/* * * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * // WARNING! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! // * // --------------------------------------------------------- // * // | This is generated code using a C++ template function! | // * // ! Do not modify this file. | // * // | Any changes will be lost when the file is re-generated. | // * // --------------------------------------------------------- // * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * */ #if !defined(_FIELDCODE_H) #include <alma/Enumerations/CFieldCode.h> #define _FIELDCODE_H #endif #if !defined(_FIELDCODE_HH) #include <alma/Enumtcl/Enum.hpp> template<> struct enum_set_traits<FieldCodeMod::FieldCode> : public enum_set_traiter<FieldCodeMod::FieldCode,1,FieldCodeMod::NONE> {}; template<> class enum_map_traits<FieldCodeMod::FieldCode,void> : public enum_map_traiter<FieldCodeMod::FieldCode,void> { public: static bool init_; static std::string typeName_; static std::string enumerationDesc_; static std::string order_; static std::string xsdBaseType_; static bool init(){ EnumPar<void> ep; m_.insert(std::pair<FieldCodeMod::FieldCode,EnumPar<void> > (FieldCodeMod::NONE,ep((int)FieldCodeMod::NONE,"NONE","un-documented"))); return true; } static std::map<FieldCodeMod::FieldCode,EnumPar<void> > m_; }; #define _FIELDCODE_HH #endif