalRow::pathCoeffFromText;
	fromTextMethods["refTemp"] = &WVMCalRow::refTempFromText;
	fromTextMethods["inputAntennaId"] = &WVMCalRow::inputAntennaIdFromText;

	WVMCalRow::WVMCalRow (WVMCalTable &t, WVMCalRow *row) : table(t) {
		hasBeenAdded = false;
		if (row == 0) {










		else {
			antennaId = row->antennaId;
			spectralWindowId = row->spectralWindowId;
			timeInterval = row->timeInterval;
			wvrMethod = row->wvrMethod;
			polyFreqLimits = row->polyFreqLimits;
			numInputAntenna = row->numInputAntenna;
			numChan = row->numChan;
			numPoly = row->numPoly;
			pathCoeff = row->pathCoeff;
			refTemp = row->refTemp;
			inputAntennaId = row->inputAntennaId;
		 fromBinMethods["antennaId"] = &WVMCalRow::antennaIdFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["spectralWindowId"] = &WVMCalRow::spectralWindowIdFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["timeInterval"] = &WVMCalRow::timeIntervalFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["wvrMethod"] = &WVMCalRow::wvrMethodFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["polyFreqLimits"] = &WVMCalRow::polyFreqLimitsFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["numInputAntenna"] = &WVMCalRow::numInputAntennaFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["numChan"] = &WVMCalRow::numChanFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["numPoly"] = &WVMCalRow::numPolyFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["pathCoeff"] = &WVMCalRow::pathCoeffFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["refTemp"] = &WVMCalRow::refTempFromBin; 
		 fromBinMethods["inputAntennaId"] = &WVMCalRow::inputAntennaIdFromBin; 

	bool WVMCalRow::compareNoAutoInc(Tag antennaId, Tag spectralWindowId, ArrayTimeInterval timeInterval, WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod wvrMethod, std::vector<Frequency > polyFreqLimits, int numInputAntenna, int numChan, int numPoly, std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float > > > pathCoeff, std::vector<std::vector<Temperature > > refTemp, std::vector<Tag>  inputAntennaId) {
		bool result;
		result = true;
		result = result && (this->antennaId == antennaId);
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->spectralWindowId == spectralWindowId);
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->timeInterval.overlaps(timeInterval));
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->wvrMethod == wvrMethod);
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->polyFreqLimits == polyFreqLimits);
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->numInputAntenna == numInputAntenna);
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->numChan == numChan);
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->numPoly == numPoly);
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->pathCoeff == pathCoeff);
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->refTemp == refTemp);
		if (!result) return false;

		result = result && (this->inputAntennaId == inputAntennaId);
		if (!result) return false;

		return result;
	bool WVMCalRow::compareRequiredValue(WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod wvrMethod, std::vector<Frequency > polyFreqLimits, int numInputAntenna, int numChan, int numPoly, std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float > > > pathCoeff, std::vector<std::vector<Temperature > > refTemp, std::vector<Tag>  inputAntennaId) {
		bool result;
		result = true;
		if (!(this->wvrMethod == wvrMethod)) return false;

		if (!(this->polyFreqLimits == polyFreqLimits)) return false;

		if (!(this->numInputAntenna == numInputAntenna)) return false;

		if (!(this->numChan == numChan)) return false;

		if (!(this->numPoly == numPoly)) return false;

		if (!(this->pathCoeff == pathCoeff)) return false;

		if (!(this->refTemp == refTemp)) return false;

		if (!(this->inputAntennaId == inputAntennaId)) return false;

		return result;
	 * Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues
	 * in x and false otherwise.

	 * @param x a pointer on the WVMCalRow whose required attributes of the value part 

	 * will be compared with those of this.
	 * @return a boolean.
	bool WVMCalRow::equalByRequiredValue(WVMCalRow*  x ) {
		if (this->wvrMethod != x->wvrMethod) return false;
		if (this->polyFreqLimits != x->polyFreqLimits) return false;
		if (this->numInputAntenna != x->numInputAntenna) return false;
		if (this->numChan != x->numChan) return false;
		if (this->numPoly != x->numPoly) return false;
		if (this->pathCoeff != x->pathCoeff) return false;
		if (this->refTemp != x->refTemp) return false;
		if (this->inputAntennaId != x->inputAntennaId) return false;
		return true;
	 map<string, WVMCalAttributeFromBin> WVMCalRow::initFromBinMethods() {
		map<string, WVMCalAttributeFromBin> result;
		result["antennaId"] = &WVMCalRow::antennaIdFromBin;
		result["spectralWindowId"] = &WVMCalRow::spectralWindowIdFromBin;
		result["timeInterval"] = &WVMCalRow::timeIntervalFromBin;
		result["wvrMethod"] = &WVMCalRow::wvrMethodFromBin;
		result["polyFreqLimits"] = &WVMCalRow::polyFreqLimitsFromBin;
		result["numInputAntenna"] = &WVMCalRow::numInputAntennaFromBin;
		result["numChan"] = &WVMCalRow::numChanFromBin;
		result["numPoly"] = &WVMCalRow::numPolyFromBin;
		result["pathCoeff"] = &WVMCalRow::pathCoeffFromBin;
		result["refTemp"] = &WVMCalRow::refTempFromBin;
		result["inputAntennaId"] = &WVMCalRow::inputAntennaIdFromBin;
		return result;	
} // End namespace asdm