//# AsdmStMan.cc: Storage Manager for the main table of a raw ASDM MS //# Copyright (C) 2012 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. //# (c) European Southern Observatory, 2012 //# Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration) //# //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your //# option) any later version. //# //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public //# License for more details. //# //# You should have receied a copy of the GNU Library General Public License //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory //# 520 Edgemont Road //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA //# //# $Id: AsdmStMan.cc 21600 2012-07-16 09:59:20Z diepen $ #include <asdmstman/AsdmStMan.h> #include <asdmstman/AsdmColumn.h> #include <casacore/tables/Tables/Table.h> #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/DataManError.h> #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h> #include <casacore/casa/Containers/BlockIO.h> #include <casacore/casa/IO/AipsIO.h> #include <casacore/casa/OS/CanonicalConversion.h> #include <casacore/casa/OS/HostInfo.h> #include <casacore/casa/OS/DOos.h> #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/BinarySearch.h> #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h> #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h> #include <map> #if !defined(__clang__) && (__GNUC__ >= 5 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)) #define CASA_ATTR_VECTORIZE __attribute__((optimize("tree-vectorize"))) #else #define CASA_ATTR_VECTORIZE #endif using namespace std; using namespace casacore; namespace casa { AsdmStMan::AsdmStMan (const String& dataManName) : DataManager (), itsDataManName (dataManName), itsBDF (0), itsOpenBDF (-1), itsNBl(0) {} AsdmStMan::AsdmStMan (const String& dataManName, const Record&) : DataManager (), itsDataManName (dataManName), itsBDF (0), itsOpenBDF (-1), itsNBl(0) {} AsdmStMan::AsdmStMan (const AsdmStMan& that) : DataManager (), itsDataManName (that.itsDataManName), itsBDF (0), itsOpenBDF (-1), itsNBl(0) {} AsdmStMan::~AsdmStMan() { for (uInt i=0; i<ncolumn(); i++) { delete itsColumns[i]; } closeBDF(); } DataManager* AsdmStMan::clone() const { return new AsdmStMan (*this); } String AsdmStMan::dataManagerType() const { return "AsdmStMan"; } String AsdmStMan::dataManagerName() const { return itsDataManName; } Record AsdmStMan::dataManagerSpec() const { return itsSpec; } DataManagerColumn* AsdmStMan::makeScalarColumn (const String& name, int, const String&) { throw DataManError(name + " is unknown scalar column for AsdmStMan"); } DataManagerColumn* AsdmStMan::makeDirArrColumn (const String& name, int dataType, const String& dataTypeId) { return makeIndArrColumn (name, dataType, dataTypeId); } DataManagerColumn* AsdmStMan::makeIndArrColumn (const String& name, int dtype, const String&) { AsdmColumn* col; if (name == "DATA") { col = new AsdmDataColumn(this, dtype); } else if (name == "FLOAT_DATA") { col = new AsdmFloatDataColumn(this, dtype); } else if (name == "FLAG") { col = new AsdmFlagColumn(this, dtype); } else if (name == "WEIGHT") { col = new AsdmWeightColumn(this, dtype); } else if (name == "SIGMA") { col = new AsdmSigmaColumn(this, dtype); } else { throw DataManError (name + " is unknown array column for AsdmStMan"); } itsColumns.push_back (col); return col; } DataManager* AsdmStMan::makeObject (const String& group, const Record& spec) { // This function is called when reading a table back. return new AsdmStMan (group, spec); } void AsdmStMan::registerClass() { DataManager::registerCtor ("AsdmStMan", makeObject); } Bool AsdmStMan::isRegular() const { return false; } Bool AsdmStMan::canAddRow() const { return true; } Bool AsdmStMan::canRemoveRow() const { return false; } Bool AsdmStMan::canAddColumn() const { return true; } Bool AsdmStMan::canRemoveColumn() const { return true; } void AsdmStMan::addRow (uInt) {} void AsdmStMan::removeRow (uInt) { throw DataManError ("AsdmStMan cannot remove rows"); } void AsdmStMan::addColumn (DataManagerColumn*) {} void AsdmStMan::removeColumn (DataManagerColumn*) {} Bool AsdmStMan::flush (AipsIO&, Bool) { return false; } void AsdmStMan::create (uInt) {} void AsdmStMan::open (uInt, AipsIO&) { // Read the index file. init(); } void AsdmStMan::prepare() { for (uInt i=0; i<ncolumn(); i++) { itsColumns[i]->prepareCol(); } } void AsdmStMan::resync (uInt) {} void AsdmStMan::reopenRW() {} void AsdmStMan::deleteManager() { closeBDF(); // Remove index file. DOos::remove (fileName()+"asdmindex", false, false); } void AsdmStMan::closeBDF() { if (itsOpenBDF >= 0) { delete itsBDF; itsBDF = 0; FiledesIO::close (itsFD); itsOpenBDF = -1; } } void AsdmStMan::init() { // Open index file and check version. AipsIO aio(fileName() + "asdmindex"); itsVersion = aio.getstart ("AsdmStMan"); if (itsVersion > 1) { throw DataManError ("AsdmStMan can only handle up to version 1"); } // Read the index info. Bool asBigEndian; aio >> asBigEndian >> itsBDFNames; aio.get (itsIndex); aio.getend(); itsDoSwap = (asBigEndian != HostInfo::bigEndian()); // Fill the vector with rows from the index. itsIndexRows.resize (itsIndex.size()); for (uInt i=0; i<itsIndex.size(); ++i) { itsIndexRows[i] = itsIndex[i].row; } // Fill the specification record (only used for reporting purposes). itsSpec.define ("version", itsVersion); itsSpec.define ("bigEndian", asBigEndian); itsSpec.define ("BDFs", Vector<String>(itsBDFNames.begin(),itsBDFNames.end())); // Set to nothing read yet. itsStartRow = -1; itsEndRow = -1; itsIndexEntry = 0; if(itsIndex.size()>0){ // test if the referenced ASDM seems to be present try{ itsFD = FiledesIO::open (itsBDFNames[0].c_str(), false); itsBDF = new FiledesIO (itsFD, itsBDFNames[0]); itsOpenBDF = 0; closeBDF(); } catch (AipsError x){ LogIO os(LogOrigin("AsdmStMan", "init()")); os << LogIO::WARN << "An error occured when accessing the ASDM referenced by this table:" << endl << x.what() << endl << "This means you will not be able to access the columns" << endl; for(uInt i=0; i<itsColumns.size(); i++){ os << itsColumns[i]->columnName() << endl; } os << "You may have (re)moved the ASDM from its import location." << endl << "If you want to access the above columns, please restore the ASDM\nor correct the reference to it." << LogIO::POST; } } } uInt AsdmStMan::searchIndex (Int64 rownr) { // Search index entry matching this rownr. // If not exactly found, it is previous one. /// vector<uInt>::const_iterator low = std::lower_bound (itsIndexRows.begin(), /// itsIndexRows.end(), /// rownr); ///return low - itsIndexRows.begin(); Bool found; uInt v = binarySearchBrackets (found, itsIndexRows, rownr, itsIndexRows.size()); if (!found){ if(v>0){ v--; } else{ throw DataManError ("AsdmStMan: index empty."); } } return v; } const AsdmIndex& AsdmStMan::findIndex (Int64 rownr) { // Only get if not current. if (rownr < itsStartRow || rownr >= itsEndRow) { itsIndexEntry = searchIndex (rownr); const AsdmIndex& ix = itsIndex[itsIndexEntry]; // Resize to indicate not read yet. // Note that reserved size stays the same, so no extra mallocs needed. // itsData.resize (0); commented out by Michel Caillat 03 Dec 2012 itsStartRow = ix.row; itsEndRow = ix.row + ix.nrow(); } return itsIndex[itsIndexEntry]; } void CASA_ATTR_VECTORIZE AsdmStMan::getShort (const AsdmIndex& ix, Complex* buf, uInt bl, uInt spw) { // Get pointer to the data in the block. Short* data = (reinterpret_cast<Short*>(&itsData[0])); data = data + 2 * ix.blockOffset + 2 * bl * ix.stepBl ; // Michel Caillat - 21 Nov 2012 //cout << "getShort works at this adress : " << (unsigned long long int) data << endl; if (itsDoSwap) { Short real,imag; for (uInt j=0; j<ix.nChan; ++j) { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nPol; ++i) { CanonicalConversion::reverse2 (&real, data); CanonicalConversion::reverse2 (&imag, data+1); *buf++ = Complex(real/ix.scaleFactors[spw], imag/ix.scaleFactors[spw]); data += 2; } } } else { // GCC < 5 fails vectorizing Complex so use floats (same layout c++11 26.4) Float * fbuf = reinterpret_cast<Float*>(buf); for (uInt j=0; j<ix.nChan * ix.nPol; ++j) { *fbuf++ = data[0]/ix.scaleFactors[spw]; *fbuf++ = data[1]/ix.scaleFactors[spw]; data += 2; } } } void AsdmStMan::getInt (const AsdmIndex& ix, Complex* buf, uInt bl, uInt spw) { // Get pointer to the data in the block. Int* data = (reinterpret_cast<Int*>(&(itsData[0]))); data = data + 2 * ix.blockOffset + 2 * bl * ix.stepBl; // 21 Nov 2012 - Michel Caillat if (itsDoSwap) { Int real,imag; for (uInt j=0; j<ix.nChan; ++j) { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nPol; ++i) { CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&real, data); CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&imag, data+1); *buf++ = Complex(real/ix.scaleFactors[spw], imag/ix.scaleFactors[spw]); data += 2; } } } else { for (uInt j=0; j<ix.nChan; ++j) { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nPol; ++i) { *buf++ = Complex(data[0]/ix.scaleFactors[spw], data[1]/ix.scaleFactors[spw]); data += 2; } } } } void AsdmStMan::getFloat (const AsdmIndex& ix, Complex* buf, uInt bl, uInt spw) { // Get pointer to the data in the block. Float* data = (reinterpret_cast<Float*>(&(itsData[0]))); data = data + 2 * ix.blockOffset + 2 * bl * ix.stepBl; // 21 Nov 2012 Michel Caillat if (itsDoSwap) { Float real,imag; for (uInt j=0; j<ix.nChan; ++j) { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nPol; ++i) { CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&real, data); CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&imag, data+1); *buf++ = Complex(real/ix.scaleFactors[spw], imag/ix.scaleFactors[spw]); data += 2; } } } else { for (uInt j=0; j<ix.nChan; ++j) { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nPol; ++i) { *buf++ = Complex(data[0]/ix.scaleFactors[spw], data[1]/ix.scaleFactors[spw]); data += 2; } } } } void AsdmStMan::getAuto (const AsdmIndex& ix, Complex* buf, uInt bl) { // Get pointer to the data in the block. Float* data = (reinterpret_cast<Float*>(&(itsData[0]))); data = data + ix.blockOffset + bl * ix.stepBl; // 21 Nov 2012 . Michel Caillat // The autocorr can have 1, 2, 3 or 4 npol. // 1 and 2 are XX and/or YY which are real numbers. // 3 are all 4 pols with XY a complex number and YX=conj(XY). // 4 are all 4 pols with XX,YY real and XY,YX complex. if (itsDoSwap) { Float valr, vali; if (ix.nPol == 3) { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nChan; ++i) { CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&valr, data++); *buf++ = Complex(valr); // XX CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&valr, data++); CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&vali, data++); *buf++ = Complex(valr, vali); // XY *buf++ = Complex(valr, -vali); // YX CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&valr, data++); *buf++ = Complex(valr); // YY } } else if (ix.nPol == 4) { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nChan; ++i) { CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&valr, data++); *buf++ = Complex(valr); // XX CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&valr, data++); CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&vali, data++); *buf++ = Complex(valr, vali); // XY CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&valr, data++); CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&vali, data++); *buf++ = Complex(valr, vali); // YX CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&valr, data++); *buf++ = Complex(valr); // YY } } else { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nChan * ix.nPol; ++i) { CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&valr, data++); *buf++ = Complex(valr); } } } else { // No byte swap needed. if (ix.nPol == 3) { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nChan; ++i) { *buf++ = Complex(data[0]); *buf++ = Complex(data[1], data[2]); *buf++ = Complex(data[1], -data[2]); *buf++ = Complex(data[3]); data += 4; } } else if (ix.nPol == 4) { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nChan; ++i) { *buf++ = Complex(data[0]); *buf++ = Complex(data[1], data[2]); *buf++ = Complex(data[3], data[4]); *buf++ = Complex(data[5]); data += 6; } } else { for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nChan * ix.nPol; ++i) { *buf++ = Complex(data[i]); } } } } void AsdmStMan::getAuto (const AsdmIndex& ix, Float* buf, uInt bl) { // Get pointer to the data in the block. Float* data = (reinterpret_cast<Float*>(&(itsData[0]))); data = data + ix.blockOffset + bl * ix.stepBl; // This can only apply to the FLOAT_DATA column, and in that // case nPol can only be 1 or 2, anything else is an error. // No complex values should be possible here. if (ix.nPol > 2) { throw DataManError ("AsdmStMan: more than 2 polarizations found for FLOAT_DATA, can not accomodate."); } if (itsDoSwap) { Float valr; for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nChan * ix.nPol; ++i) { CanonicalConversion::reverse4 (&valr, data++); *buf++ = valr; } } else { // No byte swap needed. for (uInt i=0; i<ix.nChan * ix.nPol; ++i) { *buf++ = data[i]; } } } IPosition AsdmStMan::getShape (uInt rownr) { // Here determine the shape from the rownr. /// For now fill in some shape. uInt inx = searchIndex (rownr); const AsdmIndex& ix = itsIndex[inx]; if (ix.dataType == 10 && ix.nPol == 3) { // 3 autocorrs means 4 (YX = conj(XY)); return IPosition(2, 4, ix.nChan); } return IPosition(2, ix.nPol, ix.nChan); } void AsdmStMan::getData (uInt rownr, Complex* buf) { const AsdmIndex& ix = findIndex (rownr); // If we are in front of Correlator data, do we have to update the baseline numbers tranposition ? if (ix.dataType != 10) if (ix.nBl != itsNBl) setTransposeBLNum(ix.nBl); // Open the BDF if needed. if (Int(ix.fileNr) != itsOpenBDF) { closeBDF(); itsFD = FiledesIO::open (itsBDFNames[ix.fileNr].c_str(), false); itsBDF = new FiledesIO (itsFD, itsBDFNames[ix.fileNr]); itsOpenBDF = ix.fileNr; itsFileOffset = ix.fileOffset; itsData.resize(0); } // Or we did not have open a new BDF but are aiming at a new position in the same BDF else if ( itsFileOffset != ix.fileOffset ) { itsFileOffset = ix.fileOffset; itsData.resize(0); } // Read data block if not done yet, i.e. if and only if we are in a new BDF or in the same // one but at a new position (fileOffset). // if (itsData.empty()) { itsData.resize (ix.dataSize()); itsBDF->seek (ix.fileOffset); itsBDF->read (itsData.size(), &(itsData[0])); } // Determine the spw and baseline from the row. // The rows are stored in order of spw,baseline. uInt spw = ix.iSpw ; // 19 Feb 2014 : Michel Caillat changed this assignement; // // Attention !!! If we are in front of Correlator data we must apply the transposition function uInt bl; //cerr << "shape0 "<< itsTransposeBLNum_v.size() << endl; if (ix.dataType != 10 ) bl = itsTransposeBLNum_v[rownr - ix.row]; else bl = (rownr - ix.row); switch (ix.dataType) { case 0: getShort (ix, buf, bl, spw); break; case 1: getInt (ix, buf, bl, spw); break; case 3: getFloat (ix, buf, bl, spw); break; case 10: getAuto (ix, buf, bl); break; default: throw DataManError ("AsdmStMan: Unknown data type"); } } void AsdmStMan::getData (uInt rownr, Float* buf) { const AsdmIndex& ix = findIndex (rownr); // float data can only be fetched for type 10 if (ix.dataType != 10) { throw DataManError ("AsdmStMan: illegal data type for FLOAT_DATA column"); } // Open the BDF if needed. if (Int(ix.fileNr) != itsOpenBDF) { closeBDF(); itsFD = FiledesIO::open (itsBDFNames[ix.fileNr].c_str(), false); itsBDF = new FiledesIO (itsFD, itsBDFNames[ix.fileNr]); itsOpenBDF = ix.fileNr; itsFileOffset = ix.fileOffset; itsData.resize(0); } // Or we did not have open a new BDF but are aiming at a new position in the same BDF else if ( itsFileOffset != ix.fileOffset ) { itsFileOffset = ix.fileOffset; itsData.resize(0); } // Read data block if not done yet, i.e. if and only if we are in a new BDF or in the same // one but at a new position (fileOffset). // if (itsData.empty()) { itsData.resize (ix.dataSize()); itsBDF->seek (ix.fileOffset); itsBDF->read (itsData.size(), &(itsData[0])); } // Determine the spw and baseline from the row. // The rows are stored in order of spw,baseline. // getAuto appears to not depend on spw. R.Garwood. uInt bl = (rownr - ix.row); getAuto (ix, buf, bl); } void AsdmStMan::getBDFNames(Block<String>& bDFNames) { bDFNames = itsBDFNames; return; } Bool AsdmStMan::setBDFNames(Block<String>& bDFNames) { if(bDFNames.size() == itsBDFNames.size()){ itsBDFNames = bDFNames; return true; } else{ return false; } } void AsdmStMan::writeIndex(){ AipsIO aio(fileName() + "asdmindex", ByteIO::New); aio.putstart("AsdmStMan", itsVersion); aio << HostInfo::bigEndian() << itsBDFNames; aio.put(itsIndex); aio.putend(); } void AsdmStMan::setTransposeBLNum(uInt nBl) { itsTransposeBLNum_v.clear(); // Deduce the number of antennas from the number of baselines uInt numAnt = (uInt) (floor((1 + sqrt(1 + 8*nBl)) / 2 + 0.5)); //cerr << "AsdmStMan::setTransposeBLNum, numAnt=" << numAnt << endl; uInt blNum = 0; map<uInt, map<uInt, uInt> > _mm; for (uInt i2 = 1; i2 < numAnt; i2++) { map<uInt, uInt> _m; for (uInt i1 = 0; i1 < i2; i1++) { _m[i1] = blNum; blNum++; } _mm[i2] = _m; } for (uInt i1 = 0; i1 < numAnt; i1++) for (uInt i2 = i1+1; i2 < numAnt; i2++) itsTransposeBLNum_v.push_back(_mm[i2][i1]); itsNBl = nBl; } } //# end namespace